Shared Hystrix command pool by service deployed on 2 instances - hystrix

I want to create a Hystrix Command pool for 1 use case served by a service which is deployed in 2 containers.
Will Command pool be shared across both instances or each instance will have its own Command pool.

Circuit breakers and thread pool created by Hystrix are NOT SHARED between instances. Each instance has its own metrics for Hystrix command and thread pool for each thread pool group.


Openliberty datasource always uses 1 database connection

I have configured openliberty (version 21) with a database (oracle) connection as follows in the server.xml :
<dataSource jndiName="jdbc/myds" transactional="true">
<connectionManager maxPoolSize="20" minPoolSize="5" agedTimeout="120s" connectionTimeout="10s"/>
<jdbcDriver libraryRef="jdbcLib" />
< URL="jdbc:oracle:thin:#..." user="..." password="..."/>
The server starts and I can make queries to the database via my rest api but I have noticed that I only use 1 active database connection and parallel http queries result in queuing databases queries over that 1 connection.
I have verified this by monitoring the active open database connections in combination with slow queries (I make several rest calls in parallel). Only 1 connection is opened and 1 query is processes after the other. How do I open a connection pool with for example 5-20 connections for parallel operation.
Based on your described usage, the connection pool should be creating connections as requests come in if there are no connections available in the free pool.
Your connectionTimeout is configured to be 10 seconds. To ensure that your test really is running in parallel would be to make two requests to the server. The server should create a connection, use it, wait 11 seconds, then close the connection.
If your requests are NOT running in parallel, you will not get any exception since the second request won't start until after the first one finished and that would be an issue with your test procedure.
If your requests are running in parallel, and you do not get any exception output from Liberty. Then Liberty likely is making multiple connections and that can be confirmed by enabling J2C trace.
Enable: J2C=ALL
If your requests are running in parallel, and no more than one connection is being created, then you will get a ConnectionWaitTimeoutException. This could be caused by the driver not being able to create more than one connection, incorrect use of the Oracle Connection Pool (UCP), or a number of other factors. I would need more information to debug that issue.

Configuring Ports for Flink Job/Task Manager Metrics

I am running Flink in Amazon EMR. In flink-conf.yaml, I have metrics.reporter.prom.port: 9249-9250
Depending whether the job manager and task manager are running in the same node, the task manager metrics are reported on port 9250 (if running on same node as job manager), or on port 9249 (if running on a different node).
Is there a way to configure so that the task manager metrics are always reported on port 9250?
I saw a post that we can "provide each *Manager with a separate configuration." How to do that?
You can configure different ports for the JM and TM by starting the processes with differently configured flink-conf.yaml.
On Yarn, Flink currently uses the same flink-conf.yaml for all processes.

Remote debugging Flink local cluster

I want to deploy my jobs on a local Flink cluster during development (i.e. JobManager and TaskManager running on my development laptop), and use remote debugging. I tried adding
"-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005" to the flink-conf.yaml file. Since job and task manager are running on the same machine, the task manager throws exception stating that the socket is already in use and terminates. Is there any way I can get this running.
You are probably setting, which affects all JVMs started by Flink. Since the jobmanager gets started first, it grabs the port before the taskmanager is started.
You can use to pass parameters only for taskmanager JVMs.

Flink state backend for TaskManager

I have a Flink v1.2 setup with 1 JobManager, 2 TaskManagers each in it's own VM. I configured the state backend to filesystem and pointed it to a local location in the case of each of the above hosts (state.backend.fs.checkpointdir: file:///home/ubuntu/Prototype/flink/flink-checkpoints). I have set parallelism to 1 and each taskanager has 1 slot.
I then run an event processing job on the JobManager which assigns it to a TaskManager.
I kill the TaskManager running the job and after a few unsuccessful attempts on the failed TaskManager Flink tries to run the job on the remaining TaskManager. At this point it fails again because it cannot find the corresponding checkpoints / state : /home/ubuntu/Prototype/flink/flink-checkpoints/56c409681baeaf205bc1ba6cbe9f8091/chk-14/46f6e71d-ebfe-4b49-bf35-23c2e7f97923 (No such file or directory)
The folder /home/ubuntu/Prototype/flink/flink-checkpoints/56c409681baeaf205bc1ba6cbe9f8091 only exists on the TaskManager that I killed and not on the other one.
My question is am I supposed to set the same location for checkpointing / state on all the task managers if I want the above functionality?
The checkpoint directory you use needs to be shared across all machines that make up your Flink cluster. Typically this would be something like HDFS or S3 but can be any shared filesystem.

Spark : Open a database session in some node, broadcast it, retrieve it in another node... The session still works?

Suppose we have a spark cluster of multiple nodes. In the driver program, I open a cassandra session (Cluster.builder().addContactPoint(...).build().connect(keyspace)). What happens if I pass this session in a Broadcast variable and retrieve it in another node ? Is this session still usable ? Is a database session (once opened) tied to the machine that opened it ?
It's a bit difficult to try as I don't have a cluster of multiple nodes...
No. If you are trying to share a session you will need to re-establish it on other nodes (It is not serializable). But if you would like to pool sessions on a particular node you can use the Spark Cassandra Connector.
The Spark Cassandra Connector has an object CassandraConnector(SparkConf) which will pool sessions and makes it easy to share a C* connection between tasks on the same machine.
For example item => CassandraConnector(conf).withSessionDo ( session => ... ) )
Will only utilize 1 C* cluster connection per executor JVM.
