Want to disable the command based on canexecute - wpf

I have a simple DelegateCommand from Telerik. I have a case,
I have a screen with a textbox and a button. Whenever I click save the button should be disabled and should not accept any clicks until the operation completes.
The implementation is as below,
public DelegateCommand SaveRemarksCommand
return _saveRemarksCommand = new DelegateCommand((r) =>
CanSaveRemarks = false;
(result) =>
return CanSaveRemarks;
Here I am manipulating the CanSaveRemarks as false until the SaveRemarks executes.
The problem now is if I click multiple times fast on the button the button accepts multiple clicks saving duplicates.

You can additionally check the CanSaveRemarks property in your command handler.
This property is already available to you, so you don't need to introduce something else.
new DelegateCommand((r) =>
if (!CanSaveRemarks)
CanSaveRemarks = false;
CanSaveRemarks = true;
(result) =>
return CanSaveRemarks;


How to check dynamically rendered checkboxes

I'm rendering some checkboxes dynamically, but currently I'm only able to check the first box, and all other boxes operate the first one. How do I get the boxes to work independently of each other?
This is typescript in React. I've tried changing the interface I'm referencing in the function, thinking I was referencing the wrong thing, but none of those worked.
This is the function:
handleCheckboxClick = (entitlement: IApiEntitlements, checked: boolean): void => {
if (checked === true) {
} else {
const index: number = this.selectedEntitlementIDs.indexOf(entitlement.id);
this.selectedEntitlementIDs.splice(index, 1);
let entitlementChecked: IEntitlementChecked = this.state.entitlementChecked;
entitlementChecked[entitlement.id] = checked;
let selectAll: boolean = false;
if (this.selectedEntitlementIDs.length === this.state.responses.apiResponses.apiClients.length) {
selectAll = true;
entitlementChecked: entitlementChecked,
selectAll: selectAll
console.log(this.selectedEntitlementIDs, 'hi');
console.log(entitlementChecked, 'hello');
And this is where it's being called:
return (
I expect each checkbox to be able to be checked, but currently on the first one works, and all others check or uncheck that first one.
You shouldn't keep an array as a property on the class that keeps track of selected items, this isn't tied to the React lifecycle and could potentially not update the view when you want to. Instead you should just use your map (entitlementChecked) you already have to determine if something is checked or not.
handleCheckboxClick(id) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
entitlementChecked: {
[id]: !prevState.entitlementChecked[id]
When calling the handler method, you can just pass the id through that you need specifically.
onChange={this.handleCheckboxClick.bind(null, item.id)}
Here's a rudimentary example for more detail :)

Intercept checkbox change event in VueJS

I have a long set of checkboxes. I would like two groups of three of them to behave as radio buttons. Now, leaving aside my UX choices, how can I make this work?
The checkboxes are implemented as properties on a single object, layer:
data() {
return {
layer: {},
watch: {
layer: {
handler(val, oldval) {
deep: true,
That works fine. But intercepting val and updating this.layer inside handler() doesn't:
handler: function(val, oldval) {
if (val.FutureYear) { this.layer.NextYear = false; this.layer.ExistingYear = false; }
if (val.ExistingYear) { this.layer.NextYear = false; this.layer.FutureYear = false; }
if (val.NextYear) { this.layer.ExistingYear = false; this.layer.FutureYear = false; }
How can I achieve this result? (I'd prefer not to have to implement actual radio buttons because that makes managing all the layers and UI more complex.)
Example: https://codepen.io/jacobgoh101/pen/NyRJLW?editors=0010
The main problem is the logic in watch.
If FutureYear is selected already, other field becomes unchangeable. Because if (val.FutureYear) is always the first one being triggered and the other 2 field will always be set to false immediately.
Another thing about watch is that it will be triggered when
user changed the value
program changed the value (this is unnecessary and make things harder to handle)
Therefore, handling #change event is more appropriate in this scenario.
methods: {
handleChange: function(e) {
const name = e.target.name;
if (this.layer[name]) {
if(key != name) {
this.layer[key] = false;
<div id="app">
<input type="checkbox"/ v-model="layer.FutureYear" name="FutureYear" #change="handleChange($event)">FutureYear<br/>
<input type="checkbox"/ v-model="layer.NextYear" name="NextYear" #change="handleChange($event)">NextYear<br/>
<input type="checkbox"/ v-model="layer.ExistingYear" name="ExistingYear" #change="handleChange($event)">ExistingYear<br/>

Marionette prevent region destroy

I am using Marionette region to display templates based on user radio input:(text/file).
Here is my itemview
var fileTemplateView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template : "#file-upload-template"
and region defined as
regions : {
composeRegion : "#compose-region",
and event declared as
events : {
"click #msg-input-type input:radio" : "changedRadio"
and event trigger function is
changedRadio : function(evt) {
var self = this;
var checkedObject = evt.currentTarget;
console.log('Radio Change Event'+checkedObject.value);
if (checkedObject.value === "file") {
if (self.fileView === undefined) {
self.fileView = new fileTemplateView();
this.composeRegion.show(self.fileView, { preventDestroy: true });
} else if (checkedObject.value === "text") {
if (self.textView === undefined) {
self.textView = new textTemplateView();
this.composeRegion.show(self.textView, { preventDestroy: true });
But preventDestroy method may not be working as defined where template is resetting on everytime radio event happen.
Your help is appreciated.
The preventDestroy option prevents the swapped view from being destroyed. This doesn't mean that is won't be re-rendered the next time it is shown. Make sure you are saving the state of the view so it can be used to reconstruct the view properly the next time.

CheckAll/UncheckAll issue with Subscribe ? Knockout

I been trying to do checkbox Checkall and UnCheckall using subscribe and i'm partially successful doing that but i am unable to find a fix in couple of scenarios when i am dealing with subscribe .
Using subscribe :
I am here able to checkAll uncheckAll but when i uncheck a child checkbox i.e test1 or test2 i need my parent checkbox name also to be unchecked and in next turn if i check test1 the parent checkbox should be checked i.e keeping condition both child checkboxes are checked .
For fiddle : Click Here
ViewModel :
self.selectedAllBox.subscribe(function (newValue) {
if (newValue == true) {
ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.People(), function (item) {
} else {
ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.People(), function (item) {
The same scenario can be done perfectly in easy way using computed but due some performance issues i need to use subscribe which is best way it wont fire like computed onload .
Reference : Using computed same thing is done perfectly check this Fiddle
I tried to use change event in individual checkbox binding but its a dead end till now.
Any help is appreciated .
Your subscription only applies to edits on the selectedAllBox. To do what you want, you'll need subscriptions on every Person checkbox as well, to check for the right conditions and uncheck the selectedAllBox in the right situations there.
It strikes me as odd that this would be acceptable but using computed() is not. Maybe you should reconsider that part of your answer. I would much rather compute a "isAllSelected" value based on my viewModel state, then bind the selectedAllBox to that.
I solved a similar problem in my own application a couple of years ago using manual subscriptions. Although the computed observable method is concise and easy to understand, it suffers from poor performance when there's a large number of items. Hopefully the code below speaks for itself:
function unsetCount(array, propName) {
// When an item is added to the array, set up a manual subscription
function addItem(item) {
var previousValue = !!item[propName]();
item[propName]._unsetSubscription = item[propName].subscribe(function (latestValue) {
latestValue = !!latestValue;
if (latestValue !== previousValue) {
previousValue = latestValue;
unsetCount(unsetCount() + (latestValue ? -1 : 1));
return previousValue;
// When an item is removed from the array, dispose the subscription
function removeItem(item) {
return !!item[propName]();
// Initialize
var tempUnsetCount = 0;
ko.utils.arrayForEach(array(), function (item) {
if (!addItem(item)) {
var unsetCount = ko.observable(tempUnsetCount);
// Subscribe to array changes
array.subscribe(function (changes) {
var tempUnsetCount = unsetCount();
ko.utils.arrayForEach(changes, function (change) {
if (change.moved === undefined) {
if (change.status === 'added') {
if (!addItem(change.value))
} else {
if (!removeItem(change.value))
}, null, 'arrayChange');
return unsetCount;
You'll still use a computed observable in your viewmodel for the the select-all value, but now it'll only need to check the unselected count:
self.unselectedPeopleCount = unsetCount(self.People, 'Selected');
self.SelectAll = ko.pureComputed({
read: function() {
return self.People().length && self.unselectedPeopleCount() === 0;
write: function(value) {
ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.People(), function (person) {
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/mbest/dwnv81j0/
The computed approach is the right way to do this. You can improve some performance issues by using pureComputed and by using rateLimit. Both require more recent versions of Knockout than the 2.2.1 used in your example (3.2 and 3.1, respectively).
self.SelectAll = ko.pureComputed({
read: function() {
var item = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.People(), function(item) {
return !item.Selected();
return item == null;
write: function(value) {
ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.People(), function (person) {

Extjs set readOnly option when button clicked

Good day!
I am try to write method, which set(true or false) readOnly option on the elements on form, when button clicked:
setReadOnly: function(bReadOnly) {
if (f instanceof Ext.form.FieldSet) {
f.items.each(function (f) {
if (f.isFormField) {
if (bReadOnly === true) {
f.inputEl.dom.setAttribute('readonly', true);
} else {
if (f instanceof Ext.form.TriggerField)
if (f instanceof Ext.form.ComboBox)
On the textfield this code works perfect. But on the TriggerField i can not show trigger, when set readOnly option in false.Can Anybody help me?
You probably want the TriggerField setReadonly method
See the API reference here: http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/3-4/#!/api/Ext.form.TriggerField-method-setReadOnly
You shoudln't need to manually alter the DOM, there are ExtJs methods available to do what you require.
Also, you can use the Panel findByType method to get all the form fields inside your panel.
