When to use GBaseInitFunc - c

So I was reading glib manual Instantiable classed types: objects: GObject Reference Manual. I know that when I am creating my own class I should use GClassInitFunc to handle class initialization. Question is, when do I need to use GBaseInitFunc?

Not to be flip, but I think the answer is "extremely rarely." I've never had to use it.
This is a really good question though. I was curious so I did a code search. It looks like the majority of occurrences of GBaseInitFunc are just casting a null pointer to the correct function pointer type. Some others I don't understand what they are doing. Here's one that is used to keep track of how many classes are initialized from that base class (though the info doesn't seem to be used.)


How can I return more than one value through function in C?

I have been asked in an interview how one can return more than one value from function. I have answered saying by using pointers we can achieve(call by reference) this in C. Then he told me he is looking for some other way of returning more than one value. I said we can return a struct object but here also he didn't seem to be impressed.
I would like to know others ways to return more than one value from a function.
I have seen this questions being asked here on SO, but could not find anything C specific.
The tricky problem is that the interviewer has some solution they are particularly happy with in mind and they are likely grading you by whether you have the same clever trick as them or not.
You could just name a few ways such as you did, and still not fall upon their secret trick. And if you knew their secret trick, you could well not be impressed with it.
So in these situations, its to turn it from interview into conversation. Once you detect you're not moving towards their ego, you can avoid heading towards the intimidating "I don't know" "I give up" and instead try out the "so do you have any clever solution? Is there an in-house recipe for this at Xyz Inc?" etc.
Any glimpse at their obviously self-impressed solution and you are back on firm ground where you can talk about it and ask them if they have thought about various factors that come to mind and basically interview them.
Everyone loves a good listener, and getting them to talk about their tricks is a good way to get them to leave the interview throughly impressed with you! ;)
There are a few ways:
Return value using the return statement (as you already know)
Return via references.
Return values via the heap.
Return values via global variables.
That depends on what you consider a value. If a value is a piece of information for you, more values could be a struct of values. More values could be also passed via pointers or arrays, even a char* containing a list of (non-zero alphanumerical) values. If you consider a value to be a bit of information a single returned uint32_t may hold 32 values. You could even mess around with signals or sockets or pipes or files.
But for you do not even know the use case and the requirements it imposes on the solution, it's indeed a rather hard task to come up with the right solution (and you actually did come up with some proper solutions ...).
Return a pointer to a structure, or pack several small datatypes into one large datatype, or use global variables.
The first is probably the cleanest way to do it, the other two might have their uses in certain situations.
If we pass the address instead of the true value of the parameters.
Then whenever we refer those parameters we do it with the address.
returning a pointer to structure is the suitable answer.(Obviously, the objective of the program can decide what's the best that can be done). The interviewer might have wanted you to say 'I don't know' which would have shown your lack of confidence in the field. I think you provided good solutions, though not what he had in his mind. You could have asked him about a typical scenario where he wanted multiple values to be returned and then discuss how struct-pointer is a reasonable alternative.

Whys is it a bad idea to have an Object[] array?

I was explaining to a friend a few days ago the concept or inheritance and containers.
He has very little programming knowledge so it was really just a friendly chat.
During the conversation he came to me with a question that i just couldn't answer.
"Why cant you just have an array of the top level class, and add anything to it"
I know this is a bad idea having being told so before by someone far smarter but for the life of me i couldn't remember why.
I mean we do it all the time with inheritance.
Say we have class animal which is parent of cat and dog. If we need a container of both of these we make the array of type animal.
So lets say we didn't have that inheritance link, couldn't we just use the base object class and have everything in the one container.
No specific programming language.
Syntactically, there is no problem with this. By declaring an array of a specific type, you are giving implicit information about the contents of that array. You could well declare a contain of Object instances, but it means you lose all the type information of the original class at compile-time.
It also means that each time you get an object out of the array at runtime, the only field instances and methods you know exist are the fields/methods of Object (which arguably is a compile time problem). To use any of the fields and methods of more specific subclasses of the object, you'd have to cast.
Alternatively, to find out the specific class at runtime you'd have to use features like reflection which are overkill for the majority of cases.
When you take elements out of the container you want to have some guarantees as to what can be done with them. If all elements of the container are returned as instances of Animal (remember here that instances of Dog are also instances of Animal) then you know that they can do all the things that Animals can do (which is more things than what all Objects can do).
Maybe, we do it in programming for the same reason as in Biology? Reptiles and Whales are animals, but they are quite different.
It depends on the situation, but without context, it's definitely okay in most (if not all) object-oriented languages to have an array of a base type (that is, as long as they follow all the substitution principles) containing various instances of different derived types.
Object arrays exist in certain cases in most languages. The problem is that whenever you want to use them, you need to remember what type they were, and stay casting them or whatever.
It also makes the code very horrible to follow and even more horrible to extend, not to mention error prone.
Plant myplant = new Plant();
would work if the list is object, but you'd get a compile time error if it was Animal.

OOP Best Practices When One Object Needs to Modify Another

(this is a C-like environment) Say I have two instance objects, a car and a bodyShop. The car has a color iVar and corresponding accesors. The bodyShop has a method named "paintCar" that will take in a car object and change its color.
As far as implementation, in order to get the bodyShop to actually be able to change a car object's color, I see two ways to go about it.
Use the "&" operator to pass in a pointer to the car. Then the bodyShop can either tell the car to perform some method that it has to change color, or it can use the car's accessors directly.
Pass in the car object by value, do the same sort of thing to get the color changed, then have the method return a car object with a new color. Then assign the original car object to the new car object.
Option 1 seems more straightforward to me, but I'm wondering if it is in-line with OOP best practices. In general for "maximum OOP", is the "&" operator good or bad? Or, maybe I'm completely missing a better option that would make this super OOPer. Please advise :)
Option 1 is prefered:
The bodyShop can either tell the car
to perform some method that it has to
change color, or it can use the car's
accessors directly.
Even better still...create an IPaintable interface. Have Car implement IPaintable. Have BodyShop depend on IPaintable instead of Car. The benefits of this are:
Now BodyShop can paint anything that implements IPaintable (Cars, Boats, Planes, Scooters)
BodyShop is no longer tightly coupled to Car.
BodyShop has a more testable design.
I would assume that the responsibility of the bodyShop is to modify car objects, so #1 seems like the right way to go to me. I've never used a language where the "&" operator is necessary. Normally, my bodyShop object would call car.setColor(newColor) and that would be that. This way you don't have to worry about the rest of the original car's attributes, including persistence issues - you just leave them alone.
Since you're interested in the best OOP practice, you should ignore the performance hit you get with option 2. The only things you should be interested in is do either option unnecessarily increase coupling between the two classes, is encapsulation violated and is identity preserved.
Given this, option 2 is less desirable since you can't determine which other objects are holding references to the original car or worse, contain the car. In short you violate the identity constraint since two objects in the system may have different ideas of the state of the car. You run the risk of making the overall system inconsistent.
Of-course your particular environment may avoid this but it certainly would be best practice to avoid it.
Last point, does your bodyShop object have state; behaviour and identity? I realise that you have explained only the minimum necessary but possibly the bodyShop isn't really an object.
Functional v OO approaches
As an interesting aside, option 2 would close to the approach in a functional programming environment - since state changes are not allowed, your only approach would be to create a new car if it's colour changed. That's not quite what you're suggesting but it's close.
That may sound like complete overkill but it does have some interesting implications for proving the correctness of the code and parallelism.
Option 1 wins for me. The & operator is implicit in many OO languages (like Java, Python etc). You don't use "passing by value" in that languages often - only primitive types are passed in that way.
Option 2 comes with multiple problems: You might have a collection of cars, and some function unaware of it might send a car to bodyShop for painting, receive new car in return and don't update your collection of cars. See? And from more ideologic point of view - you don't create new object each time you want to modify it in real world - why should you do so in virtual one? This will lead to confusion, because it's just counterintuitive. :-)
I am not sure what this "C-like environment" mean. In C, you need this:
int paintCar(const bodyShop_t *bs, car_t *car);
where you modify the contents pointed by car. For big struct in C, you should always pass the pointer, rather than the value to a function. So, use solution 1 (if by "&" you mean the C operator).
I too agree with the first 1. I can't say it's best practice because i'm never really sure what best practice is in other peoples minds... I can tell you that best practice in my mind is the most simple method that works for the job. I've also seen this aproach taken in the hunspell win api and other c-ish api's that i've had to use. So yea i agree with scott.
//just in-case your interested in looking at other peoples code
It depends on whether the body shop's method can fail and leave the car in an indeterminate state. In that case, you're better off operating on a copy of the car, or a copy of all relevant attributes of the car. Then, only when the operation succeeds, you copy those values to the car. So you end up assigning the new car to the old car within the body shop method. Doing this correctly is necessary for exception safety in C++, and can get nasty.
It's also possible and sometimes desirable to use the other pattern - returning a new object on modification. This is useful for interactive systems which require Undo/Redo, backtracking search, and for anything involving modelling how a system of objects evolves over time.
In addition to other optinions, option 1 lets paintCar method return a completion code that indicates if the car has changed the color successfully or there were problems with it

How to use an array that is created in one class in a second class?

I have created an array in the implementation of my class loginController. Now I want to use this array (with its objects) in another class of my project. What is the right way to import it?
You really need to specify the language.
In general, if the array is a member variable in one class, it's considered bad form to directly use it from another class. This violates the "encapsulation" idea that is quite the thing in object-oriented programming.
The preferred thing to do is often to add methods, called "getters" and "setters", to the class owning the array, or make it available by some other more structural means, which depend on the exact semantics and usage of the array. It might, for instance, not be required that outside users even know that it is an array.
There is no right way given this information. What is located in the array, only integers or strings/objects etc. Do you store objects of pointers to objects?
Passing the array is the sameway as passing any other object to a function
The general answer would be: declare it as public
It is not very good thing to do but as a beginner, you can start with that.

Does using lists of structs make sense in cocoa?

This question has spawned out of this one. Working with lists of structs in cocoa is not simple. Either use NSArray and encode/decode, or use a C type array and lose the commodities of NSArray. Structs are supposed to be simple, but when a list is needed, one would tend to build a class instead.
When does using lists of structs make sense in cocoa?
I know there are already many questions regarding structs vs classes, and I've read users argue that it's the same answer for every language, but at least cocoa should have its own specific answers to this, if only because of KVC or bindings (as Peter suggested on the first question).
Cocoa has a few common types that are structs, not objects: NSPoint, NSRect, NSRange (and their CG counterparts).
When in doubt, follow Cocoa's lead. If you find yourself dealing with a large number of small, mostly-data objects, you might want to make them structs instead for efficiency.
Using NSArray/NSMutableArray as the top-level container, and wrapping the structs in an NSValue will probably make your life a lot easier. I would only go to a straight C-type array if you find NSArray to be a performance bottleneck, or possibly if the array is essentially read-only.
It is convenient and useful at times to use structs, especially when you have to drop down to C, such as when working with an existing library or doing system level stuff. Sometimes you just want a compact data structure without the overhead of a class. If you need many instances of such structs, it can make a real impact on performance and memory footprint.
Another way to do an array of structs is to use the NSPointerArray class. It takes a bit more thought to set up but it works pretty much just like an NSArray after that and you don't have to bother with boxing/unboxing or wrapping in a class so accessing the data is more convenient, and it doesn't take up the extra memory of a class.
NSPointerFunctions *pf = [[NSPointerFunctions alloc] initWithOptions:NSPointerFunctionsMallocMemory |
NSPointerFunctionsStructPersonality |
pf.sizeFunction = keventSizeFunction;
self.pending = [[NSPointerArray alloc] initWithPointerFunctions:pf];
In general, the use of a struct implies the existence of a relatively simple data type that has no logic associated with it nor should have any logic associated with it. Take an NSPoint for instance - it is merely a (x,y) representation. Given this, there are also some issues that arise from it's use. In general, this is OK for this type of data as we usually observe for a change in the point rather than the y-coordinate of a point (fundamentally, (0,1) isn't the same as (1,1) shifted down by 1 unit). If this is an undesirable behavior, it may be a better idea to use a class.
