React setState - Add array to nested object with multiple arrays - arrays

I'm currently working on a new application in React. This is the first time I'm creating something in React. The application will display our own promotions.
My initial state is as follows:
"promotion": {
"name": "",
"campaign": "",
"url": "https://",
"position": 0,
"periods": [
"startDateTimeStamp": 1510558814960,
"endDateTimeStamp": 1510558814960,
"variants": [
"title": "",
"text": "",
"image": ""
This is created from my defaultPromotion constant. This constant is stored in a separate file, which I call api.js
export const defaultPromotion = {
name: '',
campaign: '',
url: 'https://',
position: 0,
periods: [
variants: [
title: '',
text: '',
image: '',
In my createPromotion component it's created as followed
let promotionState = api.promotions.defaultPromotion;
this.state = {
promotion: promotionState
I can add a new period with the following:
addPromotion() {
let promotion = this.state.promotion;
promotion.periods.push( api.promotions.defaultPromotion.periods[0] );
After that, a new period is added as expected. Suggestions to do this with setState() are very welcome! So, my new state is now:
"promotion": {
"name": "",
"campaign": "",
"url": "https://",
"position": 0,
"periods": [
"startDateTimeStamp": 1510559984421,
"endDateTimeStamp": 1510559984421,
"variants": [
"title": "",
"text": "",
"image": ""
"startDateTimeStamp": 1510559984421,
"endDateTimeStamp": 1510559984421,
"variants": [
"title": "",
"text": "",
"image": ""
Now, I want to add a new variant for this promotion period, this is where I'm stuck for 2 days now.
I'm adding a new period as follows:
addVariant( periodKey ) {
const promotion = this.state.promotion;
this.setState({ promotion: promotion });
periodKey is here "1", so, I'm expecting that there will be added a new variant for periods[1], but, it's added to both periods. State is now as follows:
"promotion": {
"name": "",
"campaign": "",
"url": "https://",
"position": 0,
"periods": [
"startDateTimeStamp": 1510559984421,
"endDateTimeStamp": 1510559984421,
"variants": [
"title": "",
"text": "",
"image": ""
"title": "",
"text": "",
"image": ""
"startDateTimeStamp": 1510559984421,
"endDateTimeStamp": 1510559984421,
"variants": [
"title": "",
"text": "",
"image": ""
"title": "",
"text": "",
"image": ""
Can someone explain me why this is happening and how I can add a new variant the right way?
Many, many thanks in advance!
Based on the answers from bennygenel and Patrick Hübl-Neschkudla, my implementation is now as follows:
Setting the initial state:
constructor(props) {
let promotionState = api.promotions.defaultPromotion;
this.state = { ...promotionState };
addVariant( periodKey ) {
this.setState((prevState) => {
const { periods } = prevState;
Object.assign({}, { ...periods[periodKey].variants, api.promotions.defaultPromotion.periods[0].variants[0]})
return { periods };
But this still is setting the new variant in all the periods. I've also tried the exact code from Benny, but with the same results. The method is called as
this.props.addVariant( this.props.periodKey );
Even when I call it as:
The same behaviour is happening.
I now have rewritten everything to redux, this is so I have access to my promotion in every component the easy way, instead off passing them through certain components. Based on the answer of #mersocarlin, I now have the following reducer cases:
Add period
const { periods } = { ...state };
state = {
periods: periods
Add a period variant
state = {
periods: [
variants: [
The following case:
Add a new variant, works, state:
"name": "",
"campaign": "",
"url": "https://",
"position": 0,
"periods": [
"startDateTimeStamp": 1510599968588,
"endDateTimeStamp": 1510599968588,
"variants": [
"title": "",
"text": "",
"image": ""
"startDateTimeStamp": 1510599968594,
"endDateTimeStamp": 1510599968594,
"variants": [
"title": "",
"text": "",
"image": ""
After that, adding a new variant, kinda works, well, the variant is added, but I'm losing my 2nd period. State:
"name": "",
"campaign": "",
"url": "https://",
"position": 0,
"periods": [
"variants": [
"title": "",
"text": "",
"image": ""
"title": "",
"text": "",
"image": ""
I think this is a small thing I'm not see'ing. Does someone have the solution for the "PROMOTION_ADD_PERIOD_VARIANT" case?
Update 3
Changed the "PROMOTION_ADD_PERIOD" case as follows:
state = {
periods: [
Update 4
Finaly found the solution. See the final code for PROMOTION_ADD_PERIOD_VARIANT below:
state = {
periods: [, index) => {
if ( index !== action.payload.period ) {
return item;
return {
variants: [
Thank you all so much for your help!!

Rather destruct your state object and avoid mutating it directly. This also happens to be a bad pattern.
Whenever you need to add a new item to the array:
const state = {
arrayProp: [{ prop1: 'prop1', prop2: 'prop2' }]
const newItem = {
prop1: 'value1',
prop2: 'value2',
const newState = {
arrayProp: [
console.log('newState', newState)
Same applies for nested properties within your state:
Redux also uses this very same approach
const state = {
objectProp: {
arrayPropWithinArray: [
{ id: '0', otherProp: 123, yetAnotherProp: 'test' },
{ id: '1', otherProp: 0, yetAnotherProp: '' }
const { objectProp } = state
const index = objectProp.arrayPropWithinArray.findIndex(obj => === '1')
const newSubItem = {
otherProp: 1,
yetAnotherProp: '2',
const newState = {
objectProp: {
arrayPropWithinArray: [
...objectProp.arrayPropWithinArray.slice(0, index),
...objectProp.arrayPropWithinArray.slice(index + 1),
console.log('newState', newState)
Your specific case (as described in your comment)
const periodKey = '2' // your periodKey var. Get it from the right place, it can be your action for example
const index = state.periods.findIndex(period => === periodKey) // find which index has to be updated
state = {
...state, // propagates current state
periods: [
...state.periods.slice(0, index), // propagates everything before index
variants: [
...state.periods.slice(0, index + 1) // propagates everything after index

So, what's happening here is that you have an array with two references to the same object.
Imagine it like this:
myArray[0] = reference to defaultPromotion
myArray[1] = reference to defaultPromotion
That's actually a wonderful example of why immutability concepts got so much attention in the past few years :)
What you'd want to do here is instead of adding the defaultPromotion object to the promotions array, you create a new object with the same props as this object and add it. It would look something like this (depending on your ES version etc.)
Object.assign({}, api.promotions.defaultPromotion.periods[0])
This way, you're creating a new object and pass this to the array instead of a reference to the already existing one.

First suggestion, if you are going to have only one promotion object in your state and not an array, lose the promotion level. this will reduce the complexity of your state. You can use spread syntax to easily set your initial state.
let promotionState = api.promotions.defaultPromotion;
this.state = { ...promotionState };
Above code would end up creating a state like below;
"name": "",
"campaign": "",
"url": "https://",
"position": 0,
"periods": [{
"startDateTimeStamp": 1510559984421,
"endDateTimeStamp": 1510559984421,
"variants": [{
"title": "",
"text": "",
"image": ""
}, {
"startDateTimeStamp": 1510559984421,
"endDateTimeStamp": 1510559984421,
"variants": [{
"title": "",
"text": "",
"image": ""
Another suggestion I can make is to use functional setState to reduce possibility to mutate.
addPromotion() {
this.setState((prevState) => {
const { periods } = prevState;
return { periods };
addVariant( periodKey ) {
this.setState((prevState) => {
const { periods } = prevState;
return { periods };


Update object value in array within array React

I am trying to update my product attributes and i came to a solution only for one attribute.
this is my carrtItems state
this.state = {
cartItems: [],
selectedAttributes: []
Json Object
"__typename": "Product",
"name": "iPhone 12 Pro",
"inStock": true,
"attributes": [
"__typename": "AttributeSet",
"id": "Capacity",
"name": "Capacity",
"type": "text",
"items": [
"__typename": "Attribute",
"id": "512G",
"value": "512G"
"__typename": "Attribute",
"id": "1T",
"value": "1T"
"__typename": "AttributeSet",
"id": "Color",
"items": [
"__typename": "Attribute",
"id": "Black",
"value": "#000000"
"__typename": "Attribute",
"id": "White",
"value": "#FFFFFF"
"id": "product1",
"quantity": 1,
"selectedAttributes": [
"value": "512G",
"type": "Capacity",
"id": "product1"
"value": "#44FF03",
"type": "Color",
"id": "product1"
This is my update function:
updateCartItem = (cart, product, selectedAttribute, newAttributes) => {
const existingCartItem = cart.find(
(cartItem) => ===
const thisCart = cart.filter((cartItem) => !==
if (existingCartItem) { =>>>newAttr.type
? newAttributes= [{
value: newAttr.value,
: [newAttributes = attr]
return [
{ ...product, selectedAttributes: newAttributes },
This is update state function
updateItemToCart = (product, selectedAttributes) => {
cartItems: this.updateCartItem(this.state.cartItems, product, selectedAttributes),
This my is my selected attributes functions
selectAttribute = (attribute, newAttribute, type, id) => {
const existingAttribute = attribute.find(
(attr) => attr.type === type && === id
if (existingAttribute) {
return =>
attr.type === type && === id
? { ...attr, value: newAttribute }
: attr
return [...attribute, { value: newAttribute, type, id }];
selectedAttributesHandler = (newAttribute, type, id) => {
selectedAttributes: this.selectAttribute(
What i want here is to update selectedAttributes if color or size changes but to remain the other attribute.
Color: white, Size: M
Here i change the size to L on click
Color: white, Size:L
How to update updateCartItem function to achieve this result.
You can use the spread operator
It allows you to easily populate an object or array with a shallow copy of the contect of another object or array.
The syntax is three dots followed by the name of the object or array that we want to copy.
selectedAttributes: this.selectAttribute(
There are other ways of achieving this, but this is the likely the simplest way and is a common pattern when working with state in React.

How to create nested array in realm without key(React Native)

"a": [
"_id": "57e55b64016c3551c025abc1",
"title": "Main Campus"
"_id": "5810e2e27064497f74ad4874",
"title": "Ahm Campus"
"_id": "5d5d2633a1d0680620ac3cce",
"title": "Baroda"
"_id": "5d5d3af3a1d0680620ac3ef8",
"title": "India"
"_id": "57e55b64016c3551c025abc1",
"title": "Main Campus"
"_id": "5810e2e27064497f74ad4874",
"title": "Ahm Campus"
"_id": "5d5d2633a1d0680620ac3cce",
"title": "Baroda"
"_id": "5d5d3af3a1d0680620ac3ef8",
"title": "India"
How to create the schema in the realm(React native) for this type of JSON object. I tried all possible ways but did not found any specific solution. Basically, it is a nested array where the second array does not have any specific key(I tried with key it works fine but I want to do it without adding key).
You can use something like:
const ParentSchema = {
name: "parent",
properties: {
key: "string",
values: "Value[]"
const ValueSchema = {
name: "Value",
embedded: true,
properties: {
_id: "string",
title: "string"
You can insert objects like:
realm.write(() => {
realm.create("Parent", { key: "a", values: [
{ _id: "57e55b64016c3551c025abc1", title: "Main Campus" },
{ _id: "5810e2e27064497f74ad4874", title: "Ahm Campus" }
As of now there is no way to insert direct value in Realm database without key so for now we need to modify data and then we can store in following schema.
const ParentSchema = {
name: "parent",
properties: {
a: "level[]"
const level = {
name: 'level',
properties: {
level: 'sites[]'
const sites = {
name: 'sites',
properties: {
sites: 'site[]'
const site = {
name: 'site',
properties: {
title: 'string?',
_id: 'string?',
version: 'int?',
Data modification need to done like following.
var a = {
level: []
}, index) => {
const sites = [] => { sites.push(s)})

React - setState with certain index

I've been stuck for whole day and please help me to fix it.
I have a json data which like this :
"menu": "menu_1",
"icon": "icon_1",
"detail": {
"name": "name_1",
"phone": "phone_1"
"menu": "menu_2",
"icon": "icon_2",
"detail": {
"name": "name_2",
"phone": "phone_2"
"menu": "menu_3",
"icon": "icon_3",
"detail": {
"name": "name_3",
"phone": "phone_3"
I put them into the "data" state and My goal is I wanna change the "detail" state with certain index ( ex: state "data" with index 1 change the "detail" data )
Currently my code is :
data: {,
"name": "billy",
"phone": "893823839"
That setState is clearly wanna change the state with certain index but fail..
How do I supposed to do?
I guess this is what you're looking for, we could replace an element inside an array using splice :
const index = 1;
data: [].splice(index, 1, {[index],
details: { name: "billy", phone: "893823839" },
Update: we could use slice also to make an immutable update with index :
data: [, index),
details: { name: "billy", phone: "893823839" },
}, + 1,,
could you try it ?
this is an example that i tested using splice:
const items = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }];
const indexToBeModified = 1; // { id: 2 } ==> { foo: "foo", id: 2 }
items.splice(indexToBeModified, 1, { ...items[indexToBeModified], foo: "foo" });
console.log("items", items);
Here is a little modified example. It uses prevState to prevent any unwanted changes that may happen when directly interacting with this.state.
import React, { Component } from "react";
export default class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
data: [
menu: "menu_1",
icon: "icon_1",
detail: {
name: "name_1",
phone: "phone_1"
menu: "menu_2",
icon: "icon_2",
detail: {
name: "name_2",
phone: "phone_2"
menu: "menu_3",
icon: "icon_3",
detail: {
name: "name_3",
phone: "phone_3"
this.modifyData = this.modifyData.bind(this);
modifyData(index) {
this.setState((prevState) => {[index].detail={
name: "billy",
phone: "893823839"
return {
data: []
render() {
return (
<button onClick={() => this.modifyData(0)}>Click to modify data</button>
Here is a code sandbox reference.

React Redux using an object in the initialState

I have a chat application coded in ReactJS. I want to make a redux function to add to a list of chats and messages. Hard to explain but here's the code. This is the shortened version of the code. I removed many things that were unrelated so that this code would be easier to read.
import {
} from '../actions/types'
const initialState = {
conversations: {
"jack": [
"sender": "jack",
"text": "This is hard coded",
"date": "00:00:00 MN | May 5"
"sender": "administrator",
"text": "Noted",
"date": "00:00:01 AM | May 5"
export default (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
conversations: {
return state
How do I make an update function so that if an action of CHAT_UPDATE is dispatched, - which contains the information of the requested chat and the new message - it will add it to the list of conversations?
For example when this is dispatched:
name: 'jack',
coversation: {
"sender": "jack",
"text": "How's your day?",
"date": "00:00:02 AM | May 5"
I want the new state to be
conversations: {
"jack": [
"sender": "jack",
"text": "This is hard coded",
"date": "00:00:00 MN | May 5"
"sender": "administrator",
"text": "Noted",
"date": "00:00:01 AM | May 5"
"sender": "jack",
"text": "How's your day?",
"date": "00:00:02 AM | May 5"
This will work!!
return {
conversations: {
[]: [
You should update it in this way
return {

how to use Immutability helper to update a nested object within an array?

Inside reducer, given a state object:
var state = {
"data": [{
"subset": [{
"id": 1
}, {
"id": 2
}, {
"subset": [{
"id": 10
}, {
"id": 11
}, {
"id": 12
As you can see, the data is a nested array, with arrays in each of its elements.
Knowning that action.indexToUpdate will be a index for data, I want to update data[action.indexToUpdate].subset to a new array programmatically. For example, if action.indexToUpdate = 0, then data[0] will be updated from
In order to do so, I have:
let newSubset = [{"id":4},{"id":5}]
let newState = update([action.indexToUpdate], {
subset: {
But when I executed this, it returns error:
TypeError: value is undefined
on the update founction.
I have been looking at the react ducomentation here: but I couldn't really figure out how to do it. Please advise!
Your update will look like
var obj = {"state" : {
"data": [{
"subset": [{
"id": 1
}, {
"id": 2
}, {
"subset": [{
"id": 10
}, {
"id": 11
}, {
"id": 12
return update(obj, {
"state" : {
"data": {
[action.indexToUpdate]: {
"subset": {
$set: [newSubset]
In case there are other fields in subset, but you only wish to the change the fields at specific index containing other keys, you would write
return update(obj, {
"state" : {
"data": {
[action.indexToUpdate]: {
"subset": {
[id]: {$merge: newSubset}
