I am creating SSIS 2016 package which contains multiple data flow tasks. Each data flow task contains oledb source and oledb destination.
I have created two Execute SQL tasks one in the end and the other at the end of the entire process. I have named it Audit start and Audit End respectively.
I am trying to capture the following information in the audit table
PackageName, StartTime, EndTime, NumberOfRecords, MaxFinancialInstanceId
The audit start will insert the PackageName and startime while audit end will call the update stored procedure to add EndTime, NumberOfRecords, MaxFinancialInstanceId
I am aware that most of this information can be obtained by querying SSIDB
For e.g
SELECT execution_id,
FROM [internal].[execution_data_statistics]
But in my case I would have some additional column information captured as well. Please note that my database and package would reside on different servers.
Is it wise to do the way I am manually doing or connect to the package server and get the information.
If the manual way is recommended then how do I capture the total records transmitted ?
session Connection full information
I am currently running the query and capturing session connection information which collects login, NT User, Host, Application/Program, Server and database information but i am also looking more granular detail which also tell me if it's executing SSIS package then which SSIS package, if it's tableau reports as application/program then which Database objects it's pulling the reports or other application/batch job doing any DML activities.
If i can't get all the above details but as a example if it's running SSIS package then which SSIS package running i can get it?
I am running currently couple different query as a daily sql job and storing the data into table.
,getdate() AS DATE
FROM sys.databases d
LEFT JOIN sys.sysprocesses sp ON d.database_id = sp.dbid
WHERE database_id NOT BETWEEN 0 AND 4
AND loginame IS NOT NULL
Any other way i can more details as we will be doing migration wanted to make sure?
Ex. If SSIS loading data into DB, we need to find that SSIS package
Currently I am able to identify all connections established to the instance and where they are coming from, but
we need to know which of those connections are feeding data and which are consuming data.
Thanks for all your help!
The simple answer is No.
When an application connects, it can have an ApplicationName passed in the connection details. You can retrieve it easily enough from the program_name column when you query sys.dm_exec_sessions. But it has to be configured in the connection string (in the SSIS data source) for you to be able to retrieve it.
Adding an ApplicationName to your connection strings is a good habit, not just for this, but for many tuning/monitoring reasons.
You can query the SSISDB catalog system view, catalog.executions, to find SSIS package executions on the server:
SELECT * FROM ssisdb.catalog.executions
I'm attempting to create an update query in SSDT. I'm getting
Unable to parse query text.
The query is:
UPDATE CustOrderWithDisp
SET YARDS = CustOrderWithDisp.QUANTITY * Lkp_TestCodes.[Test_GALS] * 0.00495113
FROM CustOrderWithDisp
INNER JOIN Lkp_TestCodes
ON CustOrderWithDisp.TEST_CODE = Lkp_TestCodes.[SVC CODE]
But if I actually run the query, it works.
I want to use this query in an SSIS package. When I put this query in an OLEDB Source, i get...
The component reported the following warnings:
Error at qry03_CalculateYards [OLE DB Source [33]]: No column information was returned by the SQL command.
I'm a novice at this, so be gentle. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Error at qry03_CalculateYards [OLE DB Source [33]]: No column information was returned by the SQL command.
You are receiving this message because OLEDB Source is a DataFlow Task component, it is used to read data from an Table or SQL Command through an OLEDB Connection.
The OLE DB source extracts data from a variety of OLE DB-compliant relational databases by using a database table, a view, or an SQL command. For example, the OLE DB source can extract data from tables in Microsoft Office Access or SQL Server databases.
You don't have to put this query in an OLEDB Source, you have to use an Execute SQL Task and write this query in the SQL Command property.
For UPDATE queries you have to use Execute SQL Task (in the Control Flow level, no in the DataFlow)
The Execute SQL task runs SQL statements or stored procedures from a package. The task can contain either a single SQL statement or multiple SQL statements that run sequentially.
Execute SQL Task
OLEDB Source
I have around 4 servers(test1 , test2, test3, test4) and each server with 5 - 6 databases. Each server has around 60 SQL server agent jobs scheduled.
Each each job inside the servers has combination of sql statements and SSIS packages. Inside SQL statements, we have stored procs, which access tables from another servers.
Now i want to check whether server test2, is being used in sql server agent jobs of other servers.
i tried with the following query but not able to get any result
SELECT Job.name AS JobName, Job.enabled AS ActiveStatus,
JobStep.step_name AS JobStepName, JobStep.command AS JobCommand
sysjobsteps JobStep
ON Job.job_id = JobStep.job_id
WHERE JobStep.command LIKE '%test2%'
but when i check manually in test1 server , i can see test2 server being used in stored procs and ssis packages.
How can this be achieved ?
This is a little tricky. You will need to search the procedures, file system and SQL Server separately. The job table only contains the entry point, not the definition for each step.
SSIS Packages, stored in SQL Server
SSIS packages are stored in the msdb table sysssispackages. The definition is stored in the column packagedata. You'll need to cast the data, before you can read/search it.
-- How to read package data column.
packagedata AS [Before],
SSIS Packages, stored on the file system
These are XML text files. You can search using your favorite method. If you want to build your own solution .Net has some great file handling ablities.
Stored Procedures
There are several methods, all of which return data from the system tables. One approach is to use the object definition function.
-- Returns definition of stored procedure.
If you want to bring this altogether
Using the table sysjobsteps, you could build a package/app that searches for a given server name. The final product would need to support all three search methods. You might be able to use the subsystem column, to choose which search method should be used for each step.
We've two SQL server database. The source server has data populated from an external system and a destination database on a remote server (used by a web app). There's an SSIS package which maps column from source tables to destination (column names differ) and populates data to maintain the sync.
Now, to ensure that both the database are in sync for which we've an SP which shows record count and for some parent-child relationships it shows child count for each parent record (i.e. Brandwise Item count). Someone has to logon to both the servers, execute the SP and get the data manually. Then compare the results to ensure that both the db are in sync.
Now, to automate this process, we've done the following-
Add the destination server as a "Linked Server"
Use "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail" along with "#attach_query_result_as_file =1"
Create an SSIS job which will execute the email SP for both the servers
So, this is how we get two emails which has query results attached to
it. And then comparing the text files completes the db sync check.
I believe this can be made better - now that we're able to access the destination server as a linked server. Its my first time so I'd request some experienced guys to share their approach, probably something beyond a join query with the linked server.
Since you have access to server as Linked server you can directly run query and compare data.
Please check this
You can modify SSIS jobs to send mails based on this query result.
I'm using the following query which is a simple version and gives me differences of both the sides -
(Select s.Title, s.Description from ERPMasterBrand as s EXCEPT
Select d.Title, d.Description from MasterBrand as d)
(Select s.Title, s.Description from MasterBrand as s EXCEPT
Select d.Title, d.Description from ERPMasterBrand as d)
Any better suggestions? I've tested and it gives desired results - hope I'm not being misguided :-) by my own solution.
I have an SSIS package which imports the data into the SQL Server 2008 database. I have set up the schedule job in the SQL Server Agent to run that package. When I check the history, I could only see whether the job ran successfully or not. I could not see other messages apart from that.
I would like to know how many records are imported whenever the job is executed. How can I monitor that? Should I use the additional components in SSIS package or set some configurations in SQL Server Agent Job Setup?
I found some logging facilities in SQL Server Agent Job Setup but I am not sure it can fulfill my requirements or not.
If you are just interested in knowing the columns being processed and not interested with the info for further use, one possible option is making use of the SSIS logging feature. Here is how it works for data flow tasks.
Click on the SSIS package.
On the menus, select SSIS --> Logging...
On the Configure SSIS Logs: dialog, select the provider type and click Add. I have chosen SQL Server for this example. Check the Name checkbox and provide the data source under Configuration column. Here SQLServer is the name of the connection manager. SSIS will create a table named dbo.sysssislog and stored procedure dbo.sp_ssis_addlogentry in the database that you selected. Refer screenshot #1 below.
If you need the rows processed, select the checkbox OnInformation. Here in the example, the package executed successfully so the log records were found under OnInformation. You may need to fine tune this event selection according to your requirements. Refer screenshot #2 below.
Here is a sample package execution within data flow task. Refer screenshot #3 below.
Here is a sample output of the log table dbo.sysssislog. I have only displayed the columns id and message. There are many other columns in the table. In the query, I am filtering the output only for the package named 'Package1' and the event 'OnInformation'. You can notice that records with ids 7, 14 and 15 contain the rows processed. Refer screenshot #4 below.
Hope that helps.
Screenshot #1:
Screenshot #2:
Screenshot #3:
Screenshot #4:
use the below procedure for getting SSIS errors with execution id
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[get_ssis_status] #EXECUTION_ID INT\n
SELECT o.operation_id EXECUTION_ID
,convert(datetimeoffset,OM.message_time,109) TIME
,D.message_source_desc ERROR_SOURCE
WHEN 4 THEN 'Package Failed'
WHEN 7 THEN CASE EM.message_type
WHEN 120 THEN 'package failed'
WHEN 130 THEN 'package failed' ELSE 'Package Succeed'END
FROM SSISDB.CATALOG.operation_messages AS OM
INNER JOIN SSISDB.CATALOG.operations AS O ON O.operation_id = OM.operation_id
INNER JOIN SSISDB.CATALOG.executions AS EX ON o.operation_id = ex.execution_id
INNER JOIN (VALUES (- 1,'Unknown'),(120,'Error'),(110,'Warning'),(130,'TaskFailed')) EM(message_type, message_desc) ON EM.message_type = OM.message_type
(10,'Entry APIs, such as T-SQL and CLR Stored procedures')
,(20,'External process used to run package (ISServerExec.exe)')
,(30,'Package-level objects')
,(40,'Control Flow tasks')
,(50,'Control Flow containers')
,(60,'Data Flow task')
) D(message_source_type, message_source_desc) ON D.message_source_type = OM.message_source_type
WHERE ex.execution_id = #EXECUTION_ID
AND OM.message_type IN (120,130,-1);
Here's another approach for when SQL Server job history is not showing output from SSIS packages: use DTEXEC command lines.
(Upside: this approach puts the job's output where anyone else supporting it would expect to find it: in job history.
Downside for big packages: if you have a long SSIS package, with lots of tasks or components, and lots of output, then the job history will split package output into many lines of job history, making the approach in the previous answer--logging to a table--easier to read.)
To show SSIS package output in the job's View History:
(1) Change the job steps from type "SQL Server Integration Services Package", to "Operating system (CmdExec)",
(2) Use DTEXEC command lines, to execute the packages.
Example of command line:
Note that if the SSIS package requires 32-BIT execution (true for exporting to Excel, for example), then use the DTEXEC utility in "Program Files (x86)" by fully qualifying it. Example, where the SQL Server application was installed on an "E:" drive, and where SQL Server 2014 is being used:
"E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe" /DTS "\MSDB\myPkgName" /DECRYPT pkgPass /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF
If your SSIS packages are in the file system (as ".dtsx" files), then replace "/DTS" with "/FILE".
If your SSIS packages were placed in SSISDB (using the "project deployment model", which is available starting with SQL Server 2012, instead of the older "package deployment model"), then replace "/DTS" with "/ISSERVER".
Next, go into the job step's "Advanced" page, and make sure that the box is checked for "Include step output in history".
Lastly, consider your job step's "Run as": if your job steps "Run as" were already set to a proxy, on job steps of type "SQL Server Integration Services Package", then you already made that proxy active to the subsystem "SQL Server Integration Services Package". Now, to do command lines like the above, check the proxy's properties, and make sure it is also active to the subsystem "Operating system (CmdExec)".
MSDN reference: SSIS Output on Sql Agent history
If you have deployed the package to the database's Integration Services Catalog (rather than load it from a file system) you can easily get detailed reporting.
Open the catalog node in SQL Server Management Studio, right click the Package name, select Reports | Standard Reports | All Executions and see details about every step of the job and its subcomponents, including records imported.