Angularjs + Angular (5) router - angularjs

I am trying to run angular next to our old angularjs application. Before we try to go the ngUpgrade (a lot of refactoring needed before possible) route I'd like to try and run them independent from each other. I thought I would be able to achieve this by just rendering the tag and the associated script files that get generated (by angular-cli) on the specified routes that I want to upgrade to our new application.
I do this by adding a state to my angular-ui-router. With *param as last url value so all subsequent routes go to the same route.
But now I have an issue that when I redirect from an angularjs(e.g. /user) route to a new route( e.g. /subscription/2) the application breaks because angular can't resolve the previous route.
I thought this could work if I could intercept the routeChange in angular but can't find a way to do this.
Is this even possible?

In order for angular to intercept and handle routes you need to use an UrlHandlingStrategy. Please check the example here.


AngularJS ui.router -- How to keep URL patterns manageable

If we are using "ui.router" of angular JS module, will that module take control of all the URL navigation in the entire page?
I am using the $stateProvider.state method to register the mappings of URLs and States but as I am using it, I am observing that the state provider is taking control of routing all URL patters. For example, if I am having a jquery tabs pane in the same page somewhere, it is not working. The reason being, the jquery tabs are based on the HREF of the Anchors and this ui-router is taking charge of mapping them as well, to some states.
Can someone please confirm if it really is supposed to work like this?
No, as per I know, it should work fine with HREF,for example
In your case, for tabs you are specifying #(hash) in href and thats why its going through ui-router, I would suggest you to use <uib-tab> instead of simple jQuery tabs and thing will work as you needed.
If you are using # in anchor tag then it will always try to match it with url and if not found then it will redirect to defualt one but you can actually intercept url change request in run function and use preventDefault function for specific request which will stop url change request

AngularJS resource dependencies

I am using AngularJS on top of an MVC application. How can I make my AngularJS app depend on a resource having been loaded? In this case I want to ensure my UserData is loaded BEFORE anything else happens. I am using UI Router and I know I can set resolve states on individual routes but I dont want to have to add this to every route. Is there a global way to do this?
Simple solution: you can add a parent state of the entire app and use only one resolve there.
With this approach, the data that resolves will be available for all the children.
You can get all data in "run" block and put it in some kind of service wrapper.

Moving through a Multi Page Application in AngularJS

I'm structuring a Multi Page App in angular. I have a main app with its ngRoute configured so that the resulting url is something like:
Now I must move to another app in the same project so that the Url is something like:
I'm able to achieve this by manipulating the string resulting by $location.absUrl() and pass it to $window.location.href but it's horrible.
Is there a better way to do the same thing?
You should do this by the means of your router. There is a default router in angular, though I would suggest you going with - as I think it is much better than Angular v1.x defaults.
With that router you can define few states (1 state per each URL), define URL for each state, define views to be displayed in that state, actions on entry/leave etc. Then, you can get access to $state object and its go() method to switch between states - as well as easily have it done automatically on elements by specifying .

Advantage of angular UIRouter over ng-include?

I'm wondering whether to use angular UI router or just use simple ng-include, i'm failing to fully understand why would i pick to include entire library over the built-in ng-include which gives me about the same functionality with less code?
Can someone explain whats wrong with
<div ng-if="somestate" ng-include="someview"></div>
Can someone explain whats wrong with
<div ng-if="somestate" ng-include="someview"></div>
It doesn't handle URLs in any way. You want the URL to change when you go to another state, and you want the state to change when the URL changes. You want to be able to bookmark a page in your app, or send its URL by email, and come back to this page rather than the home page when opening the bookmark or the link.
It also doesn't allow resolving data before switching to a state.Both ui-router and ngRoute allow doing that: the state changes only when the data needed to display this state has been successfully loaded.
That's the main job of ui-router and ngRoute. ui-router has many other goodies, like events when changing state, named views, state inheritance (very useful to handle a view consisting of several tabs, for example), etc.

AngularJs - Determining the next location's route in $locationChangeStart

Recently I found out about the undocumented $locationChangeStart event in AngularJS when trying to determine where in the framework I should be redirecting users to the login page if their session is invalid.
I'm listening for the event using the following:
$scope.$on("$locationChangeStart", function (event, nextLocation, currentLocation) {
// Logic goes here
where nextLocation and previousLocation are absolute urls to locations within the app.
My question is this: Does AngularJS expose the ability to be able to match a url against a route, much like its internal routing engine does to see if an absolute URL matches a defined route?
If not, what would be the best way to detect a route based on an absolute URL?
I located the relevant source code lines in the AngularJS github project. Here is the function that it uses to match the URL to a route:
Since this functionality is not exposed by Angular I decided to come up with a rudimentary way of matching the URL to a route since the routes I was matching were relatively simple compared to implementing the same route matching that Angular does.
It ain't pretty, but it works..
