Can two different applications be made using the same React codebase? - reactjs

I have made a server side rendering application using React, Redux, Node.js and webpack. Now I would like to make another application with a few extra components which will also reside in the same code base. My requirements are:
I should be able to run both applications without each affecting the performance of the other.
The few components which I have added in the new application should not be accessible in the old application.


Exposing a React component to be imported to a different application

So i read somewhere about exposing a React component on the server which makes it importable to a different application, However im unable to find where i read this and cannot locate anything that would help me with this query.
So lets say i have several microservice applications they all essentially share the same Navbar component, my Goal would be to have the component in a central place that can be edited and updated and that would update all other components in other react applications, it would help with maintaining the code.
but in all actuality im not even sure this is possible. considering react components are built into the build folder any structural changes wouldnt be noticeable without rebuilding. But i know i read somewhere about this.

Recoil.js: share state between React instances?

I have to create multiple small React Apps that are modularly integrated on existing WordPress sites (using Shortcodes).
They might use the same state that is currently shared using react-hooks-global-state, which works fine.
However, since I've started using Recoil.js for other Apps, I'd like to know if it is or will be possible to also share global state (accross React instances) with it. The problem right now seems to be that we have to provide a RecoilRoot that must be nested above all components. Obviously, this doesn't work when having multiple React Apps, does it?
Thank you!

Some Architecture advise for Reacjs with Apollo and Graphql (serius project)?

With our team, we are going to start a medium project with Reactjs + Apollo + Graphql and we are looking architecture pattern to keep an order on this project.
I was reading and watching some videos about Architecture for Reactjs and the most commented was Redux, seem good it have state managment and a file structure for work (like layers) but work better with Api Rest and we want to use Graphql.
The other option is use only Graphql and Apollo, because Apollo have it's own state managment and similar options that can replace redux, but if we use this option, what architecture can we give it? mvp? or mvvm? Is it posible with Reactjs?.
If some one with experencie with Reactjs can advise us, we would appreciate it =)
I think you should first understands the benefit of using ReactJs within your project. By saying this I mean to say that React and Redux are independent of each other. These are two different libraries.
React offers it's own benefits such as virtual DOM manipulation, lightweight, used with styled components and many more.
On the other hand Redux is kind of state management library that is based on centralized state management pattern and can be integrated with any JS framework.
With React you get the flavor of creating SPA's or even you can provide the illusion of SPA having multiple pages inside your App.
With React you can use other JS libraries without any obstacles as it is very user friendly and compatible with almost all latest browsers and even to aid the support there are various other libraries too.

Is there a "Best Practices" on designing an application written both in React and React-Native?

We are looking to make a web-based React application because its target user base happens to be predominantly PC users. We expect the user base will change towards smaller screens, i.e. tablets users.
The development team here isn't experienced in React-Native apps, but the first impression here is that there are differences in function calls. So, we are wondering if there is a "Best Practices" to designing and coding a React application running as native and web. More to the point, are there common practices in which a native and web React application can share a significant amount of code base?
Generally, you can share a lot of business logic between react native and web applications. By business logic, I basically mean the logic in your app that aren't components. Trying to share components is pretty hard, since the base level components are different (View vs div, etc), and you generally want things structured pretty differently on the web vs a mobile app.
If you are using redux or something like it to manage your app's state, you could share the reducers, action creators, api calls, etc. You would put all of that into a shared package, and then both the web and native apps would import them and use them as needed. I wouldn't go this route until it is clear you need an app. It would be easy enough to extract at a later date when it is necessary.
If you're using graphql, you benefit from the fact that a lot of the shared logic is encoded in the schema. Your mobile app can query the same graphql server and get the same data or include more/less fields depending on what is necessary for the mobile app to function.

Shared components across multiple React/Redux apps

We are currently moving an application from asp.Net to React/Redux and .Net core. The application is really complex so we are trying to make so that each page its is own module. But there certain components (Modals, PDF viewers, and other specialized viewers) we need to access throughout the application. Is there a way to add these components from other React projects in a specific application without having to load the entire application. Or maybe create a core React/Redux library that goes in the entire application?
Note: we are currently using Webpack, ES6, React and Redux
As a sibling to your modules directory, you may have a shared directory. Inside here, usually, you'll have directories like styles/, fonts/, images/, and ... components/. The components here may be thought of as the atomic structures that create your "molecular" modules. For example, any custom UI components (e.g., buttons, dropdowns, tooltips) go here--assuming you're opting out of MaterialUI.
Then from within your larger "feature" components, you import these components and use them.
As a further step, you can build all your shared components as a private npm module and bring it in that way.
Since Redux is in the discussion, aim to make your routed components be container components. In other words, in <Route path='/something' component={ThisComponent} />, ThisComponent ought to be a generated container component, via the connect()() method.
I would advise against using a Router as your application could easily break should the .net application change urls.
Another option would be to use something like React Habitat
