fopen() function with a dynamic location in C - c

I just want to learn that how can I open a file with fopen() function from a dynamic location. I mean, for example it will be a system file and in another computer, this file can be in another location. So if I will set my location in my code not dynamically, my program will not work in another computer. So how Can I set the location dynamically for my program will find this file wherever it is?

You can (and often should) pass program arguments to your main, thru the conventional int argc, char**argv formal arguments of your main. See also this.
(I am focusing on Linux, but you could adapt my answer to other OSes and platforms)
So you would use some convention to pass that file path (not a location, that word usually refers to memory addresses) to your program (often thru the command line starting your program). See also this answer.
You could use (at least on Linux) getopt_long(3) to parse program arguments. But there are other ways, and you can process the arguments of main explicitly.
You could also use some environment variable to pass that information. You'll query it with getenv(3). Read also environ(7).
Many programs have configuration files (whose path is wired into the program but often can be given by program arguments or by environment variables) and are parsing them to find relevant file paths.
And you could even consider some other inter-process communication to pass a file path to your program. After all, a file path is just some string (with restrictions and interpretations explained in path_resolution(7)). There are many ways to pass some data to a program.
Read also about globbing, notably glob(7). On Unix, the shell is expanding the program arguments. You may want to use functions like glob(3) or wordexp(3) on something obtained elsewhere (e.g. in some configuration file) to get similar expansion.
BTW, be sure, when using fopen, to check against its failure. You'll probably use perror like here.
Look also into the source code of several free software projects (perhaps on github) for inspiration.

I would suggest you to use the environment variables, In a PC set your file location as environment variable. then read the environment variable value in your program, then open the file. This idea works both in linux and windows however you have adopt the code based on the OS to read the environment variables.

Besides specifying file location at runtime through command line arguments, environment variables or configuration files, you can implement a PATH-like logic:
Possible locations for your file are set in an environment variable:
export MY_FILE_PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/opt/bin:$HOME/bin
Your program reads that environment variable, parses its contents and checks existence of file in each specified path, with fopen() return status.


Determine which binary will run via execlp in advance

Edit #1
The "Possible duplicates" so far are not duplicates. They test for the existence of $FILE in $PATH, rather than providing the full path to the first valid result; and the top answer uses bash command line commands, not pure c.
Original Question
Of all the exec family functions, there are a few which do $PATH lookups rather than requiring an absolute path to the binary to execute.
From man exec:
The execlp(), execvp(), and execvpe() functions duplicate the actions
of the shell in searching for an executable file if the specified
filename does not contain a slash
(/) character. The file is sought in the colon-separated list of directory pathnames specified in the PATH environment variable. If
this variable isn't defined, the path
list defaults to the current directory followed by the list of directories returned by confstr(_CS_PATH). (This confstr(3)
call typically returns the value
Is there a simple, straightforward way, to test what the first "full path to execute" will evaluate to, without having to manually iterate through all the elements in the $PATH environment variable, and appending the binary name to the end of the path? I would like to use a "de facto standard" approach to estimating the binary to be run, rather than re-writing a task that has likely already been implemented several times over in the past.
I realize that this won't be a guarantee, since someone could potentially invalidate this check via a buggy script, TOCTOU attacks, etc. I just need a decent approximation for testing purposes.
Thank you.
Is there a simple, straightforward way, to test what the first "full path to execute" will evaluate to, without having to manually iterate through all the elements in the $PATH environment variable
No, you need to iterate thru $PATH (i.e. getenv("PATH") in C code). Some (non standard) libraries provide a way to do that, but it is really so simple that you should not bother. You could use strchr(3) to find the "next" occurrence of colon :, so coding that loop is really simple. As Jonathan Leffler commented, they are subtleties (e.g. permissions, hanging symbolic links, some other process adding some new executable to a directory mentionned in your $PATH) but most programs ignore them.
And what is really relevant is the PATH value before running execvp. In practice, it is the value of PATH when starting your program (because outside processes cannot change it). You just need to be sure that your program don't change PATH which is very likely (the corner case, and difficult one, would be some other thread -of the same process- changing the PATH environment variable with putenv(3) or setenv(3)).
In practice the PATH won't change (unless you have some code explicitly changing it). Even if you use proprietary libraries and don't have time to check their source code, you can expect PATH to stay the same in practice during execution of your process.
If you need some more precise thing, and assuming you use execp functions on program names which are compile time constants, or at least constant after your program initialization reading some configuration files, you could do what many shells are doing: "caching" the result of searching the PATH into some hash table, and using execve on that. Still, you cannot avoid the issue of some other process adding or removing files into directories mentioned in your PATH; but most programs don't care (and are written with the implicit hypothesis that this don't happen, or is notified to your program: look at the rehash builtin of zsh as an example).
But you always need to test against failure of exec (including execlp(3) & execve(2)) and fork functions. They could fail for many reasons, even if the PATH has not changed and directories and files mentioned in it have not been changed.

Which environment variables the app is using

I have binary executable file compiled from C-source and I know that it uses some of UNIX system environment variables. Unfortunately I have no documentation and decompiling/reverse-engineering is very difficult.
Is there a way to find which env variables the app tries to read in runtime?
I mean, if C's getenv reads some file to get variable values or does a system call, it is possible. So, can I do it?
strings(1) might help you to identify the names of the envrionment variables.
– Blagovest Buyukliev
One can use a debugger, set a breakpoint on getenv, and inspect the function argument. This is possible even without debug information (albeit more difficult, since it requires knowledge of the calling convention).

How can a C shared library function learn the executable's path

I am writing a C shared library in Linux in which a function would like to discover the path to the currently running executable. It does NOT have access to argv[0] in main(), and I don't want to require the program accessing the library to pass that in.
How can a function like this, outside main() and in the wild, get to the path of the running executable? So far I've thought of 2 rather unportable, unreliable ways: 1) try to read /proc/getpid()/exe and 2) try to climb the stack to __libc_start_main() and read the stack params. I worry about all machines having /proc mounted.
Can you think of another way? Is there something buried anywhere in dlopen(NULL, 0) ? Can I get a reliable proc image of self from the kernel??
Thanks for any thoughts.
/proc is your best chance, as "path of the executable" is not that well defined concept in Linux (you can even delete it while the program is running).
To get the breakdown of loaded modules (with the main executable usually being the first entry) you should look at /proc/<pid>/maps. It's a text formatted file which will allow you to associate executable and library paths with load addresses (if the former are known and still valid).
Unless you are writing software that may be used very early in system startup, you can safely assume that /proc will always be mounted on a Linux system. It contains quite a bit of data that is not accessible any other way, and thus must be mounted for a system to function properly. As such, you can pretty easily obtain a path to your executable using:
readlink("/proc/self/exe", buf, sizeof(buf));
If for some reason you want to avoid this, it's also possible to read it from the process's auxiliary vector:
#include <sys/auxv.h>
#include <elf.h>
const char *execpath = (const char *) getauxval(AT_EXECFN);
Note that this will require a recent version of glibc (2.16 or later). It'll also return the path that was used to execute your application (e.g, possibly something like ./binary), rather than its absolute path.

setenv() to update PATH environment variable

i want to write a C program to append a string to PATH Environment variable.
something like "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/mylib"
i have C code like this
setenv("PATH", "$PATH:$HOME/mylib",1); //which does not work.
other work arround i thought was get PATH and HOME using getenv() and create a memory in heap then append them using strcat().
I might have to update PATH many times in my code: so this is a tiresome process.
is there any alternative?
The $FOO syntax, which expands to the value of the environment variable with the name FOO, is a feature of the shell; it's not directly available in C.
Your system may provide the wordexp() function, which gives you similar functionality in C.
But since you're just expanding two environment variables with fixed names ("HOME" and "PATH"), it makes more sense to use the portable getenv() function and a little string processing. (You might consider using sprintf or snprintf rather than strcat.)
NOTE: If you're only using the updated $PATH internally in your program, you can stop reading here.
Hopefully you're not expecting any changes to $PATH to be available on the command line after your program finishes running. Your running C program is most likely a child process of your interactive shell. Environment variables are inherited by child processes; they don't propagate back to parent proceses.
If that's what you're trying to do, you can have your program print the new PATH value to stdout, and then have the shell evaluate it:
Or it can print the command(s) to set one or more environment variables:
eval `your-program`
(In bash, you can use $(your-program) as well as `your-program`.)
No there is no alternative. You have to build the literal string and pass it to setenv.
There is no other option immediately available. You can write a separate function to handle this, if you need to do it several times.

Using '__progname' instead of argv[0]

In the C / Unix environment I work in, I see some developers using __progname instead of argv[0] for usage messages. Is there some advantage to this? What's the difference between __progname and argv[0]. Is it portable?
__progname isn't standard and therefore not portable, prefer argv[0]. I suppose __progname could lookup a string resource to get the name which isn't dependent on the filename you ran it as. But argv[0] will give you the name they actually ran it as which I would find more useful.
Using __progname allows you to alter the contents of the argv[] array while still maintaining the program name. Some of the common tools such as getopt() modify argv[] as they process the arguments.
For portability, you can strcopy argv[0] into your own progname buffer when your program starts.
There is also a GNU extension for this, so that one can access the program invocation name from outside of main() without saving it manually. One might be better off doing it manually, however; thus making it portable as opposed to relying on the GNU extension. Nevertheless, I here provide an excerpt from the available documentation.
From the on-line GNU C Library manual (accessed today):
"Many programs that don't read input from the terminal are designed to exit if any system call fails. By convention, the error message from such a program should start with the program's name, sans directories. You can find that name in the variable program_invocation_short_name; the full file name is stored the variable program_invocation_name.
Variable: char * program_invocation_name
This variable's value is the name that was used to invoke the program running in the current process. It is the same as argv[0]. Note that this is not necessarily a useful file name; often it contains no directory names.
Variable: char * program_invocation_short_name
This variable's value is the name that was used to invoke the program running in the current process, with directory names removed. (That is to say, it is the same as program_invocation_name minus everything up to the last slash, if any.)
The library initialization code sets up both of these variables before calling main.
Portability Note: These two variables are GNU extensions. If you want your program to work with non-GNU libraries, you must save the value of argv[0] in main, and then strip off the directory names yourself. We added these extensions to make it possible to write self-contained error-reporting subroutines that require no explicit cooperation from main."
I see at least two potential problems with argv[0].
First, argv[0] or argv itself may be NULL if execve() caller was evil or careless enough. Calling execve("foobar", NULL, NULL) is usually an easy and fun way to prove an over confident programmer his code is not sig11-proof.
It must also be noted that argv will not be defined outside of main() while __progname is usually defined as a global variable you can use from within your usage() function or even before main() is called (like non standard GCC constructors).
It's a BSDism, and definitely not portable.
__progname is just argv[0], and examples in other replies here show the weaknesses of using it. Although not portable either, I'm using readlink on /proc/self/exe (Linux, Android), and reading the contents of /proc/self/exefile (QNX).
If your program was run using, for instance, a symbolic link, argv[0] will contain the name of that link.
I'm guessing that __progname will contain the name of the actual program file.
In any case, argv[0] is defined by the C standard. __progname is not.
