Consent Form with DocuSign for Salesforce without Sending Email - salesforce

We have a scenario where a user needs to click on a link and a Consent Form in a .pdf format will open. Once the document is opened, the user will be able to sign the form using DocuSign. Upon clicking [Finished] button, the signed form will be uploaded in the system. Is this possible with DocuSign?
P/S: We are not looking into sending to email nor In Person Signing.

Yes, you can use DocuSign embedded Signing, which does not send any email nor is In-Person signing. You can check embedded Signing here,
Also you can use API (using Polling - Not recommended) or DS Connect to get alert when Signer has completed the signing ceremony, once you know that signer has completed the signing ceremony then you can pull the signed form to your system.


how to create a firebase customized action URL for email address verification in react.js?

I'm developing an application using react.js. When A user is registering using email and password and the user is getting a verification email in his email. When the user is clicking on the verification link, then a new tab is opened and the verification is completed without any option. But I want that when the user clicks on the verification link some options will come up (for example: yes/no) and Once the verification is complete the user will be taken to that website page.

How to implement link verification for sign up

I'm looking to customize Azure AD B2C Sign Up Scenario by doing the following :
User press on Reset Password, he put his email address
Link is being sent to his email address
User click on the link
User is being redirected to change password forms
User input password + password again
Any documentation on how to implement this scenario?
You could do this with custom policies.
The link could be a "magic link" as described here.
You could have a new self-asserting technical profile that just asks for an email address. This would then call a REST API that generates the "magic link" and sends the email.

Azure AD B2C Custom Policy Verification Email Customisation

I have set up a custom Password Reset policy in Azure AD B2C that allows the user to change their password while displaying custom branding elements depending on specific scenarios. This policy contains a step where the user verifies their Email Address by entering a verification code that is sent to their inbox.
From this post in the Microsoft Azure Feedback Forums: fully-customizable-verification-emails
It seems it is not possible to fully customise verification emails.
However, is it possible to perform some basic customisation of the verification e-mail within a custom policy? (text sent in the "From" and "Title" sections of the email and modifications to the text sent in the body).
Currently, you aren't able to customize the email messages, but -- as you have found on the feedback forum -- this is being considered by the product team.
You can customise the verification emails by using a 3rd party email service to send the emails.
For example, we have Azure AD B2C configured to send emails with SendGrid. We then use SendGrid templates to customise the contents of the email. This involves using Custom Policies, so it's definitely an advanced use case.
Once set up, you can create and use any SendGrid email template, and use the {{otp}} and {{email}} parameters in the body of the email, which will be replaced dynamically with the one-time password value and the user email address.
The instructions to send emails with SendGrid are here:
For Mailjet, the instructions are here:

Powerforms submit - getting Docusign Envelope ID

We are incorporating Powerforms into a Salesforce Community. When a user completes a Powerform, we need to execute a trigger to write back to Salesforce.
My questions are related to attaching the completed Docusign envelope to the related Salesforce record:
1) When we redirect from Powerforms, will we get the Docusign envelope ID?
2) If so, can we insert a Docusign envelope record in Salesforce with that ID with the standard AppExchange package to tie the envelope to the record in Salesforce from which the Powerform was initiated?
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
If you're logged into DocuSign: Go To Admin>> Signing Settings>> In-Session Landing Pages
In-Session Landing Pages is used by Powerform to redirect the signer to the URL where you want Signer to redirects to. When Signer gets redirected then DocuSign populates URL like below:
Alternatively and also recommended is to use DocuSign Connect, where you subscribe for the event like Envelope Completed or Recipient Signed etc, once event occurs then DocuSign will push an XML message to your configured listener with the envelope related details. This is a better approach because with redirect there is a risk of the customer closing the browser or browser getting crashed before browser hits your app URL.

How to create email verification on Firebase simple login

In angularfire seed project, there is an account registration process using email and password. But how can we verify that the email is not fake? I mean it is without server code, just client code.
Store a token in the database send the same token via e-mail to the client ask them to click a link in the e-mail that passes the token back to a page which marks their e-mail as verified.
You can angularjs-fire seed project at this link angularfire_seed_with_reg_confirmation. Some explanation of it here email verification using angularjs+firebase Below is the quote from its readme:
It is AngularJS seed with Firebase backend and a feature for account
registration confirmation via email. This feature can be used as an
alternative for account activation. It is a clone of AngularFire Seed
with additional feature above and also login feature vial social login
ie login with Facebook, Twitter, and Google.
The account registration differs significantly from the original seed.
We can register for an account just by supplying an email and then
we'll get a confirmation email about our temporary random password.
The password is recommended to be changed to a memorable one and at
the same time it must also be strong and secure.
