AngularJS - Shop list best practice - angularjs

I'm new to AngularJS, and i'm want to know what's the best and easiest practices to do this simple shop list application.
So this is my shop:
I got three servers in my select input. Each server got own list of items, displayed in another component.
I'm thinking about creating routes with variables like localhost:4200/shop/{server1} which gonna show my list of items based on url path. Select option will just change path in my application to show shop list for specific server.
Is it a good practice, or there is better and easier solution to implement this simple shop application?

If you're asking if filtering data with routing is a good practice with Angular, I can say that it is not a bad one. Here's a link to the official Angular documentation about routing : Angular - Routing
But if you're asking if it is the only way to filter data or spread parameters, the answer is clearly no. Angular projects are SPA (Single Page Application), so you can do everything without touching the url.
For a quick example, you can attach a (click) event on your elements that display the shop list you want

I think you can use just one component and three different click events to display three different results. One component can work in your case. Using a router and routing logic for your requirement will be a costly affair. Your user will have a better application feel if these are covered in just one component and with three different click events.


Why UI router if I can use directives?

Well, I have never used and never felt like that I should use the UI router. I was asked in one of the interviews about this and so felt like reading if I am missing something out as an AngularJs developer.
Now, the explanations on internet displays it's strength based on the modularity and reusability of the components. Nesting of views etc.
If I want to reuse components in my view, then can't I use directive instead of a new state? According to this article by google result) for ui router we can use separate data /controllers in my view. Well, can't I do the same via directive's controller and template. I can still reuse as many times as I want it.
Please let me know if I am missing some cool feature and makes it quintessential to use it in an AngularJs application (yeah a larger one with lots of reusable components of course) .
The whole point of the router is that it uses the URL to change states. If you just used directives, you would have to write your own mechanism for syncing up URLs with specific directives.
AngularJS is a framework for Single Page Application.
Single Page Application (SPA)
Single Page Application is a web application that loads single HTML page and dynamically updates a fragment in the page as the user interacts with the app.
John Papa's blog explains SPA in simple terms.
The biggest advantage of SPA that I see is
once the application is loaded, the state is maintained without
requiring server roundtrip when user navigates.
Users can bookmark deep link into your application. SPA framework (AngularJS) will take care of loading the required state when user open bookmark.
Although it is technically possible to achieve the above in a non-SPA application, it was never as simple as SPA.
SPA is useful for highly complex applications with many pages. For simple applications with 2-3 pages jQuery is the way to go.
Read Single Page Application: advantages and disadvantages for more discussions
You probably know all these and I think you are trying to achieve SPA using directive.
Routing framework loads a view dynamically based on user action into the main page without refreshing the whole application; providing SPA effect.
There are two popular AngularJS routing frameworks available.
ngRoute is based on URL mapping and UI-Router is based on state name mapping. I prefer UI-Router.
Routing vs Directive
Now, the explanations on internet displays it's strength based on the
modularity and reusability of the components. Nesting of views etc.
Yes directive is used for modularity and reusability and can load views dynamically but cannot choose a view dynamically based on user action. You have to write complex conditions within directive to choose a view dynamically.
For example, if you have an application with 3 links and you need to show a view based on the link user clicked.
Using directive you need to keep track of what the user clicked and write a mucky condition to choose a view to display. Most of the time you will fail to achieve the effect because the link can be accessed in multiple ways.
On the other hand, once routing is configured, the corresponding template will be dynamically loaded when user clicks the link. It is way easier to change the view based on user action.
Another advantage. When user opens a bookmark deep linked into the application, routing framework will take care of loading the sate (It is impossible to achieve this using directive). It feels more natural way of designing an application.
Choice is yours.

Single Page App without URL

I'm joining a team that is currently working on a single page app. It is written with AngularJS, but it doesn't matter for the topic.
The App is so complex (many independant views with complex different states within each) that they completly removed the router (well, excerpt the default route).
I'm googling around but I can see no example of webapp that is not trying to work properly with URLs. Is there any risk of not using any URL, beyond the fact that "it is not the elegant way" ?
EDIT : ui-router does not fit, because of this issue :
It sounds like you want to look into something like UI-Router which works on states.
I can't imagine any significant issues with your app if you do it this way, but I can see massively bloated controllers and code to try and get around any issues you find.
as #Varedis said, you can use ui-router, but to answer your actual question, consider the use case for urls.
If you have only one url, there's only one entry point into your app. This can be annoying if the user expects to be able to quickly go to a certain area (state) within your app. Only one url means that the user can't bookmark, directly go to, or find with a search engine, any specific part of your application.
You can use other mechanisms like cookies or LocalStorage to keep track of state, but these are less user-visible.
I work on the project and i founded a month ago, ui-router-extras which provide parralel states but it can't instiante more than one state instance.
Is there another solution to do that ?

Backbone - how to maintain state in my case

I've read a lot of threads here but can't find a real answer.
I'm building a desktop app that first loads a lot of json records (let's call them "cards"). Then the user can filter them down with by using many checkboxes, so he can "sum/substract" options (read: query vars).
I'm also trying to use routes.
So, I can have for example (and I don't really know if I'm doing it the right way):
Basically, every time the user change filters, I should add/remove query vars.
I could do it in many ways, for examble using some simple "state" json object, but I'm not sure it would be a good practice, mostly because I'm not really sure if I can instead do it maybe only by using routes (I'm quite new to the routes concept).
Is there any "good practice" in doing this kind of things with backbone?
thank you
Using routes to store state is actually a very good idea. That's what routes are there for, to store state, but it's up to you how granular you would want to go with them. some developers choose to go route per page and some choose to get more granular like your example and that's perfectly fine too. You just have to be careful not to go overboard and make your URLs too long and cryptic.
Using routes to store states gives your a few really important benefits:
Your pages will be refreshable. There is nothing more annoying than refreshing a page and losing all your progress and be take back to the start page of the app.
Your URIs are sharable. I could create a filter see the result and send the uri to anyone and they would see the same page as I was.
They make your life easier as a dev. which goes back to your pages being refreshable, they allow you to change your styles or scripts files and refresh the page and see the updated page without having to navigate through your app to get back to the same view over and over again.

Backbone.js Marionette router and nested views

I'm diving into the whole "single page application" and Backbone.js (specifically Marionette) stuff. I'm working on a decently complicated application. I'm wondering how you set up the router to handle nested views so the "containing views" are also rendered. For instance let's say I have an Admin section and under that I have a Users section. Under Users I have tabs to "Add User" and "Search Users".
If I've selected "Add User", I imagine my URL has the fragment "#admin/users/add". That routes to a view that has the add user form. However, if you go directly to that URL I want to show that form again, but also the top navigation bar with "Admin" highlighted, the admin specific sidebar with my admin navigation and have "Users" button highlighted. I need the whole HTML page, not just the Add User ItemView.
How to do say when the page first loads (refresh or from a bookmark), to load the html structure and "parent views" as well? Thanks!
This is the way you need to think about the app's behavior:
the controller needs to create view instances and pass in the data they need (models, collections, etc.), and then display the views within the regions
the ONLY thing the router does is is match a URL to a controller action (i.e. "if this URL is entered in the address bar, the application should launch this controller action")
So bascially, this is your problem: you're missing a controller action (e.g. MyApp.AdminApp.Users.New.newUser() which will render the views you want, which you can then call from your router...)
One thing that helps (although not related to the problem you're currently facing), is to always call the navigate method with trigger: false (which is the default). This ensures that your app is behaving properly and that the router is limited to matching URLs to controller actions.
Regarding the menu (with highlighted current entry), I would make it a separate Marionette module (, and have a collection of models (that don't get saved on the server) to list your menu entries. That way, you can manage the current entry by setting its model activeattribute to true (and checking that attribute in the view to highlight the current entry).
This is probably a lot to take in at first, but after a few more hours of working with Marionette it will all make sense...
(Shameless plug: I'm writing a book on Marionette that takes you from beginner to fully independent with Marionette. In there, I'll be covering this type of functionality, especially the menu management and how to highlight the current option. If you'd like to check it out, there's a free 55-page sample at and the book (which is still being written) is at
I had the same question a time ago, what I strongly recommend is to get involved with Marionette layouts, collections, composite and collection views, regions and how to display content within templates.
Is not hard as you keep reading tutorials, I recommend reading which is a very educational blog from the creator of Marionette, Derick Bailey, also the Marionette Official website.
This is just about educating yourself doing tests and when some question comes to your mind search it and if not found dont doubt to ask it right here.
For the side bar and some other stuff you can just use JQuery-ui or Twitter bootstrap, it is very easy to integrate them with backbone/marionette views, but you just have to read to achieve that.
Which you luck.

Creating multiple views with different Models on one page with Backbone boilerplate

What is the best way to create multiple views with different models using the backbone boilerplate? It seems like things are set up to render individual pages, but not to render multiple resources simultaneously.
I think I am understanding you correctly, but please let me know if I am not. Backbone shines in SPA's (Single Page Apps). I am not saying that it should only be used for an SPA. If you start thinking of views as sections on a single page, I think Backbone starts to make more sense. So when your model updates or changes, the section/view is being re-rendered and not the entire page.
Look at the Trello and read this article - especially the part on Backbone. I think the above will answer your question more thoroughly.
