How to parametrize single string containing # in C preprocessor? - c-preprocessor

I want to create parameterized preprocessor macro for IBM Metal C Prolog.
The initial unparametrized form is
#pragma prolog(Foo, " #MCPROLG MAIN=(YES,16,132)")
The real prolog is more complex, but for the sake of the question the important part is that there are values within a string.
#pragma directive itself can't be part of a macro, so I replace that with _Pragmalike that:
_Pragma("prolog(Foo, \" #MCPROLG MAIN=(YES,16,132)\")")
I can parameterize Foo like this:
#define STR(...) #__VA_ARGS__
#define PROLOG(function) _Pragma(STR(prolog( function , " #MCPROLG MAIN=(YES,16,132)")))
How can I create macro that parameterizes the value 16?
It appears that I need to concatenate strings within preprocessor, I've tried following approaches. All use this stringization macro:
#define STR(...) #__VA_ARGS__
Token that is replaced with 16 (let's name it size) can't be within a string itself so that it is replaced.
#define PROLOG(function, size) _Pragma(STR(prolog( function , " #MCPROLG MAIN=(YES, size ,132)")))
_Pragma only accepts a single string, so I can't peruse C string concatenation like this:
#define PROLOG(function, size) _Pragma(STR(prolog( function , " #MCPROLG MAIN=(YES," #size ",132)")))
I can't stringize the whole second argument of prolog like this:
#define PROLOG(function, size) _Pragma(STR(prolog( function , STR( #MCPROLG MAIN=(YES, size ,132)))))
because #MCPROLG needs to stay within a string so that its # is not treated as stringization token.

To address issue 1 (need to expand a parameter in the replacement list), you need an indirect stringify macro:
#define STR(X) STR_I(X)
#define STR_I(X) #X
You may make this variadic if you want but it's not necessary here (the commas in your string are surrounded by parentheses; the preprocessor will match those; e.g., FOO(A=(B,C,D)), given FOO is a function-like macro, has one argument).
To address issue 2, yes, you need to stringify the whole thing. Effectively there's no such thing as string literal concatenation to the preprocessor (because it runs in translation phase 4, and string literal concatenation doesn't happen until translation phase 6).
To address issue 3, just produce a hash from another macro (root it at an object-like macro, where # has no special meaning):
#define HASH #
#define HASHM() HASH
The function-like variant allows you to produce the same hash right next to something else (HASHMCPROLG does nothing useful; HASH MCPROLG produces # MCPROLG, HASHM()MCPROLG produces #MCPROLG).
Those pieces in hand, the rest is easy:
#define PROLOG(FN_,SZ_) _Pragma(STR(prolog(FN_, STR( HASHM()MCPROLG MAIN=(YES,SZ_,132)))))
Here I'm assuming you also need an end parentheses around the pragma prolog and that in the question this was a typo; that is, it should be:
_Pragma("prolog(foo, \"#MCPROLG MAIN=(YES,16,132)\")")
_Pragma("prolog(foo, \"#MCPROLG MAIN=(YES,16,132)\"")


Generalized iteration over arguments of macro in the C preprocessor

There were several questions here regarding variadic macros in C. These include:
How to make a variadic macro (variable number of arguments) which explains the basics, e.g., passing a variable number of arguments to functions such as printf
Is it possible to iterate over arguments in variadic macros?, which explains how to iteratively apply a macro to each of the arguments of the variadic macro. which explains how to do so on pairs
My question is related to the iteration technique. I am interested in a macro with this generalized semantics.
ITERATE(Before, Action, Between, After, Empty, ...)
that will place Before prior to all expansions, apply Action to each argument, place Between between every two consecutive applications, and will finally place the expansion of After. Moreover, if the number of argument With such a macro, it should be possible to write
// Loop elements
#define A(x) (x)
#define Befor (
#define After )
#define Between ||
#define Empty 1
// Define an OR macro
#define OR(...) ITERATE(Before, A, Between, Empty, __VA_ARGS__)
// Use it
OR() // Expands to 1
OR(a) // Expands to ((a))
OR(a,b) // Expands to ((a)||(b))
OR(a,b,c) // Expands to to ((a)||(b)||(c))
The purpose of course is not to write an OR function. A generalized functionality could be for more intricate applications. E.g., a macro for defining classes and functions, something to print the trace, etc.
I never liked the recursive REPEAT() macro idiom - it generates horrible hour long read error messages that are.. recursive, so you don't know where the error is and it's also hard to grasp how the OBSTRUCT(REPEAT_INDIRECT) () stuff works. Overall, overloading the macro on number of arguments and using an external tool (shell script or m4 preprocessor) to generate C source code is waay easier, easier to read, maintain and fix and also you can expand the macros on the tools side removing the burden of recursive expansion on C side. With that in mind, your ITERATE can be generated with existing preprocessor libraries, P99_FOR or BOOST_FOREACH comes to mind.
Also, typing shift all the time is strange - I prefer snake case. Here's a reduced example without Before and After macros with overloading the macro on number of arguments:
#define _in_ITERATE_0(f,b,e) e()
#define _in_ITERATE_1(f,b,e,_1) f(_1)
#define _in_ITERATE_2(f,b,e,_1,...) f(_1)b()_in_ITERATE_1(f,b,e,__VA_ARGS__)
#define _in_ITERATE_3(f,b,e,_1,...) f(_1)b()_in_ITERATE_2(f,b,e,__VA_ARGS__)
// or you could expand it instead of reusing previous one with same result:
#define _in_ITERATE_4(f,b,e,_1,_2,_3,_4) f(_1)b()f(_2)b()f(_3)b()f(_4)
// etc.... generate
#define _in_ITERATE_N(_0,_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,_6,_7,_8,_9,N,...) _in_ITERATE_##N
#define ITERATE(func, between, empty, ...) \
_in_ITERATE_N(0,##__VA_ARGS__,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0)(func, between, empty, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define _in_OR_OP(x) (x)
#define _in_OR_EMPTY() 1
#define _in_OR_BETWEEN() ||
#define OR(...) (ITERATE(_in_OR_OP, _in_OR_BETWEEN, _in_OR_EMPTY, ##__VA_ARGS__))
// Use it
OR() // Expands to (1)
OR(a) // Expands to ((a))
OR(a,b) // Expands to ((a)||(b))
OR(a,b,c) // Expands to to ((a)||(b)||(c))
For more examples on overloading macro on count of arguments see this thread. I am using ## GNU extension to remove the comma before __VA_ARGS__ because I am used to using it - I think __VA_OPT__(,) should be nowadays preferred, I am not sure.

Use of # in a macro [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
C preprocessor: stringize macro and identity macro
(2 answers)
What does #x inside a C macro mean?
(4 answers)
How can I concatenate twice with the C preprocessor and expand a macro as in "arg ## _ ## MACRO"?
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Please explain the code
#include <stdio.h>
#define A(a,b) a##b
#define B(a) #a
#define C(a) B(a)
I don't understand, how the first printf evaluates to 12?
Isn't it similar to the second, as C macro is simply a wrapper to B macro?
As mentioned in Wikipedia in C-preprocessor :
The ## operator (known as the "Token Pasting Operator") concatenates
two tokens into one token.
The # operator (known as the "Stringification Operator") converts a
token into a string, escaping any quotes or backslashes appropriately.
If you want to stringify the expansion of a macro argument, you have
to use two levels of macros:
You cannot combine a macro argument with additional text and stringify
it all together. You can however write a series of adjacent string
constants and stringified arguments: the C compiler will then combine
all the adjacent string constants into one long string.
#define xstr(s) str(s)
#define str(s) #s
#define foo 4
str (foo) // outputs "foo"
xstr (foo) // outputs "4"
Also, from C-FAQ Question 11.17 :
It turns out that the definition of # says that it's supposed to
stringize a macro argument immediately, without further expanding it
(if the argument happens to be the name of another macro).
So, similarly, going along these lines :
you're doing C(A(1,2)),
which would roll to C(12), // since no #, so inner argument is expanded
and then to B(12)
// [since you've done two levels of macros in the code:
// 1. from C() to B(), and then, 2. B() to #a]
= 12 .
Whereas, in the first case, only 1 level of stringification is plainly done as per definition of B(a)(since it gets stringified immediately because of #)
macro-replacement of B(A(1,2))
= stringification of A(1,2)
= A(1,2).
The confusion here comes from a simple rule.
When evaluating a macro the pre-processor first resolves the macros in the arguments passed to the macro. However, as a special case, if an argument is right of # or adjacent to ##, it doesn't resolve macros within such arguments. Such are the rules.
Your first case
The pre-processor first applies the C(a) macro, which is defined as B(a). There's no # or ## adjacent to the argument in the definition (none of them in B(a) at all), thus the pre-processor must resolve macros in the argument:
The definition of A(a,b) is a##b which evaluates into 12.
After the macros in the arguments of the C(a) macro are evaluated, the C macro becomes:
The pre-processor now resolves the C(a) macro, which according to its definition becomes
Once this is done, the pre-processor evaluates macros inside the result once again and applies the B(a) macro, so the result becomes
Your second case
Similar to the first case, the pre-processor first applies the B(a) macro. But this time, the definition of the macro is such that the argument is preceded by #. Therefore, the special rule applies and macros inside the argument are not evaluated. Therefore, the result immediately becomes:
The preprocessor goes over the result again trying to find more macros to expand, but now everything is a part of the string, and macros don't get expanded within strings. So the final result is:
C preprocessor has two operators # and ##. The # operator turns the argument of a function like macro to a quoted string where ## operator concatenates two identifiers.
#define A(a,b) a##b will concatenate a with b returning ab as string.
so A(1,2) will return 12
#define B(a) #a will return a as string
#define C(a) B(a) will call previous one and return a as string.
so C(A(1,2)) = C(12) = B(12) = 12 (as string)
B(A(1,2)) = A(1,2) because A(1,2) is taken as an argument and returned as string A(1,2)
There are two operators used in the function-like macros:
## causes a macro to concatenate two parameters.
# causes the input to be effectively turned into a string literal.
In A(a,b) ## causes a to be concatenated with b. In B(a), # effectively creates a string literal from the input. So the expansion runs as follows:
C(A(1,2)) -> C(12) -> B(12) -> "12"
B(A(1,2)) -> "A(1,2)"
Because for C(A(1,2)), the A(1,2) part is evaluated first to turn into 12, the two statements aren't equal like they would appear to be.
You can read more about these at cppreference.

Is there a one-macro way to prefix and quote C macro argument

So when looking into getting my define macro to work, I found the # and ## macro helpers, and used them to simplify my macro. The key part of the macro sets a variable to a string containing the name of the variable (but not the variable name alone). As a simplified example, let's take a macro called SET(X) that should expand SET(something) into something = "pre_something".
The only way I've found to do it so far is with two macros like #define QUOTE(X) #X and #define SET(X) X = QUOTE(pre_##X). However, using multiple macros seems excessive, and may cause problems with further macro expansion (I think). Is there a cleaner, one-line way of doing the same thing?
#define SET(x) x = "pre_"#x
C does string concatenation at compile time, so two string literals next to each other are concatenated.
"hello " "world" -> "hello world"

Renaming a macro in C

Let's say I have already defined 9 macros from
ABC_1 to ABC_9
If there is another macro XYZ(num) whose objective is to call one of the ABC_{i} based on the value of num, what is a good way to do this? i.e. XYZ(num) should call/return ABC_num.
This is what the concatenation operator ## is for:
#define XYZ(num) ABC_ ## num
Arguments to macros that use concatenation (and are used with the operator) are evaluated differently, however (they aren't evaluated before being used with ##, to allow name-pasting, only in the rescan pass), so if the number is stored in a second macro (or the result of any kind of expansion, rather than a plain literal) you'll need another layer of evaluation:
#define XYZ(num) XYZ_(num)
#define XYZ_(num) ABC_ ## num
In the comments you say that num should be a variable, not a constant. The preprocessor builds compile-time expressions, not dynamic ones, so a macro isn't really going to be very useful here.
If you really wanted XYZ to have a macro definition, you could use something like this:
#define XYZ(num) ((int[]){ \
0, ABC_1, ABC_2, ABC_3, ABC_4, ABC_5, ABC_6, ABC_7, ABC_8, ABC_9 \
Assuming ABC_{i} are defined as int values (at any rate they must all be the same type - this applies to any method of dynamically selecting one of them), this selects one with a dynamic num by building a temporary array and selecting from it.
This has no obvious advantages over a completely non-macro solution, though. (Even if you wanted to use macro metaprogramming to generate the list of names, you could still do that in a function or array definition.)
Yes, that's possible, using concatenation. For example:
#define FOO(x, y) BAR ##x(y)
#define BAR1(y) "hello " #y
#define BAR2(y) int y()
#define BAR3(y) return y
FOO(2, main)
puts(FOO(1, world));
FOO(3, 0);
This becomes:
int main()
puts("hello " "world");
return 0;

#define woes – the macro that isn't

I'm trying to do something like:
#define __attribute__((aligned(2))) __attribute__((space(prog),aligned(2)))
but the compiler yields :
error: "(" may not appear in macro parameter list
Questions: What gives? How can I do a literal text replace, no bells, no frills ?
As soon as you start with a parenthesis, you're defining a macro with arguments, and that's bound to some rules.
So you can do, for example:
#define succ(x) (x + 1)
But you can't do:
#define pred(x + 1) x
The preprocessor only does a very limited set of pattern matching.
What you could do instead is something like:
#define __aligned2__ __attribute__((space(prog),aligned(2)))
And use that define instead. If that's not sufficient for your needs, you'll need to do some custom preprocessing using sed instead.
This is not possible with the C preprocessor. You can only define "literal txt replace"s, as you put it, if the text you want to replace is a single identifier ("object-like macro" in C standard parlance). What you wrote causes the preprocessor to think you're trying to define a "function-like macro", with a parameter named "(aligned(2))", which is a syntax error.
I would deal with this problem by wrapping the entire __attribute__ construct in an object-like macro:
#if appropriate condition
#define ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED_2 __attribute__((space(prog),aligned(2)))
#define ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED_2 __attribute__((aligned(2)))
and then replacing __attribute__((aligned(2))) with ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED_2 throughout the source code.
