Visual Studio/IIS changes the order of Access file's table data - database

I encountered weird problem when trying to use Access Database file in my project.
I have a table named 'CarGears'. When I add some rows to it, Visual Studio shows them at the start of the table, instead of putting it at the button.
I am including pics of the problem
Any solution for it?

Access is in fact sorting the table by the primary key, and thus is IS sorting the data every time.
Most modern database systems consider all data un-ordered and you cannot assume order of data. The data is considered an un-ordered bucket of data. You can’t assume order since 5 users might be adding data, and now such order can’t be known since records can be added or removed by other users.
If you are using punched card computers, or reading a text file, you can assume order, but a database is not paper, not punched cards, and order of data can NEVER be assumed.
Bottom line:
If you want ordered data, then you query pull has to sort the data – any other assumption is NOT valid and cannot be assumed.
Access can sort 100,000 records with an index in about 1000th of a second or less – performance of such sorts is a non-issue, and even if it was, assumption of order cannot be assumed with a modern database system. This lesson and rule is usually the first day in any computer class that involves database theory.
You are doomed in the use of computers and data processing if you ignore the above simple fact of computers and how database systems work.


Database choice: High-write, low-read

I'm building a component for recording historical data. Initially I expect it to do about 30 writes/second, and less than 1 read/second.
The data will never be modified, only new data will be added. Reads are likely to be done with fresh records.
The demand is likely to increase rapidly, expecting around 80 writes/second in one year time.
I could choose to distribute my component and use a common database such as MySql, or I could go with a distributed database such as MongoDb. Either way, I'd like the database to handle writes very well.
The database must be free. Open source would be a plus :-)
Note: A record is plain text in variable size, typically 50 to 500 words.
Your question can be solved a few different ways, so let's break it down and look at the individual requirements you've laid out:
Writes - It sounds like the bulk of what you're doing is append only writes at a relatively low volume (80 writes/second). Just about any product on the market with a reasonable storage backend is going to be able to handle this. You're looking at 50-500 "words" of data being saved. I'm not sure what constitutes a word, but for the sake of argument let's assume that a word is an average of 8 characters, so your data is going to be some kind of metadata, a key/timestamp/whatever plus 400-4000 bytes of words. Barring implementation specific details of different RDBMSes, this is still pretty normal, we're probably writing at most (including record overhead) 4100 bytes per record. This maxes out at 328,000 bytes per second or, as I like to put it, not a lot of writing.
Deletes - You also need the ability to delete your data. There's not a lot I can say about that. Deletes are deletes.
Reading - Here's where things get tricky. You mention that it's mostly primary keys and reads are being done on fresh data. I'm not sure what either of these mean, but I don't think that it matters. If you're doing key only lookups (e.g. I want record 8675309), then life is good and you can use just about anything.
Joins - If you need the ability to write actual joins where the database handles them, you've written yourself out of the major non-relational database products.
Data size/Data life - This is where things get fun. You've estimated your writes at 80/second and I guess at 4100 bytes per record or 328,000 bytes per second. There are 86400 seconds in a day, which gives us 28,339,200,000 bytes. Terrifying! That's 3,351,269.53125 KB, 27,026 MB, or roughly 26 GB / day. Even if you're keeping your data for 1 year, that's 9633 GB, or 10TB of data. You can lease 1 TB of data from a cloud hosting provider for around $250 per month or buy it from a SAN vendor like EqualLogic for about $15,000.
Conclusion: I can only think of a few databases that couldn't handle this load. 10TB is getting a bit tricky and requires a bit of administration skill, and you might need to look at certain data lifecycle management techniques, but almost any RDBMS should be up to this task. Likewise, almost any non-relational/NoSQL database should be up to this task. In fact, almost any database of any sort should be up to the task.
If you (or your team members) already have skills in a particular product, just stick with that. If there's a specific product that excels in your problem domain, use that.
This isn't the type of problem that requires any kind of distributed magical unicorn powder.
Ok for MySQL I would advice you to use InnoDB without any indexes, expect on primary keys, even then, if you can skip them it would be good, in order to make input flow uninterrupted.
Indexes optimize reading, but descrease the writing capabilities.
You also may use PostgreSQL. Where you also need to skip indexes as well but you wont have a engine selection and its capabilities are also very strong for writing.
This approach you want is actually used in some solutions, but with two db servers, or at least two databases. The first is receiving a lot of new data (your case), while the second communicates with the first and store it in a well-structured database (with indexes, rules, etc). And then when you need to read or make a snapshot of the data you refer the second server (or second database), where you can use transactions and so on.
You should take a look and refer at Oracle Express (I think this was its name) and SQL Server Express Edition. The last two have better performance, but also some limitations. To have more detailed picture.

Need for speed: Best database solution

What I want to create is a huge index over an even bigger collection of data. The data is a huge collection of images (and I mean millions of photos!) and I want to build an index on all unique images.
So I calculate a hash value of every image and append this with the width, height and file size of the image. This would generate a very unique key for every image. This would be combined with the location of the image, or locations in case of duplicates.
Technically speaking, this would fit perfectly in a single database table. An unique index on file name, plus an additional non-unique index on hash-width-height-size would be enough. However, I could use an existing database system to solve this, or just write my own, optimized version. It will be a single-user application anyway and the main purpose is to detect when I add a duplicate image to the collection so it will warn me that I already have it in my collection and display the locations where the other copies are. I can then decide to still add the duplicate or to discard it.
I've written hash-table implementations before and it's not that difficult once you know what you have to be aware of. So I could just implement my own file format for this data. It's unlikely that I'll ever need to add more information to these images and I'm not interested in similar images, just exact images. I'm not storing the original images in this file either, just the hash, size and location.
From experience, I know this could run extremely fast. I've done it before and have been doing similar things for nearly three decades so it's likely that I will chose this solution.
But I do wonder... Doing the same with an existing database system like SQL Server, Oracle, Interbase or MySQL, would performance still be high enough? There would be about 750 TB of images indexed in this database, which roughly translates to around 30 million records in a single, small table. Is it even worth considering the use of a regular database?
I have doubts about the usability of a database for this project. The amount of data is huge, yet the structure is real simple. I don't need multi-user support or most other features that most databases provide. So I don't see a need for a database. But I'm interested in the opinions of other programmers about this. (Although I expect most will agree with me here.)
The project itself, which is still just an idea in my head, is supposed to be some tool or add-on for explorer or whatever. Basically, it builds an index for any external hard disk that I attach to the system and when I copy an image to this disk somewhere, it's supposed to tell me if the image already exists at this disk. It will allow me to avoid filling up my backup disks with duplicates, although I sometimes would like to add duplicates. (E.g. because they're part of a series.) Since I like to create my own rendered artwork I have plenty of images. Plus, I've been taking digital pictures with digital cameras since 1996 so I also have a huge collection of photos. Add some other large collections to this and you'll soon realise that the amount of data will be huge. (And yes, there are already plenty of duplicates in my collection...)
Since it's a single-user application that you are considering, I'd probably have a look at SQLite. It ought to fit your other requirements rather nicely, I'd say.
I just tested the performance of PostgreSQL on my laptop (Core 2 Duo T5800 2.0 GHz 3.0 GiB RAM). I have a table with slightly more than 100M records, 5 columns and some indexes. I performed a range query on one indexed column (not the primary key) and returned all columns. A mean query returned 75 rows and executed in 750ms. You have to decide if this is fast enough.
I would avoid DIY-ing it unless you know all the repocussions of what you're doing.
Transactional Consistency for example, is not trivial.
I would suggest designing your code in such a way the backend can be easily replaced later, and then run with something sane ( SQLite is a good starting choice ), develop it the most sane and rational way possible, and then try slotting in the alternative backing store.
Then profile the differences, and run regression tests against it to make sure your database is not worse than SQLite.
Exisiting database solutions tend to win because they've had years of improvement and fine tuning to get their benefits, an a naïve attempt will likely be slower, buggier, and do less, all the while Increasing your development load to purely MONUMENTAL proportions.
The first rule of Optimization is, you do not talk about Optimization.
The second rule of Optimization is, you DO NOT talk about Optimization.
If your app is running faster than the underlying transport protocol, the optimization is over.
One factor at a time.
No marketroids, no marketroid schedules.
Testing will go on as long as it has to.
If this is your first night at Optimization Club, you have to write a test case.
Also, with databases, there is one thing you utterly MUST get ingrained.
Speed is unimportant
Your data being there when you need it, that is important.
When you have the assuredness that your data will always be there, then you may worry about trivial concerns like speed.
You also lament that you'll be using image SHA's/MD5's etc to deduplicate images. This is a fallacious notion of its own, Hashes of files are only able to tell if the files are different, not if they're the same.
The logic is akin to asking 30 people to flip a coin, and you see the first one get heads, and thus decide to delete every other person who gets a head, because they're obviously the same person.
Although you may think it unlikely you'd have 2 different files with the same hash, your odds are about as good as winning the lotto. The chances of you winning the lotto are low, but somebody wins the lotto every day. Don't let it be you.

database archiving vs timeperiod based tables/fields

I am working on an employee objectives web application.
Lead/Manager sets objectives for team members after discussing with them. This is an yearly/half-yearly/quarterly depending on appraisal cycle the organization follows.
Now question is is better approach to add time period based fields or archive previous quarter's/year's data. When a user want to see previous objectives (not so frequent activity), the archive that belongs to that date may be restored in some temp table and shown to employee.
Points to start with
archiving: reduces db size, results in simpler db queries, adds an overhead when someone tried to see old data.
time-period based field/tables: one or more extra joins in queries, previous data is treated similar to current data so no overhead in retrieving old data.
PS: it is not space cost, my point is if we can achieve some optimization in terms of performance, as this is a web app and at peak times all the employees in an organization will be looking/updating it. so removing time period makes my queries a lot simpler.
Assuming you're talking about data that changes over time, as opposed to logging-type data, then my preferred approach is to keep only the "latest" version of the data in your primary table(s), and to automatically copy the previous version of the data into a archive table. This archive table would mirror the primary, with the addition of versioned fields, such as timestamps. This archiving can be done with a trigger.
The main benefit that I see with this approach is that it doesn't compromise your database design. In particular, you don't have to worry about using composite keys that incorporate the version fields (in fact using time-based fields as keys may not even be permitted by your database).
If you need to go and look at the old data, you can run a select against the archive table and add version constraints to the query.
I would start off adding your time period fields and waiting until size becomes an issue. The kind of data you are describing does not sound like it is going to consume a lot of storage space.
Should it grow uncontrollably you can always look at the archive approach later - but the coding is going to take much longer than simply storing the relevant period with your data.
It seems to me that if you have the requirement that a user can look arbitrarily far back in the past, then you really must keep the data accessible.
This just won't be sustainable:
the archive that belongs to that date may be restored in some temp table and shown to employee.
My recommendation would be to periodically (read when absolutely necessary) move 'very old' data to another table for this purpose. Disk space is extremely cheap at this point, so keeping that data around is not nearly as expensive as implementing the system that can go back to an arbitrary time and restore an archive.

How do database perform on dense data?

Suppose you have a dense table with an integer primary key, where you know the table will contain 99% of all values from 0 to 1,000,000.
A super-efficient way to implement such a table is an array (or a flat file on disk), assuming a fixed record size.
Is there a way to achieve similar efficiency using a database?
Clarification - When stored in a simple table / array, access to entries are O(1) - just a memory read (or read from disk). As I understand, all databases store their nodes in trees, so they cannot achieve identical performance - access to an average node will take a few hops.
Perhaps I don't understand your question but a database is designed to handle data. I work with database all day long that have millions of rows. They are efficiency enough.
I don't know what your definition of "achieve similar efficiency using a database" means. In a database (from my experience) what are exactly trying to do matters with performance.
If you simply need a single record based on a primary key, the the database should be naturally efficient enough assuming it is properly structure (For example, 3NF).
Again, you need to design your database to be efficient for what you need. Furthermore, consider how you will write queries against the database in a given structure.
In my work, I've been able to cut query execution time from >15 minutes to 1 or 2 seconds simply by optimizing my joins, the where clause and overall query structure. Proper indexing, obviously, is also important.
Also, consider the database engine you are going to use. I've been assuming SQL server or MySql, but those may not be right. I've heard (but have never tested the idea) that SQLite is very quick - faster than either of the a fore mentioned. There are also many other options, I'm sure.
Update: Based on your explanation in the comments, I'd say no -- you can't. You are asking about mechanizes designed for two completely different things. A database persist data over a long amount of time and is usually optimized for many connections and data read/writes. In your description the data in an array, in memory is for a single program to access and that program owns the memory. It's not (usually) shared. I do not see how you could achieve the same performance.
Another thought: The absolute closest thing you could get to this, in SQL server specifically, is using a table variable. A table variable (in theory) is held in memory only. I've heard people refer to table variables as SQL server's "array". Any regular table write or create statements prompts the RDMS to write to the disk (I think, first the log and then to the data files). And large data reads can also cause the DB to write to private temp tables to store data for later or what-have.
There is not much you can do to specify how data will be physically stored in database. Most you can do is to specify if data and indices will be stored separately or data will be stored in one index tree (clustered index as Brian described).
But in your case this does not matter at all because of:
All databases heavily use caching. 1.000.000 of records hardly can exceed 1GB of memory, so your complete database will quickly be cached in database cache.
If you are reading single record at a time, main overhead you will see is accessing data over database protocol. Process goes something like this:
connect to database - open communication channel
send SQL text from application to database
database analyzes SQL (parse SQL, checks if SQL command is previously compiled, compiles command if it is first time issued, ...)
database executes SQL. After few executions data from your example will be cached in memory, so execution will be very fast.
database packs fetched records for transport to application
data is sent over communication channel
database component in application unpacks received data into some dataset representation (e.g. ADO.Net dataset)
In your scenario, executing SQL and finding records needs very little time compared to total time needed to get data from database to application. Even if you could force database to store data into array, there will be no visible gain.
If you've got a decent amount of records in a DB (and 1MM is decent, not really that big), then indexes are your friend.
You're talking about old fixed record length flat files. And yes, they are super-efficient compared to databases, but like structure/value arrays vs. classes, they just do not have the kind of features that we typically expect today.
Things like:
searching on different columns/combintations
variable length columns
nullable columns
concurrency control
transaction control
etc., etc.
Create a DB with an ID column and a bit column. Use a clustered index for the ID column (the ID column is your primary key). Insert all 1,000,000 elements (do so in order or it will be slow). This is kind of inefficient in terms of space (you're using nlgn space instead of n space).
I don't claim this is efficient, but it will be stored in a similar manner to how an array would have been stored.
Note that the ID column can be marked as being a counter in most DB systems, in which case you can just insert 1000000 items and it will do the counting for you. I am not sure if such a DB avoids explicitely storing the counter's value, but if it does then you'd only end up using n space)
When you have your primary key as a integer sequence it would be a good idea to have reverse index. This kind of makes sure that the contiguous values are spread apart in the index tree.
However, there is a catch - with reverse indexes you will not be able to do range searching.
The big question is: efficient for what?
for oracle ideas might include:
read access by id: index organized table (this might be what you are looking for)
insert only, no update: no indexes, no spare space
read access full table scan: compressed
high concurrent write when id comes from a sequence: reverse index
for the actual question, precisely as asked: write all rows in a single blob (the table contains one column, one row. You might be able to access this like an array, but I am not sure since I don't know what operations are possible on blobs. Even if it works I don't think this approach would be useful in any realistic scenario.

How do I model data that slowly changes over time?

Let's say I'm getting a large (2 million rows?) amount of data that's supposed to be static and unchanging. Supposed to be. And this data gets republished monthly. What methods are available to 1) be aware of what data points have changed from month to month and 2) consume the data given a point in time?
Solution 1) Naively save every snapshot of data, annotated by date. Diff awareness is handled by some in-house program, but consumption of the data by date is trivial. Cons, space requirements balloon by an order of magnitude.
Solution 2A) Using an in-house program, track when the diffs happen and store them in an EAV table, annotated by date. Space requirements are low, but consumption integrated with the original data becomes unwieldly.
Solution 2B) Using an in-house program, track when the diffs happen and store them in a sparsely filled table that looks much like the original table, filled only with the data that's changed and the date when changed. Cons, model is sparse and consumption integrated with the original data is non-trivial.
I guess, basically, how do I integrate the dimension of time into a relational database, keeping in mind both the viewing of the data and awareness of differences between time periods?
Does this relate to data warehousing at all?
Smells like... Slowly changing dimension?
I had a similar problem - big flat files imported to the database once per day. Most of the data is unchanging.
Add two extra columns to the table, starting_date and ending_date. The default value for ending_date should be sometime in the future.
To compare one file to the next, sort them both by the key columns, then read one row from each file.
If the keys are equal: compare the rest of the columns to see if the data has changed. If the row data is equal, the row is already in the database and there's nothing to do; if it's different, update the existing row in the database with an ending_date of today and insert a new row with a starting_date of today. Read a new row from both files.
If the key from the old file is smaller: the row was deleted. Update ending_date to today. Read a new row from the old file.
If the key from the new file is smaller: a row was inserted. Insert the row into the database with a starting_date of today. Read a new row from the new file.
Repeat until you've read everything from both files.
Now to query for the rows that were valid at any date, just select with a where clause test_date between start_date and end_date.
You could also take a leaf from the datawarehousing book. There are basically three ways of of dealing with changing data.
Have a look at this wikipedia article for SCD's but it is in essence tables:
A lot of this depends on how you're storing the data. There are two factors to consider:
How oftne does the data change?
How much does the data change?
The distinction is important. If it changes often but not much then annotated snapshots are going to be extremely inefficient. If it changes infrequently but a lot then they're a better solution.
It also depends on if you need to see what the data looked like at a specific point in time.
If you're using Oracle, for example, you can use flashback queries to see a consistent view of the data at some arbitrary point.
Personally I think you're better off storing it incrementally and, at a minimum, using some form of auditing to track changes so you can recover an historic snapshot if it's ever required. But like I said, this depends on many factors.
If it was me, I'd save the whole thing every month (not necessarily in a database, but as a data file or text file off-line) - you will be glad you did. Even at a row size of 4096 bytes (wild ass guess), you are only talking about 8G of disk per month. You can save a LOT of months on a 300G drive. I did something similar for years, when I was getting over 1G per day in downloads to a datawarehouse.
This sounds to me rather like the problem faced by source code version control systems. These store patches which are used to create the changes as they occur. So if a file does not change, or only a few lines change, the patch that needs to be stored is relatively very small. The system also stores which version each patch contributes to. So, when viewing a particular version of a particular file, the initial version is recovered and all the patches, up to the version requested are applied.
In your, very general, situation, you need to divide up your data into chunks. Hopefully there are natural divisions you can use, but if this division has to be arbitrary that's should be OK. Whenever a change occurs, store the patch for the affected chunk and record a new version. Now, when you want to view a particular date, find the last version that predates the view date, apply the patches for the chunk that has been requested, and display.
Could you do the following:
1. Each month BCP all data into a temporary table
2. Run a script or stored procedure to update the primary table
(which has an additional DateTime column as part of a composite key),
with any changes made.
3. Repeat each month.
This should give you a table, which you can query data for at a particular date.
In addition each change will be logged, and the size of the table shouldn't change dramatically over time.
However, as a backup to this, I would store each data file as Brennan suggests.
