Custom attributes are removed when using custom blots - quill

I created a custom blot for links that requires to be able to set rel and target manually. However when loading content that has those attributes, quill strips them. I'm not sure why.
I created a codepen to illustrate the issue.
This is my custom blot:
const Inline = Quill.import('blots/inline')
class CustomLink extends Inline {
static create(options) {
const node = super.create()
node.setAttribute('href', options.url)
if ( { node.setAttribute('target', '_blank') }
if (options.follow === 'nofollow') { node.setAttribute('rel', 'nofollow') }
return node
static formats(node) {
return node.getAttribute('href')
CustomLink.blotName = 'custom_link'
CustomLink.tagName = 'A'
Quill.register({'formats/custom_link': CustomLink})
Do I have to tell Quill to allow certain atttributes?

Upon initialization from existing HTML, Quill will try to construct the data model from it, which is the symmetry between create(), value() for leaf blots, and formats() for inline blots. Given how create() is implemented, you would need formats() to be something like this:
static formats(node) {
let ret = {
url: node.getAttribute('href'),
if (node.getAttribute('target') == '_blank') { = true;
if (node.getAttribute('rel') == 'nofollow') {
ret.follow = 'nofollow';
return ret;
Working fork with this change:
I would recommend overwriting the default link as well though instead of creating another one, unless there's some reason you need both types.


Implement custom editor for Quill blot

I'm trying to customize the Quill editor for my needs. I managed to implement and insert custom blots, as described in But I need to edit data, which is attached to my blots, like the URL of a link for example. The default implementation of Quill displays a small "inline" edit box for links. I want to implement something like that myself, but just don't get it. I did not find any hints in the docs and guides. Reading the source code of Quill, I was not able to figure out where the editing dialog for links is implemented. Any starting point would be very appreciated.
I've tried something similar. Proper way of doing it should be creating a module. Unfortunately as you already know it is not as easy as it seems.
Let me point you to some useful resources that helped me a lot with understanding how to create extensions for quill.
Quills maintainer is curating Awesome quill list.
I recommend looking especially into
quill-emoji it contains code to display tooltip emoji while writing
quill-form maybe some form extension has some code that will point you in the right direction
Here is my try on to it using custom quill module.
const InlineBlot = Quill.import('blots/inline');
class NamedLinkBlot extends InlineBlot {
static create(value) {
const node = super.create(value);
node.setAttribute('href', value);
node.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
return node;
NamedLinkBlot.blotName = 'namedlink';
NamedLinkBlot.tagName = 'A';
Quill.register('formats/namedlink', NamedLinkBlot);
const Tooltip = Quill.import('ui/tooltip');
class NamedLinkTooltip extends Tooltip {
show() {;
NamedLinkTooltip.TEMPLATE = [
'<a class="ql-preview" target="_blank" href="about:blank"></a>',
'<input type="text" data-link="">',
'Url displayed',
'<input type="text" data-name="Link name">',
'<a class="ql-action"></a>',
'<a class="ql-remove"></a>',
const QuillModule = Quill.import('core/module');
class NamedLinkModule extends QuillModule {
constructor(quill, options) {
super(quill, options);
this.tooltip = new NamedLinkTooltip(this.quill, options.bounds);
this.quill.getModule('toolbar').addHandler('namedlink', this.namedLinkHandler.bind(this));
namedLinkHandler(value) {
if (value) {
var range = this.quill.getSelection();
if (range == null || range.length === 0) return;
var preview = this.quill.getText(range);;
Quill.register('modules/namedlink', NamedLinkModule);
const quill = new Quill('#editor', {
theme: 'snow',
modules: {
namedlink: {},
toolbar: {
container: [
CodePen Demo
To see the tooltip:
Select any word
Click invisible button on the right of link button, your cursor will turn to hand.
Main issues that need to be addressed:
in order to customize the tooltip you will need to copy majority of the code from SnowTooltip Main pain point is that you cannot easily extend That tooltip.
you need to also adapt the code of event listeners but it should be straightforward
Here's a partial answer. Please see lines 41-64 in file "" (Please note, that the authors have since moved to TypeScript, lines 45-70?, and possibly made other changes.)
I haven't tried implementing something similar but it looks like Quill is watching a "selection-change" event and checks if the selection is on a LinkBlot with a defined link.
The SnowTooltip class includes references to the selectors, 'a.ql-preview', 'ql-editing', 'a.ql-action', and 'a.ql-remove', which we find in the link-editing tooltip.
(range, oldRange, source) => {
if (range == null) return;
if (range.length === 0 && source === Emitter.sources.USER) {
const [link, offset] = this.quill.scroll.descendant(
if (link != null) {
this.linkRange = new Range(range.index - offset, link.length());
const preview = LinkBlot.formats(link.domNode);
this.preview.textContent = preview;
this.preview.setAttribute('href', preview);;
} else {
delete this.linkRange;

Excel-like behaviour of Grids in Ext JS

I'm trying to figure out a way to have an Excel-like behavior with the Grids on Ext JS.
Here is the sample grid I am working with. So far we can already naviguate through the cells with the arrows but only in edit mode.
However what I am trying to reach is the naviguation with the arrows, TAB and Enter keys outside of the edit mode, just like excel.
I tried to integrate this piece of code which overrides the Editor class, hoping that it would change the behavior of the cells but it doesn't change a thing.
I believe this is the most important part that overrides the Editor class and tries to include the keys input :
Ext.override(Ext.Editor, {
startEdit: function (el, value) {
var me = this,
field = me.field;
me.boundEl = Ext.get(el);
value = Ext.isDefined(value) ? value : me.boundEl.dom.innerHTML;
if (!me.rendered) {
me.render(me.parentEl || document.body);
if (me.fireEvent('beforestartedit', me, me.boundEl, value) !== false) {
me.startValue = value;;
if (deleteGridCellValue) {
me.editing = true;
deleteGridCellValue = false; // reset global variable
else {
if (newGridCellValue == '') {
// default behaviour of Ext.Editor (see source if needed)
else {
// custom behaviour to handle an alphanumeric key press from non-edit mode
newGridCellValue = ''; // reset global variable
if (field instanceof Ext.form.field.ComboBox) {
// force the combo box's filtered dropdown list to be displayed (some browsers need this)
field.focus(false, 10);
if (field.autoSize) {
me.editing = true;
This is the first time that I am working on a project that is outside of Comp-Sci classes so any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks !

How to properly save self reference with ES6 classes?

Honestly, I'm not sure of what is the cause for the behavior: systemjs, babel or my own fault. I'm using class for custom control controller and saving class reference in self variable. Apparently that gets overriden by any subsequent controller instances.
I created a simple repository to demonstrate:
clone, install, run live-server or your preferred server. You will see 2 buttons, each is a custom control. Clicking on a button only affects one control.
How can I get this working with ES6 class?
I should have posted the code, sorry.
The reason you'd want to save reference to self is for example in callbacks calling this might result in a different reference.
I was trying to do this:
var self;
class Test {
constructor(dependency) {
self = this;
self.dependency = dependency;
method() {
self.dependency().then(value => = value);
Like it was mentioned before the self becomes shared when declared outside of the module. I didn't realize that would happen as files would be wrapped in a closure. Joe Clay answer is correct, but to do what I was trying to do self needs to be declared in every method that needs it.
class Test {
constructor(dependency) {
this.dependency = dependency;
method() {
var self = this;
this.dependency().then(value => = value);
You're not really using ES6 classes right. You don't need to save a reference to this - just access it directly in class methods. The way you have it at the minute, all your instances of CustomControlController are sharing a single self variable.
class CustomControlController {
constructor() {
this.value = 0;
click() {
var newValue = this.value * 2;
this.value = newValue;
export default CustomControlController;

How to use Ext.ComponentQuery.query with nested attributes

How to use Ext.ComponentQuery.query with nested attributes in Sencha Touch?
var myHardtoGetObj = topLevelView.down('someview[]')[0];
This gets me "uncaught error"
given :
Ext.define('SomeView', {
xtype : 'someview',
config : {
categoryCfg : {
id : 5,
name : 'someName'
Is this possible?
The canonical way of doing things like that is adding a custom pseudo class matcher:
Ext.ComponentQuery.pseudos.hasCategoryId = function(components, selector) {
var result = [],
c, i, len;
for (i = 0, len = components.length; i < len; i++) {
c = components[i];
if (c.config.categoryCfg && == selector) {
return result;
Then you can use this pseudo class both globally with Ext.ComponentQuery.query, and locally with methods like query, down, etc.:
var allMatched, someComponent;
allMatched = Ext.ComponentQuery.query(':hasCategoryId(1)');
someComponent = myPanel.down(':hasCategoryId(42)');
See more ways to skin the cat in ComponentQuery doc.
This really is an interesting question. There doesn't seem to be an absolutely straightforward solution, however there is a rather quick workaround. You can modify your view code to:
Ext.define('SomeView', {
xtype : 'someview',
config : {
categoryCfg : {
id : 5,
name : 'someName'
hasCategoryId: function (id) {
return this.getCategoryCfg().id == id;
Then you can make a query like this:
Note: The syntax of the selector is xtype{memberMethod()} without a space in between. This way both selectors must match (the same way as .class1.class2 in CSS). Also the selectors must be in this order, because the result set is filtered by each selector in order and if some of the components don't have the hasCategoryId method it will break with just '{hasCategoryId(1)}'
Although not exactly answering the question but you can do a little work around to get it to work.
you can add update method to your nestedConfig like so
Ext.define('myCoolClass', {
config : {
nestedConfig : {
nestedId : 5
nestedId : null
updateNestedConfig: function (nestedConfig) {
if (nestedConfig.nestedId) {
By doing that you now have access to normal component query attribute
As an example. If you take a look at Sencha source code they use this quite a lot like in NavigationView and TabPanels

Creating a custom Angular filter with TypeScript

I'm trying to work out the best way of creating a custom Angular Filter with TypeScript.
All the code samples I see use something like:
myModule.filter( "myFilter", function()
return function( input )
// filter stuff here
return result;
... which works, but seems messy as I want to keep all my filter code separate. So I want to know how to declare the filter as a separate file (eg filters/reverse-filter.ts) so I can create it like:
myModule.filter( "filterName", moduleName.myFilter );
... the same way you would for Controllers, Services etc.
The documentation for TS and Angular together seems pretty thin on the ground, especially where filters are concerned - can anyone help out?
Functions can be exported from modules like this:
module moduleName {
export function myFilter()
return function(input)
// filter stuff here
return result;
then outside the module:
myModule.filter("filterName", moduleName.myFilter);
Then it would then be possible to do things like automatically register all of the filters defined in the moduleName module by iterating over its public properties.
Maybe too late but can be useful for someone else.
module dashboard.filters{
export class TrustResource{
static $inject:string[] = ['$sce'];
static filter($sce:ng.ISCEService){
return (value)=> {
return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(value)
To explain the last line:
I will add a piece of code, wich represents my Bootstrap class, so you can understand it.
module dashboard {
export class Bootstrap {
static angular:ng.IModule;
static start(){
Bootstrap.angular = angular.module('EmbApp', dashboard.Bootstrap.$inject);
//run application
If you need more information about how it works, you can checkout my own TypeScript/AngularJS/Less structure here
Here's an example using the injector to get dependencies into your filter. This one gets injected with the $filter service.
export class CustomDateFilter {
public static Factory() {
var factoryFunction = ($filter: ng.IFilterService) => {
var angularDateFilter = $filter('date');
return (theDate: string) => {
return angularDateFilter(theDate, "yyyy MM dd - hh:mm a");
factoryFunction.$inject = ['$filter'];
return factoryFunction;
// and in the bootstrap code:
app.filter('customDate', your.module.CustomDateFilter.Factory());
You should use something like this to inject dependencies
myModule.filter('filterName', ['$http', moduleName.myFilter]);
You can create a filter using class with a static function.
export class FilterClass
static id = "FilterId"; //FilterName, use while consume
public static instance() { //static instance function
let dataFilter = () => {
let filteredObject = () => {
//filter logic
return filteredData;
return filteredObject;
return dataFilter;
//Module configuration
angular.module(myModule).filter(, FilterClass.instance());
Consume this filter in the controller using below way.
let FilterFun:any = this.$filter('FilterId');
let Filteroutput = FilterFun();
