Hosting Angularjs 1.x application in tomcat server - angularjs

How to host angular1 application tomcat server . I have developed one website in angularjs 1.x and want to host that on VPS server purchased from godaddy .

If your angularjs build is working properly you should have something like a "dist" folder with your complete app inside.
Enter that directory and create your .war file with:
$ jar -cvf theNameOfYourApp.war *
This will create a .war file that you can deploy on your tomcat server.


How to deploy a reactJS application on tomcat server?

I am trying to build a ReactJS application which i would like to host on a tomcat server.
I already used the command npm run build and the build is ready.. Where do i copy these files in my tomcat server? DO i need to create another application and deploy it on the server which invokes the React Application?
Follow below steps:
Goto 'webapp' folder in tomcat and create a folder(mostly your project name)
Copy the files from your ReactJs build folder to the folder created in tomcat(note: your build folder should have index.html)
Launch the url http : //localhost:< port > /< folder-name> in browser. By default port will be 8080
Instead if you have WAR file, you can go to http://localhost: < port > /manager/html and deploy it.

Deploy a Spring app (JAR) for browser

I have no knowledge about deployment, production server, web server, etc. But I have a web application and my boss wants to deploy it in order to access it by web browser.
So, my application was generated by Spring Initializr.
It's using Spring (Boot, Security, Web, Data JPA), with web service REST (#RestController), HTML templates and AngularJS.
With mvn clean package, I generated a JAR file of this application. It is working on my desk. But, how can I deploy it?
I believe that my company has an OVH hosting. Can I install JBOSS or Tomcat on it, and upload my JAR on OVH?
You can deploy your application on Tomcat but you need to have a war instead of a jar to run it on an existing application server.
You can read the following documentation to create the war :
Once done, you just have to upload it on the server in the webapps directory of your tomcat server.

Deploy local angularjs application to webserver

Hi all i have completed my webapplication using angularjs, In local iam using tomact server in eclipse and it is working fine, Now i want to deploy my application to webserver what is the process to do it.
For ex : my local url is : http://localhost:8080/Hms/#/
i want to the url as
Please help me i am new in angularjs
If your angular web application depends on Tomcat server;
If you haven't own server for web hosting which has http ://, your hosting provider should provide Tomcat feature.
If you have own server for web hosting which has http ://, just copy paste your all files in your project folder e.g. $TOMCAT_PATH/webapps/your-project-root/. And redirect http :// to Tomcat port (default is 8080)
If you are using only AngularJs, it shouldn't depend on Tomcat. You can use angular boilerplate Github link provides information in details. With ngbp, just copy build folder inside into the your web hosting and at the and you have http // url which include your web files.
You can deploy this project same as how you are deploying other web applications in tomcat. Hope you build a war file and deploy them.
Angularjs is a javascript framework as Jquery. For server it's javascript, which will be served back to the client as other js files.
Please refer how deployments are done tomcat. Just fyr,

Plug webpack-dev-server and hot-load React with Tomcat

I'm developing inside ecosystem that uses Tomcat server that servers all the files both java and javascript but the I run the javascript first through WebPack.
Is there any way that I can use webpack-dev-server and hot-loader for react/css/javascript files with running Tomcat server on localhost:8080 ?

rename the cobertura.ser file in tomcat/bin when i deployed my web application in tomcat

i deploed my web application instrumented with cobertura through war file in tomcat 6,it works well!
In th path tomcat/bin i found d:/dev/../module1/target/cobertura/cobertura.ser,normal according me.
Now i want know,how can i rename this file(d:/dev/../module1/target/cobertura/cobertura.ser) to cobertura.ser automatically when i deploy the web application
PS:my web app is multi modules web app.
thanks for answers!
