Angularjs applying $watch to cellTemplate function - angularjs

I am showing data to user using angular ui-grid. In the following code for field 'plan', i add a set of entities by calling the getPlan() function and show it using a cellTemplate in ui-grid columnDefs.
$scope.getPlan = function(rowEntity) {
var plan1Temp = rowEntity.plan1;
var plan2Temp = rowEntity.plan2;
var plan3Temp = rowEntity.plan3;
var plan4Temp = rowEntity.plan4;
var plan5Temp = rowEntity.plan5;
var plan6Temp = rowEntity.plan6;
var plan7Temp = rowEntity.plan7;
var plan8Temp = rowEntity.plan8;
plan = plan1Temp+plan2Temp+plan3Temp+plan4Temp+plan5Temp+plan6Temp+plan7Temp+plan8Temp;
console.log("plan=", plan);
return plan;
columnDefs: [{ field : 'plan',
cellTemplate : '<div id="grid-cell-template">
displayName : "Plan",
footerCellTemplate : '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents">
\Total:\ {{grid.appScope.getTotalPlan() }}</div>',
width : "*"
Then to show the total of all the plans i use footerCellTemplate with getTotalPlan(). While using it i got $digest() iterations reached error. I noticed the getPlan() function is called many times. So i added $watch like shown below.
var totalPlan = [];
$scope.$watch(function() {
return plan;
}, function() {
console.log("totalPlan =", totalPlan);
$scope.getTotalPlan = function() {
var sum = 0;
angular.forEach(totalPlan ,function(item){
sum = sum + item;
return sum;
console.log("getTotalPlan=", sum);
After adding $watch also the getPlan() function is called many times. Also in totalPlan[] it holds only 2 values, first null and second one last record value(in total there are 3 records) and prints this value in the ui-grid footercelltemplate. How should i use $watch to make it work right?
So basically the problem is i am not able to insert 'plan' values into totalPlan[ ] and show the total in the grid footer template.
Also i tried using :: inside the expression, the number of getPlan() calling times reduced to half but no luck.


how to set always selected first row ui-grid

I was looking for this function thru api and tutorial but found only select the first row in the first grid init,
I was trying to use this capability inside onRegisterApi or inside filter function
$scope.filter = function() {
$scope.singleFilter = function( renderableRows ){
var matcher = new RegExp($scope.filterValue);
renderableRows.forEach( function( row ) {
var match = false;
// 'id',
// '',
// '',
'createdDate' ,
// '',
].forEach(function( field ){
if (field.indexOf('.') !== '-1' ) {
field = field.split('.');
if ( row.entity.hasOwnProperty(field) && row.entity[field].match(matcher) || field.length === 2 && row.entity[field[0]][field[1]].match(matcher)){
match = true;
if ( !match ){
row.visible = false;
return renderableRows;
but nothing helps. I need that first row always been selected even if I'm filtering data thru columns filter or with using single Filter. Is it possible in ui-grid?
my plunker
Try adding the following line to your gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged-Function:
This way row number 1 will always be selected.
A forked plunkr: plunkr
When the first record should be always visible, add the line renderableRows[0].visible = true; to your filter function right before the return: plunkr

Why does my angular directed work on one table cell but none others?

I am using a ContextMenu directive within a kendo grid. I have made one change to it so I can include icons in the text (changed $a.text(text) to $a.html(text).
I have one in the first cell (I highjacked the hierarchical cell) that has row operations (add, clone& delete) and one on a span within each cell that changes the cell values operation (addition, subtraction, equals, etc...)
Both of these were working. I am unsure what I changed that stopped it from working because I last checked it several changes ago (I'm still locked out of TFS so I can't revert).
One change I made was to include a disabled/enabled check to the working contextMenu. I tried adding the same to the broken one and no dice.
I do perform a $compile on the working menu and the broken one is only included in the kendo field template.
If I must compile the field template (and I didn't need to before), how can this be done?
So here is some code.
working menu:
$scope.getRowContextMenu = function (event) {
var options =
"<span class='fa fa-files-o'></span>Clone Rule", function (scope, cmEvent) {/*omitted for brevity*/}),rowContextDisableFunction]]
var setHierarchyCell = function (grid) {
var element = grid.element;
var hCells = element.find("td.k-hierarchy-cell");
var spanStr = "<span context-menu='getRowContextMenu()' class='fa fa-bars'></span>";
var span = hCells.find("span.fa");
span.on('click', function (event) {
$(this).trigger('contextmenu', event);
kendo template:
var mutliFormTemplate = function (fieldName, type) {
var result = "";
result += "<span context-menu='getOperationContextMenuItems()' class='fa #= " + fieldName + "_Obj.OperationSymbol # type-" + type + "'> </span>\n";
/*The rest pertains to the cell value. excluded for brevity*/
return result;
$scope.getOperationContextMenuItems = function () {
//I trimmed this all the way down to see if I could get it working. Still no joy
return [
["test", function () { }, true]
Creating the kendo columns dynamically:
$scope.model = {
id: "RuleId",
fields: {}
$scope.fieldsLoaded = function (data, fields) {
var column = {}
$.each(fields, function () {
var field = this;
field: field.Name,
title: field.Name,
template: mutliFormTemplate(field.Name, "selector")
column[field.Name ] = { type: getFieldType(field.Type.BaseTypeId) }
$scope.model.fields = column;
Thanks for any and all help ^_^

Multiple dropdown selection in ag-grid (link Attached)

I need to have a column in ag-grid where i can select multiple values from dropdown. I just googled online to see if it is already implemented but i could find only one link.
Can someone let me know how to implement it. show the full code as an example please.
Here is the code shared over there.
function agDropDownEditor(params, optionsName, optionsList) {
_.set(params.$scope, optionsName+'.optionsList', optionsList);
var html = '<span style="width:100%; display:inline-block" ng-show="!'+optionsName+'.editing" ng-click="'+optionsName+'.startEditing()">{{data.'+params.colDef.field+'}}</span> ' +
'<select style="width:100%" ng-blur="'+optionsName+'.editing=false" ng-change="'+optionsName+'.editing=false" ng-show="'+optionsName+'.editing" ng-options="item for item in '+optionsName+'.optionsList" ng-model="data.'+params.colDef.field+'">';
// we could return the html as a string, however we want to add a 'onfocus' listener, which is not possible in AngularJS
var domElement = document.createElement("span");
domElement.innerHTML = html;
_.set(params.$scope, optionsName+'.startEditing', function() {
_.set(params.$scope, optionsName+'.editing', true); // set to true, to show dropdown
// put this into $timeout, so it happens AFTER the digest cycle,
// otherwise the item we are trying to focus is not visible
$timeout(function () {
var select = domElement.querySelector('select');
}, 0);
return domElement;
Hope this helps, this is just a snippet of my code what i'm doing is I'm fetching from an array using map and then creating my object which is col and returning it and this will repeat till the last index of that array.
var col = {};
col.field = "fieldName";
col.headerName = "colName";
col.headerCellTemplate = function() {
var eCell = document.createElement('span');
eCell.field = obj.expr;
eCell.headerName = obj.colName;
eCell.innerHTML = "<select>"+"<option>"+
'Abc'+"</option>" +"<option>"+
'Xyz'+"</option>" +"</select>"
var eselect = eCell.querySelector('select');
return eCell;
return col ;

Ionic collection-repeat with date dividers

I got a very large list of about 200 items with text and images. ng-repeat is way to slow to render this smoothly. It tried it with this solution. Works nice. But not with collection-repeat.
My web-service return this:
There are events with specific dates. The events should be grouped by date. So in order to use collection repeat, how is it possible to insert dividers, if you cant use angular.filter groupBy?
I can offer you a partial solution which would only work if the dataset is ordered by the displayed field in the divider.
First of all we need to create a fake element in the array so that we can discriminate the divider amongst the other element.
Let's say we have a collection of posts fetched from a webservice:
.controller('mainController', function($scope, dataService) {
$scope.posts = [];
var divider = '';
the private field divider will be in use when we load the posts.
And we will have the loadMore method to load extra data when we scroll the list:
$scope.loadMore = function(argument) {
dataService.GetPosts(page, pageSize)
.then(function(result) {
if ( > 0) {
angular.forEach(, function(value, key) {
value.divider = false;
if (value.postId !== divider)
divider = value.postId;
$scope.posts.push({divider: true, dividerText: value.postId});
else {
$scope.theEnd = true;
.finally(function() {
When we fetch the data from the web api (and the promise is resolved) we loop through the collection and check if the field is different from the divider. If this is a new divider we store the info and add a new element to the collection:
angular.forEach(, function(value, key) {
value.divider = false;
if (value.postId !== divider)
divider = value.postId;
$scope.posts.push({divider: true, dividerText: value.postId});
As you can see I've added an element:
$scope.posts.push({divider: true, dividerText: value.postId});
I've used a dividerText field which will be displayed later on.
Now we need to create our own directive divider-collection-repeat which should be attached to a collection repeat:
<ion-item collection-repeat="post in posts" item-height="75" divider-collection-repeat>
I guess you're using infinite-scroll, so here is the whole HTML:
<ion-content ng-controller="mainController">
<ion-item collection-repeat="post in posts" item-height="75" divider-collection-repeat>
<ion-infinite-scroll ng-if="!theEnd" on-infinite="loadMore()" distance="50%"></ion-infinite-scroll>
this is the directive:
.directive('dividerCollectionRepeat', function($parse) {
return {
priority: 1001,
compile: compile
function compile (element, attr) {
var height = attr.itemHeight || '75';
var itemExpr = attr.collectionRepeat.split(' ').shift();
attr.$set('itemHeight', itemExpr + '.divider ? 40 : (' + height + ')');
attr.$set('ng-class', itemExpr + '.divider ? "item-divider" : ""');
var children = element.children().attr('ng-hide', itemExpr + '.divider');
'<div ng-show="' + itemExpr + '.divider" class="my-divider" ' +
'ng-bind="' + itemExpr + '.dividerText" style="height:100%;">' +
return function postLink(scope, element, attr) {
scope.$watch(itemExpr + '.divider', function(divider) {
element.toggleClass('item-divider', !!divider);
The directive prepends an element (html) to the list using the expression you've defined in your collection-repeat.
In my sample I've use collection-repeat="post in posts" so this line:
var itemExpr = attr.collectionRepeat.split(' ').shift();
fetches the item's name; in my case it is going to be post.
We use the height as well cause we might need to have a different height for the divider.
This bit here is the place where all the magic happens:
'<div ng-show="' + itemExpr + '.divider" class="my-divider" ' +
'ng-bind="' + itemExpr + '.dividerText" style="height:100%;">' +
It uses an ng-show for the field 'post.divider' (ng-show="' + itemExpr + '.divider") and binds the our text field ng-bind="' + itemExpr + '.dividerText"
I've also added a custom class my-divider just in case we need to change the layout of our divider a bit.
The final result is here or in this plunker.
As you might have noticed I haven't used a date field as I already had a sample where, sadly, I didn't have any dates.
I guess it should be very easy to adapt to your situation.
The directive is based on a sample I have found on github.
You will find the code for the directive here.

Directive is not updating the view with async data, using controllerAs and bindToController

I'm having some trouble getting a directive to update my view.
In my controller I set the intial values for the attributes of the <tiki-list> directive. Then after, 2 seconds, I'm updating vm.listObjectSelected to test its async behaviour.
However, the view is not reflecting the update.
var listObject = [{"display":"display1", "value":"value1"}, {"display":"display2", "value":"value2"}, {"display":"display3", "value":"value3"}]
vm.listObject = listObject
vm.listObjectSelected = [{"display":"display1", "value":"value1"}]
vm.listObjectSelected = [{"display":"display1", "value":"value1"}, {"display":"display3", "value":"value3"}]
}, 2000)
<tiki-list max="" type="multi" list="editController.listObject" selected="editController.listObjectSelected"></tiki-list>
'use strict';
angular.module("tiki").directive("tikiList", tikiList)
function tikiList(helper){
var directive = {
list: "=", //the object to repeat over, this contains 2 array's
retunObject: "=", //the array that is outputted
selected: "=", //preselected values
max: "=", //maximum range, other elements are greyed out, starts at 0
title:"#title", //the title of this list
type:"#type", //[single, multi]
bindToController: true,
return directive
function link(scope, el, attr, ctrl){
scope.vm.onClick = onClick
// preprocess the "list" if there is a "selected" attribute
// the "selected" attribute is an object that contains the selected items
// return a "selectedItems" array containing the indeces of matching display names
// add the .active property to the "list" object to the correct indeces
var selectedItems = helper.isItemInList(helper.createArrayFromProperty(scope.vm.selected, "display"), helper.createArrayFromProperty(scope.vm.list, "display"))
for(var i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++){
scope.vm.list[selectedItems[i]].active = true
// add the property .disabled to the "list" if there is a max attribute
// the property will be added to all indeces that exceed the max value
for(var y = 0; y < scope.vm.list.length; y++){
if(y >= scope.vm.max){
scope.vm.list[y].disabled = true
function onClick(index){
// only allow items that are in range of the "max" attribute are allowed to be clicked
if(!scope.vm.max || index < scope.vm.max){
if(scope.vm.type === "single"){
angular.forEach(scope.vm.list, function(val, key){
scope.vm.list[key].active = false
scope.vm.list[index].active = true
if(scope.vm.type === "multi"){
scope.vm.list[index].active = !scope.vm.list[index].active
scope.vm.listing = scope.vm.list
controller.$inject = [];
function controller(){
Directive template
<ul class="listOptions">
<li class="listOptions-title" ng-class="{'show':title}">{{vm.title}}</li>
<li ng-click="vm.onClick($index)" ng-class="{'active', 'disabled':list.disabled}" ng-repeat="list in vm.listing track by $index">{{list.display}}</li>
I think it has something to do with controllerAs but I can't wrap my head around it.
I think the reason is that the Array is a reference type. When you change the data in service or at async step, the data point goes to a new location in memory, but the data in directive or controller doesn't change.
Instead of writing your function like this:
vm.listObjectSelected = [{"display":"display1", "value":"value1"}, {"display":"display3", "value":"value3"}]
}, 2000)
You should try doing it this way:
$(timeout(function(){vm.listObjectSelected.push({you need data here})},200)
or you can use a promise ,you can return a promise and get it in directive ,use
promise.then(function(){//let data = again}
Hope this can help you.
