Runspace scriptblock array cannot be passed - arrays

I'm tinkering with the code below. It should create a PoshRSJob and run the function foo again in the runspace there.
I want to be able to turn the $list parameter into an [array] or [string[]], but when I do it throws errors. I considered flattening my array into a string, but if I change $list3 to include a space or comma in the string it also throws an error. I believe it is this line that is causing the issue, but I don't know why or what to do to circumvent this issue:
ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create("`$_ | $($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) -Parallel:`$false -fn:$fn -sqlQuery:$SQLQuery -option:$option -List:$List")
function foo {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[PSObject] $InputObject,
[switch] $Parallel = $true,
[string] $fn,
[string] $sqlQuery = "none",
[string] $option = "none",
[int] $number,
[int] $Throttle = 100,
#Want this to be [array] or [string[]] :
[string] $List = "none"
begin {
$batch = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().Guid #run all jobs under same batch number
process {
if ($Global:debugging -eq $true){$host.ui.WriteDebugLine("fn:$fn | SQLQuery:$sqlQuery")}
if (!$Parallel) {
$server = $
Manage{ return $list }
} #end switch
} else {#region Parallel run
$jobArguments = #{
Throttle = $Throttle
Batch = $batch
FunctionsToLoad = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
#This is the problematic line:
ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create("`$_ | $($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) -Parallel:`$false -fn:$fn -sqlQuery:$SQLQuery -option:$option -List:$List")
if ($_ -and $_ -isnot [string]) { $serverName=$_ } else { $serverName=$ }
#(if ($_ -and $_ -isnot [string]) { $_ } else { $InputObject }) | Start-RSJob #jobArguments | Out-Null
} #endregion
end {#region Wait for results and return them
if ($Parallel) {
Get-RSJob -batch $batch | Wait-RSJob -ShowProgress | Out-Null
$obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
Name = 'server1'
Other = 'other'
$list2 = $obj
$list3 = "item1-item2"
$list2 | foo -fn 'Manage' -number 2 -option Q -List $list3
This is the error:
The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.
Does anyone know how to get this working so I can pass a list into the runspace?


Multiple varibales from a function into an array in Powershell

I have a function that returns several things and I need to store them into an array seperately.
The code I currently have is like so:
Function ADlocation{
$ADDetails = Get-ADComputer - Identity $Servername -Properties Description,LastLogOnTimeStamp -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ADFail
Catch [Exception]{
return "$($Servername) not in AD"
return (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity $(ADDetails.DistinguishedName.Replace("CN=$($ADDetails.Name),","")) -Properties canonicalName).canonicalName
return $ADDetails.Description
return ([datetime]::FromFileTime($ADDetails.LastLogonTimeStamp)).ToString()
$Output = #()
foreach ($ipAddress in $iplist){
$Servername = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress($ipAddress).Hostname
if(Test-Connection $ipAddress -Quiet){
$Output += [PSCustomObject]#{
ip = $ipAddress
Name = $ServerName
Pingable = "Yes"
ADLocation = ADlocation
AdDescription = ADlocation
LAstLogOnTime = ADlocation
} else {
$Output +=[PSCustomObject]#{
ip = $ipAddress
Name = "N/A"
Pingable = "No"
$Output | Export-Csv -path $OutputPath -NoTypeInformation
I am unsure what i should call to specifically get the "ADlocation", "ADDescription" and LastLogOnTime
There are a couple of things amiss in your code. As commented, the three return statements in the function. In fact, you don't really need a helper function for this..
Also, there is a syntax error on - Identity $Servername, where the space should not be there between the hyphen and the parameter name Identity.
Then, if you want to output a valid CSV, you need to specify the same objects with the same properties, both when succeeded and when failed.
I think the easiest way to do this, is to merge success/failed like below:
Assuming your $iplist variable is an array of IP addresses
$OutputPath = 'D:\Test\computers.csv' # enter the path and filename you want here
# loop over the IP addresses in the list
$Output = foreach ($ipAddress in $iplist) {
# initialize some variables
$pingable = 'No'
$Servername, $ADDetails = $null
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $ipAddress -Quiet -Count 1) {
$pingable = 'Yes'
# GetHostByAddress is obsolete, use GetHostEntry
$Servername = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($ipAddress).Hostname
# rather use Filter than Identity so exceptions can be silenced with -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$ADDetails = Get-ADComputer -Filter "Name -eq '$Servername'" -Properties Description,LastLogOnDate, CanonicalName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# simply output an object to be collected in variable $Output
IP = $ipAddress
Name = if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ServerName)) { 'N/A' } else { $ServerName }
Pingable = $pingable
ADLocation = if ($ADDetails) { Split-Path -Path $ADDetails.CanonicalName -Parent } else { 'N/A' }
ADDescription = if ($ADDetails) { $ADDetails.Description } else { 'N/A' }
LastLogOnDate = if ($ADDetails) { $ADDetails.LastLogOnDate } else { 'N/A' }
# output on screen
$Output | Format-Table -AutoSize
# output to CSV file
$Output | Export-Csv -Path $OutputPath -NoTypeInformation

Slow array operations after DB resultset

I need help optimizing my PowerShell script.
$sorted = #()
$firsttime = 0
$j = 0
$zaehler = $results.Count-1
for ($i=0; $i -le $results.Count-1; $i++) {
$j = $i+1
while ($results.GUID[$i] -eq $results.GUID[$j]) {
$klassen = ""
$rec = $results | where {$_.GUID -eq $results.GUID[$i]}
if ($firsttime -eq 0 -or !$sorted.GUID.contains($rec[0].GUID)) {
$firsttime = 1
foreach ($item in $rec.Klasse) {
if ($klassen -eq "") {
$klassen += $item
} else {
if (!$klassen.Contains($item)) {
$klassen += "," + $item
$rec[0].Klasse = $klassen
$sorted += $rec[0]
$j = $j+1
Write-Host ($i/$zaehler).ToString("P") "von Schule" $schule
if (!$sorted) {
} else {
Basically in my resultset ($results) I got duplicate lines of teachers and the only difference is the class ("Klasse/Klassen") they are teaching at.
To minimize the output I am checking if the first GUID is the same as the second and then the script appends the second class to the first one. So the $sorted array has just one line per teacher with a comma-seperated string which shows all classes.
Sample line of $results:
Sample line of $sorted[0]:
The sorting process (check if contains, foreach $item, add to $klassen) is pretty slow.
I would be very grateful for any kind of ideas how to optimize the script.
Maybe something like this would work:
$results | ForEach-Object {
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property $_
} | Group-Object GUID | ForEach-Object {
$teacher = $_.Group
$teacher | Select-Object -First 1 -Exclude Klasse -Property *, #{n='Klasse';e={
$teacher | Select-Object -Expand Klasse
Convert your hashtables into custom objects, group them by GUID, then replace the original "Klasse" property with a new one containing an array of the values from all objects in that group, and select the first result.
Should $results already be a list of objects you can skip the first ForEach-Object:
$results | Group-Object GUID | ForEach-Object {
$teacher = $_.Group
$teacher | Select-Object -First 1 -Exclude Klasse -Property *, #{n='Klasse';e={
$teacher | Select-Object -Expand Klasse

Output arrays to CSV

I have two CSVs:
Total 19_01_16.csv:
PST Passwords.csv:
I'm trying to merge the two with different headers and additional content.
This is what I have so far:
$a = Import-Csv "$PST_PARENT\DailyReports\Total 19_01_16.csv"
"Hostname,User,PST_Name,Original_Path,New_Path,Size,AcceptableLoss,Password1,Password2,Password3" |
Set-Content "$PST_PARENT\DailyReports\New Build.csv"
$a | foreach {
$HOSTNAME = $_.hostname
$USER = $_.User
$PATH = $_.path
$NEW_NAME = $_.NewName
$SIZE = $_.Size
$SIZE_FAIL = ( [convert]::ToSingle( $SIZE ) / 2 )
$b = Import-Csv "$PST_PARENT\DailyReports\PST Passwords.csv"
$b | foreach {
if ( $USER -like $b.user ) {
$PASSWORD1 = $b.password1
$PASSWORD2 = $b.password2
$PASSWORD3 = $b.password3
} else {
$PASSWORD1 = "none"
$PASSWORD2 = "none"
$PASSWORD3 = "none"
Add-Content "$PST_PARENT\DailyReports\New Build.csv"
The output of New Build.csv looks like this:
In essence the output is working, it's just not scrolling for each line, it's putting each array onto a new line.
I tried adding | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation but all that did was convert the arrays to numbers, they still went down not across.
Any ideas? Am I on the right line or doing the whole thing so very wrong?
$HOSTNAME,$USER,... defines an array, which is written to the output file one element per line. You need to put the list in double quotes to turn it into a comma-separated string that you can write to the output file as a single line.
"Hostname,User,PST_Name,Original_Path,New_Path,Size,AcceptableLoss,Password1,Password2,Password3" |
Set-Content "$PST_PARENT\DailyReports\New Build.csv"
$a | foreach {
} | Add-Content "$PST_PARENT\DailyReports\New Build.csv"
or you construct a custom object from the elements that you can export via Export-Csv.
$a | foreach {
New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property #{
'Hostname' = $HOSTNAME
'User' = $USER
'NewName' = $NEW_NAME
'Path' = $PATH
'NewPath' = $NEWPATH
'Size' = $SIZE
'SizeFail' = $SIZE_FAIL
'Password1' = $PASSWORD1
'Password2' = $PASSWORD2
'Password3' = $PASSWORD3
} | Export-Csv "$PST_PARENT\DailyReports\New Build.csv" -NoType

Easy way to List info from arrays

I have the code below which checks the registry for entries (more than 20 of them) and if it doesn't exists it creates a registry key and adds it to an array.
After that I need to check for all the names in the array to my other array and if it matches, I need it to pull the info from my second array and show it on the screen(the log location, registry location etc). But Can't really figure out how to match the array and write in on the screen without writing very long if statements.
Does anyone know a good way of doing this?
Thanks in advance!
$Reg = "HKLM:\Software\"
$NeedtoCheck = #()
$testing = #("Test1Name","Test2Name", "Test3Name")
$allTests = #(
$Test1 = #{
Name = "Test1"
Logfile = "C:\Checking\test1.log"
Version = "16"
RegName = "test1Nameinfo*"
Installname = "InstallTest1"
UninstallName = "UninstallTest1"
$Test2 = #{
Name = "Test"
Logfile = "C:\test2.log"
Version = "7"
RegName = "test2Nameinfo*"
Installname = "InstallTest2"
UninstallName = "UninstallTest2"
$Test3 = #{
Name = "Test3"
Logfile = "C:\Temp\Checkhere\test3.log"
Version = "99"
RegName = "test3Nameinfo*"
Installname = "InstallTest3"
UninstallName = "UninstallTest3"
$Test1Name = $
$Test1Logfile = $Test1.Logfile
$Test1Version = $Test1.Version
$Test1RegName = $Test1.RegName
$Test1Install = $Test1.InstallName
$Test1Uninstall = $Test1.UninstallName
$Test2Name = $
$Test2Logfile = $Test2.Logfile
$Test2Version = $Test2.Version
$Test2RegName = $Test2.RegName
$Test2Install = $Test2.InstallName
$Test2Uninstall = $Test2.UninstallName
$Test3Name = $
$Test3Logfile = $Test3.Logfile
$Test3Version = $Test3.Version
$Test3RegName = $Test3.RegName
$Test3Install = $Test3.InstallName
$Test3Uninstall = $Test3.UninstallName
Foreach($Test in $testing){
$Key = (Get-Item "Reg").getvalue("$Test")
IF($Key -eq $null)
New-Itemproperty -path "HKLM:\Software\" -value "Check" -PropertyType string -name $Test -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "$Test created"
$Needtocheck += $Test
ELSEIF($key -eq "Check")
$Needtocheck += $Test
Write-Host "$Test already Checked"
Foreach($item in $NeedtoCheck)
If($item -match $Test1Name)
Write-Host "$Test1Name info"
Write-host "$Test1Name`
Write-Host "Not in the list"
This code doesn't make a lot of sense to be honest. If you want 20 checks to be setup, and then only run certain checks, then that's fine, but you really don't need additional cross checking to reference one array against another array, and redefining things like you do when you assign variables for each values in each hashtable. Personally I'd make objects not hashtables, but that's me. Actually, probably even better, make a hashtable with all available tests, then for the value make an object with the properties that you need. Oh, yeah, that'd be the way to go, but would need a little re-writing. Check this out...
$Reg = 'HKLM:\Software\'
$NeedtoCheck = #()
$testing = #('Test2','Test1','NotATest')
#Define Tests
$AllTests = #{'Test1' = [PSCustomObject]#{
Name = "Test1"
Logfile = "C:\Checking\test1.log"
Version = "16"
RegName = "test1Nameinfo*"
Installname = "InstallTest1"
UninstallName = "UninstallTest1"
'Test2' = [PSCustomObject]#{
Name = "Test"
Logfile = "C:\test2.log"
Version = "7"
RegName = "test2Nameinfo*"
Installname = "InstallTest2"
UninstallName = "UninstallTest2"
'Test3' = [PSCustomObject]#{
Name = "Test3"
Logfile = "C:\Temp\Checkhere\test3.log"
Version = "99"
RegName = "test3Nameinfo*"
Installname = "InstallTest3"
UnnstallName = "UninstallTest3"
#$allTests = #($Test1,$Test2,$Test3)
Foreach($Test in $Testing){
If($Test -in $allTests.Keys){
$Key = (Get-Item $Reg).getvalue($AllTests[$Test].RegName)
#Case - Key not there
New-Itemproperty -path "HKLM:\Software\" -value "Check" -PropertyType string -name $AllTests[$Test].RegName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "`n$Test created"
Write-Host "`n$Test info:"
Write-host $allTests[$test].Name
Write-host $allTests[$test].LogFile
Write-host $allTests[$test].Version
Write-host $allTests[$test].RegName
Write-host $allTests[$test].Installname
Write-host $allTests[$test].Uninstallname
#Case - Key = 'Check'
{$_ -eq "Check"}{
Write-Host "`n$Test info:`n"
Write-host $allTests[$test].Name
Write-host $allTests[$test].LogFile
Write-host $allTests[$test].Version
Write-host $allTests[$test].RegName
Write-host $allTests[$test].Installname
Write-host $allTests[$test].Uninstallname
#Default - Key exists and does not need to be checked
default {
Write-Host "`n$Test already Checked"
Write-Host "`n$Test not in list"
That should do what you were doing before, with built in responses and checks. Plus this doesn't duplicate efforts and what not. Plus it allows you to name tests whatever you want, and have all the properties you had before associated with that name. Alternatively you could add a member to each test run, like 'Status', and set that to Created, Check, or Valid, then you could filter $AllTests later and look for entries with a Status property, and filter against that if you needed additional reporting.
You can filter down the tests you want to check like so, if I understand what you are asking for:
$Needtocheck | Where {$_ -in $testing} |
Foreach {... do something for NeedToCheck tests that existing in $testing ... }
I had to change several pieces of the code as there were syntax errors. Guessing most were from trying to create some sample code for us to play with. I have many comments in the code but I will explain some as well outside of that.
$Reg = "HKLM:\Software\"
$testing = "Test1","Test2", "Test3"
$allTests = #(
New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{
Name = "Test1"
Logfile = "C:\Checking\test1.log"
Version = "16"
RegName = "test1Nameinfo*"
Installname = "InstallTest1"
UninstallName = "UninstallTest1"
New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{
Name = "Test2"
Logfile = "C:\test2.log"
Version = "7"
RegName = "test2Nameinfo*"
Installname = "InstallTest2"
UninstallName = "UninstallTest2"
New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{
Name = "Test3"
Logfile = "C:\Temp\Checkhere\test3.log"
Version = "99"
RegName = "test3Nameinfo*"
Installname = "InstallTest3"
UninstallName = "UninstallTest3"
$passed = $testing | ForEach-Object{
# Changed the for construct to better allow output. Added the next line to make the rest of the code the same.
$test = $_
$Key = (Get-Item $Reg).getvalue($Test)
If($Key -eq $null){
# New-Itemproperty creates output. Cast that to void to keep it out of $passed
[void](New-ItemProperty -path "HKLM:\Software\" -value "Check" -PropertyType string -name $Test -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-Host "$Test created"
# Send this test to output
Write-Output $Test
} Elseif ($key -eq "Check")
# Send this test to output
Write-Output $Test
} Else {
Write-Host "$Test already Checked"
$allTests | Where-Object{$passed -contains $_.Name}
We run all the values in $testing and if one is created or already "Checked" then we send it down the pipe where it populates the variable $passed. The we take $allTests and filter out every test that has a match.

Get all combinations of an array

I'm currently trying to make a function that gets all possible combinations of array values.
I have come up with a non function version but it's limited to 3 values so i'm trying to make a function out of it to become more Dynamic
I tried searching SO but could not find a powershell example of what i was trying to do, i could find a PHP version but i'm very limited in my PHP
PHP: How to get all possible combinations of 1D array?
Non-function Script
$name = 'First','Middle','Last'
$list = #()
foreach ($c1 in $name) {
foreach ($c2 in $name) {
foreach ($c3 in $name) {
if (($c1 -ne $c2) -and ($c2 -ne $c3) -and ($c3 -ne $c1))
$list += "$c1 $c2 $c3"
This gives me the result
First Middle Last
First Last Middle
Middle First Last
Middle Last First
Last First Middle
Last Middle First
I'm not sure how i would rearrange the values when i'm recursing the function, this is what i have so far:
Short description
Long description
Example of how to use this cmdlet
Another example of how to use this cmdlet
function Get-Combinations
# Param1 help description
# Param1 help description
# Param1 help description
Write-Verbose "Starting Function Get-Combinations with parameters `n`n$($Array | Out-String)`n$temp`n`n$($Return | Out-String)"
If ($Temp)
$Return = $Temp
$newArray = new-object system.collections.arraylist
Write-Verbose ($return | Out-String)
For($i=0; $i -lt $Array.Length; $i++)
#Write-Verbose $i
$Array | ForEach-Object {$newArray.Add($_)}
Write-Verbose ($newArray | Out-String)
if ($newArray.Count -le 1)
Get-Combinations -Array $newArray -Temp $Temp -Return $Return
$Return = $Temp
Write-Verbose "Exiting Function Get-Combinations"
$combinations = #("First","First2","Middle","Last")
$Combos = Get-Combinations -Array $combinations
But the output i'm getting is all over the place
28/08 Update
Getting closer but still getting weird output
Short description
Long description
Example of how to use this cmdlet
Another example of how to use this cmdlet
function Get-Combinations
# Param1 help description
# Param1 help description
# Param1 help description
Write-Verbose "Starting Function Get-Combinations with parameters `n`n$($Array | Out-String)`n$temp`n`n$($Return | Out-String)"
If ($Temp)
$Return += $Temp
#$newArray = new-object [System.Collections.ArrayList]
#$Array | ForEach-Object {$newArray.Add($_) | Out-Null}
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$newArray = $Array
Write-Verbose "return -> $return"
For($i=0; $i -lt $Array.Length; $i++)
Write-Verbose "`$i -> $i"
$element = $newArray[0]
Write-Verbose "`$newArray -> $newArray"
Write-Verbose "Element -> $element"
if ($newArray.Count -gt 0)
Get-Combinations -Array $newArray -Temp (($temp + " " +$element).Trim()) -Return $Return
$Return = $Temp + " " + $element
Write-Verbose "Exiting Function Get-Combinations"
$combinations = #("First","First2","Middle","Last")
$return = #()
$Combos = Get-Combinations -Array $combinations -Return $return
New output (Yes there is a space before the 'Last' value, no i have no idea why)
First First2 Middle Last
First First2 Last
First Middle Last
First Last
First2 Middle Last
First2 Last
Middle Last
Here is my solution:
function Remove ($element, $list)
$newList = #()
$list | % { if ($_ -ne $element) { $newList += $_} }
return $newList
function Append ($head, $tail)
if ($tail.Count -eq 0)
{ return ,$head }
$result = #()
$tail | %{
$newList = ,$head
$_ | %{ $newList += $_ }
$result += ,$newList
return $result
function Permute ($list)
if ($list.Count -eq 0)
{ return #() }
$list | %{
$permutations = Permute (Remove $_ $list)
return Append $_ $permutations
$list = "x", "y", "z", "t", "v"
$permutations = Permute $list
$permutations | %{
Write-Host ([string]::Join(", ", $_))
EDIT: the same in one function (Permute). This is cheating a bit, however since I replaced plain functions whith lambdas. You could replace recursive calls with a stack you handle yourself, but that would make the code unecessarily complex ...
function Permute ($list)
$global:remove = {
param ($element, $list)
$newList = #()
$list | % { if ($_ -ne $element) { $newList += $_} }
return $newList
$global:append = {
param ($head, $tail)
if ($tail.Count -eq 0)
{ return ,$head }
$result = #()
$tail | %{
$newList = ,$head
$_ | %{ $newList += $_ }
$result += ,$newList
return $result
if ($list.Count -eq 0)
{ return #() }
$list | %{
$permutations = Permute ($remove.Invoke($_, $list))
return $append.Invoke($_, $permutations)
$list = "x", "y", "z", "t"
$permutations = Permute $list
$permutations | %{
Write-Host ([string]::Join(", ", $_))
I tried to learn something new and help you out but Im stuck. maybe this will help you get in the right direction but I dont know enough about Powershell recursion to figure this out. I converted the php to powershell and in theory it should work but it doesnt.
$array = #('Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Sigma')
function depth_picker([system.collections.arraylist]$arr,$temp_string, $collect)
if($temp_string -ne ""){$collect += $temp_string}
for($i = 0; $i -lt $arr.count;$i++)
[system.collections.arraylist]$arrCopy = $arr
$elem = $arrCopy[$i]
if($arrCopy.count -gt 0){
depth_picker -arr $arrCopy -temp_string "$temp_string $elem" -collect $collect}
else{$collect += "$temp_string $elem"}
$collect = #()
depth_picker -arr $array -temp_string "" -collect $collect
It seems to work and will get you the first set of possibles:
Alpha Beta
Alpha Beta Gamma
Alpha Beta Gamma Sigma
But for some reason that I cant figure out when it gets back to the previous functions and does $i++ then checks ($i -lt $arr.count) $arr.count it always 0 so it never goes to the next iteration to continue finding the possibilities.
Hopefully someone else can fix what I cant seem to figure out as I dont know enough about recursion. But it seems that with each level of depth called the previous depth level $arr variable and values is lost.
Here is my solution with a recursive function. It generates space separated strings but it's quite simple to split each element with $list[$i].split(" "):
function Get-Permutations
param ($array, $cur, $depth, $list)
$depth ++
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array.Count; $i++)
$list += $cur+" "+$array[$i]
if ($depth -lt $array.Count)
$list = Get-Permutations $array ($cur+" "+$array[$i]) $depth $list
$array = #("first","second","third","fourth")
$list = #()
$list = Get-Permutations $array "" 0 $list
The solution posted by Micky Balladelli almost worked for me. Here is a version that does not duplicate values:
Function Get-Permutations
param ($array_in, $current, $depth, $array_out)
$array_in = $array_in | select -Unique
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array_in.Count; $i++)
$array_out += ($current+" "+$array_in[$i]).Trim()
if ($depth -lt $array_in.Count)
$array_out = Get-Permutations $array_in ($current+" "+$array_in[$i]) $depth $array_out
else {}
if(!($array_out -contains ($array_in -Join " "))) {}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array_out.Count; $i++)
$array_out[$i] = (($array_out[$i].Split(" ")) | select -Unique) -Join " "
$array_out | select -Unique
