How to get result based on specific keywords using Google App Engine NO-SQL datastore query in java? - google-app-engine

We use GoogleInfo table, in that table, we store scopes of application. e.g.","
and I am trying to get a result based on some keyword like "drive" from scopes, based on that keyword I am trying to get a result. following is my code. Please suggest.
String keywords[] = {"admin","drive","gmail","userinfo"};
Query query = pm.newQuery("SELECT scopes FROM where :p.contains(scopes)");
result = (List) query.execute(Arrays.asList(keywords));
List tempResult = new ArrayList();
return tempResult;

Seems that you are using JDO [1] and the PersistanceManager [2].
As far as I can see the query you are trying to execute might be wrong. Check how to perform queries with JDO [3].
Your query is:
String keywords[] = {"admin","drive","gmail","userinfo"};
Query query = pm.newQuery("SELECT scopes FROM where :p.contains(scopes)");
result = (List) query.execute(Arrays.asList(keywords));
Looks like you want to do something like:
//Query for all persons with lastName equal to Smith or Jones
Query q = pm.newQuery(Person.class, ":p.contains(lastName)");
q.execute(Arrays.asList("Smith", "Jones"));
Person.class is the kind
Arrays.asList("Smith", "Jones")
This parameter ":p.contains(lastName)" that defines lastName is the property we want to check on.
You are setting the class as, I suppose that this is the full Java name package where the class habits, and the class name is GoogleInfo. So you could try:
Query q = pm.newQuery(GoogleInfo.class, ":p.contains(scopes)");
You want to retrieve scopes. I assume that you want to use the REST API. So inside :p.contains(“scopes”) might go another property related to your keyWords that is in the Entity you want to retrieve, maybe an array property?
Here I share with you some docs that might be useful [4][5].
Hope this helps!


Read embedded entity from python ndb client

I am using the google cloud datastore python client to write an entity into the datastore which contains an embedded entity. An example entity might look like:
data_type: 1
raw_bytes: <unindexed blob>
values: <indexed embedded entity>
I checked the data from the console and the data is getting saved correctly and the values are present.
Next, I need to run a query from a python app engine application. I have represented the above as the following entity in my app engine code:
class DataValues(ndb.Model):
param1 = ndb.BooleanProperty()
param2 = ndb.IntegerProperty()
param3 = ndb.IntegerProperty()
class MyEntity(ndb.Expando):
data_type = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True)
raw_bytes = ndb.BlobProperty()
values = ndb.StructuredProperty(DataValues)
One of the filters in the query depends on a property in values. Sample query code is as below:
MyEntity.query().filter(MyEntity.data_type == 1).filter(MyEntity.values.param1 == True).get()
I have created the corresponding composite index in my index.yaml
The query runs successfully but the resulting entity contains the embedded entity values as None. All other property values are present.
What can be the issue here ?
Add properties of DataValues entity as properties of the MyEntity.
This is a bit of a guess, but since datastore attributes are kind of keyed by both their name (in this case values) and the name of the "field type/class" (i.e. StructuredProperty), this might fix your problem:
class EmbeddedProperty(ndb.StructuredProperty):
class MyEntity(ndb.Expando):
data_type = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True)
raw_bytes = ndb.BlobProperty()
values = EmbeddedProperty(DataValues)
Give it a shot and let me know if values starts coming back non-null.
I struggled with the same problem, wanting to convert the embedded entity into a Python dictionary. One possible solution, although not a very elegant one, is to use a GenericProperty:
class MyEntity(ndb.Model):
data_type = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True)
raw_bytes = ndb.BlobProperty()
values = ndb.GenericProperty()
values will then be read as an "Expando" object: Expando(param1=False,...). You can access the individual values with values.param1, values.param2 etc. I would prefer having a custom model class, but this should do the job.

OrientDB - find "orphaned" binary records

I have some images stored in the default cluster in my OrientDB database. I stored them by implementing the code given by the documentation in the case of the use of multiple ORecordByte (for large content):
So, I have two types of object in my default cluster. Binary datas and ODocument whose field 'data' lists to the different record of binary datas.
Some of the ODocument records' RID are used in some other classes. But, the other records are orphanized and I would like to be able to retrieve them.
My idea was to use
select from cluster:default where #rid not in (select myField from MyClass)
But the problem is that I retrieve the other binary datas and I just want the record with the field 'data'.
In addition, I prefer to have a prettier request because I don't think the "not in" clause is really something that should be encouraged. Is there something like a JOIN which return records that are not joined to anything?
Can you help me please?
To resolve my problem, I did like that. However, I don't know if it is the right way (the more optimized one) to do it:
I used the following SQL request:
In Java, I execute it with the use of the couple OCommandSQL/OCommandRequest and I retrieve an OrientDynaElementIterable. I just iterate on this last one to retrieve an OrientVertex, contained in another OrientVertex, from where I retrieve the RID of the orpan.
Now, here is some code if it can help someone, assuming that you have an OrientGraphNoTx or an OrientGraph for the 'graph' variable :)
String cmd = "SELECT rid FROM (FIND REFERENCES (SELECT FROM CLUSTER:default)) WHERE referredBy = []";
List<String> orphanedRid = new ArrayList<String>();
OCommandRequest request = graph.command(new OCommandSQL(cmd));
OrientDynaElementIterable objects = request.execute();
Iterator<Object> iterator = objects.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
OrientVertex obj = (OrientVertex);
OrientVertex orphan = obj.getProperty("rid");

SOLR (3.1+) - Multiple Spatial Queries with OR in Same Request

Is it possible to conduct multiple spatial queries within the same SOLR (3.1+) request?
We currently have a need to allow user to search for inventory with a location of their choice via a frontend search form. But we want to also add another spatial search behind the scenes so it will include more inventory. The resulting search would result in a venn diagram type of search.
Edit 10.4.2011
Example construct: q=*:*&fq={!geofilt}&sfield=Location&(ClientId:"client1"&pt=40.68063802521456,-74.00390625&d=80.4672)%20OR%20_query_:(ClientId:"client2"&pt=36.1146460,-115.1728160&d=80.4672)
The above construct does not work, but hopefully demonstrates what I am trying to accomplish.
This is old, but it doesn't seem like it ever got a full answer. I had the same issue and found that this syntax works:
q =*:*& fq = (({
!geofilt sfield = Location pt = 40.68063802521456,
-74.00390625 d = 80.4672
AND ClientId : "client1")OR({
!geofilt sfield = Location pt = 36.1146460,
-115.1728160 d = 80.4672
AND ClientId : "client2"))
It looks like, you like to run N querys in one request in order to get one result set per query?!
So Field Collapsing ( ) is what you are looking for. Unfortunately FieldCollapsing is only available from 3.3.
Depending on your needs, maybe counted results from different faceted searches could be also useful?!
What if you moved your second location query into an additional filter query, like below:
Will that provide the results that you are looking for? It might end up being too limiting, but thought it was worth trying.
You might also try:

GQL query with "like" operator [duplicate]

Simple one really. In SQL, if I want to search a text field for a couple of characters, I can do:
SELECT blah FROM blah WHERE blah LIKE '%text%'
The documentation for App Engine makes no mention of how to achieve this, but surely it's a common enough problem?
BigTable, which is the database back end for App Engine, will scale to millions of records. Due to this, App Engine will not allow you to do any query that will result in a table scan, as performance would be dreadful for a well populated table.
In other words, every query must use an index. This is why you can only do =, > and < queries. (In fact you can also do != but the API does this using a a combination of > and < queries.) This is also why the development environment monitors all the queries you do and automatically adds any missing indexes to your index.yaml file.
There is no way to index for a LIKE query so it's simply not available.
Have a watch of this Google IO session for a much better and more detailed explanation of this.
i'm facing the same problem, but i found something on google app engine pages:
Tip: Query filters do not have an explicit way to match just part of a string value, but you can fake a prefix match using inequality filters:
db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM MyModel WHERE prop >= :1 AND prop < :2",
u"abc" + u"\ufffd")
This matches every MyModel entity with a string property prop that begins with the characters abc. The unicode string u"\ufffd" represents the largest possible Unicode character. When the property values are sorted in an index, the values that fall in this range are all of the values that begin with the given prefix.
maybe this could do the trick ;)
Altough App Engine does not support LIKE queries, have a look at the properties ListProperty and StringListProperty. When an equality test is done on these properties, the test will actually be applied on all list members, e.g., list_property = value tests if the value appears anywhere in the list.
Sometimes this feature might be used as a workaround to the lack of LIKE queries. For instance, it makes it possible to do simple text search, as described on this post.
You need to use search service to perform full text search queries similar to SQL LIKE.
Gaelyk provides domain specific language to perform more user friendly search queries. For example following snippet will find first ten books sorted from the latest ones with title containing fern
and the genre exactly matching thriller:
def documents = {
select all from books
sort desc by published, SearchApiLimits.MINIMUM_DATE_VALUE
where title =~ 'fern'
and genre = 'thriller'
limit 10
Like is written as Groovy's match operator =~.
It supports functions such as distance(geopoint(lat, lon), location) as well.
App engine launched a general-purpose full text search service in version 1.7.0 that supports the datastore.
Details in the announcement.
More information on how to use this:
Have a look at Objectify here , it is like a Datastore access API. There is a FAQ with this question specifically, here is the answer
How do I do a like query (LIKE "foo%")
You can do something like a startWith, or endWith if you reverse the order when stored and searched. You do a range query with the starting value you want, and a value just above the one you want.
String start = "foo";
... = ofy.query(MyEntity.class).filter("field >=", start).filter("field <", start + "\uFFFD");
Just follow here:">
It works!
class Article(search.SearchableModel):
text = db.TextProperty()
article = Article(text=...)
To search the full text index, use the SearchableModel.all() method to get an
instance of SearchableModel.Query, which subclasses db.Query. Use its search()
method to provide a search query, in addition to any other filters or sort
orders, e.g.:
query = article.all().search('a search query').filter(...).order(...)
I tested this with GAE Datastore low-level Java API. Me and works perfectly
Query q = new Query(Directorio.class.getSimpleName());
Filter filterNombreGreater = new FilterPredicate("nombre", FilterOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, query);
Filter filterNombreLess = new FilterPredicate("nombre", FilterOperator.LESS_THAN, query+"\uFFFD");
Filter filterNombre = CompositeFilterOperator.and(filterNombreGreater, filterNombreLess);
In general, even though this is an old post, a way to produce a 'LIKE' or 'ILIKE' is to gather all results from a '>=' query, then loop results in python (or Java) for elements containing what you're looking for.
Let's say you want to filter users given a q='luigi'
users = []
qry = self.user_model.query(ndb.OR( >= q.lower(), >= q.lower(),self.user_model.username >= q.lower()))
for _qry in qry:
if q.lower() in or q.lower() in or q.lower() in _qry.username.lower():
It is not possible to do a LIKE search on datastore app engine, how ever creating an Arraylist would do the trick if you need to search a word in a string.
public ArrayList<String> searchName;
and then to search in the index using objectify.
List<Profiles> list1 = ofy().load().type(Profiles.class).filter("searchName =",search).list();
and this will give you a list with all the items that contain the world you did on the search
If the LIKE '%text%' always compares to a word or a few (think permutations) and your data changes slowly (slowly means that it's not prohibitively expensive - both price-wise and performance-wise - to create and updates indexes) then Relation Index Entity (RIE) may be the answer.
Yes, you will have to build additional datastore entity and populate it appropriately. Yes, there are some constraints that you will have to play around (one is 5000 limit on the length of list property in GAE datastore). But the resulting searches are lightning fast.
For details see my RIE with Java and Ojbectify and RIE with Python posts.
"Like" is often uses as a poor-man's substitute for text search. For text search, it is possible to use Whoosh-AppEngine.

Google App Engine: Is it possible to do a Gql LIKE query?

Simple one really. In SQL, if I want to search a text field for a couple of characters, I can do:
SELECT blah FROM blah WHERE blah LIKE '%text%'
The documentation for App Engine makes no mention of how to achieve this, but surely it's a common enough problem?
BigTable, which is the database back end for App Engine, will scale to millions of records. Due to this, App Engine will not allow you to do any query that will result in a table scan, as performance would be dreadful for a well populated table.
In other words, every query must use an index. This is why you can only do =, > and < queries. (In fact you can also do != but the API does this using a a combination of > and < queries.) This is also why the development environment monitors all the queries you do and automatically adds any missing indexes to your index.yaml file.
There is no way to index for a LIKE query so it's simply not available.
Have a watch of this Google IO session for a much better and more detailed explanation of this.
i'm facing the same problem, but i found something on google app engine pages:
Tip: Query filters do not have an explicit way to match just part of a string value, but you can fake a prefix match using inequality filters:
db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM MyModel WHERE prop >= :1 AND prop < :2",
u"abc" + u"\ufffd")
This matches every MyModel entity with a string property prop that begins with the characters abc. The unicode string u"\ufffd" represents the largest possible Unicode character. When the property values are sorted in an index, the values that fall in this range are all of the values that begin with the given prefix.
maybe this could do the trick ;)
Altough App Engine does not support LIKE queries, have a look at the properties ListProperty and StringListProperty. When an equality test is done on these properties, the test will actually be applied on all list members, e.g., list_property = value tests if the value appears anywhere in the list.
Sometimes this feature might be used as a workaround to the lack of LIKE queries. For instance, it makes it possible to do simple text search, as described on this post.
You need to use search service to perform full text search queries similar to SQL LIKE.
Gaelyk provides domain specific language to perform more user friendly search queries. For example following snippet will find first ten books sorted from the latest ones with title containing fern
and the genre exactly matching thriller:
def documents = {
select all from books
sort desc by published, SearchApiLimits.MINIMUM_DATE_VALUE
where title =~ 'fern'
and genre = 'thriller'
limit 10
Like is written as Groovy's match operator =~.
It supports functions such as distance(geopoint(lat, lon), location) as well.
App engine launched a general-purpose full text search service in version 1.7.0 that supports the datastore.
Details in the announcement.
More information on how to use this:
Have a look at Objectify here , it is like a Datastore access API. There is a FAQ with this question specifically, here is the answer
How do I do a like query (LIKE "foo%")
You can do something like a startWith, or endWith if you reverse the order when stored and searched. You do a range query with the starting value you want, and a value just above the one you want.
String start = "foo";
... = ofy.query(MyEntity.class).filter("field >=", start).filter("field <", start + "\uFFFD");
Just follow here:">
It works!
class Article(search.SearchableModel):
text = db.TextProperty()
article = Article(text=...)
To search the full text index, use the SearchableModel.all() method to get an
instance of SearchableModel.Query, which subclasses db.Query. Use its search()
method to provide a search query, in addition to any other filters or sort
orders, e.g.:
query = article.all().search('a search query').filter(...).order(...)
I tested this with GAE Datastore low-level Java API. Me and works perfectly
Query q = new Query(Directorio.class.getSimpleName());
Filter filterNombreGreater = new FilterPredicate("nombre", FilterOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, query);
Filter filterNombreLess = new FilterPredicate("nombre", FilterOperator.LESS_THAN, query+"\uFFFD");
Filter filterNombre = CompositeFilterOperator.and(filterNombreGreater, filterNombreLess);
In general, even though this is an old post, a way to produce a 'LIKE' or 'ILIKE' is to gather all results from a '>=' query, then loop results in python (or Java) for elements containing what you're looking for.
Let's say you want to filter users given a q='luigi'
users = []
qry = self.user_model.query(ndb.OR( >= q.lower(), >= q.lower(),self.user_model.username >= q.lower()))
for _qry in qry:
if q.lower() in or q.lower() in or q.lower() in _qry.username.lower():
It is not possible to do a LIKE search on datastore app engine, how ever creating an Arraylist would do the trick if you need to search a word in a string.
public ArrayList<String> searchName;
and then to search in the index using objectify.
List<Profiles> list1 = ofy().load().type(Profiles.class).filter("searchName =",search).list();
and this will give you a list with all the items that contain the world you did on the search
If the LIKE '%text%' always compares to a word or a few (think permutations) and your data changes slowly (slowly means that it's not prohibitively expensive - both price-wise and performance-wise - to create and updates indexes) then Relation Index Entity (RIE) may be the answer.
Yes, you will have to build additional datastore entity and populate it appropriately. Yes, there are some constraints that you will have to play around (one is 5000 limit on the length of list property in GAE datastore). But the resulting searches are lightning fast.
For details see my RIE with Java and Ojbectify and RIE with Python posts.
"Like" is often uses as a poor-man's substitute for text search. For text search, it is possible to use Whoosh-AppEngine.
