NextJS: Get data from local storage in getInitialProps method - reactjs

I try to migrate my project to Next.js framework for having SSR (Server side rendering) feature. Here is my simple page:
class Example extends React.Component {
static getInitialProps() {
// api getting data. Need authentication data under local storage
render() {
return <div>{}</div>;
The problem I met is: I want my data is from getInitialProps first (that is the purpose of SSR). But when sending, I need a information about user for backend API. But at this function, rendering is happened on server so I cannot get data from local storage. How can you solve this problem.

You can put the call to localStorage into a react component lifecycle method such as componentDidMount and then setState() with the result.
It's not great, but will work.
Note that this would obviously not use SSR.

This works for me:
const USER = 'user'
const URL = ''
// here you can also use isServer
if (req) {
const {data: user} = await Axios.get(URL)
localStorage.setItem(USER, JSON.stringify(user))
} else {
const user = await JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(USER))


How to fetch data from Server Side using Next JS

Normally React JS Using useEffect for Client Side Data Fetching but I want to fetch Data in server side in Next Js that time the code also reusable any one can clear my doubt
function MyPageComponent({ data }) {
// You page component that will be displayed on frontend
// Here you can use useEffects that will be executed on the frontend as the page loads
// This gets called on every request on the BackendOnly!
export async function getServerSideProps() {
// Do your server logic here, like fetching some api to get an initial state
const res = await fetch(`site url`)
const data = await res.json()
// Pass data to your page component via props
// This will be accessible on the frontend
return { props: { data } }
export default MyPageComponent

MobX not hydrating in next.js state when fetching async data

I have a MobX store where I have a function doing an API call. It works fine it's getting the data but it doesn't update the already rendered page. I'm following this tutorial
My store looks like this
const isServer = typeof window === "undefined";
interface SerializedStore {
PageTitle: string;
content: string;
isOpen: boolean;
companiesDto: CompanyDto[],
companyCats: string[]
export class AwardStore {
PageTitle: string = 'Client Experience Awards';
companiesDto : CompanyDto[] = [];
companyCats: string[] = [];
loadingInitial: boolean = true
constructor() {
hydrate(serializedStore: SerializedStore) {
this.PageTitle = serializedStore.PageTitle != null ? serializedStore.PageTitle : "Client Experience Awards";
this.companyCats = serializedStore.companyCats != null ? serializedStore.companyCats : [];
this.companiesDto = serializedStore.companiesDto != null ? serializedStore.companiesDto : [];
changeTitle = (newTitle: string) => {
this.PageTitle = newTitle;
loadCompanies = async () => {
.then((response) => {
runInAction(() => {
this.companiesDto =, b) =>; : CompanyDto) => {
if (company.categories !== null ) {
company.categories?.forEach(cat => {
.catch(errors => {
console.log('There was an error getting the data: ' + errors);
addNewCateogry = (cat : string) => {
setLoadingInitial = (state: boolean) => {
this.loadingInitial = state;
export async function fetchInitialStoreState() {
// You can do anything to fetch initial store state
return {};
I'm trying to call the loadcompanies from the _app.js file. It calls it and I can see in the console.log the companies etc but the state doesn't update and I don't get to see the actual result. Here's the _app.js
class MyApp extends App {
constructor(props) {
// Don't call this.setState() here!
this.state = {
awardStore: new AwardStore()
// Fetching serialized(JSON) store state
static async getInitialProps(appContext) {
const appProps = await App.getInitialProps(appContext);
const initialStoreState = await fetchInitialStoreState();
return {
// Hydrate serialized state to store
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
return state;
render() {
const { Component, pageProps } = this.props;
return (
<Provider awardStore={this.state.awardStore}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default MyApp;
In the console.log I can see that this.companyCat is update but nothing is changed in the browser. Any ideas how I can do this? Thank you!
When you do SSR you can't load data through the constructor of the store because:
It's does not handle async stuff, so you can't really wait until the data is loaded
Store is created both on the server side and on the client too, so if theoretically constructor could work with async then it still would not make sense to do it here because it would load data twice, and with SSR you generally want to avoid this kind of situations, you want to load data once and reuse data, that was fetched on the server, on the client.
With Next.js the flow is quite simple:
On the server you load all the data that is needed, in your case it's loaded on the App level, but maybe in the future you might want to have loader for each page to load data more granularly. Overall it does not change the flow though
Once the data is loaded (through getInitialProps method or any other Next.js data fetching methods), you hydrate your stores and render the application on the server side and send html to the client, that's SSR
On the client the app is initialized again, though this time you don't want to load the data, but use the data which server already fetched and used. This data is provided through props to your page component (or in this case App component). So you grab the data and just hydrate the store (in this case it's done with getDerivedStateFromProps).
Based on that, everything you want to fetch should happen inside getInitialProps. And you already have fetchInitialStoreState method for that, so all you need to do is remove data fetching from store constructor and move it to fetchInitialStoreState and only return the data from it. This data will then go to the hydrate method of your store.
I've made a quick reproduction of your code here:
The huge downside if App.getInitialProps is that it runs on every page navigation, which is probably not what you want to do. I've added console.log("api call") and you can see in the console that it is logged every time you navigate to any other page, so the api will be called every time too, but you already have the data so it's kinda useless. So I recommend in the future to use more granular way of loading data, for example with Next.js getServerSideProps function instead (docs).
But the general flow won't change much anyway!
Calling awardStore.loadCompanies in the constructor of MyApp is problematic because the loadCompanies method is populating the store class. What you want is to hydrate the store with the companyCats data. Since server and client stores are distinct, you want to load the data you need on the server side i.e. fetchInitialStoreState (or load it from a page's getStaticProps/getServerSideProps method) so that you can pass it into the hydrate store method from page/app props.
Note loadCompanies is async so it'll be [] when getDerivedStateFromProps is called so there's nothing to hydrate. For your existing hydrate method to work you need initialStoreState to be something like the fetchInitialStoreState method below. Alternatively if it's fetched on the page level, the hydrate may be closer to initialData?.pageProps?.companyCats
It's common to see the store hydration as needed for each page though it's still valid to call loadCompanies() from the client side. There's a lot I didn't get a chance to touch on but hopefully this was somewhat helpful.
export const fetchInitialStoreState = async() => {
let companyCats = [];
try {
const response = await axios.get < CompanyDto[] > ('MyAPICall') CompanyDto) => {
if (Array.isArray(company.categories) && company.categories.length > 0) {
} catch (error) {
// Uh oh...
return {
serializedStore: {
// PageTitle/etc

How to use zustand to store the result of a query

I want to put the authenticated user in a zustand store. I get the authenticated user using react-query and that causes some problems. I'm not sure why I'm doing this. I want everything related to authentication can be accessed in a hook, so I thought zustand was a good choice.
This is the hook that fetches auth user:
const getAuthUser = async () => {
const { data } = await axios.get<AuthUserResponse>(`/auth/me`, {
withCredentials: true,
return data.user;
export const useAuthUserQuery = () => {
return useQuery("auth-user", getAuthUser);
And I want to put auth user in this store:
export const useAuthStore = create(() => ({
authUser: useAuthUserQuery(),
This is the error that I get:
Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body
of a function component. This could happen for one of the following
you can read about it in the react documentation:
(I changed the name of some functions in this post for the sake of understandability. useMeQuery = useAuthUserQuery)
I understand the error but I don't know how to fix it.
The misunderstanding here is that you don’t need to put data from react query into any other state management solution. React query is in itself a global state manager. You can just do:
const { data } = useAuthUserQuery()
in every component that needs the data. React query will automatically try to keep your data updated with background refetches. If you don’t need that for your resource, consider setting a staleTime.
That being said, if you really want to put data from react-query into zustand, create a setter in zustand and call it in the onSuccess callback of the query:
useQuery(key, queryFn, { onSuccess: data => setToZustand(data) })

How to show loading state only if data is not received yet. Next.js ssr

I have multiple getServerSideProps in my project and I have a header which displays pages and I have to wait for a page to be opened once I click upon it since I need data to be fetched. Once they are fetched the page will be open.
One approach I used to show user a loading state is to use routeChangeStart BUT I stumbled upon one problem and so I would like not to use this case.
If I go on a page and the data is fetching I want to show user a spinner or some indicator and once the data is fetched I want to stop the indicator/spinner.
As you probably figured out, getServerSideProps runs on the server and is blocking. The fetch request needs to complete before the HTML is sent to the user (i.e., the page is changed). So if you want to show a loading indicator, you need to move that fetch request to the client.
For instance, if you probably have a page with this basic structure:
export default function Page({ data }) {
return <div>{}</div>
export async function getServerSideProps() {
const response = await fetch('')
const data = await response.json()
return {
props: { data },
const fetcher = url => fetch(url).then(res => res.json());
export default function Page() {
const { data } = useSWR('', fetcher)
if (!data) return <LoadingSpinner />
return <div>{}</div>
Or if you don't need SWR and can use a simple fetch request:
export default function Page() {
const [data, setData] = useState()
useEffect(() => {
.then(async(response) => {
const json = await response.json()
if (!data) return <LoadingSpinner />
return <div>{}</div>
P.S. If the initial fetch request in getServerSideProps used sensitive information (e.g., API secret credentials), then go ahead and setup a Next.js API route to handle the sensitive part and then fetch the new route.
I just used routeChangeStart.
I didn't want to use it since router.push('/map') didn't work in pages/index.tsx file but I solved this issue by creating a new component putting router.push in useeffect and rendering a loader.
routeChangeStart was in _app.js and because of this in index.js router.push() didn't work - I tested it
routeChangeStart - how it works?
When we click on a page the data is being fetched on the server and the page will only be displayed to us once the data is fetched. So we can make the next thing, we can just intercept the route change.
When we click on a link(we wait for data to fetch) we set loading state in routeChangeStart to true and if we moved to another page(it means we fetched the data) we invoke routeChangeComplete which runs once we moved to the route we wanted to, and here we set loading state to false. And after this I just pass the loading state using React Context

Auth Nextjs website from getInitialProps with localstorage or cookie and Apollo

I have some problems with the auth process on Nextjs project. From the example, it stores the token in cookies, but in checkLoggedIn.js it queries DB instead of get the token from cookie.
I would like to get the token from cookie or localstorage in getInitialProps, but in getInitialProps, it can NOT see localstorage because it's still in server side. Is there any better way that I could auth user before component render?
Not sure is it possible to get the token from getToken in apollo client.
My current code is
class DashBoard extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
componentDidMount () {
const decodeToken = verifyToken(localStorage.getItem('KEY'));
if (!decodeToken.mail) {
} else {
this.props.loginSuccess(, decodeToken.mail);
render () {
return (<div></div>)
Thank you
I solved this by using nookies. It works both server side (for getInitialProps) and client side in Next.js
Here is what I did to solve it after few days of research (honestly, not the best documentation around)
In the getInitialProps, I took the headers from the requests and copied them over in my fetch request.
Profile.getInitialProps = async ({ req }) => {
const headers = { ...req.headers }
const url = `http://localhost:3000/api/profile`
const data = await fetch(url, { headers }).then(res => res.json())
return { data }
Keep in mind that this only works on the server. For the client, you can just pass {credentials: 'include'} to fetch
