LotusScript ans Two dimensional Array & subscription out or range error - arrays

Hello I have two dimensional array as below in LotusScript.
Counter = 0
While Not (ProcessingViewDoc Is Nothing )
Redim Preserve AllRecrods(Counter,0)
AllRecrods(Counter,0) = ProcessingViewDoc.Test1(0)
Redim Preserve AllRecrods(Counter,1)
AllRecrods(Counter,1) = ProcessingViewDoc.Test2(0)
Redim Preserve AllRecrods(Counter,2)
Set ProcessingViewDoc = ProcessingView.GetNextDocument(ProcessingViewDoc)
Counter = Counter +1
When It processes next document it does and reaches to counter 1 and second document it gives me error subscription out of range.
Here is global declaration of array.
Dim AllRecrods() As Variant
Here is the line when it gives error when it goes to loop second time.
Redim Preserve AllRecrods(Counter,0)

In addition to Richard's excellent answer, I would suggest a couple of things.
1) Instead of While Not (ProcessingViewDoc Is Nothing) (which contains two negatives, making it harder to read), use Do Until doc Is Nothing. It is much clearer.
2) If you use a list, you don't have to worry about redim of the array. You could make it a list of a custom data type, and if you use the UNID of the document as the key, you can quickly connect the values back to the originating document.
My code would look something like this:
--- Declarations ---
Type recordData
value1 As String
value2 As String
End Type
--- Main Code ---
Dim allRecords List As recordData
Dim unid as String
Do Until ProcessingViewDoc Is Nothing
unid = ProcessingViewDoc.UniqueID
allRecords(unid).value1 = ProcessingViewDoc.Test1(0)
allRecords(unid).value2 = ProcessingViewDoc.Test2(0)
Set ProcessingViewDoc = ProcessingView.GetNextDocument(ProcessingViewDoc)

You are using ReDim with the Preserve option and changing both of the dimensions. You can't do that.
From the documentation for the ReDim statement:
If Preserve is specified, you can change only the upper bound of the
last array dimension. Attempting to change any other bound results in
an error.
Also, the logic there is screwed up. You're doing three redims on every iteration, with the first one shrinking the second dimension back to zero on every iteration. Even if you weren't changing the first dimension, that would lose the data that you stored in AllRecrods( n ,1) because the preserve option can't keep data in a dimension that you shrink below the size that you've already used!
You should probably consider swapping your two dimensions, reversing them in your assignments, keeping the first dimension constant at 2, and eliminating two of your ReDim Preserve statements. I.e., just do one ReDim Preserve AllRecrods(2,counter) on each iteration of the loop.


Is there a way to transfer all values from one array to another, then erase the original array?

I'm running into a problem with a block of code I'm trying to develop at my job. Essentially, I'm creating a userform in excel where folks will enter data for railcars as they get loaded at a certain location (we'll call these "spot 1, spot 2, spot 3, etc.").
Sometimes they'll have to move that car to a different spot, in which case I want them to be able to keep all the information on the railcar from the first/original entry, and then erase the data from the original spot once that's done.
To accomplish this in a more streamlined fashion, I've established arrays for each of the 5 spots that reference all the cells they're entering data into on the userform:
Dim spot1information(14)
spot1information(0) = UserForm.ProductType1.Value
spot1information(1) = UserForm.ProductID1.Value
spot1information(2) = UserForm.BatchID1.Value
Dim spot2information(14)
spot2information(0) = UserForm.ProductType2.Value
spot2information(1) = UserForm.ProductID2.Value
spot2information(2) = UserForm.BatchID2.Value
And so forth for all five spots. I don't know if this makes things more difficult, but note that these array values aren't all of the same type. For instance, index (0) will be a string, but index (10) is a DATETIME and index (12) is defined as Long.
So say that they are moving a car from spot 1 to spot 2. In short, I want the code to do the following:
Replace the values of indices 0 - 6 in spot2information (which is currently empty) with the values of indices 0 - 6 in spot1information (which the user has filled on the userform).
I'm only interested in carrying over indices 0-6 because they contain the pertinent railcar information
Empty every value of spot1information to ""
To accomplish this, I tried the following code and a few variations thereof:
If OriginalSpot.Value = 1 Then
If DestinationSpot.Value = 2 Then
For i = 0 to 6
spot2information(i) = spot1information(i)
For Each i in spot1information
spot1information(i) = ""
End If
End If
However, this keeps coming up with a type mismatch. I figure because the data in the spot2information array is empty, and the data in the spot1information array is not, but I'm not entirely sure of a way around this.
Update: I did what was suggested below and replaced: spot1information(i) = "" with Erase spot1information
The code now essentially works! The values of array "spot2information" are now the former values of "spot1information", with "spot1information" now empty.
The 2D array suggested below also works like a charm. New problem I've been facing is that array values are updating, but the userform isn't. (note: in the future I'll be posting this type of thing as a separate question, my apologies!)
Easier to manage this as a 2D array:
Sub Tester()
Dim spots(1 To 5, 0 To 14), n As Long, i As Long
'fill your spot arrays from the form....
For n = 1 To 5
spots(n, 0) = UserForm.Controls("ProductType" & n).Value
spots(n, 1) = UserForm.Controls("ProductID" & n).Value
spots(n, 2) = UserForm.Controls("BatchID" & n).Value
'etc etc
Next n
'swap a spot with another
Debug.Print spots(2, 1), spots(3, 1)
SwapSpots spots:=spots, fromSpot:=2, toSpot:=3
Debug.Print spots(2, 1), spots(3, 1)
End Sub
Sub SwapSpots(spots, fromSpot As Long, toSpot As Long)
Dim n As Long
For n = 0 To 6
spots(toSpot, n) = spots(fromSpot, n)
spots(fromSpot, n) = Empty 'empty the source slot value
Next n
End Sub
Assuming the DataType of the arrays is the same by Index i.e. index(0) is string for all spots, Index(2) is long for all spots, and so on.
If that is the case then this part should not produce any error:
For i = 0 to 6
spot2information(i) = spot1information(i)
The error should be happening in this part more precisely in the line marked with #
For Each i in spot1information
spot1information(i) = "" '#
and the reason for the error it seems to be that trying to assign a string value "" to a numeric type, given the "mismatch" error.
Using For Each i in spot1information indicates that you want to "Initiate" or Erase the entire array, therefore I suggest to use this line instead of the For…Next method.
Erase spot1information
In regards this:
But I've now run into a new problem, where the values on the userform haven't updated to reflect the new values stored in the array. Do I need to somehow "refresh" the userform?
You just updated the arrays, then you need to run the procedures used to update the values of the objects affected by both arrays in the UserForm.

VBA prevent empty cells/data in sheet or array

I'm having some trouble to wrap my head around an array problem.
I collect data from a sheet and stores it into an array. xData(0) will be completed and can not miss data. But xData(1) there the values are stored may miss a value so I want to replace the empty cell with a 0. Instead of using for loops to add 0 into the sheets I'm thinking of using an array, due to the reason that I cant find a way to add 0 directly to the sheet without decreasing the speed. I have around 10 sheets in 15 different workbooks and therefor I need to find a faster way to do this.
My code snippet is as following.
Dim xData(1) As Variant
'Collect the data from the sheets ()
xData(0) = xData(1) = Application.Transpose(Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown)).Value2)
xData(1) = xData(1) = Application.Transpose(Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(1, 2).End(xlDown)).Value2)
This will produce a 2D array but the xData(1) will not be the same size as xData(0) if any cell is empty (missing data). Is there a way to change the size of xData(1) to fit the size of xData(0), and then add 0 to the remaining length. Is there any other way because this may cause problems later on too because of the case if 1 value is missing in the middle.
If your goal is to replace empties with zeros, here is the core of an approach that:
avoids loops
avoids VBA arrays
Say we have data in column A from A1 through A1000 with some empties in that range. Running:
Sub ChangeEmpty2Zero()
Dim rng As Range, rngE As Range
Set rng = Range("A1:A1000")
On Error Resume Next
Set rngE = rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rngE Is Nothing Then rngE = 0
End Sub
will fill those empties with zeros.
If the "bottom of the column is outside UsedRange, that "bottom" will not be changed.You could adapt this to run on whatever ranges in whatever worksheets you need.

ReDim existing array with a second dimension?

I declared an array in my VBA function that has a dynamic size. As I cannot ReDim the first dimension of a two- or more-dimensional array, can I add a second dimension to a set array?
This is how I dynamically set the size of my array.
Dim nameArray() As String
Dim arrayCount As Long
For i = 1 To 100
ReDim Preserve nameArray(1 to arrayCount)
nameArray(arrayCount) = "Hello World"
arrayCount = arrayCount + 1
Next i
Now I would like to add a second dimension.
ReDim Preserve nameArray(1 To arrayCount, 1 To 5)
doesn't work.
Is there a workaround?
There isn't any built-in way to do this. Just create a new two-dimensional array and transfer the contents of your existing one-dimensional array into the first row of that new array.
This is what this function does:
Function AddDimension(arr() As String, newLBound As Long, NewUBound As Long) As String()
Dim i As Long
Dim arrOut() As String
ReDim arrOut(LBound(arr) To UBound(arr), newLBound To NewUBound)
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
arrOut(i, newLBound) = arr(i)
Next i
AddDimension = arrOut
End Function
Example usage:
nameArray = AddDimension(nameArray, 1, 5)
There is one (also works to delete a dimension), but you will have to think in terms of worksheet dimensions...
use transposition
While I highly prefer the previous 'by hand' method from Jean-François Corbett's and I don't like to rely on Excel build-in function (especially this one!), I would just like to clarify another way for future readers coming here:
adding a dimension to a 1d line vector (a row) means transposing it in Excel
Here, nameArray(1 to arrayCount) is a row (index is a column number) and because of it, if you add a dimension it will become a column since 2d arrays are indexed as (row,column). So, you can just do this:
nameArray = Application.Worksheetfunction.Transpose(nameArray) 'transforms the array to nameArray(1 To arrayCount, 1 To 1), so then:
redim preserve nameArray(1 To arrayCount, 1 To 5)
without any other manipulation.
BUT beware of the very confusing Excel's Transpose function (at least it is the case for me!): the advantage here is that it automatically adds a dimension and redimensions the array for you.
It works as expected only because you are using a 'based 1' index '1d array'.
IF this is not the case, all indices will be shifted by 1, (that's how Transpose is build in to be coherent with cells and ranges). That is: if you start with
nameArray(0 to arrayCount)
you will end up with
nameArray(1 to arrayCount + 1, 1 to 5)
with precautions
While I am at it, it may be off-topic and their are many topics about it, but their are other traps in this Transpose function one should never be enough warned about (not to mention it can consume more time and resources than Jean-François Corbett's solution) :
• if you are dealing with '1d column' in an excel 2d array (a column), that is an array:
nameArray(1 to arrayCount, 1 to 1) [*]
and if you make the transpose of it, the column dimension will be "skipped" and the result will be:
nameArray(1 to arrayCount)
It makes sense since you will end up with an Excel row (so why bother with an extra dim?). But I have to say this is not the intuitive behaviour I would expect, which should be more something like nameArray(1 to 1, 1 to arrayCount).
Note that, a contrario, it can be used to delete a dimension and redimension the array automatically from 2d to 1d: redim preserve the last dimension to 1 to 1 and then transpose! This is the resulting array just above.
• But finally all is not lost: suppose you transpose this array of 1 line:
nameArray(0 to 0, 0 to arrayCount)
you correctly get an array of 1 column:
nameArray(1 to arrayCount + 1, 1 to 1)
(well, almost) - and look back at ref [*] now...
Thus, if you are to use this build-in function and if, moreover you need more dimensions or worst, need to compose transpositions, it can become a bit tricky...
For all this or if you simply need to know correct indexing and number of dimensions of your arrays (not only number of columns), I would suggest a very useful function from users John Coleman and Vegard, the post just below.
While all this should appear logical and trivial for people used to work with Excel sheets, it's very not the case when you are more used to matrix manipulations and I think suggesting the use of this Transpose function should come with some precisions.

Assigning values to a dynamically resized array in Excel VBA

I am trying to populate a two dimensional array of ranges. I don't know how big the array will need to be, so I am using the ReDim and Preserve functions to dynamically re-size the array as required.
I am encountering runtime error 91: "Object variable or With block variable not set" when I run the code.
I am not an experienced coder, but I have managed to isolate the error, and am sure it is coming from the pseudo code below.
Can anyone see any mistakes I have made that would produce the runtime error?
Dim ArrayName() as Range
Dim counter as Integer
If condition = True Then
counter = counter + 1
ReDim Preserve ArrayName(0, counter - 1)
ArrayName(0, counter - 1) = Cells(counter, counter) 'I get a runtime error here
End If
Thank you.
If you want to store ranges within your array you need to add Set before problem line in this way:
Set ArrayName(0, counter - 1) = Cells(counter, counter)
But if you want to store values of the cells you need to change declaration line to this:
Dim ArrayName() as Double 'or String or Variant depending on value type you need to keep in array

Any Shortcut method to reinitialize Arrays in vb.net

I have a dynamic array ,where the array size changes according to the no.of rows in database
code goes like this :
Dim pgm_act_arr(0) As Double
Dim pgm_act_count As Integer = no.of rows retuned from database
ReDim pgm_act_arr(pgm_act_count)
for each rows in database1
'i want to reinitialize the array here
'now am using for loop to reinitialize array to zero
For i As double to pgm_act_arr.Length
pgm_act_arr(i) = 0.0
for each rows in database2
pgm_act_arr(index)+=somevalue 'inserting values to array elements
Is there any single line code or any short hand operations to reinitialise the array
Not entirely sure i have understood the Q but....
Not sure if it is the right way but i always redim as i go so code would look like this:
Dim pgm_act_arr(0) As Double
for each rows in database2
pgm_act_arr(index)+=somevalue 'inserting values to array elements
ReDim preserve pgm_act_arr(ubound(pgm_act_arr)+1)
'remove blank entry at bottom
ReDim preserve pgm_act_arr(ubound(pgm_act_arr)-1)
To reset the array to as it started
ReDim pgm_act_arr(0)
So consider array size as 3
so what i want to do is
But as far as i know this is the simplest way
for i=0 to 2
