Location of logs of Groovy scripts at Bonita Studio - Community Edition Version : 5.9.1 - bonita

I am reviewing some workflows at Bonita Studio - Community Edition Version : 5.9.1.
In some groovy scripts there are some System.out.print(). Where are these been printed when I execute the scripts?
Cause they are not at Help->Show Log, nor at Help->Show engine log.
Also, is there any way to review the embeded code of connectors with a nice editor, e.g. eclipse, intelij?
Thanks in advance.

The standard out of a Groovy script is not connected to the logs.
You need to use a logging system:
import java.util.logging.Logger;
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger ("com.mydomain.myapp");
Be sure to configure in logging.properties the correct logging level:
com.mydomain.myapp = FINE
Have a nice day!


Vim dadbod configuring adapters

I'm trying to configure the plugin dadbod (https://github.com/tpope/vim-dadbod) and must confess I don't know vimscript well enough to comprehend the code :(
I'm stuck on configuring the database adapters. Irrespective of what URL I try, I just get the message
DB: no adapter for SQL Server.
I've also tried SQLite and Postgres with the same results.
In the WIKI, there's a statement: Supports a modern array of backends - which makes me think I haven't configured "the backend" perhaps? I have the jdbc SQL Server driver installed, and set a JAVA_HOME environment variable which works fine with DBeaver and with Azure Data Studio.
I haven't been able to find anything on the web about how to configure dadbod beyond the command structure. Am I missing something obvious about how the plugin works?
Your help greatly appreciated!
The vim-dadbod plugin was definitely not installed correctly. I did a clean install of Vim, then installed the package manager Vundle. Following Vundle's instructions I was able to install vim-dadbod.
I'll be posting a followup later, but the issue is no longer the plugin itself!

Entity Framework: Access/ debug SQL

I like to view my SQL queries generated by AdpDbContext in my logging infrastrucutre.
I come accross following article https://www.entityframeworktutorial.net/efcore/logging-in-entityframework-core.aspx but I am not sure how to integrate it with the existing abp infrastructure?
Can you please give me a hint how I can log the SQL queries to the existing Logging infrastructure?
When run a project HTTP Api on VS2019 you can get access to this information on output console log. All the information is shown on this feature. Check it out...

Not able to view the Database Diff Report in Azure Devops Build pipeline

I was able to use the Redgate Ready Roll extension in Azure Devops Build and Release Pipeline. Everything was working fine till 8th April,2019. Now, suddenly I am facing below challenges.
I am not able to view the Database Diff Report in AzureDevops Build Pipeline. On the other hand the Database reports are getting generated and present in Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory.
I can Download the Same (.html) from publish artifact of build definition and can view the changes.
When I click on Database Diff Report Tab in Build , I got below message
Redgate ReadyRoll is taking longer than expected to load
Also in the Summary Tab of Build Pipeline, In Database deployment preview I am getting Below Message
Redgate ReadyRoll by Redgate Software failed to load
Any help will be appreciable.
Thanks in Advance.

Installing SQL Server 2014 using chef community cookbook (sql_server)

I've had a look at the chef community cookbook for installing sql server and it appears that it's tailored for installing SQL express, but I can't seem to work out how to install a standard or developer edition.
The README on the GitHub page (https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/sql_server) says you can just point it to any installation package, however I can't see how you would do this for an ISO (or even the extracted contents of an ISO) given that there's no single EXE package on the ISO media.
Am I missing something obvious, or will I need to roll my own recipe for installing SQL from an ISO (or contents of ISO)? Ideally I would like to host the installation media on a central package repository behind my firewall.
Option 1:
Customized cookbook is the best option for you use case. Like you said, host .ISO on central repo and create a cookbook that mounts the .ISO drive to run the installation. You should leverage that cookbook template and re-write that windows_package block in the server.rb to install using keyword 'source' with path to the mounted installation files. However, this will be a major work (from past experience...) so if you have only one or two nodes that need to run the cookbook, go with Option 2.
Option 2:
If you have only one or two nodes that need to run the cookbook, I would suggest you to run the basic 'sql_server::server' then upgrade to the version you want using the GUI with the PID product key.
Note that this process can be automated as well using Powershell script. If you are familiar with Powershell, you can automate it using powershell_script block.
ISOs are intended for DVD images but if you have an ISO shredder (search online for free tools) you'll see a setup.exe in there. Run that and it'll bring you to the installation center where you can choose to install a new instance and do a bunch of other things. It's a wizard type interface so just read the instructions on each page and you should be able to provide the relevant info where needed to successfully complete the installation

Oracle Database Mobile Server first steps

I download jdeveloper studio edition and install it in C:\Oracle\Middleware
then I install weblogic instance using C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\common\bin\config.exe
to C:\myproject\domains\myweblogic
Then download DMS_11. and install it to C:\Oracle\Middleware\Mobile.
thereafter cant start
unless i change the variable to this batch file
set DOMAIN_DIR=C:\myproject\domains\myweblogic
what do I do next to see that it works?
is there a simple example that creates a sigle table and synchronized between server and mobile clients?
very difficult to find information on this technology. interfere very popular tags (Oracle, Database).
If you install Database Mobile Server directly in the WebLogic directory, you will not need to edit the batch file. For instance, I believe the default install directory is:
So if you used the default install directory, you would install Database Mobile Server there, with no added 'Mobile' or other directory. If you chose to install WebLogic elsewhere, then replace the above with that directory.
There is another small issue to be aware of.
The installer will give you warning about installing in a non-empty
directory. You should click through the warning. This is a known issue
documented in the Release Notes.
Regarding your other question about a demo, there is a Java demo found in
You will need to download a client and perform a sync, which is documented here:
I hope that helps, good luck with your project. Let me know if you have further questions.
Eric Jensen, Oracle PM
