Use text file as a counter - batch-file

I would like to increase the value read from a text file by one, 1. Then when it reaches a specific value, do something and reset the value in the text file to zero, 0.
Here's my batch file:
set /p count=<c:\count.txt
set /a count+=1
if %count%==5 (

some minor points only:
- changed syntax for writing to file, because echo 2>file doesn't write 2 to the file, but writes Erroroutput from echo(which is empty)
- used geq instead of == (optional, just better logic and safer)
- writing 0 instead of %count% if count is equal/greater 5
set /p count=<c:\count.txt
set /a count+=1
>c:\count.txt echo.%count%
if %count% geq 5 (
>c:\count.txt echo.0
echo reached five. Doing something.


Sum in batch script

How can I make the sum of the imputed numbers given by the user from the keyboard ? I tried a for loop but is endless. I cannot figure out a break statement.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /p X=
SET /A suma=0
FOR %%G IN (%X%) DO (
IF %%G GTR 0 (
SET /A suma=%suma%+%%G
echo %suma%
What i want to do is to make the program more user friendyl like echo somthing for the user to know it is supposed to write somthing. I know the correct code for this question, but the numbers are given as parameters in the command (syntax: script.bat parameter1 parameter2 parameter3).
SET /A suma=0
IF "%1"=="" GOTO completed
FOR %%F IN (%1) DO (
IF %1 GTR 0 (
SET /A suma=%suma%+%1
echo %suma%
Please give me any idea for the breaking statement in the first example or how can I modify the code to take the numbers from the users imput variable and not as paramaters.
Thank you.
SET /A suma=0
set "X=%*"
if not defined X set /p "X=No parameters detected "
if not defined X ECHO No user-input detected&goto completed
FOR %%G IN (%X%) DO (
IF %%G GTR 0 (
SET /A suma=suma+%%G
echo %suma%
%* means the command-line tail. If no tail, then ask user for input. If still no data, issue message and show result.
shift moves the command line tail one position, so %2 becomes %1, etc. You haven't provided a test to exit the routine - and the command-line tail is presumably empty, so you are shifting it (which does nothing) and looping.
The for...%%G.. processes the entire list %X%, so there's no point in the shift/loop - the data has already been processed.

String Left & Mid Manipulation in a For Loop Batch File

I am writing a batch file with a for loop and am having trouble getting the left and mid logic working. I have successfully got this logic working outside of the for loop and have attached the code here.
#echo off
set /a value = 1000
set /a range = "%value%"
set /a secrange = "%value%"
for /l %%x in (1, 1, 10) do (
echo %range%
set range=%range:~0,1%
set secrange=%secrange:~1,3%
echo !range!
echo !secrange!
set "newstr=!range!.!secrange!"
echo !newstr!
The output is shown here.
Split 1000
So the above cmd bat is able to split the string and then combine it with a period mark in the middle of the two split strings.
However, in my for loop I don't achieve this result. I know it may be a syntax issue but I am not sure how to fix it (I have tried a lot of different things already).
#echo off
set /a range = "X"
set /a secrange = "X"
for /l %%x in (1, 1, 10000) do (
if %%x geq 1000 (
if %%x lss 10000 (
set "range=%%x"
set "secrange=%%x"
echo !range!
echo !secrange!
set "range=%range%:~0,1%"
echo !range!
echo %range%
set secrange=%secrange:~1,3%
echo !secrange!
echo %secrange%
set "newstr=!range!.!secrange!"
echo !newstr!
REM End x greater 1000
REM End for loop
I use secrange the same way as I did in the original code without the for loop. I tried to manipulate the range portion with many different syntax combos but have not been able to output the left character 1. I only am able to output 0 for both characters.
I attached the output here. Bad Output
I understand there is an error (Echo is Off). Please ignore that it is just based off my echo output type for my personal testing.
The important two outputs are the third and fourth line (whichever one is referring to the correct syntax). Does anyone know how to fix the syntax in order to get the left character of 1000 in the for loop and the remaining 3 zeros of the 1000?

An If statement in my .bat script isn't working as expected

What is supposed to happen is that you input a number between 1 and 1,048,567. The program checks if your input is actually a number between 1 and 1,048,567. If your input is a valid number then it will continue onto the next bit of code. If the input is invalid then it will display a message saying it is invalid then loop back and ask you for input again.
When I run this however, I input anything and it says invalid input even if I did input a number between 1 and 1,048,567.
#echo off
title Pokemon Shiny Sim
set delay = nul
set count = 0
set chance = 4096
echo Set shiny chance (1 in x). Range: (1-1,048,567)
echo Leave blank for 1 in 4096.
set /p chance = Input:
set /a chance = %chance%+0
if %chance% GEQ 1 (
if %chance% LEQ 1048567 (
goto setDelay
echo Invalid Input.
goto setChance
echo Set delay between attempts in seconds. Range: (1-60).
echo Leave blank for no delay.
set /p delay = Input:
set /a delay = %delay%+0
if %delay% == nul (
goto loopStart
if %delay% GEQ 1 (
if %delay% LEQ 60 (
goto loopStart
echo Invalid Input.
goto settings
set /a count = %count%+1
set /a rand = %random% %% %chance%+1
if %rand% == 1 (
echo Attempt: %count% | Shiny: Yes!
else (
echo Attempt: %count% | Shiny: No
goto loopStart
I suggest to read first debugging a batch file and second the answer onWhy is no string output with 'echo %var%' after using 'set var = text' on command line?
Next look on your rewritten code below:
#echo off
title Pokemon Shiny Sim
set "delay=0"
set "count=0"
set "chance=4096"
echo Set shiny chance (1 in x). Range: (1-1,048,567)
echo Leave blank for 1 in 4096.
set /P "chance=Input: "
set /A chance+=0
if %chance% GEQ 1 if %chance% LEQ 1048567 goto setDelay
echo Invalid input.
goto setChance
echo Set delay between attempts in seconds. Range: (1-60).
echo Leave blank for no delay.
set /P "delay=Input: "
set /A delay+=0
if %delay% == 0 goto loopStart
if %delay% GEQ 1 if %delay% LEQ 60 cls & goto loopStart
echo Invalid input.
goto settings
set /A count+=1
set /A rand=%random% %% chance + 1
if %rand% == 1 (
echo Attempt: %count% ^| Shiny: Yes!
) else (
echo Attempt: %count% ^| Shiny: No
goto loopStart
All spaces around the equal signs are removed in this batch code.
The command line set "delay = nul" is modified to set "delay=0" because the condition if %delay% == nul is never true after execution of set /a delay = %delay%+0 resulting in execution of set /a delay = nul + 0 which results in assigning value 0 to environment variable delay on nul not existing as environment variable with that name having an integer value. The result of a valid arithmetic expression is always a number assigned as string to the environment variable and never a string like nul.
set /a chance = %chance%+0 is modified to set /A chance+=0 and set /a delay = %delay%+0 is modified to set /A delay+=0 because otherwise the input check is insecure as the user has for example the freedom to enter | for variable chance resulting in execution of command line set /a chance = |+0 which cause an unexpected exit of batch file execution.
Never use %variable% or !variable! in an arithmetic expression as not needed in general.
The help output on several pages on running set /? in a command prompt window explains in chapter about usage of set /A that each string which can't be interpreted as number or operator isĀ interpreted automatically as name of an environment variable whose current value should be converted to an integer on evaluation of the expression. If the environment variable is not defined at all or its value can't be successfully converted to a 32-bit signed integer, it is replaced in the expression by integer value 0.
There are exceptions like the usage of a random number in an arithmetic expression which requires %random% or !random! or when a variable name contains a space character or a character which would be interpreted as operator. In such cases it is necessary that the Windows command interpreter replaces the environment variable name already in preprocessing state or immediately before execution of the command set by random value respectively value of the environment variable.
set /a chance = %chance%+0 makes it also possible that the user of this batch file enters for example PROCESSOR_LEVEL or PROCESSOR_REVISION and this input although not being a number at all would be handled as valid because those two strings are the names of environment variables having numbers as values. PROCESSOR_REVISION has by default a hexadecimal number assigned which can be processed nevertheless completely or partly as number by command set.
Another syntax error is in block
if %rand% == 1 (
echo Attempt: %count% | Shiny: Yes!
else (
echo Attempt: %count% | Shiny: No
The keyword else must be on same line as the closing ) of true branch of the IF condition separated from ) with a space character.
And redirection operator | must be escaped with caret character ^ to be interpreted as literal character to output into console window.
Note: set /A chance+=0 makes it still possible to enter for example 170 percent or 170X which results in chance having value 170 and therefore input is valid although in real the entered string is not a number.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
cls /?
echo /?
goto /?
if /?
pause /?
set /?
title /?
I haven't tested the code yet, but I found some fatal issues in the code.
Mis-setting variable
set /a count = %count% + 1
This sets a variable count (Note the space!). Remove the space! Also, this can be shortened to set /a count+=1.
ECHOing special characters
| is one of the special characters reserved for redirection in batch. To properly echo it, use echo string ^| string instead.
Poor IF statement practice
if %rand% == 1 (
only works when %rand% is alphanumeric. If %rand% is space, the cmd.exe sees:
if == 1 (
which is incorrect.
To correct it, do
if "%rand%"=="1" (
Alternatively, use EQU for numeric comparison, and == for string comparison.

Batch file says ( was unexpected at this time during if

So I am making a batch file that will generate a random number, keep it in a variable, and then you try to guess it. If you guess lower than the number, it will make your try counter go up by one, and tell you to guess higher, and vice versa. However, when I enter a number, it says ( was unexpected at this time. Can anyone help me?
Here is the code:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /a x = 0
set /a x = %RANDOM:~-3%
goto 2
set /p v = Enter your guess:
if %v% lss %x% (
echo Greater than that!
set /a g = %g%+1
title %g% Guesses so far!
goto 2
) else if %v% gtr %x% (
echo Less than that!
set /a g = %g%+1
title %g% Guesses so far!
goto 2
) else if %v% equ %x% (
echo Correct! It was %x%! It also took you %g% guesses to find it!
set /a g = 0
title %g% Guesses so far!
goto 1
echo That's not a number!
goto 2
Batch is sensitive to spaces in a SET statement. SET FLAG = N sets a variable named "FLAGSpace" to a value of "SpaceN"
consequently, v is not set up and the if is interpreted as if lss 4 (
You will also have problems with setting a variable like g within a ode block (parenthesised sequence of lines). %g% will be evaluated at parse-time - it is not interpreted as the run-time value (ie. as code controlling the block is executed)
Pleas see many SO articles on delayed expansion my using the search facility on the top bar of the page.
Your problem is:
set /a x = 0
:: make it be:
set /a x=0
No Space.

I'm not able to create 10 files with following batch code

Following is the code in which I want to create 10 files if the counter reach 10 but the comparison is not working am I missing something or am I doing something wrong? It creates only one file and prints as following in that one file
10 == 0 set
#echo off
set limit=10
set count=0
set count = %count% + 1
echo %limit% == %count% set > YouAreAnIdiot%random%.txt
if %count%==%limit%
exit 0
goto start
two errors in one line: set count = %count% + 1:
a) the space between count and = is part of your variable name. (It would be %count %)
b) to calculate with set, you need the /a parameter:
set /a count=%count% + 1
Surprisingly, set /a doesn't care for the additional space, but get used to the syntax without spaces around the = - this keeps life simple.
set /a doesn't need the percent signs with variables, so set /a count=count+1 also works.
There is a short form to do that:
set /a count+=1
Also your if statement will not work. The complete construct has to be on one (logical) line:
if %count%==%limit% (
exit 0
) else (
goto start
(note the spaces around the parantheses - they are critical)
