dynamically populate VoiceCommand PhraseList, Error VoiceCommandSet not found - cortana

I am looking for a way to dynamically populate my VCD file. I have a Code snippet from the Windows documentation that reads as follows:
Windows.ApplicationModel.VoiceCommands.VoiceCommandDefinition.VoiceCommandSet commandSetEnUs;
if (Windows.ApplicationModel.VoiceCommands.VoiceCommandDefinitionManager.
"AdventureWorksCommandSet_en-us", out commandSetEnUs))
await commandSetEnUs.SetPhraseListAsync(
"destination", new string[] {“London”, “Dallas”, “New York”, “Phoenix”});
But, when I put this into my version of App.OnActivated() Visual Studio shows an error saying that VoiceCommandSet is not contained in "Windows.ApplicationModel.VoiceCommands.VoiceCommandDefinition". My questions are:
Am I doing that in the wrong place? Do you know any example projects, that show how to do this properly? (I looked into Adventure Works, but didn't find these lines over there) Or am I missing some references, that I'm not aware of?

public async Task UpdateDestinationPhraseList()
// Update the destination phrase list, so that Cortana voice commands can use destinations added by users.
// When saving a trip, the UI navigates automatically back to this page, so the phrase list will be
// updated automatically.
VoiceCommandDefinition commandDefinitions;
string countryCode = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.ToLower();
if(countryCode.Length == 0)
countryCode = "en-us";
if (VoiceCommandDefinitionManager.InstalledCommandDefinitions.TryGetValue("AdventureWorksCommandSet_" + countryCode, out commandDefinitions))
List<string> destinations = new List<string>();
foreach (Model.Trip t in store.Trips)
await commandDefinitions.SetPhraseListAsync("destination", destinations);
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Updating Phrase list for VCDs: " + ex.ToString());


How to reload list resource bundle in ADF 12c

I fail to reload my resource bundle class to reflect the changed translations (made my end-user) on page. Although getContent method executes and all translations as key/value fetched from database and object[][] returned from getContent method successfully. this happens after each time I clear the cache and refresh the jsf page through actionListener.
Also I tried to use the below and got the same result.
Why WLS always see the old one? Am I miss something?
versions: and
The end user - after making the translations and contributing to the internationalization of the project, the translations are saved to the database,
The process to inforce these operations are done through the following steps:
Create a HashMap and load all the resource key/vale pairs in the map
from the database:
while (rs.next()) {
bundle.put(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2));
Refresh the Bundle of your application
SoftCache cache =
synchronized (cache) {
ArrayList myBundles = new ArrayList();
Iterator keyIter = cache.keySet().iterator();
while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
Object key = keyIter.next();
String name =
(String)getFieldFromObject(key, "searchName");
if (name.startsWith(bundleName)) {
sLog.info("Resourcebundle " + name +
" will be refreshed.");
Getthe a String from ResourceBoundle of your application:
for (String resourcebundle : bundleNames) {
String bundleName =
resourcebundle + (bundlePostfix == null ? "" : bundlePostfix);
try {
bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName, locale, getCurrentLoader(bundleName));
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
// bundle with this name not found;
if (bundle == null)
try {
message = bundle.getString(key);
if (message != null)
} catch (Exception e) {

Selenium Webdriver - passing bulk data with excel sheet by header name- more than 50 fields of form

I am looking for some solution where i want to pass 100s of records to the form where i am having more than 50 fields. I did some research for the testNG data providers but it looks like that it returns only strings so i feel that it will not be feasible to go with data providers as if its not good to pass 50 string arguments to specific function. Also i did some research to read excel file and i get two ways that either i can go with the jxl or Apache poi but with that also i am not able to read the data by the column header as if i can not go with the row and column number of approach as i have so many fields that i need to work with. The reason behind that is that in future is one field has added to single form that its going to be rework and again its not feasible.
enter image description here
I have been following this link:
for reading data column wise but any how i am not getting the records based on the column header. Do we have any other way to achieve this.
"testNG data providers but it looks like that it returns only strings" - incorrect. It allows you to return a multidimensional array of type Object. What kind of object you create is your own code. You may choose to read from the excel, encapsulate all the fields in one object (your own pojo) or multiple objects and then the method argument can have just those object types declared and not the 50 strings.
Both jxl and poi are libraries to interact with excel. If you want to have specific interaction with excel, like reading based on header, then you need to write code for that - it doesn't come out of the box.
If you are concerned about addition of one more column , then build your indices first by reading the header column, then put it in a relevant data structure and then go about reading your data.
I finally achieved that with the help of apache poi. I created on centralized function that is returning the hashmap having title as an index.
Here is that function:
Here is my main test function:
public void createNewCustomer(List<Map<String, String>> sheetList){
//Step 2. Login
for(Map<String, String> map : sheetList){
//Step 3. New Customer
//Process with excel data
catch(InterruptedException e)
System.out.println ("Login Exception Raised: <br> The exception get caught" + e);
//My data provider
#DataProvider(name = "dpCreateNewCust")
public Object[][] dpCreateNewCust(){
XLSfilename = System.getProperty("user.dir")+"//src//watts//XLSFiles//testcust.xlsx";
List<Map<String, String>> arrayObject = UtilityMethods.getXLSData(XLSfilename,Sheetname));
return new Object[][] { {arrayObject } };
//----GetXLSData Method in UtilityMethods Class :
public static List<Map<String, String>> getXLSData(String filename, String sheetname)
List<String> titleList = new ArrayList<String>();
List<Map<String, String>> sheetList = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
try {
FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(filename);
//Get the workbook instance for XLS file
XSSFWorkbook XLSbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);
//Get first sheet from the workbook
//HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
WorkSheet = XLSbook.getSheet(sheetname);
//Iterate through each rows from first sheet
int i = 0;
Iterator<Row> rowIterator = WorkSheet.iterator();
while(rowIterator.hasNext()) {
Row row = rowIterator.next();
//For each row, iterate through each columns
Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
int j = 0;
Map<String, String> valueMap = new HashMap<>();
while(cellIterator.hasNext()) {
Cell cell = cellIterator.next();
String cellval = "";
switch(cell.getCellType()) {
cellval = cell.getBooleanCellValue()+"";
cellval = String.valueOf(cell.getNumericCellValue())+"";
cellval = cell.getStringCellValue();
valueMap.put(titleList.get(j), cellval); valueMap.put("ResultRow",String.valueOf(row.getRowNum()));
if(i!=0 && !valueMap.isEmpty()){
//System.out.println(sheetList); System.exit(0);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return sheetList;

How to know the order of update with Domain context SubmitChanges?

Suppose I have 3 entities generated from EF, say tab1, tab2 and tab3. In SL app, I call SubmitChanges to save data to DB, all changes will be process by WCF and EF automatically.
Question is: how can I know the order of Update operation in Database?
I need to know this because I have triggers on those tables and need to know the order of the updating.
One thing you can do is to override the PeristChangeSet() in your DomainService and manually control the order of saves. Just do nothing in your regular update/insert statements. Here's some pseudocode for a saving a document exmmple to explain my answer:
public void InsertDocument(MyDocument objDocument) { }
public void UpdateDocument(MyDocument objDocument) { }
protected override bool PersistChangeSet()
try {
// have to save document first to get its id....
MyDocument objDocumentBeingSaved = null;
foreach (ChangeSetEntry CSE in ChangeSet.ChangeSetEntries.Where(i => i.Entity is MyDocument)) {
var changedEntity = (MyDocument)CSE.Entity;
objDocumentBeingSaved = documentRepository.SaveDocument(changedEntity);
break; // only one doc
if (objDocumentBeingSaved == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("CreateDocumentDomainService.PersistChangeSet(): Error saving document information. Document is null in entity set.");
// save document assignments after saving document object
foreach (ChangeSetEntry CSE in ChangeSet.ChangeSetEntries.Where(i => i.Entity is DocumentAssignment)) {
var changedEntity = (DocumentAssignment)CSE.Entity;
changedEntity.DocumentId = objDocumentBeingSaved.Id;
changedEntity.Id = documentRepository.SaveDocumentAssignment(objDocumentBeingSaved, changedEntity);
// save line items after saving document assignments
foreach (ChangeSetEntry CSE in ChangeSet.ChangeSetEntries.Where(i => i.Entity is LineItem)) {
var changedEntity = (LineItem)CSE.Entity;
changedEntity.DocumentId = objDocumentBeingSaved.Id;
changedEntity.Id = documentRepository.SaveLineItem(objDocumentBeingSaved, changedEntity);
catch {
// ....
return false;

i am not able to create a collection in ravendb, if i do not have any document in it

I have created a document in ravendb. Using session.advanced.getmetadata(see in code) , i gave a name to Raven-Entity-Name in metadata, after that i deleted that document in same function.Then i saw collection is also removed.If i delete the document manually from raven studio then the collection remains in the database.How a collection persist even if there is no document from code part? thanks in advance !!
My c# code is :
public CreateCollectionResult CreateCollection(string databaseName, string collectionName)
CreateCollectionResult createCollectionResult = new CreateCollectionResult();
Collection collection1234 = new Collection();
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession(databaseName))
Guid guid = new Guid("12345678-1111-1111-2222-000000000000");
session.Store(collection1234, guid, "april-Days/10");
session.Advanced.GetMetadataFor<Collection>(collection1234)[Constants.RavenEntityName] = collectionName;
createCollectionResult.IsOperationSuccessfull = true;
//exception if database not found
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
createCollectionResult.IsOperationSuccessfull = false;
createCollectionResult.Error = ex;
return createCollectionResult;
In RavenDB, collections are virtual, they are only there as long as you have at least one doc in that document.

Is my LDAP syntax wrong in search filter

This is my first attempt in trying to query our LDAP server for AD info. When I am trying to query the LDAP server here is what I'm trying to retrieve:
I am trying to retrieve all active employees with a countlimit of 500 records whose displayname starts with "sav", has an email address and has a userAccountControl attribute of 512. The problem I'm encountering is that I'm only getting back 8 records total. I should literally be getting back at least 10 records.
I did a separate search on the 2 records that were NOT retrieved in my search and each had an email address and a userAccountControl value of 512. So I'm not sure why those 2 records were missing.
I'm sure I've done something wrong in my syntax but I cannot find what it is. Any HELP/DIRECTION would be appreciated. Thank you.
After googling I've defined the SEARCH FILTER as:
String searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(displayname="+displayname+"*"+")(mail=*)(userAccountControl=512))";
Please see my complete method below:
public List<String> getAutocompleteEmpRecordsList(String displayname, LdapContext ctx) {
List<String> activeEmpAttributes = new ArrayList<String>();
Attributes attrs = null;
int count = 0;
int empEmailAddrLen = 0;
try {
SearchControls constraints = new SearchControls();
String[] attrIDs = {"displayname", "mail", "userAccountControl"};
String searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(displayname="+displayname+"*"+")(mail=*)(userAccountControl=512))";
NamingEnumeration answer = ctx.search("OU=Standard,OU=Users,DC=xxx,DC=org", searchFilter, constraints);
if (answer != null) {
while (answer.hasMore()) {
attrs = ((SearchResult) answer.next()).getAttributes();
if (attrs.get("displayname") != null) {
int empNameLen = attrs.get("displayname").toString().length();
activeEmpAttributes.add(attrs.get("displayname").toString().substring(13, empNameLen));
else {
throw new Exception("Invalid User");
System.out.println("activeEmpAttributes: " + activeEmpAttributes);
System.out.println("count: " + activeEmpAttributes.size());
} catch (Exception ex) {
return activeEmpAttributes;
You may be confusing displayname attribute and cn attribute.
On Windows server you've got a command line tool called LDIDIFDE.EXE which can allow you to test your filter.
ldifde -f datas.ldf -d "OU=Standard,OU=THR Users,DC=txhealth,DC=org" -r "(&(objectClass=user)(displayname=sav*)(mail=*)(userAccountControl=512))"
ldifde -f datas.ldf -d "OU=Standard,OU=THR Users,DC=txhealth,DC=org" -r "(&(objectClass=user)(cn=sav*)(mail=*)(userAccountControl=512))"
In the User and computer MMC you can also test your filter.
Start User and computer Active-Directory :
Right buton on registered request :
Choose personalize search, you've got an helper tab for common attributes :
You can choose personalized tab for technical attributes
You can test en copy the resulting LDAP filter (you don't need the double (& one is enough):
Can you post your userAccountControl, displayName, and mail values for the two excluded users?
FWIW the medial search on displayName would run alot faster if you add a tuple index to it.
I downloaded a free AD tool to view all in AD that I needed and it showed me that the data was not the problem but I was just not hitting all the OU's that I needed because there is NOT just 1 OU where all our users are stored.
Consequently, after googling some more I found a page on the Oracle site regarding LDAP and I changed my LDAPContext to DirContext for my connection to do searches within the directory as well as using this context's REFERRAL and set the value to "follow" to avoid the PartialSearchException.
I thought I'd post my findings just in case some other newbie ran into the same issue.
If you see a downside to the changes I made please let me know. Regards.
Here is my corrected code:
public List<String> getAutocompleteEmpRecordsList(String displayname, DirContext ctx) {
List<String> activeEmpAttributes = new ArrayList<String>();
Attributes attrs = null;
int count = 0;
int empEmailAddrLen = 0;
try {
SearchControls constraints = new SearchControls();
String[] attrIDs = {"displayname", "mail", "userAccountControl"};
String searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(displayname="+displayname.trim()+"*"+")(mail=*)(userAccountControl=512))";
NamingEnumeration answer = ctx.search("DC=xxx,DC=org", searchFilter, constraints);
if (answer != null) {
while (answer.hasMore()) {
attrs = ((SearchResult) answer.next()).getAttributes();
if (attrs.get("displayname") != null) {
int empNameLen = attrs.get("displayname").toString().length();
activeEmpAttributes.add(attrs.get("displayname").toString().substring(13, empNameLen));
else {
throw new Exception("Invalid User");
System.out.println("activeEmpAttributes: " + activeEmpAttributes);
System.out.println("count: " + activeEmpAttributes.size());
} catch (Exception ex) {
return activeEmpAttributes;
Thanks anyway.
