SQL Server : best way to check values before insert to table - sql-server

I am working in a company that has software that can connect to a database and push values to a table.
I have a problem that some properties do not insert into the database.
I check regular insert query in the SQL Server Management Studio, and the insert is ok there.
I want to check the values that came from my software company before insert to the table.
Friends, please help me.

You can use extended events(light weight version of profiler).You may choose filters as per your requirement and in set session filters screen you can try scoping to a single database or a table or even some text using like syntax
Below are the steps


How to store hot and cold data with Azure SQL

I have a huge order table in Azure SQL. I have one boolean field "IsOrderActive" to separate hot and cold orders. Is it possible to automatically transfer cold data to a separate database with Azure SQL?
One way to accomplish required task is to divide the order table into two using T-SQL command then transfer the table with cold data in different database (different server) using SSMS.
Please follow the repro steps done by me.
Create a table
create table hotcoldtable (orderID int, IsOrderActive char(3))
Inserted demo data into the table
insert into hotcoldtable
values (1,'yes')
Divide the table into cold and hot data tables using below commands
cold data table - select OrderID, IsOrderActive into coldtable from hotcoldtable where IsOrderActive = 'no'
hot data table - select OrderID, IsOrderActive into coldtable from hotcoldtable where IsOrderActive = 'yes'
You can see two new tables in your database.
In SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), login to your Azure SQL Server. Fill the details and click on Connect.
Left click on database name where you have order tables and click on Generate Scripts...
Select Select specific database objects and mark the objects for which you want to create script as shown in below image.
Set the below settings.
Review the details and click on Next. This will generate your script.
Go to the location where your script got saved. Open the file in any editor and copy the script.
Now in Azure Portal, go to the database where you want to transfer the cold data table. Go the the Query Editor and paste the copied script in the white space. Run the script and you will get the tables in this database as shown below.
Are you referring to SQL Server Stretch Database to Azure? Check this out https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/5526/how-to-setup-and-use-a-sql-server-stretch-database
If you are interested in saving space by archiving the cold data, you can use two separate tables in the same or different databases. The thing to note is you should use columnstore index for the archive(cold) table. Depending upon your data, you should be able to achieve between 30%-60% data compression.
However, this can't be done without running some queries. But it can be automated using Azure workbooks.
I built a similar kind of functionality that helped me save 58% space in Azure SQL database.
Please comment if this is something you feel might help. I can share more details about this.
Database sharding seems like a possible solution for the scenario where cold orders can be put on Azure Serverless databases that have auto-pause and auto-resume capabilities where you can save when they are not in use, only paying for storage used. Azure SQL Database provides a good number of tools here to support sharding.

MS Access linked table to SQL Server update record

I have a table in SQL Server 2012 (Table1) and I have created an MS Access 2016 database and then created a linked table in MS Access to Table1 in SQL Server 2012 using a System DSN.
This works fine, I can open the linked Table1 in MS Access 2016 see the columns and update the values. I have then created a Form in MS Access 2016, added the columns from Table1 to the Form and I can see the data fine.
The problem I have is that the option to Add New Record is greyed out and no matter what I try I cannot add a new record to Table1 using the Form.
If I create a standard (not a linked table) in MS Access 2016 and add the columns to the Form rather than the columns from the Linked Table1 the Add New Record icon is then available.
My question is... Is it possible to use a Form in MS Access 2016, have the data source as a Linked Table to a table in SQL Server 2012 and add new records to it? (And if so, how do I achieve this as I've been at this now for hours and hours and cannot figure it out).
Many thanks in advance.
You note that you can update values when you click on the linked table and view the rows.
Can you ADD rows when using that linked table? And if you cannot, then open up the table using SQL Management Studio and try adding rows that way?
If you don’t have correct (or any) settings in SQL server that sets up or increments the primary key, then you can’t add rows (automatic in this context).
So make sure the table has a primary key, make sure you can add rows using SSMS. If you make changes to fix this SQL table, then you have to re-link the table.
I suggest you create a primary key in the SQL table, and make it a identity column with a increment of 1.
It is certainly possible; this is a very common approach. It sounds like the login you used in the System DSN to connect to SQL Server does not have INSERT permissions on the table. Are you able to review the permissions to check that?
The auto-insertion/update doesn't work for link-database. You need to write a VBA code behind your interface.
Below solution can give you a basic and simple heads up:
Inserting into SQL Server using MS Access
Have a similar situation. Linked Sql Server table, Access Form front end. I am able to insert/update/delete via the form. However, I then created a checkbox to implement a filter on the data. When the box is not checked, I can still edit the data. However, as soon as I check the box to activate the filter, I can no longer insert/update/delete. When I uncheck the box, I can again edit the data. So in my case, the problem is due to the filter, which is implemented via a VBA query involving both an outer join and a union. The query replaces the form's control source when activated, and I believe it is simply too complex for Access to treat it as updatable.

How to Copy/Consolidate data from different tables hosted on different MS SQL Servers and save them into one Table on another MS SQL Server

I am a newbie in SQL so please bear with me. I am hoping you can help/guide me. I have a table on 5 MS SQL Servers that have identical Columns and I want to consolidate the data into a separate table/separate MS SQL Server.
the challenge is that I only have "Read Only Permission" from the source table (5 MS SQL Servers) but I have permission to create a table on the destination MS SQL Server DB.
another challenge is I wan to truncate or extract parts of the txt in one column of the source table and save them into different columns on the destination table.
Next challenge is for the destination table to query once a day the source table for any update.
See screenshot by clicking either of the URL.
Screenshot URL1
Screenshot URL2
Appreciate it very much if you can help/guide me. Many thanks in advance.
You'll need to setup a linked server and use either an SSIS package to pull the data into the form you need, or OPENROWSET/OPENQUERY queries with an insert on the server you do have write privileges.
Either pre-create a table to put the new data in, or if not needed build up a temporary table or the insert the data into a table variable.
To concat a field to a new field use something like the examples below:
SELECT (field1 + field 2) as Newfield
SELECT (SUBSTRING(field1, 2,2) + SUBSTRING(field2, 3,1)) as Newfield
Finally you should setup all this an agent Job scheduled to your needs.
Apologies if this is not as detailed as you like, but it seems there are many questions to be answered and not enough detail to help further.
Alternatively you could also do a lookup upon lookup (USING SSIS):
data flow task > download first table completely to destination server
dataflow task > reading from destination server, do a lookup to 2 origin server (if match you might update, if not, insert)
repeat until all 5 of them are done.
This is NOT the most elegant or efficient solution, but it will definitely get the work done.

SQL Server : get at the name of the app causing an update in a trigger

We're trying to pinpoint the source of some unexpected updates happening on a SQL Server table. What I'd like to do is create a trigger on that table monitoring that column we're interested in, and when updates occur, write some audit info into a separate table.
Works great and fine for things like user name, date, old and new columns values (from the Inserted and Deleted trigger tables) - but I'd like more :-)
In SQL Profiler, you can see the name of the app that's connected to SQL Server in the profiles - the part that can be defined in the connection string as Application Name:
Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;
Integrated Security=True;Application Name="My Application"
Is there any way in a T-SQL FOR UPDATE trigger to get at this information?
Marc_S the sP_whoIsActive stored Procedure probably will solve Your problems
as posted here
and it's awesome part of T-SQL by the way
Not sure but could you possibly log the server name if you applications are on multiple servers? It might help narrow down the list of applications.

Importing data into Oracle via Web Enterprise Manager with unique constraints

I am not at all familiar with Oracle so bear with me!
I am using version Oracle 10G with the web front end called Enterprise Manager. I have been given some CSV files to import however when I use the Load Data from User Files option I think I can set everything up but when the job runs it complains that there are unique constraints, I guess because there is duplicate data trying to be inserted.
How can I get the insert to create a new primary key similar to a MSSQL auto inc number?
Oracle does not have an analog to the MSSQL auto incrementing field. The feature has to be simulated via triggers and Oracle sequences. Some options here are to:
create a trigger to populate the columns you want auto incremented from a sequence
delete the offending duplicate keys in the table
change the values in your CSV file.
You might look at this related SO question.
There is no autoinc type in Oracle. You have to use a sequence.
By using a before insert trigger, you could get something similar to what you get by using an autoinc in SQL Server.
You can see here how to do it.
