Push elements from arrays into a single array in mongodb - arrays

My Document Structure:
"_id" : ObjectId("59edc58af33e9b5988b875fa"),
"Agent" : {
"Name" : "NomanAgent",
"Location" : "Lahore",
"AgentId" : 66,
"Reward" : "Thumb Up",
"Suggestion" : [
What I want to achieve in this query:
I want to find the count of each suggestion given by a customer to every agent, it should look something like,
"AgentName": "Xyz",
"SuggestionCounts": {
"Knowledge": 2,
"Professionalism": 3,
"Friendliness": 1
What I have done so far,
_id: "$Agent.Name",
Suggestions: {$push:"$Agent.Suggestion"}
/* 1 */
"_id" : "GhazanferAgent",
"Suggestions" : [
/* 2 */
"_id" : "NomanAgent",
"Suggestions" : [
How I want it to be(As Suggestion in the document is an array and when when i group documents by Agent.Name so it become array of arrays as shown in my output, it want to merge all arrays into single with duplication and then i will find the count of each element in array):
/* 1 */
"_id" : "GhazanferAgent",
"SuggestionsCombined" : [
/* 2 */
"_id" : "NomanAgent",
"SuggestionsCombined" : [
Thanks in advance!!

One way would be like this - the output structure is not identical to what you suggested but probably close enough:
$unwind: "$Agent.Suggestion" // flatten "Suggestion" array
}, {
$group:{ // group by agent and suggestion
_id: { "AgentName": "$Agent.Name", "Suggestion": "$Agent.Suggestion" },
"Count": { $sum: 1} // calculate count of occurrencs
}, {
_id: "$_id.AgentName", // group by agent only
"Suggestions": { $push: { "Suggestion": "$_id.Suggestion", "Count": "$Count" } } // create array of "Suggestion"/"Count" pairs per agent


Mongodb add an element to an array in specific order

I would like to push a new value to an array in a specific position but although I tried differents things I can do it. Can someone help me?
My document is:
"_id" : ObjectId("55528f000000000000000000"),
"contractId" : "55528f000000000000000000",
"field1": [
"backendData": {
"map": {
"7552" : "RTEST",
"3511" : "TESTR",
"5312" : "JKTLE",
"5310" : "INVTS"
"data": {
"defaultOrder": [
I've tried with set, but I didn't find a way to add the element in the position I want, then I tried with push but it's not working. I did something like that:
"_id": ObjectId("55528f000000000000000000"),
"$push": {
"field1.$[i].data.$.defaultOrder": {
"$each": [
"$position": 2
arrayFilters: [
"i.entities": {
$elemMatch: {
"name": "example"
And although it gives me a match it doesn't make any change
WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 0 })
Expected outcome:
"_id" : ObjectId("55528f000000000000000000"),
"contractId" : "55528f000000000000000000",
"field1": [
"backendData": {
"map": {
"7552" : "RTEST",
"3511" : "TESTR",
"5312" : "JKTLE",
"5310" : "INVTS"
"data": {
"defaultOrder": [
Thank in advance
Please try this (edited both 2nd and 3rd parts):
db.collection.update({"_id": ObjectId("55528f000000000000000000")},
{"$push": {"field1.$[i].data.defaultOrder":
{"$each": ["9999"], "$position": 2}}},
{arrayFilters: [ { "i.name": "example" } ]})

Mongodb user table with friends

I have a USER table with documents:
_id: 1,
name: 'funny-guy43',
image: '../../../img1.jpg',
friends: [2, 3]
_id: 2,
name: 'SurfinGirl3',
image: '../../../img2.jpg',
friends: []
_id: 3,
name: 'FooBarMan',
image: '../../../img3.jpg',
friends: [2]
friends is an array of USER _ids. (1) I want to get user by _id, (2) look at his friends and (3) query the USER table with the friend ids to return all friends.
for example, find user 1, query the table based on his friends 2 and 3, and return 2 and 3.
Can I do that in one transaction? Or do I query the table to get user array of friends, then query the table again with array of friends ids.
I'm using .Net Core if that matters.
I am very open to alternative approaches as well.
It is, in fact, possible to do this in one transaction. Or, to be more exact, in one aggregation.
I would first split the users into 2 different subsets, one called searched_user and the other other_users, where searched_user will have only the user we are searching for and other_users will have everyone else. We can do that using $facet. Here is the idea:
"$facet": {
"searched_user": [
$match: {
_id: 1
"other_users": [
$match: {
_id: {
$ne: 1
Once they are separated like this, we can search the other_users subset using the friend ids from the searched_user. So here is the full aggregation:
"$facet": {
"searched_user": [
$match: {
_id: 1
"other_users": [
$match: {
_id: {
$ne: 1
"$unwind": "$searched_user"
$project: {
user_friends: {
$filter: {
input: "$other_users",
as: "other_users",
cond: {
$in: [
Here we are looking for user 1 and the result will be user 1's friends.
"user_friends": [
"_id": 2,
"friends": [],
"image": "../../../img2.jpg",
"name": "SurfinGirl3"
"_id": 3,
"friends": [
"image": "../../../img3.jpg",
"name": "FooBarMan"
Playground: https://mongoplayground.net/p/-8pNnQXg8r6
You can achieve this by using lookup in aggregation, Tried it with MongoDB version v4.2.11.
'$match': {
'_id': 1,
'$lookup': {
'from' : 'users',
'let' : {
'friendIds': '$friends',
'pipeline': [
'$expr': {'$in': [ '$_id', '$$friendIds']}
'as': 'friendsArr'
"_id" : 1,
"name" : "funny-guy43",
"image" : "../../../img1.jpg",
"friends" : [
"friendsArr" : [
"_id" : 2,
"name" : "SurfinGirl3",
"image" : "../../../img2.jpg",
"friends" : [ ]
"_id" : 3,
"name" : "FooBarMan",
"image" : "../../../img3.jpg",
"friends" : [

Sort by deep document field in MongoDb

I have a collection called Visitor which has an array of chats and each array has a document called user.
I need to find some documents on this collection and sort them by if they have some specific user in their chats first.
The path for the user id is:
chats // array
user // document
_id // ObjectId
The below script does sort the documents correctly, however, it expands the chats array and multiplies the document for each chat in the array.
I only need the sorting, so can I sort and not use the unwind pipeline or make it somehow not multiply the documents?
{$unwind: "$chats"},
{ $match: {'event._id':ObjectId('5c942a3591deb389bfd92579'), 'chats.enabled': {$exists: true}}},
"$project": {
"_id": 1,
"chats.user._id": 1,
"weight": {
"$cond": [
{ "$eq": [ "$chats.user._id", ObjectId("5c942a3591deb389bfd92579") ] },
{ "$sort": { "weight": -1 } },
EDIT: I don't need to sort the inner array, but sort the find command by checking if a specific user is in the chats array.
Some sample of Visitor collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("5c9a3a1bd86e0ba64106e90e"),
"event" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5c942a3591deb389bfd92579")
"chats" : [
"enabled" : false,
"user" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5c81232f09a923b559763418")
"_id" : ObjectId("5c9a3a1bd86e0ba64106e915")
"_id" : ObjectId("5c9a3a35d86e0ba64106e950"),
"event" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5c942a3591deb389bfd92579")
"chats" : [
"enabled" : true,
"user" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5c81232f09a923b559763418")
"_id" : ObjectId("5c9a3a35d86e0ba64106e957")
"enabled" : true,
"user" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5c942a3591deb389bfd92579")
"_id" : ObjectId("5c9a3a34d86e0ba64106e91d")
In the above sample, I need to make the second document to be sorted first because it has the user with the _id ObjectId("5c942a3591deb389bfd92579").
The problem here is that using $unwind you modify initial structure of your documents (you will get one document per chats. I would suggest using $map to get an array of weights based on specified userId and then you can use $max to get final weight
{ $match: {'event._id':ObjectId('5c942a3591deb389bfd92579'), 'chats.enabled': {$exists: true}}},
"$project": {
"_id": 1,
"chats.user._id": 1,
"weight": {
$max: { $map: { input: "$chats", in: { $cond: [ { $eq: [ "$$this.user._id", ObjectId("5c942a3591deb389bfd92579") ] }, 10, 0 ] } } }
{ "$sort": { "weight": -1 } },

In mongo DB, how do I grab multiple counts in a single query?

I'm currently trying to massage out counts from the mLab API for reasons I don't have control over. So I want to grab the data I need from there in one query so I can limit the amount of API calls.
Assuming that my data looks like this:
"_id": {
"$oid": "12345"
"dancer": "Beginner",
"pirate": "Advanced",
"chef": "Mid",
"beartamer": "Mid",
"swordsman": "Mid",
"total": "Mid"
I know I can do 6 queries with something similar to:
db.score.aggregate({"$group": { _id: {"total":"$total"}, count: {$sum:1} }} )
but how do I query to get the count for each key? I'd like to see something akin to:
{ "_id" : { "total" : "Advanced" }, "count" : 1 }
{ "_id" : { "total" : "Mid" }, "count" : 1 }
{ "_id" : { "total" : "Beginner" }, "count" : 4 }
{ "_id" : { "pirate" : "Advanced" }, "count" : 1 }
The following should give you precisely what you want:
$project: {
"_id": 0 // get rid of the "_id" field since we do not want to count it
}, {
$project: {
"doc": {
$objectToArray: "$$ROOT" // transform all documents into key-value pairs
}, {
$unwind: "$doc" // flatten the resulting array into separate documents
}, {
$group: {
"_id": "$doc", // group by distinct key-value combination
"count": { $sum: 1 } // count documents per bucket
}, {
$project: {
"_id": { // some more transformation magic to recreate the desired output structure
$mergeObjects: [
{ $arrayToObject: [ [ "$_id" ] ] },
{ "count": "$count" }
}, {
$replaceRoot: {
"newRoot": "$_id" // this moves the contents of the "_id" field to the root of the documents

combine array fields into a single array field mongo

I am using mongo version 3.4.3 and I have my documents stored in mongo like this -
"_id" : ObjectId("5ad5ab8aaf2808b739ba6ab2"),
"ResumeId" : "105839064",
"ResumeDetails" : {
"WorkProfile" : [
"Company" : "XXXXXXXXX",
"JobTitle" : "YYYYY",
"JobSkills" : {
"CommonSkills": [],
"OtherSkills": []
"Company" : "XXXXXXXX",
"JobTitle" : "YYYYYY",
"JobSkills" : {
"CommonSkills" : [
"OtherSkills" : [
"Company" : "XXXXXXX",
"JobTitle" : "YYYY"
"AdditionalSkills" : {
"CommonSkills" : [
"OtherSkills" : [
"DocId" : "51cb2f49-fcb9-46a0-9040-67e0f986be11"
I want to combine all the skills under WorkProfile and AdditionalSkills under 2 separate arrays. I tried the following query
{$match: {'DocId': '51cb2f49-fcb9-46a0-9040-67e0f986be11'}},
{$project: {
'JobSkills': {'$concatArrays': [
'$ResumeDetails.WorkProfile.JobSkills.CommonSkills', '$ResumeDetails.WorkProfile.JobSkills.OtherSkills']
'AdditionalSkills': {'$setUnion': [
'$ResumeDetails.AdditionalSkills.CommonSkills', '$ResumeDetails.AdditionalSkills.OtherSkills']},
But I am getting the following output -
"_id" : ObjectId("5ad5ab8aaf2808b739ba6ab2"),
"JobSkills" : [
"AdditionalSkills" : [
How can I fix the JobSkills array field. It currently coming as array of array fields.
I also tried to concatArrays twice as following:
{$match: {'DocId': '51cb2f49-fcb9-46a0-9040-67e0f986be11'}},
{$project: {
'JobSkills': {'$concatArrays': { '$concatArrays': [
'AdditionalSkills': {'$setUnion': [
} }
You can use $reduce (which is available in 3.4) to flatten your array of arrays:
{ $match: {"DocId": "51cb2f49-fcb9-46a0-9040-67e0f986be11"} },
$project: {
"JobSkills": {
$reduce: {
input: {
$concatArrays: ["$ResumeDetails.WorkProfile.JobSkills.CommonSkills", "$ResumeDetails.WorkProfile.JobSkills.OtherSkills"]
initialValue: [],
in: { $setUnion: [ "$$this", "$$value" ] }
"AdditionalSkills": {"$setUnion": [
"$ResumeDetails.AdditionalSkills.CommonSkills", "$ResumeDetails.AdditionalSkills.OtherSkills"]}
$setUnion guarantees that there will be no duplicates in final array
