SearchBar not showing up in NavigationBar in Swift 4 IOS 11 - ios11

I have been trying to add Searchbar via UISearchController in my app. It does not show up on my navigation bar.I have added a navigation controller as a root view controller and have not changed anything but just the tint colour of it. I have tried few solutions but nothing works. I am using Swift 4.0 with Xcode 9 and running the app on IOS 11. Below is my code. Thanks in advance.
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
let sc = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
sc.delegate = self
let scb = sc.searchBar
scb.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 44.0).isActive = true
scb.tintColor = UIColor.white
self.navigationController?.navigationItem.searchController = sc
self.navigationController?.navigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = false

I don't know why but it will help you.
Add search controller in NavigationItem directly.
navigationItem.searchController = sc
navigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = false

Set the searchbar as your tableview header, worked for me.
self.tableView.tableHeaderView = self.searchController.searchBar

Maybe delete sc.delegate = self and put instead scb.delegate = self.
Also, I think you have to choose only one between scb.sizeToFit() and scb.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 44.0).isActive = true because one excludes the other one. Hope it helps.


Alternative to Ookii Dialogs in WPF to select multiple folder?

Does anyone know of an alternative to Ookii Dialogs in WPF that allow to select multiple folders at once?
I think I've seen one, but I can't find anymore.
I've never used Ookii Dialogs, but I know that Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.CommonOpenFileDialog should work if you set IsFolderPicker = true and Multiselect = true. It's part of the Microsoft-issued Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Shell NuGet package, which you can find here:
var d = new Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.CommonOpenFileDialog { IsFolderPicker = true, Multiselect = true };
var selectedFolders = d.FileNames;

Using Dynamic CEFSharp with ChromeTabs but AddressChanged is not exposed

I am making an app that started with the CEFSharp minimal example code and I am using ChromeTabs in Wpf. I have my CEFSharp diverting popup windows into tabs correctly but I am having an issue grabbing the URL of these dynamic CEFSharp windows. For some reason AddressChanged is not exposed for these dynamic windows. I have tried to make use of LoadingStateChanged to place the URL in a textbox but that creates all new issues with the threads. I have spent the past few days trying to get this to work and it is driving me crazy. This is how my new tab is created but it does not expose AddressChanged event.
int counttabs = tbControlRCI.Items.Count-1;
string popURL;
popURL = popup_request;
tbControlRCI = this.etTabCntrlRCI;
//here we should open a new tab and place a new rcibrowser in it and give it the url
RCIBrowser = new ChromiumWebBrowser(popURL);
RCIBrowser.Name = "RCIBrow_" + counttabs;
string shorturl = popURL.Substring(popURL.LastIndexOf("/"), popURL.Length - popURL.LastIndexOf("/"));
ChromeTabs.ChromeTabItem newTabItem = new ChromeTabs.ChromeTabItem
Header = shorturl,
Name = "RCITab_" + counttabs,
Content = RCIBrowser
LifespanHandler lifeRCI = new LifespanHandler();
RCIBrowser.LifeSpanHandler = lifeRCI;
lifeRCI.popup_request += life_popup_request;
tbControlRCI.SelectedIndex = tbControlRCI.Items.Count - 1;
My XAML only has a ChromeTabsControl that I place all of these dynamic Tabs and Browsers into.
Can anyone show the error of my ways?
Ok, thanks amaitland, I have tried a few different ways to do that and it just does not update for some reason. All I need is a textbox to show the address the Browser is on, so one way is fine. So I tried this:
Binding b = new Binding();
b.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
b.Path = new PropertyPath("Address");
b.ElementName = "RCIBrowser";
txtbxRCI.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, b);
Thanks a bunch,

Listen for click / hover on individual axis labels

I'm looking for a way to change the value (or format) for an individual series label when hovering it in anycharts.
Currently I'm only able to access the entire axis and I can find no getter method for individual labels so as to attach a listener.
xAxis.labels().listen('mouseOver', function(e) {
This jsfiddle is as far as I got (see console log), this as well as the reference the entire axis but not the label:
Indeed, there was a little bug with cache and format() function, our dev team made the fix, so please check the working sample:
var labelIndex = e.labelIndex;
var label = this.getLabel(labelIndex);
var value = xAxis.scale().ticks().get()[labelIndex];
label.format(value * 2); – it also shows how to work with tick values:
Currently it takes the js from branch, but this fix will be included in the upcoming release – 7.14.0 version (ETA: May 2017)
Our API is a little bit complicated here, but we're working hard to improve it. Does this what you're looking for?
var labelIndex = e.labelIndex;
var label = this.getLabel(labelIndex);
This issue was fixed in the 7.14.0 release, use this code:
xAxis.labels().listen('mouseOver', function(e) {
var labelIndex = e.labelIndex;
var label = this.getLabel(labelIndex);
var value = xAxis.scale().ticks().get()[labelIndex];
label.format(value * 2);
with the latest version:

Video.js - How to reference multiple videos in one page?

My goodness, I cannot find an answer for this and I spent several hours already.
How can you reference multiple videos at the same time in video.js?
The API documentation says:
Referencing the Player: You just need to make sure your video tag has an ID. The example embed code has an ID of "example_video_1". If you have multiple videos on one page, make sure every video tag has a unique ID.
var myPlayer = V("example_video_1");
This example shows a single ID, but it doesnt show how I can reference multiple IDs at the same time.
If I have 3 different tags: "video_1", "video_2", "video_3", how do I reference them all?
I tried an array and it didnt work. I also tried listing the videos like this:
var myPlayer = _V_("video_1", "video_2");
and didnt work neither.
Can somebody help me here?
Thank you.
You can't pass multiple ids to _V_(). Either do them one at a time:
var myPlayer1 = _V_("video_1");
var myPlayer2 = _V_("video_2");
var myPlayer3 = _V_("video_3");
Or if you want them as an array:
var myPlayers = Array(_V_("video_1"), _V_("video_2"), _V_("video_3"));
Note: this was written for an older version of video.js. _V_() still works but is deprecated: use videojs() instead.
This would also work:
var video = [];
video[1] = _V_("Video1");
video[2] = _V_("Video2");
video[3] = _V_("Video3");
video[4] = _V_("Video4");
video[5] = _V_("Video5");
video[6] = _V_("Video6");
video[7] = _V_("Video7");
video[8] = _V_("Video8");
video[9] = _V_("Video9");
video[10] = _V_("Video10");

"=" symbols in GAE TextProperty

I'm getting strange additional symbols (=) in text property when adding text there via POST.
For example:
The team is back with an unstoppable fury as they are being chased by the p= olice, Alonzo and Yuuma. Vinnie, Shorty and Kiro=92s skills will be put to = the test.
There shouldn't be any of = symbols in that text.
My co de is:
class FileUploadHandler(blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreUploadHandler):
def post(self):
game_file = self.get_uploads()[1]
screen_file = self.get_uploads()[0]
if not users.get_current_user():
game = Game()
game.title = self.request.get('title')
game.url_name = self.request.get('url')
if self.request.get('active') == 'active': = True
else: = False
if self.request.get('featured') == 'featured':
game.featured = True
game.featured = False
query = Category.gql("WHERE url_name = :url_name", url_name=self.request.get('category'))
game.category = query.get()
game.width = int(self.request.get('width'))
game.height = int(self.request.get('height'))
game.description = db.Text(self.request.get('desc'))
game.how_to_play = db.Text(self.request.get('htp'))
game.game_file = game_file
game.game_screenshot = screen_file
What am i doing wrong?
This is a known issue of blobstore handler that is breaking the data encoding.
I had the same difficulty. But, I found a fix. I'm using Python 2.5. In my model, I have a TextProperty, hooked up to an html TextArea tag. Like your situation, in the Dev server, it saved what I entered. However, in Prod, the DataStore somehow added "= " among others, every time I write the content of textarea over to the textproperty field.
Go here:
Then, scroll down to Comment 21. The poster of that comment attached a file, named Download it, and put it on the root folder of your app. Then Deploy it to Prod and try it out in Prod.
I did that, and my "= " problem went away.
