Angular 2+ mongoose, let on array doesn't work due to ID object - arrays

I am trying to do a let on an array of data that is requested from a mongoose server.
This works if I don't return the ID object with the rest of the Json data.
However I want to add the ID data as params to routernavigate to another component.
Is there an easy way of receiving the id as a string rather then an object?

You can use following to stringify your object data
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(''));//use your result object as parameters
as a example JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result['_id']));


How to store object on URL query string

I am developing a generic search component on React that puts it's filters, current page and some other params on the URL query string (after the ?).
I currently use the URLSearchParams to transform the query string to js objects and back to query string, as the react-router-v4 expects
The point is that I need to store an Object within the query string, so I can differentiate the search filter (that can have multiple fields) from other params.
I see that I can transform a object to JSON, and store everything on a filter param, or I could store the object using dot notation (? or even a square brackets notation (?filter[name]=foo&filter[tag]=bar) and treat them accordingly when reading them from the url.
I am tending to choose the JSON notation, but Is there any problems with this approach? Should I know beforehand any limitations? Is there a better way to do it?

How to get tabs in angular forms based on given xml file?

I have to get number of input tabs or fields based on given xml or json file.
example : If xml has 3 tags, then form should contain 3 input fields.
Same with JSON.
You can use ng-repeat on service response array of objects. And also you can create new scope variable & assign unique property of response array object to it. Then you can have as many number of input fields based on service data & also dynamic ng-model on them to handle their model data to submit it.
This is small example which demonstrates your requirement:
For xml response, better use xml to json library plugins to convert it to json data Or prefer server side sending json data (with implementing xml to json functionality at server side).

ng-repeat convert resource objects to simple objects

Iam getting my data with help of the Angular's $resource service as array. Each element of that array is an Resource-Object. So i can use methods like $save and $update of these Objects. In a view i represent my array with the help of the ng-repeat directive like:
<div ng-repeat="appointment in object.appointments" ng-click="editAppointment(appointment)">
And here i get in trouble. The appointment-Object i get in the editAppointment-Method is a simple Object. No Resource Object anymore. So i cant use the helpfull methods like i mentioned above.
$scope.editAppointment= function(appointment){
console.log(appointment); // > Object
console.log(object.appointments); // > Array of Resource
Have somebody noticed that problem too? May its a bug, but i cant imagine that.
Assuming your resource class is called Appointment, you should just be able to do:
$scope.editAppointment= function(appointment){
new Appointment(appointment).save();
Presumably your Appointment resource looks something like the following (i.e. it correctly maps some sort of id property from existing objects to the URL parameters):
var Appointment = $resource('/appointment/:appointmentId', {appointmentId:'#id'});
This would be the case if your appointment objects (i.e. the underlying JSON objects handled by your API) have an ID property called id. If it's called something else (or if there are multiple path variables in your URL) you'll just need to change the second argument to map all of the properties of the objects being saved (the values starting with '#') to the URL path variables (the things starting with ':' in your URL).
See where they save a new card in the credit card example here:$resource. The fact that they're dealing with a totally new object and that you're trying to save an existing one is irrelevant. Angular doesn't know the difference.

backbone.js model and collection overhead

When I fetch models or collections from the server, I am not able to access properties of the model unless I stringify then re-parse. Presumably the models themselves have some extra overhead from backbone.js? Note that in the below code I can perform stringify/parse sequentially, which is supposed to give the same result as I started with. However, clearly I have killed off some superfluous info by performing these two steps because my model's properties are now exposed differently from before. Surely I do not need to go through these two steps to access my model properties, right?
thismodel = /// assume this came from server fetch
alert(; // DOES NOT WORK - undefined
jsonmodel = JSON.stringify(thismodel);
var providerprefslistJSON = jQuery.parseJSON(jsonmodel);
alert(; // WORKS
Backbone Model objects are not plain old JavaScript objects. They keep their attributes in an internal hash. To access the name attribute you can either do this:
Or better yet use the get() method:
The reason it works when you convert the model to JSON and then back again is because JSON.stringify calls the toJSON() method, which creates a JSON string from the internal attributes hash, meaning when you parse that string you get a plain old JavaScript object - which is not the same as a Backbone Model object.
First, are you trying to access the property of the model or response?
From alert( it would seem that you're going for a property of the model not the attribute. If you're looking for the model attribute then perhaps you want alert(this.model.get('name'))
If you're indeed going for, then basically the problem may lie in how you're parsing the data. Say for example the JSON from your server is like this {'name':'Jimmy'}.
While the model.response the raw JSON sent has "Jimmy" namespaced under, Backbone will automatically take that and turn it into a model attribute unless instructed otherwise (e.g. at which point you'd use the get() function.
You should be able to access model data fairly simply if everything works.
E.g. Fetch
var model = new MyModel(); = 1;
success: function(model, response) {
console.log(model.get('name')); // The model name attribute
console.log(; // The RAW response name property
Or maybe your server isn't sending the data back as JSON data. Is the server response content-type="application/json" ?
Some things to check.

extjs store not loaded bu server returns json response

My extjs store is not loaded even if the server reutrns a correct json response.
I checked that the fields return from the response has the same names as the fields defined in the store.
The grid is just blank.
What can I check?
You should check you are returning an array of objects to ExtJS. If you are returning an object, containing the array of objects as a field, make sure you specify rootProperty for JsonReader to find the array. Make sure you are using correct data reader (i.e. JsonReader).
You may also try adding data from response manually into store via add to check that the data fits in well.
