Production build for react native for IIS Server - reactjs

I have a demo react native app in my development machine.Now i would like deploy this to a production server there is a script for react to do this but there no documents on bundling the native app on production server.
Any Help is highly appreciated.....
[Update1]: The idea is to run a react native app using web screens from server.In detail once the user install the apk and open the app the home screen should be served from the server.I google for hours and could not find any useful resource i tried to bundle the app (web components plus native) but it was not successful. Hope i explained my problem.
This link by Clay Allsop explains the situation more briefly.


how to deploy react isomorphic app to any server?

I am working on a react isomorphic app in which my express server is running along with the client app now I want to deploy this app but didn't know the proper way to deploy this kind of app.
this boilerplate of my project client folder contains react app and server.js contain express server. normally we run the build command and deploy our project's build. but in this case, if I run the build command then I lose my server.
my react app is running on 3000 port while my server is running on 5000.
if anyone has the solution or gives a bit of advice.
I need to get data from google bigquery and it is not possible from the client-side so use this approach

React Native PWA with react-native-view-pager

I'm developing a React Native application with Expo, after a few weeks of development I wanted to check my app on the browser by running: expo start --web
The Expo project is starting without any issues, however when I navigate to the local address where the app is being served I get a nasty error:
This is my first React Native app and I'm not sure if the react-native-pager-view simply cannot be run in the browser or I just need to add some webpack configuration for it to succeed.
Any help would be much appreciated.
React native is not meant to work as PWA.
PWA is just a web application that depends on chrome features to look and feel as mobile app. But they are not such smoothly experience as with a react-native or android/ios app.
If you are trying to test this on the web, be sure that you are following the steps in the official docs of react native. And check the example app from react-native-pager-view that works, you could start from there

Why Chrome React developer Tools is still red after deployed react app to Heroku

I have deployed a react app to Heroku, But after I open the Heroku link, the chrome react developer tool is still red, which means it is still under development? Thank you in advance!
that's because you have deployed the development version of the app.
There is a simple fix for that.
Go to your app's dashboard in heroku
Click settings
scroll down to Buildpacks
Add this
save and then deploy your app again and it will be alright
hope it works

Do I need an HTTP server (e.g. Express, Nginx, etc.) for react app on Heroku?

I am little novice when it comes to deploying full-stack applications.
I am building a basic react app (created with create-react-app) that needs to deployed on Heroku and hit my Rails backend API (separate repo, already built and deployed on Heroku). Do I need to setup a http server (i.e. Express or Nginx) to route requests from the browser to the backend app? Or can I just rely on the default webpack production server to handle this.
Appreciate anyone's help!!
You don't need a back-end to serve static content on Heroku.
Have a look at this article to get started:
It uses and it's easy to get stated, I managed to deploy the example app in a few minutes.

How do I get my angular app on my hosting to view as a web page?

So I finished the Tour of Heroes tutorial. I understand it and can alter and have fun and what not. Got a git repository from Visual Studio Team Services for the app. Now here is where I'm lost I just want to build web based apps for now. How do I get the app on to my hosting to display as a website. I can't seem to find any tutorials (or once that I can understand) online for this.
If anyone can help with this or point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
You can refer to these articles to deploy angular app (part 1 and part 2).
Simple steps:
Use NPM and gulp build tasks to build and package your app
Deploy package to azure or IIS.
There is IIS Web App Deploy task in IIS Web App Deployment Using WinRM extension, so you can install this extension and deploy packaged app to IIS if you want to deploy app to IIS.
Your hosting provider probably gave you a FTP access to a root directory for your website.
Upload the project over there and make sure there is an index.html file there, that pulls all the relevant JS files into place.
