Allow OIDC Users to use clientCredentials to gain programmatic access to trusted APIs - identityserver4

What is the correct way to provide users with programmatic access to APIs?
I have an application composed of many services (all trusted services, within the same domain, not external applications), and identity service in the same domain.
I would like to allow a user to user a set of credentials to gain access to any of the APIs I provide.
Is it reasonable to think of a user as a client in this case, and use clientCredentials flow to get a token that will be passed to the target API? specifically, is it a good idea automatically assign a clientId and a clientSecret to every user in my system, and allow all users to use clientCredentials flow to request an access token? the access token would then contain all user's claims. If this is a reasonable approach, is there any way to remove the "client_" prefix from the added claims? or is that a bad idea?
This was originally asked here:


Gmail API: Can I restrict access to allow only sending e-mails?

There are various ways to programmatically send e-mail through a Gmail account: service account, OAuth2, API key, and even username/password if the "less secure" setting is enabled.
However, all of these methods require providing some kind of password or token that would allow a user to call any Gmail endpoint on the account. I want to allow access to the endpoint only for sending an email, not for any other Gmail API functionality such as reading email, changing settings, or listing metadata.
The level of granulairty for an API key pictured above is not nearly enough, as it just restricts access to all Gmail APIs.
Is it possible to restrict access to specific endpoints?
You can limit which APIs your project can use, by appropriately selecting them within the "API Library" section. Additionally, depending on the type of account you use, you can apply more restrictions:
Service account
This type of access is meant to be used for server-side applications, in which you/your organisation are the owners of the code and credentials. There is, in fact, no option to limit the scopes that the application can use when authenticating with it.
oAuth2 Client
This type of access is created to be granted to users on demand, from client-facing applications. Using this one, you can limit the scopes it can use by going to Google Developers Console, selecting your project, and navigating to OAuth Consent Screen>Scopes for Google APIs. This will apply to any oAuth client that is declared within your project. In case you need different oAuth clients with different declared scopes, you can consider creating a new project. Note: the scopes restriction will only apply after your application has been verified

Why do I need two AAD applications just to add roles into an access token?

As shown by many samples I have two AAD application registrations, one for my javascript-based front end, and one for my JSON-only web APIs.
If I fully trust my client AAD application, why does AAD require me to create a second AAD application for my web APIs?
For example, assuming I add specific roles to my client AAD application, if client signs in with AAD and gets an id token and access token containing my roles, it only needs to send the access token to my APIs. The API only needs to crack the JWT, validate the audience, issuer, tenant, roles permissions, and signature. In this world, no client secret is needed in the web APIs, a second AAD application registration not needed, and still no call to AAD from my APIs. Unfortunately, without two AAD applications, I cannot figure out a way to have AAD include roles into my access token.
If I didn't fully trust the issuer from mucking with claims, I can see why I would need two AAD applications and a client secret. But since I do trust my AAD application and the signature of the JWT, why the extra complexity? Or maybe there is a way to do this that I haven't found?
Responding to Marc here because just not enough characters in the comments field -- The sample you referenced is an excellent sample, specifically the JavaScript one calling the Web API. It is what I am doing right now in fact. However, the problem is that Web API in the sample is open to anybody who has authenticated on the tenant. I need to secure the Web API down to certain individuals in the tenant, and simply checking the client/app id is not sufficient as anybody who can create an AAD app can fake it.
So what I need to do is have roles added to the the access token so I know that my application authenticated the user, and that user has been granted the required roles. For example, here is a Microsoft sample. And even here a Microsoft video walking through the process.
If I don't have two AAD applications w/client secret, the roles claims is never provided in the access token. It is always provided in the id token, but not the access token.
I feel like I am missing something obvious here. If AAD would just put the roles I requested into the JWT when I authenticated against it, and I validated its signature, audience, issuer, and roles, I wouldn't need any of this extra complexity?
Ah, I think I understand where you are going: you would like to control which users can access an API, no matter what client app they are using to access the API with. That's a function of the API - you cannot control that through AAD. In AAD you can control which users can access which applications (UI) using either user access restrictions (enterprise tab) or role-based access. However, access to an API is controlled in AAD at the calling application level via scopes. APIs are never accessed directly by users but only by other apps so controlling access permissions at user level would cause admin havoc. So, you can control what permissions a user has in the app they are using and you can control what permissions that application (client) has in other applications (APIs, resource servers) it is using.
In other words: role is about user access to UI, scope is about one apps' access to another.
App secrets provide added security for getting tokens - they have no bearing on what permissions are included in the token.
Can you provide a link showing that two apps are needed? That should only be the case if the API you want to call is not provided by the web app which served the JS to the browser. None of the 'official' samples require you to register two apps (Graph API, used in some of these samples is a separate API and it is already registered). A problem with tokens passed from the browser is that they were acquired by a public client, not using any secrets apart from user creds. Therefore, they are easier to steal and re-use. Your own back-end app may want to use a secret to get its own token (extension grant) to call yet another API using a token that does not reside in a public client.

How should you secure a multi-tenant API with Identity Server?

I'm struggling with the correct way to secure a multi-tenant Web API with Identity Server. Let me explain.
We have a multi-tenant Web API that serves a ASP.NET MVC application.
Each new customer is assigned a new TenantId.
A customer can have multiple subscriptions of the application. Its
the same as saying that the app manages multiple databases per
customer (that he can access from the same base URL).
Each user belongs to a single customer (tenant) and will have access
to all that customer's subscriptions.
The API is set in a way that every endpoint includes both the tenant id and the subscription id so it can know from which subscription/database it should get the data.:
Now imagine that I have another external app (say a console app), using the client credentials flow, that is trying to access some API resource "on behalf" of a customer, meaning that will use a specific tenantId/subscriptionId pair:
Every time a call hits one of the API endpoints I need to validate that this specific client app can access that tenant/subscription.
It would make a lot of sense if the Identity Server could perform that check automatically as part of the authorization flow.
If we added some way for the customer to register (consent) a specific client app to access the Web API on it's subscriptions, may be we could also set the Identity Server to know that in the form of scopes or at least include that information in the claims so that we could perform the permission check by inspecting the token instead of calling an external component.
Is this even possible?
Should I try to use scopes? Claims?
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Your question is confusing when you talk about multi-tenancy. Isn't an API multi-tenant by default? The way I see it, it's a resource that can be accessed by multiple users / clients.
If I understand correctly, all you want is to access the API through the MVC app on behalf of a user. In other words: a hybrid flow with API access.
Instead of putting the userid in the path, use the id from the sub claim. Which lets the API distinguish between calls on behalf of clients and calls on behalf of users.
The resource should take care of authorization. Depending on the type of authorization you can use claims. If a subscription needs to be checked then this should be done by the API, using the sub claim to distinguish the user.
Scopes on the other hand are meant to define the resource. With the scope "api1" I can access the Api1 resource (api). But it says nothing about authorization.
IdentityServer provides Authentication as a Service.
It is your apps' duty to provide the actual Authorization.

Separating Authorization store from Authentication store in IdentityServer

Looking to implement IdentityServer to provide our systems with SSO.
All users, both internal to the organization and external would be stored in Active Directory. We would then use IdentityServer to authenticate against AD.
What we are looking to do is create buckets of claims for a user. So a user can have different values for their claims.
A development bucket may have the claim "My.Claim.Name" with a value of "Bob" and a production bucket may have the claim "" with a value of "John"
Active directory isn't, as far as i am aware, able to silo attributes in this fashion so i would need to build this custom functionality into a Database that IdentityServer will access.
So that brings me to the question.
Is it possible to authenticate a user against one storage mechanism, but retrieve the claims for that user from another store? Essentially separating the user and their claims.
If so, can someone please point me in the direction of what interfaces may need to be implemented to make this happen?
IdentityServer implements the openid connect spec, which means only identity. Authorization should not be mixed with identity, ref this blog post by the authors
Authorization should be checked by each application (e.g. a user in API1 has access to these resource, the same user in API2 has access to other resources). This basically means that once authenticated, each application needs to get user authorization from a separate source (i.e your authorization store).
BUT, to answer your question, you should implement the IProfileService interface This interface gets called when the user identity is created, letting you fill out claims based on requested scopes. Here you can fetch claims from your separate authorization database.
Note that this is considered not best practice, and the IdentityServer team has said they will come up with a proper Authorization solution some time soon.

Gmail API Access Single User Without Domain Wide Delegation

We have a bit of a dilemma that we are running into with a couple applications that are trying to read a given users email without user interaction to authorize. The key to this approach is that we want no user interaction, and want to load the client server application with the proper JSON credentials downloaded from the Google Developer Console.
I have this approach working for programs where we create a service account in the Developer Console, and then delegate domain wide authority to that account with the proper scope access. However what we are hoping is that we don't have to delegate domain wide authority, and just read the users email who created this developer console project. I have tried many different types of solutions for this, but always run into the same limitation that I have to grant domain wide access.
What I am wondering is if there is any way to gain access to a single users mailbox using a server to server type approach and not have to grant domain wide access?
I appreciate your help with this issue!
There is no supported authorization flow for what you want to do. You must either use a service account that has been delegated domain-wide authority, or you must use a 3LO flow that involves user consent.
It seems you're looking for OAuth for Server to Server Application. You will also be using a service account. But, granting of domain-wide authority for service accounts is an optional thing. You don't have to enable it if you don't want to.
To support server-to-server interactions, first create a service
account for your project in the Developers Console. If you want to
access user data for users in your Google Apps domain, then delegate
domain-wide access to the service account.
Then, your application prepares to make authorized API calls by using
the service account's credentials to request an access token from the
OAuth 2.0 auth server.
Finally, your application can use the access token to call Google
