Multi-tenant app in Azure AD (Active Directory) fails with AADSTS50020 - azure-active-directory

I created a "Web app / API" app in our organization's "" Azure Active Directory. The app's "Multi-tenanted" property has been set to "Yes".
We configured OpenID Connect (we use to use the following URLs:
Please note that we used "common" in the URLs and we didn't use "" because we want people from outside "" to be able to authenticate and access our app.
With those settings, the people from can properly authenticate and access the app.
However, when I use my personal account (with username to access the app, I get AADSTS50020 error. I am able to properly authenticate with my account, but I do not get redirected to the Reply URL. I'm stuck on Microsoft's Web page with the following error msg:
AADSTS50020: User account '' from identity provider
'' does not exist in tenant '' and cannot
access the application '391e7103-ZZZZ-zz87-xxxx-7xxxxxd5xxxx' in that
tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the
tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active
Directory user account.
What configuration do I need to change if I want people from any identity provider to be able to access my app ?
Like it has been stated here, I expected that people from anywhere could access my app without requiring more configuration on my side.
I'm asking this question because I'm in the process of getting certified for AppSource and this currently blocks me from being able to do so.

AppSource only requires work accounts to sign-in. You are using an #gmail account - which is a personal account - and because you are using the Azure Active Directory v1 endpoint in addition to common (, it can't accept personal accounts to sign-in directly - only work accounts.
You have three options:
If sign-in personal accounts is not a requirement for your application, then you can continue using the v1 endpoint and use a work account to sign-in/test your application. This will make you ready for AppSource certification.
If you need/ want to allow personal accounts in your application in addition to work accounts, then you can consider using the v2 endpoint ( for Azure Active Directory. The v2 endpoint allow both personal accounts and work accounts to sign-in with no effort.A note is the v2 endpoint has some limitations: if you can live with these limitations (for example, your application only needs to sign-in users and eventually make queries against Graph API), then in general it should be fine to use, but if you need extra features like protecting your own Web API with scopes, then this feature is not released at this point (as November 2017). Please read this document for an updated list of limitations of the v2 endpoint.
A third (but less recommended option for AppSource) is to keep using the v1 endpoint and make your application to be single tenant - which is to change the endpoint from to{yourtenantid}, and then use B2B invitations API to invite every external users (including work and personal accounts) to be part of your Azure AD tenant/organization. More information about B2B here as well.
The option '3' above have some consequences for management as well for AppSource: by using this option, you are required to have one Azure Active Directory tenant (if you don't have a tenant already, you can get one using these instructions), and the users being invited will be guests accounts of this tenant - this mean that you need to invite every external user to your application/ tenant. A multi-tenant application allows any user from any organization to sign-in to your application with less management on your side. In general for SaaS applications, multi-tenant configuration is recommended.
For AppSource, also the option '3' leads to a less-immersive user experience (Partner led trial), where the end user won't be able to access your application's demo right away - mainly because that they have to wait for the invitation's email and accept it (user has to accept being guest of your tenant) so that they can access your application.
For more information about AppSource requirements and trial options - please see this article.


Use Active Directory App Roles with social accounts

Are Azure Active Directory app roles only supported for accounts in the same tenancy?
I am trying to use Azure Active Directory to authenticate users both on my tenancy, others, and social accounts, and be able to manually assign different app-level roles.
What I would like:
Users would sign up using any of these methods, and I would see them in the 'Users and groups' blade of the Enterprise Application in Azure portal (or I could invite them). I would assign app roles (roles specific to my app, eg engineer/technician/residential user) via the 'Add user/group' button.
When logging in to my app, I retrieve the app roles via idTokenClaims.roles[]
What happens instead:
This works fine for user accounts already in my Azure tenancy. But for other Microsoft accounts (eg or MS accounts created with any email address), the user doesn't appear in Azure portal after logging in unless I manually invite them. After inviting them (and accepting the invite), I see a user like I can assign app roles to this user, but their idTokenClaims.roles[] is not returned.
Other social accounts (eg Twitter, facebook) seem to not be supported at all
What else I tried
I also investigated AD B2C, which gives the developer more control over the login flow, and supports other social accounts other than MS (which looks good), but it seems that doesn't support app roles at all.
Am I trying to use the wrong tool for the job?
All I want to do is support any user to sign up to my app, and for an admin to set what their app-specific roles should be.
I am using the MSAL auth library, following the instructions should be one of the following:
If your application supports accounts in this organizational directory, replace this value with the Tenant ID or Tenant name. For example,
If your application supports accounts in any organizational directory, replace this value with organizations.
If your application supports accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts, replace this value with common.
To restrict support to personal Microsoft accounts only, replace this value with consumers.
Because I wanted this to work with any social account, I chose This shows a UI that allows you to use any organisation or personal MS account, or sign up for a personal MS account with any email address. But I noticed the objectId returned for personal accounts is different to the id when I manually invite the account in azure portal. I changed to use my TenantID instead, and that worked. Personal accounts that have been previously invited via portal can log in. Other personal accounts get an error and cant log in. App roles are now returned for these personal accounts. This now partially solves my original problem, but I still have some unsolved issues:
this method shows a slightly different UI that doesn't allow the user to sign up for a new MS account in this flow
I still can't use other oauth accounts eg Twitter/Facebook. Do these not support app roles at all?
the instructions quoted above seem incorrect, clearly it is possible to log in using "accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts" via TenentID, not common, once they've been invited to the app
App roles absolutely support guest accounts. But as you can see, the id token of the guest account does not seem to contain the roles claim, and it is not clear whether this is by design. But the roles claim will appear in the access token.
I think an access token you can be used, and the access token also contains user information.

Login via SSO (SAML) for ANY user from the Internet (not just a corporate one)

I have included SSO (SAML) authorization in my existing application. But for me it was an unpleasant surprise to find that only 2 types of users can use the login through the providers I added (Okta, Azure AD):
Users who are located in the corporate directory of the provider (for example, I made an application on my account, there are no more
users. This means that any other user will not be able to use the
login form, because he is not a member of my tenant)
Third-party users of companies, whose administrators have added a
template of my application from the general list and connected their
users to it.
I expected other results, I need ANY user to be able to log in through these providers (regardless of whether he is in the corporate directory or has his own separate account that is not integrated into my application)
I thought about changing the SAML protocol to OIDC (OpenID Connect), but it seems to me that everything will work in the same way (at least Azure AD, because it seems there are no other options for working with it, except for corporate distribution)
Who had a similar experience, could you tell me what I should use among technologies and protocols so that ABSOLUTELY ANY user can log into my application through Okta / Azure AD / Google? Thanks!
Azure AD login fail screen
Okta login fail screen
You can use Azure AD OAuth2 flows and multitenant apps with MSA (personal account) support to allow any user from any domains and personal accounts to login into your application. Or you can switch to Azure AD B2C (which also relies on OAuth2) to connect different identity providers (Local Azure B2C, Azure AD, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Github, Linked in, Twitter, generics, etc) and allow all their users to login into your application.

Lock Microsoft Graph access to only one domain

I have searched far and wide to find out how I can change the settings of my Microsoft Graph app so I only allow login from my own domain.
Since the login from Graph takes all Microsoft accounts i've been looking into different solutions, all from finding custom token endpoints to changing the application manifest.
In my manifest I can find this "signInAudience": "AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount" - but I can't find in the documentation what other options there are.
also on this Microsoft page I can find this information
The overall solution comprises the following components:
Azure AD – If the Restrict-Access-To-Tenants: <permitted tenant list> is present, Azure AD only issues security tokens for the permitted tenants.
Is there any good guides online or anyone who knows how i can restrict access to people signing in either with #xxxxx.comonly or accounts?
I think you're misunderstanding how Microsoft Graph works. It connects to the tenant/domain of the user authenticating. So if I authenticate with, the application will only have access to the tenant.
In terms of the authentication process itself, this is handled by Azure AD. Microsoft Graph simply accepts the token AAD returns. You can limit this process to users from a given tenant by changing the /Authorization and /Token URLs your app is using.
In most cases, apps use the /common tenant. When a user authenticates against /common, AAD handles discovering the user's actual tenant/domain and routes the request to that AAD instance for processing. These URLs look like this:
If you want to limit authentication to a single tenant, you can skip the discovery process and force AAD/OAuth to authenticate against a single AAD tenant. Only users that exist in that tenant will be able to authenticate. This is done by swapping /common with tenant's id:

How can i sync users calendars using MS Graph api and Azure

I'm building a service where each user has a calendar, I want to sync users 365 calendar events into their calendar, the tricky part seems to be, that this should be done repeatable by background job on the server, to keep them in sync.
I feel like I've read a bible of documentation from Microsoft, but still gotten nowhere. I eventually stumbled upon this article which allows a server to query the graph api, on behalf of users. This is exactly what I want.
Having created a Azure account, and Active Directory service, I found that only users within the tenant can use this, which makes it rather useless, requiring to add users manually from azure panel.
AADSTS50020: User account 'm#****.com' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and cannot access the application 'c0193dea-5145-430a-9c90-325f1229a1fc' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
So I'm back at square one, how can I achieve what I described?
I'm not looking for a code implementation, merely a description of how to navigate the monstrosity of Microsoft.
Thank you
Update: Accordingly to Marc link. I tried to flick the multi tenant option, and change the endpoint to use common instead of tenant id. Sadly i'm still getting the same error.
You cannot sign-in to AAD with a non-AAD account using the v1 Endpoint. If you want to use a consumer Microsoft Account (,, then you need to use the Converged Auth model provided by the v2 Endpoint.
I have a walkthrough for the v2 Endpoint that you might find helpful: Microsoft v2 Endpoint Primer. It is similar to the v1 Endpoint but you'll need to register via rather than the Azure Portal. Also, v2 apps use Scopes instead of Resources and are multi-tenant out of the box.
This is a broad a question for Stack Overflow. That said, you're incorrect about Azure AD. It is absolutely not limited to a single-tenant. You do however need to register it as a multi-tenant application:
How to sign in any Azure Active Directory (AD) user using the multi-tenant application pattern

Multi tenant Daemon office 365 app registration on consumer AAD by granting admin consent, Does it also require separate registration on consumer?

I am developing a multi-tenant Office 365 daemon that requires access to user calendars.
I have successfully registered in the company tenant (Tenant1) that has deployed this app using certificates and I am able to get access tokens.
Now I created a separate AAD tenant (Tenant 2) and logged in to daemon app using administrator account of Tenant 2, it prompted the Admin Consent screen and I provided consent. There was no errors returned.
When I tried to get an app token however, I am able to get a token but with blank permissions. If I call the Office 365 API using this token, I get a 401.
I was of the view that service principal objects should be created. Also I am unable to see this app in Tenant 2 app registrations.
Do all my consumers have to register this app manually in their AD tenant and modify application manifest file to add certificate details?
I am not sure about the benefit of multi tenancy if that's the case.
I found the follow in the Azure Active Directory documentation:
The following diagram illustrates the relationship between an application's application object and corresponding service principal objects, in the context of a sample multi-tenant application called HR app. There are three Azure AD tenants in this scenario:
Adatum - the tenant used by the company that developed the HR app
Contoso - the tenant used by the Contoso organization, which is a consumer of the HR app
Fabrikam - the tenant used by the Fabrikam organization, which also consumes the HR app
You do not need to have each tenant register your application. In fact, you shouldn't since having dozens (or hundreds) of unique App IDs floating around would only create headaches for you.
Each tenant does however need to execute the Admin Consent workflow. This will authorize the App ID you've registered on your end to access the scopes you've requested.
Generally, I recommend using the v2 Endpoint and the portal for registering your app. While you can also register your app in your own Active Directory, the portal makes it a lot easier to manage.
The general process is:
Register you application in the Registration Portal
Populate the "Application Permissions" in the Microsoft Graph Permissions section.
Launch the Admin Consent workload using[APPLICATION ID]&redirect_uri=[REDIRECT URI]
Get a beer
A couple of tips:
The Registration Portal only supports MSA (i.e. personal) accounts at the moment. I'd suggest creating a new account for this purpose so you can easily share the credentials with folks who need them internally.
If you create a shared account, you should also set up forwarding rules for all of the interested parties internally. This is in case something should every go wrong or change down the road and you need to recover the account.
I wrote a v2 Endpoint and Admin Consent primer that you might find helpful. They assume you're using the Authorization Code flow but the concepts remain the same for Client Credentials.
