How to build project from Intellij Idea command line - batch-file

I am automating the build process of a project that uses outputs from Visual Studio 2017 and Intellij Idea. I am using a batch file to compile visual studio project and copy the generated .exe and .dll files to build folder where the install maker program is executed from batch file. I need to compile and build Intellij Idea project and copy the generated .jar files to build folder in the batch file. I haven't found command line options to do the same. Is it possible to do the same?


How can I restore the old STM32 files to new

There is a TrueStudio project which is written in 2014. How can I use this project? I can show main.c file on STM32IDE but IDE can not see headers and another files. All file locations are different. Is there a program for this?
There is a very simple way.
Create new project for your uC
Delete source files
Paste in the project explorer files from your old project:
3.a in windows explorer copy the whole project tree to the clipboard
3.b paste it into project explorer.

How to refer to a different directory to cmake while running cmake commands from a batch script on Windows

I come from a Linux Unix background and I am trying to covert a very simple .sh to a .bat script.
I want to run a cmake command in a batch file on Windows 10. But I want to run the cmake command from inside of a build directory placed outside the source code directory. The source code directory is just along side the build folder.
mkdir build
CD build
cmake ../SourceCodeDir
As you can see above that I want to generate all the build files inside the build/ directory.
But the issue is cmake instead wrongly tries to find the SourceCodeDir directory inside build/ complaining that build/SourceCodeDir does not exist. This indicates that I am doing the directory navigation wrong in the batch script. How should I modify the Unix based folder navigation to a Windows based folder navigation on the batch script?
Following is the exact error that cmake states:
CMake Error: The source directory "C:/code/build/SourceCodeDir" does not exist.
I am running the batch script from a git bash shell.
I understand that the slashes in directory paths are Linux based but that should not be an issue since I am running it from git bash? Or is that one of the problems in the bat script?

Execute Process Task can't run executable file .bat on Visual Studio 2010 version

I am trying to create a SSIS package using executable file .bat but the Execute Process Task can't run executable file .bat on Visual Studio 2010 version. It's running fine on the previous versions but not on the 2010 versions. Any idea if I need to do some settings change or anything else ?
It's giving me the error
The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform.

Creating an EXE from Python Script, how to bundle other exes

I am creating an EXE file from a python script using pyinstaller and I need to include the Selenium Chrome and IE executables with this exe. How can I bundle those so when someone installs my exe it also includes both of those?

Opening an Existing MakeFile Project in VS2010 or VS 2008 for debugging

I am exploring the code of an open source project..The project has its own directory structure and has several makefiles for building it on different platforms. I am working on the windows and want to pull it's source code in Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 by making visual studio project..I am able to build the project with Nmake utility of visual studio but I don't know how to debug if I don't have any .vcproj files or solution.
So can someone has some link or provide me some guidance about how can one make a visual studio project from make file. For more information the project I am trying to build is webP api project..
To anwser your embedded question rather than your headline question - you can debug the output of the NMake process simply by invoking 'devenv' and passing it the the executable as an argument. I typically do this in the output directory of the build process so that devenv can find related DLLs and PDB files with debugging information.
My devenv (on a 32-bit VS2010 system) lives in "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\"
Hopefully this can get you debugging!
