How can we know what kind of a constraint was dropped in Sql Server without maintaining our own copy of sys.objects? - sql-server

So, I created the following DDL trigger:
SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE Name = 'PK_MyTable'
The problem is that when PK_MyTable primary key is dropped, the trigger outputs empty result set - the information about the primary key is already gone from the sys.objects view.
This could be resolved by maintaining our own copy of sys.objects (a subset of type = 'PK' would suffice), but I would like to avoid it.
Anyway to make it work?
Note that the question is about deducing the kind of the constraint, not its name or the table it belongs too. These are found in the EVENTDATA() function result. What is not found there is the kind of the constraint.


Change dependent records on delete in SQL

I'm adding a new job category to a database. There are something like 20 tables that use jobCategoryID as a foreign key. Is there a way to create a function that would go through those tables and set the jobCategoryID to NULL if the category is ever deleted in the parent table? Inserting the line isn't the issue. It's just for a backout script if the product owners decide at a later date that they don't want to keep the new job category on.
You need some action. First of all update the dirty records to NULL. For each table use:
Update parent_table
Set jobCategoryID = NULL
WHERE jobCategoryID NOT IN (select jobCategoryID FROM Reerenced_tabble)
Then set delete rule of foreign keys to SET NULL.
If you care about performance issue, follow the below instruction too.
When you have foreign key but dirty records it means, that these constraints are not trusted. It means that SQL Optimizer can not use them for creating best plans. So run these code to see which of them are untrusted to optimizer:
Select * from sys.foreign_keys Where is_not_trusted = 1
For each constraint that become in result of above code edit below code to solve this issue:

Triggers: Tracking ID Updates

For a trigger that is tracking UPDATEs to a table, two temp tables may be referenced: deleted and inserted. Is there a way to cross-reference the two w/o using an INNER JOIN on their primary key?
I am trying to maintain referential integrity without foreign keys (don't ask), so I'm using triggers. I want UPDATEs to the primary key in table A to be reflected in the "foreign key" of look-up table B, and for this to happen when an UPDATE affects multiple records in table A.
All UPDATE trigger examples that I've seen hinge on joining the inserted and deleted tables to track changes; and they use the updated table's ID field (primary key) to set the join. But if that ID field (GUID) is the changed field in a record (or set of records), is there a good way to track those changes, so that I can enforce those changes in the corresponding look-up table?
I've just had this issue (or rather, a similar one), myself, hence the resurrection...
My eventual approach was to simply disallow updates to the PK field precisely because it would break the trigger. Thankfully, I had no business case to support updating the primary key column (these were surrogate IDs, anyway), so I could get away with it.
SQL Server offers the UPDATE function, for use within triggers, to check for this edge case:
CREATE TRIGGER your_trigger
ON your_table
,#table = OBJECT_NAME(parent_id)
FROM sys.triggers
WHERE object_id = ##PROCID
RAISERROR ('Trigger %s prevents UPDATE of table %s due to locked primary key', 16, -1, #proc, #table) WITH NOWAIT
col1 = i.col1
,col2 = i.col2
,col3 = i.col3
FROM your_table t
INNER JOIN inserted i ON t.pk1 = i.pk1
(Note that the above is untested, and probably contains all manner of issues with regards to XACT_STATE or TRIGGER_NESTLEVEL -- it's just there to demonstrate the principle)
It gets a bit messy, though, so I would definitely consider code generation for this, to handle changes to the table during development (maybe even done by a DDL trigger on CREATE/ALTER table).
If you have a composite primary key, you can use IF UPDATE(pk1) OR UPDATE(pk2)... or do some bitwise work with the COLUMNS_UPDATED function, which will give you a bitmask based on the column ordinal (but I'm not going to cover that here -- see MSDN/BOL).
The other (simpler) option is to DENY UPDATE ON your_table(pk) TO public, but remember that any member of sysadmins (and probably dbo) will not honour this.
I'm with #Aaron, without a primary key you're stuck. If you have DDL privileges to add a trigger can't you add a auto increment PK column while you're at it? If you'd like, it doesn't even need to be the PK.

Cannot truncate table because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint

I get the following message even when the table that references it is empty: "Cannot truncate table 'dbo.Link' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint" Doesn't seem to make much sense why this is occurring. Any suggestions?
In SQL Server a table referenced by a FK cannot currently be truncated even if all referencing tables are empty or the foreign keys are disabled.
You need to use DELETE (may require much more logging) or drop the relationship(s) prior to using TRUNCATE and recreate them afterwards or see the workarounds on this connect item for a way of achieving this using ALTER TABLE ... SWITCH
You cannot truncate a table which has an FK constraint on it. As workaround, you could:
1/ Drop the constraints
2/ Trunc the table
3/ Recreate the constraints.
Here it is the associated T-SQL script, supposing you have 2 tables called MyTable and MyReferencedTable:
-- Remove constraint
IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE name = 'FK_MyReferencedTable_MyTable')
ALTER TABLE dbo.MyReferencedTable
DROP CONSTRAINT FK_MyReferencedTable_MyTable
-- Truncate table
-- Re-Add constraint
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE name = 'FK_MyReferencedTable_MyTable')
ALTER TABLE dbo.MyReferencedTable
REFERENCES dbo.MyTable (ListingKey)
Execute the following query to search any constraint:
use MyDatabase
select as c_name, as t_name
from sys.key_constraints c
join sys.tables t on t.object_id = c.parent_object_id
If any constraint found on your table, remove it.
If you are receiving this error and you need to truncate the table then alternative solution could be that you can drop and re-create the table along with primary/other_keys/indexes/triggers. Please make sure that you don't need to the data in that table.
This soulution is working like a charm for me and hardly took a minute to finish. I am doing it for masking purpose.
Not for SQL Server but MySQL only.
Instead of deleting or recreating the constraint, I prefer this simpler way.
Disable the constraint validation by executing the following query first :
Then truncate your tables
And finally, reactivate the constraint validation :
Thats a common solution when you migrate databases, so you don't have to worry about the order the tables are inserted in.

SQL Server: Drop Table with FK

On table "A" depend about 30 other tables via FK to "A.Id".
For integration testing I have to drop the table and recreate it to create a defined state. Because of the dependent objects their seem to be no way to delete and recreate the table. The error message is:
Could not drop object 'dbo.A'
because it is referenced by a FOREIGN
KEY constraint
How can I drop and recreate table "A"?
(or) is there any way turn the schema dependencies off globally?
(or) is there any way to backup (all!) dependencies before deleting and restoring table "A" and restore all dependencies afterward?
Explore the sys.foreign_key_columns system table. Here's an example that I had laying around that will, given a table, tells you which of it's columns are keyed to another table:
DECLARE #tableName VARCHAR(255)
SET #tableName = 'YourTableName'
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(fkc.constraint_object_id) AS 'FKName', OBJECT_NAME(fkc.[referenced_object_id]) AS 'FKTable', c2.[name] AS 'FKTableColumn', #tableName AS 'Table', c1.[name] AS 'TableColumn'
FROM sys.foreign_key_columns as fkc
JOIN sys.columns AS c1 ON c1.[object_id] = fkc.[parent_object_id] AND c1.[column_id] = fkc.[parent_column_id]
JOIN sys.columns AS c2 ON c2.[object_id] = fkc.[referenced_object_id] AND c2.[column_id] = fkc.[referenced_column_id]
WHERE fkc.[parent_object_id] = OBJECT_ID(#tableName)
ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(fkc.constraint_object_id)
With this, or some variation there-of, you could find out the foreign keys, drop them, do your stuff, and then re-create the foreign keys.
I should add that I know this works on SQL2005 and SQL2008. I don't really know if it will work on SQL2000/MSDE.
In Management Studio, you can right-click on the table and script the CREATE and the DROP which will include all of the foreign keys.
To be more specific, this will give you all constraints on which your Table depends. However, it does not give you the list of foreign keys that depend on this table. So, in addition to the scripts you would generate by right-clicking on the table in SMS, you need to find and script all the foreign keys. To get a list of them, you can run a query like so:
select FKConstraint.TABLE_NAME, FKConstraint.CONSTRAINT_NAME
Where UniqueConstraint.TABLE_NAME = 'TableA'
For each one of these, you'll need to script the create and drop. You would append the drops to the top of your drop script and the creates at the end of your create script.
Go to the database in SSMS and right click. Choose tasks, generate scripts. Then go through the options and set them the way you want (Probaly to only choose foreign keys inthe table and create dependant objects and drop and recreate, dont;hve the options in front of me but you will see them. THen choose the tables you want to script the FKs for and script them to a file. Open the file and separate the drop statements into one file and the create statments into another. Now you have tweo files you can run do autmatically do what you want when ever you run run a test. I would suggest recreating the files before running the first test (in case they have changed since the last time tests were run) but not for each individual test.
Expand the table in Sql Server Management Studio, Expand the Constraints folder.
Write down any constraints that you have so you can re-create them. Delete the constraints and drop the table. Rebuild the table and re-create your constraints.
Use transaction.
At the end of test - rollback it.
Perhaps consider maintaining a virtual server with your database in its initialize test setup. Boot the VM, perform your testing, then throw away the changed VM.

Why FOR Trigger does not run befor the action?

I am trying to write a trigger on a table to avoid insertion of two Names which are not flagged as IsDeleted. But the first part of selection contains the inserted one and so the condition is always true. I though that using FOR keyword causes the trigger to run before the INSERTION but in this case the inserted row is already in the table. Am I wrong or this is how all FOR trigger work?
ON MyTable
If exist (select [Name] From MyTable WHERE IsDeleted = 0 AND [Name] in (SELECT [Name] FROM INSERTED)
RAISERROR ('ERROR Description', 16, 1);
FOR runs after the data is changed, INSTEAD OF is what I think you are after.
EDIT: As stated by others, INSTEAD OF runs instead of the data you are changing, therefore you need to insert the data if it is valid, rather than stopping the insert if it is invalid.
Read this question for a much more detailed explanation of the types of Triggers.
SQL Server "AFTER INSERT" trigger doesn't see the just-inserted row
FOR is the same as AFTER. if you want to "simulate" BEFORE trigger, use INSTEAD OF, caveat, it's not exactly what you would expect on proper BEFORE trigger, i.e. if you fail to provide the necessary INSTEAD action, your inserted/updated data could be lost/ignored.
MSSQL doesn't have BEFORE trigger.
For SQL Server, FOR runs AFTER the SQL which triggered it.
AFTER specifies that the DML trigger
is fired only when all operations
specified in the triggering SQL
statement have executed successfully.
All referential cascade actions and
constraint checks also must succeed
before this trigger fires.
AFTER is the default when FOR is the
only keyword specified.
AFTER triggers
cannot be defined on views.
I've actually ran into a similar problem lately, and found a cool way to handle it. I had a table which could have several rows for one id, but only ONE of them could be marked as primary.
In SQL Server 2008, you'll be able to make a partial unique index something like this:
create unique index IX on MyTable(name) where isDeleted = 0;
However, you can accomplish it with a little more work in SQL Server 2005. The trick is to make a view showing only the rows which aren't deleted, and then create a unique clustered index on it:
create view MyTableNotDeleted_vw
with schema_binding /* Must be schema bound to create an indexed view */
select name
from dbo.MyTable /* Have to use dbo. for schema bound views */
where isDeleted = 0;
create unique clustered index IX on MyTableNotDeleted_vw ( name );
This will effectively create a unique constraint only affecting rows that haven't yet been deleted, and will probably perform better than a custom trigger!
