Ng-if inside ng-template does not work - angularjs

I created a component and I am trying to make the component's template dynamic, that is, for some condition the parent tag should be a div, otherwise it should be an anchor tag.
I have been trying to use ng-if but somehow it wont work. Here is a code snippet. For some reason, even if the ng-if is true, the nested div (.testDiv .testThumbnail) will be undefined and this will break my component.
I cannot understand why it doesn't find the component even if the ng-if is true. I am new to Angular JS, so maybe I am missing something here? Or there is a better way to dynamically create the component's parent tags according to some condition.
function myCardController($window) {
var element = angular.element(document.querySelector('.testDiv .testThumbnail'));//is undefined
angular.module('myApp').component('myCard', {
templateUrl: 'testTemplate', ,
controller: ["$window", myCardController],
<script type="text/ng-template" id="testTemplate">
<div ng-if="true"
<div role="img" class="testThumbnail"></div>
<a ng-if="false" class="tesstDiv">same content</a>

You probably miss to add ng-app or ng-controller directive. Use following HTML as your template:
<div ng-controller = "myCardController">
<div ng-if="show"
<div role="img" class="testThumbnail"></div>
<a ng-if="!show" class="tesstDiv">same content</a>
Update your JS code as like:
function myCardController($window) {
var element = angular.element(document.querySelector('.testDiv .testThumbnail'));//is undefined
$ = true;
angular.module('myApp').component('myCard', {
templateUrl: 'testTemplate.html', ,
controller: ["$window", myCardController],
You also can use ng-app="myApp" in your body tag.


Angular component with transcluded markup

I am trying to create an Angular component and transclude the inner HTML of the component, but the markup of the inner HTML does not seem to be compiling. My use case for this is that the component has an attribute binding that I want to use in multiple ways, so the template will never be exactly the same.
For example, say I have the following simple controller:
class ComponentCtrl {
$onInit() {
this.variable = 'hello world';
let MyComponent = {
controller: ComponentCtrl
app.component('myComponent', MyComponent);
I want the following HTML:
<div style="color: green;">{{ $ctrl.variable }}</div>
<div style="color: red;">{{ $ctrl.variable }}</div>
to render as:
<div style="color: green;">hello world</div>
<div style="color: red;">hello world</div>
However, right now it is only rendering as:
<div style="color: green;"></div>
<div style="color: red;"></div>
without the markup being evaluated.
Is there something I'm doing wrong?
did you write the right name of controller inside your {{ }} in html? you wrote controller: ComponentCtrl and then {{ $ctrl.variable }}. it looks like they must have the same names
I think the problem come from {{ $ctrl.variable }}. In fact $ctrl try to link with a parent controller not with the controller of your component.
If you want interact with the controller of your component you need to use some parameter.
Transclusion is not made by default, you have to especify on your component that it has to be transcluded. Also, you didn't especify on your template where it should be trasncluded. Therefore, your component should look like:
let MyComponent = {
transclude: true, // tell angular to transclude it
template: '<ng-transclude></ng-transclude>', // tell where it will be transcluded
controller: ComponentCtrl
app.component('myComponent', MyComponent);
However, how was told on comments, component scopes are always isolated. Therefore, ou won't be able to access {{ $ctrl.variable }} from outside the component.
The transcluded content's scope has a $parent property that always points to the host component's scope.
So you could do something like this -
<div style="color: green;">{{ $parent.$ctrl.variable }}</div>
<div style="color: red;">{{ $parent.$ctrl.variable }}</div>
Plunk link that uses $parent property -

Dynamically Show/hide directive

I am trying to implement some directive, which will be based on the value of one variable in other Service. Here is my code:
if (this.SomeService.variable.condition){;
} else {
However, it is called only once, when the page is bootstraped. How can I make it so that if the variable changes, the element shows/hides? Is there any way to do it without watcher?
You can use ng-show / ng-hide that are angularjs construct used to hide or show a particular piece of HTML.
For example:
<div ng-show="true">HELLO I AM THE FIRST DIV</div>
<div ng-hide="true">HELLO I AM THE SECOND DIV</div>
will return something like
Inside ng-show you can put watherver kind of variable so then if your javascript is something like this:
var self = this;
self.isVisible = true;
you can use that variable in your code:
<div class="container" ng-controller="MyCtrl as c">
<div ng-show="c.isVisible">HELLO I AM THE FIRST DIV</div>
<div ng-hide="c.isVisible">HELLO I AM THE SECOND DIV</div>
And the result is the same

AngularJS - ui-bootstrap accordion - using ng-controller inside ng-repeat doesn't work

I'm trying to construct an accordion list that shows more details when the accordion expands. Here is a simplified version of the template:
<body ng-controller="MainController as main">
<accordion-group ng-repeat="r in main.results" ng-controller="DetailsController as d">
<accordion-heading ng-click="d.getDetails(">
<li ng-repeat="v in d.details">{{v.detail}}</li>
The DetailsController initially has an empty details array, but when the function getDetails() is called, that array is populated by a service (detailsService is simply an abstracted $resource call). This part works when not being applied to an accordion, but in this specific situation, nothing happens with the accordion heading is clicked. See below:
app.controller('DetailsController', function(detailsService) {
var vm = this
var details = []
var detailsPopulated = false
var getDetails = function(id) {
if (!vm.detailsPopulated) {
console.log('Getting details')
detailsService.get({id: id}, function(data) {
vm.details = data.results
vm.detailsPopulated = true
return {
details: details,
getDetails: getDetails
This controller works in other cases, but for some reason, the ng-click on the accordion header does not invoke the getDetails function at all - if it did, I would see "getDetails()" in the console, since that is the first statement of the getDetails function.
Even simpler: setting up a controller with mock "details" doesn't work.
app.controller('DetailsController', function() {
var details = [{detail: 'Test'}]
return {
details: details
<body ng-controller="MainController as main">
<accordion-group ng-repeat="r in main.results" ng-controller="DetailsController as d">
<li ng-repeat="v in d.details">{{v.detail}}</li>
Not even this simplified example with the service and ng-click removed works.
Can anyone advise a solution? I am also trying to accomplish this using the "controller as" technique instead of using $scope everywhere.
You can not bind ng-click to <accordion-heading> beacause ui.bootstrap will use different DOM for heading. You can take a look at developer console to see what ui.bootstrap translate <accordion-heading> into DOM.
<div class="panel-heading">
<h4 class="panel-title">
<span class="ng-scope ng-binding">Header 1</span>
I think you want to dynamically load the content of accordion. One way to achieve this is to $watch when the accordion is opened and perform loading. I have created this fiddle to demonstrate the idea. Something you must notice :
You can not put ng-controller inside accordion-group because it will raise error multiple directive asking for isolated scope. This is beacause <accordion-group> is an isolated scope and angular will not allow two scope : one from controller scope and one from directive isolated scope to bind into the same html. Reference. One way to work around it is to put a div with ng-controller and ng-repeat outside accordion-group
<div ng-repeat="r in main.results" ng-controller="DetailsController as d">
You can add attrs is-open to accordion-group and $watch for its change and perform loading. Accordion directive will change is-open value when you open or close the accordion.
Hope it helps.

Hide/show an element in Angularjs using custom directive, ng-show and $scope

When a link is clicked in the app navigation a dropdown with ui-view content shows below each respective link.
<div class="sc-dash-header">
<a class="navbar-brand" show-nav-popup href="">download</a>
<div id="nav-download-progress" class="dash-hdr-popup" ng-show="showPopup">
<div ui-view="hdr-download-progress"></div>
<a class="navbar-brand" show-nav-popup href="">add</a>
<div id="nav-add" class="dash-hdr-popup" ng-show="showPopup">
<div ui-view="hdr-add-content"></div>
<a class="navbar-brand" show-nav-popup href="">enter pin</a>
<div id="nav-unlock" class="dash-hdr-popup" ng-show="showPopup">
<div ui-view="hdr-unlock"></div>
I've included an ng-show attribute to open the dropdown when $scope.showPopup is set to true.
To achieve this I've created a custom directive with an on click called show-nav-popup.
The JS:
.directive('showNavPopup', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
// scope: {},
link: function(scope, el, attrs) {
el.on('click', function(){
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.showPopup = true;
The above works, but the dropdown opens on each element.
Question: I need to isolate the scope, so on each click, only the respective dropdown appears. I uncomment the line // scope: {} - but this doesn't work..
Angularjs n00b here - any help would be much appreciated
Having an isolate scope in this situation wouldn't fix the problem. There are a ton of ways to achieve what you want though. One of which is to assign each show-popup-nav an id, turn $scope.showPopup into an array, and keep an individual true/false for each id. Then for each ng-show, you look at the index corresponding to each id for the true/false value.
I coded it up on that guy's Plunker, working as you expect:
EDIT: I should say, you COULD use an isolate scope to fix this, but that would require a lot of changes to your DOM, as the ng-show directive is a sibling to your show-popup-nav, and not a child.
When you create the isolate scope, the scope applies to the element that your directive is applied to, and it's child elements. In this case that's just the anchor tag:
<a class="navbar-brand" show-nav-popup href="">download</a>
You are using an ng-show on a tag that is a sibling to the anchor tag:
<div id="nav-download-progress" class="dash-hdr-popup" ng-show="showPopup">
The sibling is not part of the isolate scope, and so it never notices that the value of showPopup has changed.
The ng-show would work if it were applied to a DOM element that was a child of the anchor tag.
One way to make this work would be to wrap your two siblings in a parent tag, and use the directive on the parent:
<div show-nav-popup>
<div ng-show="showPopup"></div>
Then you'd need to modify your directive's code to find the anchor tag and apply the click handler.
You might instead try a completely different approach as suggest in the other answer by #Bill Bergquist

AngularJS Trying to use ng-click with ng-switch but ng-switch is not switching my divs

AngNoob here. I have some global navigation that uses the routeProvider to swap out external html pages inside the view. Within the view i set up a list type sub navigation (created with ng-repeat) that switches out divs in the external html file. I can get it to load up the page if I set it manually in the appCtrl:
//Here I set the initial value
$ = 'Comfort Homes of Athens';
But when I click on the span that has the ng-click. I get nothing. I started to think it was a scope issue but when i put just an ng-click='alert()' it does nothing either.
I have read around other posts but most seem to be putting a ng-click inside of an ng-switch rather than the reverse. and aren't using routing in their examples either. Still new to angular so maybe its something I haven't come across yet.
<body ng-app="app">
<header ng-include="header.url" ng-controller="nav"></header>
<article ng-view></article>
<footer ng-include="footer.url" ng-controller="nav"></footer>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/data.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/model.js"></script>
External HTML File:
<div id="web" class="wrapper">
<aside class="boxModel">
<div id="controller" class="container">
<div class="topBox bluebg subNavBar"><h1 class="white">Projects</h1></div>
<div ng-controller="nav" id="controls" class="botBox whitebg">
<span ng-repeat='item in webProjects' ng-click="page='{{}}'">{{}}</span>
</aside><section ng-switch on="page" class="boxModel">
<div ng-switch-when="Comfort Homes of Athens" id="sandbox" class="container round box whitebg">
<h1>Here is link 1</h1>
<div ng-switch-when="Sealpak Incorporated" id="sandbox" class="container round box whitebg">
<h1>here is Link 2</h1>
var app = angular.module("app", ["ngRoute"]);
function nav($scope) {
$scope.templates = templates;
$scope.header = $scope.templates[0];
$scope.footer = $scope.templates[1];
$scope.mainNav = mainNav;
$scope.footNav = footNav;
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
templateUrl: "templates/home.html",
controller: "AppCtrl"
templateUrl: "templates/web.html",
controller: "AppCtrl"
templateUrl: "templates/seo.html",
controller: "AppCtrl"
template: "This doesn't exist!"
app.controller("AppCtrl", function($scope) {
$scope.webProjects = webProjects;
$scope.seoProjects = seoProjects;
//Here I set the initial value
$ = 'Comfort Homes of Athens';
Unfortunately for you, ng-repeat creates child scopes which are siblings with each other and children of your parent controller (ng-controller="nav") while your <section> where ng-switch is on is not child scope of your ng-controller="nav", but AppCtrl.
You could try ng-click="$parent.$" just to understand scopes in angular.
<div id="web" class="wrapper">
<aside class="boxModel">
<div id="controller" class="container">
<div class="topBox bluebg subNavBar"><h1 class="white">Projects</h1></div>
<div ng-controller="nav" id="controls" class="botBox whitebg">
<span ng-repeat='item in webProjects' ng-click="$parent.$">{{}}</span>
</aside><section ng-switch on="page" class="boxModel">
<div ng-switch-when="Comfort Homes of Athens" id="sandbox" class="container round box whitebg">
<h1>Here is link 1</h1>
<div ng-switch-when="Sealpak Incorporated" id="sandbox" class="container round box whitebg">
<h1>here is Link 2</h1>
I don't recommend using this solution as it's quite ugly. The solution of #link64 is better, but I think the inheritance of model is so implicit and creates a tightly-coupled code. Here I propose another solution which I hope is better by emitting an event:
<span ng-repeat='item in webProjects' ng-click="$emit('pageChange',">{{}}</span>
I'm not sure if angular is able to resolve $emit('pageChange', expression in the template. If you run into any problems, you could write inside your controller:
<span ng-repeat='item in webProjects' ng-click="setPageChange(">{{}}</span>
In your nav controller:
$scope.setPageChange = function (pageName) {
In your AppCtrl, listen to the event and update the page.
app.controller("AppCtrl", function($scope) {
$scope.webProjects = webProjects;
$scope.seoProjects = seoProjects;
//Here I set the initial value
$ = 'Comfort Homes of Athens';
$scope.$on("pageChange", function (event, newPage){
$ = newPage;
In addition to #KhanhTo's answer, I wanted to point you toward another tool to use instead of ngRoute; UI-Router. This is not the answer to your original question, but it is a better solution that avoids your issue entirely.
UI-Router enhances the page routing of ngRoute and is more centered around states. You transition to states that have templates and optional controllers. It emits its own events such as $stateChangeStart or $stateChangeSuccess. You can invoke these state transitions with the function command $state.go(stateName) or by a directive ui-sref="my.state({name:})
UI-Router is a very powerful tool and I cannot go into all the details here but the documentation and community is great.
A simple rewrite of your code could look like the following.
Template for web.html
<div class="wrapper">
<aside class="boxModel">
<div id="controller" class="container">
<div class="topBox bluebg subNavBar"><h1 class="white">Projects</h1></div>
<div ng-controller="nav" id="controls" class="botBox whitebg">
<span ng-repeat='item in webProjects' ui-sref="{name: {{}})">
<section class="boxModel">
<div ui-view class="container round box whitebg">
<!-- Page content will go here -->
app.config(function($stateProvider) {
.state('app', {
abstract: true,
template: '<div ui-view></div>', //Basic template
controller: "AppCtrl",
}).state('app.home', {
templateUrl: "templates/home.html",
url: '/home'
templateUrl: "templates/web.html",
url: '/web'
templateUrl: "templates/page.web.html",
url: '/web/page/:name' //Note here the ':' means name will be a parameter in the url
templateUrl: "templates/seo.html",
url: '/seo'
app.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope){
$scope.webProjects = webProjects;
$scope.seoProjects = seoProjects;
$scope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){
if( == ''){
var pageName =; //Variable name matches
$scope.linkText = fetchPageContent(pageName);
Template for page.web.html
With these changes you will be able to reuse the same instance of your controller. In addition to allowing your paging content to be more scalable.
Notes on $scopes
Every $scope has a parent except for the $rootScope. When you ask for an object in the view, it will look at its $scope to find the reference. If it does not have the reference, it will traverse up to its parent scope and look again. This occurs until you get to the $rootScope.
If you assign something to the $scope in the view, it will assign it to the current $scope as opposed to searching up the $scope chain for an existing property. That is why ng-click=" = ..." works; it looks up the $scope chaing for model and then assigns to the page property whereas ng-click="page = ..." assigns directly to the current $scope.
Notes on Controller re-use
To my knowledge, ngRoute does not support nested views. When you go to a new route, it will destroy the current view and controller as specified in the $routeProvider and then instantiate a new controller for the new view. UI-Router supports nested states (i.e. child states with child $scopes). This allows us to create a parent controller that can be re-used amongst all the child states.
I think this may be related to some misunderstanding of how scope works.
ng-repeat creates its own scope. When attempting to set page, angular creates it on the scope of the ng-repeat.
In your AppCtrl, create an object on the scope as follows:
$scope.model = {};
$ = 'Comfort Homes of Athens';//Default value
On your ng-click, refer to instead of just page. Angular will then traverse up the scope to find instead of just create a property on the local scope of the ng-repeat.
<span ng-repeat='item in webProjects' ng-click="'{{}}'">{{}}</span>
Also, your AppCtrl is going to be recreated every time you change pages. You should probably use a service to persist the state between page changes
