Angular : Can ng-options (bound to ng-model ( db table) ) allow input and/or edit of an option, if so how please - angularjs

I'm hoping angularjs ng-options can allow a user to enter a new value / option or edit an existing one in-situ
Is this possible? or is there a way to do so?
My code:
<div class="col-md-2">
<select class="form-control"
ng-options="item.BatchNo for item in BatchNos track by item.BatchId"

yes you can add an option textbox inside it and input type submit and finally when clicked on submit, you can add the item to the BatchNos


How to make ng-options to choose a specific value from the dropdown list?

I have a ng-model called field.value which is also from ng-repeat. when I check the field.value by putting inside the <span> element. I can check the value is 17 from which I expected the drop down goes to the id of 17 but it's doing nothing. How can I make the dropdown choose a value depending on id bound with model.
<div ng-if="'OrderTypeId'" class="input-group inputFill">
<select class="form-control inputFill2" ng-model="field.value"
ng-options=" as for oderType in dropdown.availableOrderTypes | orderBy:'name' track by">
From the Docs:
select as and track by
Be careful when using select as and track by in the same expression.
For more information, see
AngularJS ng-options Directve API Reference - select as and track by

Angular 1.5 and setting a selected option for a dynamic generated select?

I have nested data objects that I want to show to a user based on the filters they have selected. I am a bit new to angular but finding how to solve this problem has taken me a while now and not really got anything good.
<tr ng-repeat="stockItem in stock | filter : stockFilter ">
<td>{{stockItem.dateCreated | date:'dd/MM/yyyy (HH:mm)'}}</td>
<select class="form-control">
<option ng-repeat="supplierOrderStock in stockItem.supplierStock | filter : supplierSelectionFilter"
value="{{supplierOrderStock.supplierId}}" >
I have check boxes on the top of the page and when you check or uncheck them the drop downs get updated with the filtered data.
Problem is that the SELECTED drop down is random, usually the first one that was selected on initial render.
I just want the cheapest value to be shown in the drop downs and the way the data is sorted that is always going to be the first select option.
How do I set the drop down selected value, for each nested repeat to be either the cheapest one or just simply the always the first drop down??
You can try to use the NgOption directive instead:
<div class="col col-50">
<span>Orientation</span> <br>
<select name="orientation" id="orientation" ng-options="option.label for option in data.filters.basics.orientations track by" ng-model="data.selectedOrientation">
In my case the data.selectedOrientation is the default ng-model that i had to setup in the controller:
$ = $[($[0]-1)]
If you dont want to change your dom element jsut add a ng-model to it
<tr ng-repeat="stockItem in stock | filter : stockFilter ">
<td>{{stockItem.dateCreated | date:'dd/MM/yyyy (HH:mm)'}}</td>
<select class="form-control">
<option ng-repeat="supplierOrderStock in stockItem.supplierStock | filter : supplierSelectionFilter" ng-modal="yourModelForThisDom"
value="{{supplierOrderStock.supplierId}}" >
After learning a bit more I finally realised that it will be much easier if all the data is stored and filtered on the Model and collections within.
<select class="form-control" ng-show="stockItem.supplierStockFiltered.length > 0"
ng-options="option as getSupplierDropDownText(option) for option in stockItem.supplierStockFiltered track by option.price"></select>
<span ng-show="stockItem.supplierStockFiltered.length == 0 || stockPackItem.supplierStockFiltered == null ">
No Stock
So when the data loads or when ever I click on any check boxes, I just use angular.forEach( in the controller to set the Selected Item based on what ever I filtered out. The actual two fields I am binding too are not contained int he the data that comes back from the server. But in JS you can just dynamically add those fields before the HTML binds and it works great!
The HTML is much cleaner and I have much better control over the models.
End of the day I had to go do this any way because now I need to save all the selected drop down values... and now because the Selected item is bound to the model.. its easy peasy. I just serialise the models and use the data on the server.

Clear ng-model then Update ng-model with new value

Angular and Ionic Application
I have a form that has a lot of <select> elements, The form offers the user to select from a list or if the <option> = 'Other' then I show another <input> to enter the value. I then save the value to another ng-model.
<select data-ng-model="minor.tests.liveEarth"
<label class="item item-input item-stacked-label" ng-show="minor.tests.liveEarth === 'Other'">
<span class="input-label">Please Specify</span>
<input type="text"
placeholder="live earth other"
I originally used <datalist> but doesn't show up on iOS.
I assigned the liveEarthOther to the same as the <select> liveEarth but it has 'Other' assigned to the ng-model, which then the user has to delete the input value Other before entering their value.
I have looked for a combobox kind of control but haven't found one that works properly.
How could I make this into a directive or any thing suitable that could perform the renaming without the user having to delete the value.
I want to use this functionality many times in the application I am building.
You may have overcomplicated things by re-using the ngModel. If you change the value minor.tests.liveEarth you'll mess up your select because anything other than the given values will cause nothing to be selected. But if you don't change minor.tests.liveEarth then you'll have to delete it when the user fills in the text input. This would then also mess up the select box!
What I would do is record the value of the text input to a different variable. Keep the ng-show="minor.tests.liveEarth === 'Other'" as it is, but change your input to
<input type="text"
placeholder="Fill in your other live earth"
data-ng-model="tempVar" />
This way the input will be still be recorded, but the select won't be messed up on the ngModel change. Due to the placeholder, the user will know that they have to fill in the text box.
In your js, you'll have to create a validating function when the form is submitted along the lines of:
var validateLiveEarth = function(){
if(minor.tests.liveEarth === "Other"){
//check that tempVar meets validation
//assign tempVar to whatever form you're sending

AngularJS: setting the previously selected option in the tag <select>

In the form I have a drop down list with multiple choice, as shown below. Elements are loaded from the database.
<select class="form-control m-b"
<option ng-repeat="itemOne in itemsForAddrLevelOne"
I make choose.
For example, I choose an item2.
Then save data. Then, I open the form to edit and I want to see an item that I chose, but the list is empty...
How can I set the previously selected value?
I would recommend to use the ngOptions directive to generate the select menu options:
<select ng-model="model.livingComplexId" ng-options=" as itemOne.tobName for itemOne in itemsForAddrLevelOne"></select>
Maybe you could additionally change the ng-model value to model and use ng-options="itemOne as ..." (without the .id) and add an track by
<select ng-model="yourModel" ng-options="itemOne.tobName for itemOne in itemsForAddrLevelOne"></select>
In the js you should set $scope.yourModel = itemsForAddrLevelOne[0];

ng-table with inline editable columns

Im trying to create an ng-table which needs following
each cell should be editable on single click.
Each cell will have a template ( like few cells are text fields and few cells have options dropdown in it ).
3.This grid should always have one empty/new row for user to enter values , as user clicks on empty/new row ( which is always shown by default ) a new row should get added.
More precise, do I have to add a template like this ?
<td data-title="'Agency #'"><input type="text" ng-model="dealer.AgencyKey" /></td>
also for options do I have to add like this
<td data-title="'Account Type 2'"> <select class="form-control" ng-model="contractsHeader.AccountTypePT" required autofocus id="accountType2Options">
<option ng-repeat="accountType2 in accountTypes2" value="{{accountType2.KeyValue}}">{{accountType2.Description}}</option> </select> </td>
NOTE : I have basic knowledge on ng-table ( creating read only table by binding data from service )
Appreciate your thoughts and inputs
You need to move your ng-repeat from the option to the select
