I am working on a SSRS report.
Business Requirement: One of the business req is that if the statusId which we get back comes as 3 then add a strikethrough line over the textbox. This textbox is outside the dataregion.
Here is what I have gotten so far but I am getting errors.
I right clicked on the textbox -> went to Properties. -> went to Font. ->
clicked Expression button from effects and applied this syntax in
=IIf(sum(Fields!RequestStatusId.Value, "GetRequestById") = 3 "Default", "LineThrough")
Below is the error that I am getting:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error [rsCompilerErrorInExpression] The TextDecoration expression for the textrun ‘Textbox158.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ contains an error: [BC30455] Argument not specified for parameter 'TruePart' of 'Public Function IIf(Expression As Boolean, TruePart As Object, FalsePart As Object) As Object'.
What am I doing wrong ? Can someone help me with my expression which I applied. Thanks!
Missing a comma after the 3, assuming that is exactly the expression being used.
=IIf(sum(Fields!RequestStatusId.Value, "GetRequestById") = 3, "Default", "LineThrough")
I have a line of code written using Typescript. The label argument has a string type this is clearly visible in the screenshot
At the same time, after compiling the code, an error appears in the browser window that says that label has the type any.
Please tell me what is the cause and how can I fix this behavior
Specify the label to be of type string
mdValue = filterData.value.map((label: string) => {
// ...
IF(( Active__c = TRUE),
This is the formula I used to create a visual Indicator Field to Associate the Active Employee with a Green Dot in front of their Names.
And it's Showing me the following error.
Error: Syntax error. Found '/'
Need Help?
You need to add quotes in image name
What I'm trying to is to double click on a row in a WPF datagrid. To achieve this I'm using the following code:
WpfTable invoiceList = new WpfTable(base.MainWindow);
invoiceList.SearchProperties.Add(WpfTable.PropertyNames.AutomationId, "datagridID");
When I run this on my machine the test passes but when I run the same test via MTM I get the following error:
Test method
threw exception:
Cannot perform 'DoubleClick' on the control. Additional Details:
TechnologyName: 'UIA' ControlType: 'Row' FrameworkId: 'WPF' --->
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has
been returned from a call to a COM component.
Could someone point in the right direction as to how I could fix this?
In case anyone else is facing this issue, I changed my code to the following to get it to work.
WpfControl row = invoiceList.GetRow(0);
Mouse.DoubleClick(new System.Drawing.Point(row.BoundingRectangle.X + row.BoundingRectangle.Width, row.BoundingRectangle.Y + row.BoundingRectangle.Height/2));
So instead of double clicking on the WpfRow object, I used the Mouse.DoubleClick(new System.Drawing.Point()) option and passed center point (i.e System.Drawing.Point) as the parameter. As to why the previous approach didn't work, I'm afraid I cannot explain.
While loading Ui-Grid In IE throwing error messages -
[true] [SYSERR] Multiple definitions of a property not allowed in strict mode [object Object]
Issue is only in IE, Not throwing any errors in FireFox & Chrome. Tested on IE Version-11.
Thanks in Advance.
As the error state, you are using somewhere an object that has more than one property with the same name .
Something like :
var obj= {
property1: 0,
property2: 1,
property1: 2
Printing the upper object results in :
{ property1: 2, property2: 1 }
Also searching a little bit on stack overflow, you can find a more detailed answer why this error is outputed in Internet Explorer
What's the purpose of allowing duplicate property names?
Its difficult to find multiple definition manually when you have long code written by someone else.
I used http://jshint.com/ and pasted code there, it showed me all duplicate warnings and I fixed those everything worked.
I'm working with sql server report builder and I'm trying to change the value of an image according to a chosen date from a parameter.
I've selected external as source and in the expression window I have something like this:
=iif(Parameters!Date.Value <> 11.04.2013, "http://rack.0.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEyLzEyLzA0L2I1L3doZXJlZG9nb29nLmJoTi5qcGcKcAl0aHVtYgk5NTB4NTM0IwplCWpwZw/4931e287/304/where-do-google-doodles-come-from--ff2932470c.jpg", " ")
but I receive the following message:
Argument not specified for parameter 'TruePart' of 'Public Function IIf(Expression As Boolean, TruePart As Object, FalsePart As Object) As Object'.
I'm pretty new to work with the report builder, so please someone help me find out the solution.
I pasted your expression into a sample report set up with a parameter Date, data type Date/Time, and got the same error when using the expression.
I resolved this by changing the data being compared to the parameter in the expression into a string that can readily be converted to a date, so from 11.04.2013 to "11-Apr-2013":
=iif(Parameters!Date.Value <> "11-Apr-2013", "http://rack.0.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEyLzEyLzA0L2I1L3doZXJlZG9nb29nLmJoTi5qcGcKcAl0aHVtYgk5NTB4NTM0IwplCWpwZw/4931e287/304/where-do-google-doodles-come-from--ff2932470c.jpg", " ")
This stopped the error occurring for me and worked as expected when I selected different dates; i.e. the URL on all dates except 11-Apr-2013.