React contenteditable cursor jumps to beginning - reactjs

I am using the module react-simple-contenteditable to enable editing of a fill in the blank worksheet. The reason I must use a content editable element instead of an input element is because I want the text of the problem to wrap. For example, if a problem has one blank, it divides the text into three sections the part before the blank, the blank, and the part after. If I were to represent the outer two as separate divs (or input fields), then the text would not wrap like a paragraph. Instead, I must have a single contenteditable div that contains an input field for the blank and free text on either side.
The text is wrapping like I want it, but when I type text in the contenteditable field, the cursor jumps to the beginning. I don't understand why because I tried the example on the module's github site and it works perfectly, and although my implementation is a bit more complicated, it works essentially the same.
Here is my render function that uses <ContentEditable /> :
render() {
const textPieces =
<div className='new-form-text-pieces'>
{ (textPiece, idx) => {
if (textPiece.blank) {
return (
<div data-blank={true} className='blank' key={ } style={{display: 'inline'}}>
placeholder="Answer blank"
value={ this.props.problem.textPieces[idx].text }
onChange={ (event) => this.props.handleTextPiecesInput(this.props.problemIdx, idx, }
<button className='modify-blank remove-blank' onClick={ (event) => this.props.removeBlank(this.props.problemIdx, idx) }>-</button>
} else {
let text = this.props.problem.textPieces[idx].text;
const placeholder = idx === 0 ? 'Problem text' : '...continue text';
// text = text === '' ? placeholder : text;
if (text === '') {
text = <span style={{color:'gray'}}>{placeholder}</span>;
} else {
return (
this.props.isTextSplit ?
key={ }
<div style={{display: 'inline-block', }}>{text}</div>
: text
return (
this.props.isTextSplit ? textPieces :
onChange={ (event, value) => this.props.handleProblemChange(event, this.props.problemIdx, value) }
Here is the onChange function:
handleProblemChange(event, problemIdx) {
const problems = cloneDeep(this.state.problems);[0].childNodes.forEach( (textPieceNode, idx) => {
if (textPieceNode.constructor === Text) {
problems[problemIdx].textPieces[idx].text = textPieceNode.wholeText;
} else {
problems[problemIdx].textPieces[idx].text = textPieceNode.childNodes[0].value;
this.setState({ problems });
And here is the state it refers to, just to make thing clear:
this.state = {
problems: [
id: shortid.generate(),
textPieces: [
text : "Three days was simply not a(n)",
blank : false,
id: shortid.generate(),
text : "acceptable",
blank : true,
id: shortid.generate(),
text : "amount of time to complete such a lot of work.",
blank : false,
id: shortid.generate(),
Thanks so much

Long story short, there is no easy way to do this. I have tried this myself and spent days trying. Basically you have to save the cursor position and reposition it yourself after the update. All of this can be achieved with window.getSelection()
But it can get really tricky depending on how much your content has changed.
I ended up using draftJS instead. Which is an abstraction over contenteditable div by facebook themselves.
A bit longer to pick up but you will be able to do a lot more

I had a similar problem using VueJS.
Here is the component containing the contenteditable div :
<Text #update-content="updateContent" :current-item-content="item.html_content"/>
Here is the prop definition in Text.vue component :
const props = defineProps({
currentItemContent: {
type: String,
default: ''
Here is the contenteditable div in Text.vue component :
class="mt-3 h-full w-full break-words"
Here is the method triggered on #update-content event
const item = computed(() => { ... })
function updateContent(content) {
item.value.html_content = content
The problem here is injecting the item.html_content value as a props triggers a re-render of the contenteditable div.
Because it's mutating it's value in the updateContent method and as the computed (item) is beeing updated, so does the prop value, v-html detects the updated value and triggers a re-render.
To avoid this, i removed the v-html binding :
class="mt-3 h-full w-full break-words"
And initialized the value of the contenteditable div in a onMounted hook :
const text_editor = ref(null)
onMounted(() => {
if (props.currentItemContent !== '') {
text_editor.value.innerHTML = props.currentItemContent
I don't know if there is a better solution for this but it's working fine for me. Hope this helps someone


Add custom CSS class via variable to returned jsx

I've created a custom component which essentially returns html markup in order to display content based on the values passed to the component. Here's a simplified version for brevity:
interface ContainerProps {
position?: string;
content?: string;
class?: string;
const CardContainer: React.FC<ContainerProps> = ({ position = "right", content = "n/a", class = "" }) => {
if ( position.trim().toLowerCase() === "right" ) {
return <><div className="ion-float-right" >{content}</div><div className="clear-right"></div></>
} else if ( position.trim().toLowerCase() === "left" ) {
return <div className="ion-float-left">{content}</div>
} else {
return null
export default CardContainer;
This works great, but I now need to be able to pass a css class name to the component. However, I can't work out how to add the "class" prop to the returned html/jsx.
I tried various code such as below. However, in all cases the code was output as actual html rather than the value of the prop:
return <div className="ion-float-left" + {class}>{content}</div>
return <div className="ion-float-left {class}" >{content}</div>
return <div className="ion-float-left class">{content}</div>
I also tried a few other random things in desperation and these typically cause a compilation error. What is the best way to achieve the intended result eg:
return <div className="ion-float-left myClassNameHere">{content}</div>
its like inserting a string inside another or adding them together. You can use classname={"yourclasse" + theDynamicClass} or className={yourClass ${dynamicClass}} (inbetween ``)
return <div className=` ion-float-left ${class}``>{content}

How can I create a parent html element by appending sub element from an object?

In my react app I need to return a line which will be created based on a list.
Here is the object,
searchCriteria: {
op_company: "039",
doc_type: "ALL"
and in my UI, i need to show it as a paragraph with bold values. So the hard coded code would be like below
<p>Download request for op_company: <b>{searchCriteria.op_company}</b>, doc_type: <b>{searchCriteria.doc_type}</b></p>
But the object(searchCriteria) will be changed based on the user request. So I tried like below.
const getSearchCriteria = (criteria) => {
let searchCriteria = []
searchCriteria.push('Download request for')
Object.keys(criteria).forEach((key) => {
if(criteria[key] !== '') {
searchCriteria.push(` ${key}: ${criteria[key]},`)
return searchCriteria;
return (
{getSearchCriteria(searchCriteria).map((item) => <span key = {item}>{item}</span>)}
here i'm getting the expected output. But I can't get the value as bold (highlighted). Is there another way to directly deal with html elements?

React list, how does if else exactly work?

so in my React App, I basically have three buttons. When the specific button is clicked, I want to update the clicked value to be true. I also want the rest of the items that weren't clicked to be false. Is there another way to target the elements that weren't clicked on? I got this solution, but am confused on how it exactly works. I thought that if the first if statement returned true, the else if wouldn't run? So can someone explain how these are both running?
class App extends React.Component {
// state
state = {
list: this.props.tabs,
currentTabContent: '',
// event handlers
onButtonClick(tab) {
const newList = => {
if (item === tab) {
item.clicked = true;
} else if (item !== tab) {
item.clicked = false;
return item;
// ==============================================
currentTabContent: tab.content,
list: newList,
// helpers
renderButtons() {
return, index) => (
<li key={index}>
className={tab.clicked ? 'offset' : null}
onClick={() => this.onButtonClick(tab)}
renderContent() {
return this.state.currentTabContent;
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<div className="display">{this.renderContent()}</div>
export default App;
I think your misunderstanding lies more in not quite understanding if...else if rather than anything to do with React. Let's take a look at your condition:
if (item === tab) {
item.clicked = true;
} else if (item !== tab) {
item.clicked = false;
return item;
This function runs when the following is called by the button's click handler:
() => this.onButtonClick(tab)
Where tab is a specific object corresponding to a specific button. You then map over list in state, which just appears to be the same list of tabs. For each object it checks if tab === listItem if that is true the stuff in the first block executes, that's why the correct button gets set to true. It then does not evaluate the second condition for that item, and just returns the item.
It then moves on to the other items, who will not be equal to tab, and they evaluate in the second condition, so they are marked as false for clicked.
There are some much more worrisome and larger issues in your code here that have more to do with you making comparisons between objects and the dataflow of your components, but those aren't the subject of your question here, I just wanted to warn you to look out for them in the future.

How to simplify the conditions in template to avoid multiple repetitions

I have a scenario like showing text as well adding class togathered. it look like i require to add multiple times with same elements nearly. what would be the correct approach for this kind of scenarios?
here is my template:
<span><a className={this.state.showMore ? 'active' : ''} onClick={this.showMore}>{this.state.showMore ? 'read less' : 'read more'}</a></span>
i have added the state showMore both a tag and the text inside. is there any simple way to handle same conditions across page?
Thanks in advance.
I'd create a component to handle read-more, and pass the props from where it's used if there's any, So same functionality is same across my application and if there's any improvements I can handle by it in one single place.
here is a demo
EX: functional component
export const ReadMore = ({ text, truncateLength = 10 }) => {
const [showMore, setShowMore] = useState(false);
const getText = () => {
if (showMore) {
return text;
const truncatedText = text.substring(0, truncateLength);
if (text.length > truncateLength) {
return `${truncatedText}...`;
return truncatedText;
return (
className={showMore ? "active" : ""}
onClick={() => setShowMore(!showMore)}
{text.length > truncateLength && (showMore ? "read less" : "read more")}
and use it like this props could be:
text: is the text that should be read-less or more.
truncateLength: is the length that should show if the text length is
greater, and optional prop, if this isn't provided ReadMore
component will set the value to 10 by default, (check the props of
text="this is the text that should do the react-more and read-less"
{this.state.showmore ?
<span><a className={'active'} onClick={this.showMore}>read less</a></span>
<span><a onClick={this.showMore}>read more</a></span>
should be a more readable and clearer way of doing this. Basically when you have >1 thing depending on the same condition, take the condition outside would be my way to go!

Get element sibling value in React

I have this method inside a React component (which I later pass to the render() method):
renderNutrientInputs: function (num) {
var inputs = [];
for (var i =0; i < num; i++) {
inputs.push(<div key={i}>
<label>Nutrient name: </label><input type="text"/>
<label>Nutrient value: </label><input type="text" />
return inputs;
I'm trying on each change of the "Nutrient value" textbox, to also grab the current value of the "Nutrient name" textbox. I first though of assigning "ref" to both of them, but I figured there might be multiple pairs of them on the page (and the only way to identify them would be by key). I also tried something like this:
<label>Nutrient name: </label><input type="text" ref="nutName"/>
<label>Nutrient value: </label><input type="text" onChange={this.handleNutrientValueChange.bind(null, ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.nutName))}/>
but got a warning from React:
Warning: AddForm is accessing getDOMNode or findDOMNode inside its
render(). render() should be a pure function of props and state. It
should never access something that requires stale data from the
previous render
Is there some way to attach onChange event listener to Nutrient value text box and access the current value of "Nutrient name" textbox in the event listener function?
You don't want to access DOM elements directly. There is no need to do so... Work with your data, forget about DOM!
What you want is to "listen to changes to n-th nutritient. I want to know it's name and it's value". You will need to store that data somewhere, let's say in state in this example.
Implement getInitialState method. Let's begin with empty array, let user to add nutritients.
getInitialState() {
return { nutritients: [] };
In render method, let user add nutrition by click on "+", let's say
addNutritient() {
const nutritients = this.state.nutritients.concat();
nutritients.push({ name: "", value: undefined });
this.setState({ nutritients });
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.addNutritient}>+</div>
Okay, let's focus on rendering and updating nutritients:
addNutritient() {
const nutritients = this.state.nutritients.concat();
nutritients.push({ name: "", value: undefined });
this.setState({ nutritients });
renderNutritients() {
const linkNutritient = (idx, prop) => {
return {
value: this.state.nutritients[idx][prop],
requestChange: (value) {
const nutritients = this.state.nutritients.concat();
nutritients[idx][prop] = value;
this.setState({ nutritients });
const nutritients = [];
return (, idx) => (
<input valueLink={linkNutritient(idx, "name")} />
<input valueLink={linkNutritient(idx, "value")} />
render() {
return (
{ this.renderNutritients() }
<div onClick={this.addNutritient}>+</div>
Coding by hand, sorry for syntax error or typings.
Take a look at this working Fiddle
Play with it, it will help you to understand what's going on.
Also, take a look at React docs, especialy "valueLink"
I prefer not to use 2 way binding with React which is kind of a flux anti-pattern. Just add a onChange listener to your input element and setState.
Your state will be something like this:
{0: {nutrientName: xyz, nutrientValue: 123},
1: {nutrientName: abc, nutrientValue: 456}}
So when you change the nutrientvalue 456 to say 654, you can say its corresponding name is abc and vice versa.
The whole thing about React is about handling the data not the DOM :)
