data-target not working -- React-bootstrap - reactjs

I have a simple sidebar with dropdowns. I want the dropdowns to be toggled on click. I used data-target property for this. But its not working as expected.
<div className="dropdown">
<span className="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#target">Toggle Dropdown</span>
<ul id="target" className="collapse">
<li><i className="fa fa-bar-chart"></i><span className="menuName">Options</span></li>
How do i accomplish this in react js??

If you are using react-bootstrap as you mentioned in title and also added the tag, then this is the way you can achieve the drop-down.
<DropdownButton title="Dropdown" id="bg-vertical-dropdown-1">
<MenuItem eventKey="1">Dropdown link</MenuItem>
<MenuItem eventKey="2">Dropdown link</MenuItem>

Data attributes should work normally. You have error in your syntax because you are using class attribute on all the elements except the first span, instead of className.


How to make raw Bootstrap Tooltip working in React

I have used Bootstrap (bundled with Popper) in my project to show a Tooltip when you hover on a button. I use the code from Bootstrap docs. However the tooltip is not visible.
<li className="nav-item">
<button type="button" className="btn grad-text"
data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="top"
title="Meet the Algorithms"
<i className="fas fa-solid fa-laptop-code fa-lg"></i>
The above code here shows title on bottom on hover. That was visible even before I added
data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="top"
to my <button> element. Below is the screenshot of the same.
I am using raw Bootstrap not React-Bootstrap and the version I am using is 5.2.3
Can anyone help me with how to show the tooltip like Bootstrap Tooltip over here. Thank you.

React bootstrap: How to enable tab navigation when using Tab component

I'm using react-bootstrap version 2.4.0 and I'm using the Tab component. I want the website to be accessible by tab navigation but when I use the tab component the focus is set only on the active tab item and never gets to the other tabs.
unmountOnExit={true} >
<Tab eventKey="A" title="A">
<Tab eventKey="B" title="B">
<Tab eventKey="C" title="C">
I noticed that when the page is rendered, all the other tabs (not the active one) have tabindex="-1" on the button of that tab, which makes them inaccessible to tab navigation.
This is what the DOM looks like after react-bootstrap generated its HTML. You can see that the first tab button (the active one) doesn't have the tabindex="-1" attribute on it. The other buttons have it so when I'm using tab navigation they never get the focus and I can never click on them.
<ul class="mb-3 nav-tabs nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
<li class="nav-item" role="presentation">
<button type="button" id="react-aria2325882265-4-tab-A" role="tab" data-rr-ui-event-key="A" aria-selected="true" class="nav-link active" aria-controls="react-aria2325882265-4-tabpane-A">A</button>
<li class="nav-item" role="presentation">
<button type="button" id="react-aria2325882265-4-tab-B" role="tab" data-rr-ui-event-key="B" aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1" class="nav-link">B</button>
<li class="nav-item" role="presentation">
<button type="button" id="react-aria2325882265-4-tab-C" role="tab" data-rr-ui-event-key="C" aria-selected="false" class="nav-link" tabindex="-1">C</button>
How can I use the Bootstrap Tab component and make it accessible with tab navigation?
I saw that if I use the Nav component it doesn't have this problem because it doesn't put the tabindex="-1" on the a tag that is generated by react-bootstrap. However I can't use the Nav component because I don't have a link to go to, but a component to render, and this is exactly what the tab component is used for.
The expected behaviour of Tabs as per ARIA Practices Guideline (APG) is that the arrow keys on the keyboard change focus within this composite component.
Depending on the visual presentation of the tabs, the left and right arrow keys are used for a horizontal arrangement, up and down for vertical ones.
React-Bootstrap’s Tab component implements the arrow keys, but both up/down and left/right navigate the tabs.

React-csv is not working inside react-bootstrap dropdown

I have a business need which is as shown below
here i have used DropdownButton from react bootstrap to achive the above menu
<span className="widget-controls" mr-eye-widget-type='Menu'>
title="" className="download-CSV-button fa fa-ellipsis-v ">
<CSVLink { ... switchRef } data={this.state.downloadData} asyncOnClick={true} headers={this.state.dowloadHeader} filename={this.state.downloaFileName}>
<span className="csv-download" mr-eye-widget-type='DownloadButton' >
<div className="fa fa-download listColor" >
<span className="download-text">{widgetLabelConfig.englishConfig.Resource_Download_as_CSV}
and also here in the code one of the menu item is Testttt which is displaying where as second menu item has CSVLink which is a npm react-csv module for download this will not be render in the dom when i put it outside drop menu it works fine please let me know why is it failing when it is inside DropdownButton

Materialize-css Modal in React with React Router

Trying to have a modal come in from Materialize-css that i get from that npm but nothing is showing up. I am using React with React Router v4 as well
I currently have it set up in my nav bar and the search-bar changes with the #modal1 identifier but the modal doesn't pop up. I would really like to avoid hacky things like have a line or two of jQuery in componentDidMount just for this because if thats the only solution I'll just go back to bootstrap.
I'm trying it with the code straight from the Docs. Please help!
<div className='container'>
<div id="modalHere" className="modal">
<div className="modal-content">
<h4>Modal Header</h4>
<p>A bunch of text</p>
<div className="modal-footer">
<div className="nav-wrapper blue-grey lighten-2">
<Link to='/professionals' className="brand-logo right"><img src={pegasusIcon} alt='OurTelos logo' className="OurTelosNavbarLogo"/></Link>
<ul id="nav-mobile" className="left">
<li><Link to="/professionals/sessions">Sessions</Link></li>
<li><a className="waves-effect waves-light btn modal-trigger" href="#modalHere">Modal</a></li>
I added the jquery in my index file for the modal in a script tag and my modal does pop up but not properly. Take a look. Also if I use the example with the Fixed-Footer things seem to come out and work just fine.....why
Now I am having an issue that the same modals from a single exported react component will no longer show after the page has been changed by react router...

How to work around jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions restriction?

I used the following jsx to construct an entry in a FAQ table:
<li key={faqKey} className={styles.entry} onClick={handleExpandFn}>
<span className={`icon-next ${questionClassname}`} />
<span className={styles['question-text']}>{faqEntry.question}</span>
The idea is that when a user click on the entry, it will toggle the open state of the entry. In the other word, when a user clicks on an open FAQ entry, it will close it. Otherwise it will open it.
However the li tag triggers this eslint violation: Visible, non-interactive elements should not have mouse or keyboard event listeners jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions
Unfortunately I don't think there is alternative way to the above html markup.
Since it is jsx, it also does not allow override such as // eslint-disable-line jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions (The inline comment will be printed out to the web page)
So how I can work around it? Happy to use different jsx markup or jsx eslint override
For those who are looking for a workaround, use role="presentation" in your tag.
Here's how you could revise the markup to be semantically appropriate and get the onclick off the <li>
<li key={faqKey} className={styles.entry}>
<button type='button' onClick={handleExpandFn}>
<span className={`icon-next ${questionClassname}`} />
<span className={styles['question-text']}>{faqEntry.question}</span>
<div className='add_a_panel_class_name_here'>
So with the above:
the <h3> will make the titles of the FAQs easily searchable by screen reader users that are navigating by headings
placing the <button> inside of the <h3> gives you the appropriate element to attach a click event to (you want to use a button here because you're toggling state. an <a> should be used if you were going to a new page. You also don't need to add a tabindex to a button as they are inherently focusable).
There are some additional steps you'd likely want to implement, using ARIA expanded and controls attributes on the button, but the above should get you to a good base for moving beyond your error.
You could put eslint-disable-line in the jsx
<li // eslint-disable-line jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions
<span className={`icon-next ${questionClassname}`} />
<span className={styles['question-text']}>{faqEntry.question}</span>
Another option, add role='presentation'
<span className={`icon-next ${questionClassname}`} />
<span className={styles['question-text']}>{faqEntry.question}</span>
One solution I can remember is to use an anchor element with tab-index.
<a style={{display: 'list-item'}} tabIndex={-42} key={faqKey} className={styles.entry} onClick={handleExpandFn}>
<span className={`icon-next ${questionClassname}`} />
<span className={styles['question-text']}>{faqEntry.question}</span>
if you are trying to implement menu using li then the right solution is using role="menuitem" in your li tags.
More details about it:
To overcome or avoid this error in ES Lint.
You can use three things based on your needs and requirements
aria-hidden="true" - will remove the entire element from the accessibility API
role= "presentation" - The presentation role is used to remove semantic meaning from an element and any of its related child elements.
role= "none" - will remove the semantic meaning of an element while still exposing it to assistive technology.
There are limitations as well:
Hide content from assistive technology
Cannot be used on a focusable
Element cannot be used on the parent of an interactive element
You can actually add the eslint override as a comment in JSX.
You have to nest the comment inside of braces {}, so that it will be interpreted as JavaScript. Then, of course, since it is a JavaScript comment, it will not be rendered in the JSX.
Depending on your style preference, you can either do it on the line directly before the code
{/* eslint-disable-next-line */}
<li key={faqKey} className={styles.entry} onClick={handleExpandFn}>
or, at the end of the same line
<li key={faqKey} className={styles.entry} onClick={handleExpandFn}> {/* eslint-disable-line */}
Check out the docs for more information on using JavaScript inside of JSX.
on non interactive element tag. like
<span aria-hidden="true" onClick={() => void}>Text</span>
Instead of rolling my implementation of faq table with collapse/expand interactive feature, I replace it with react-collapsible.
It of course gets rid of the jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions as a result.
