How to forbid grounding of false facts in Answer Set Programming/Gringo - logic-programming

When I run gringo on my program, it results into many grounded statements of the form
:- foo(a,b).
Then I also obtain many grounded constraints such as:
:- bar(a,x,y), foo(a,b).
Given the knowledge above, these are totally useless.
Note, these are both grounded versions of a rule in the following form:
:- foo(I, J), bar(I, X, B), quux(J, X, #f(B)).
Why are the grounded rules even present in the output? Why won't gringo just exclude foo(a,b) from the set of grounded atoms? Can I disable it somehow? The gringo output of my program is bloated by this and signifiacantly slows it down.

You can use #show directive to display only the results that you want to see e.g.,
#show foo/2.
#show bar/3.


C - Double type variables : same formulas, different values

Solution was to use the long double versions of sin & cos: sinl & cosl.
It is my first post here, so bear with me :).
I come today here to ask for your input on a small problem that I am having with a C application at work. Basically, I am computing an Extended Kalman Filter and one of my formulas (that I store in a variable) has multiple computations of sin and cos, at least 16 in total in the same line. I want to decrease the time it takes for the computation to be done, so the idea is to compute each cos and sin separately, store them in a variable, and then replace the variables back in the formula.
So I did this:
const ComputationType sin_Roll = compute_sin((ComputationType)(Roll));
const ComputationType sin_Pitch = compute_sin((ComputationType)(Pitch));
const ComputationType cos_Pitch = compute_cos((ComputationType)(Pitch));
const ComputationType cos_Roll = compute_cos((ComputationType)(Roll));
Where ComputationType is a macro definition (renaming) of the type Double. I know it looks ugly, a lot of maybe unnecessary castings, but this code is generated in Python and it was specifically designed so....
Also, compute_cos and compute_sin are defined as such:
#define compute_sin(a) sinf(a)
#define compute_cos(a) cosf(a)
My problem is the value I get from the "optimized" formula is different from the value of the original one.
I will post the code of both and I apologise in advance because it is very ugly and hard to follow but the main points where cos and sin have been replaced can be seen. This is my task, to clean it up and optimize it, but I am doing it step by step to make sure I don't introduce a bug.
So, the new value is:
ComputationType newValue = (ComputationType)(((((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(sin_Pitch))+((DT)*((((Dg_y)+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(Gy)))*(cos_Pitch)*(cos_Roll))+(((Gz)+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(Dg_z)))*(cos_Pitch)*(sin_Roll)))))*(cos_Pitch)*(cos_Roll))+((((DT)*((((Dg_y)+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(Gy)))*(cos_Roll)*(sin_Pitch))+(((Gz)+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(Dg_z)))*(sin_Pitch)*(sin_Roll))))+(cos_Pitch))*(cos_Roll)*(sin_Pitch))+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(DT)*((((Gz)+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(Dg_z)))*(cos_Roll))+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*((Dg_y)+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(Gy)))*(sin_Roll)))*(sin_Roll)));
And the original is:
ComputationType originalValue = (ComputationType)(((((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(compute_sin((ComputationType)(Pitch))))+((DT)*((((Dg_y)+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(Gy)))*(compute_cos((ComputationType)(Pitch)))*(compute_cos((ComputationType)(Roll))))+(((Gz)+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(Dg_z)))*(compute_cos((ComputationType)(Pitch)))*(compute_sin((ComputationType)(Roll)))))))*(compute_cos((ComputationType)(Pitch)))*(compute_cos((ComputationType)(Roll))))+((((DT)*((((Dg_y)+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(Gy)))*(compute_cos((ComputationType)(Roll)))*(compute_sin((ComputationType)(Pitch))))+(((Gz)+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(Dg_z)))*(compute_sin((ComputationType)(Pitch)))*(compute_sin((ComputationType)(Roll))))))+(compute_cos((ComputationType)(Pitch))))*(compute_cos((ComputationType)(Roll)))*(compute_sin((ComputationType)(Pitch))))+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(DT)*((((Gz)+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(Dg_z)))*(compute_cos((ComputationType)(Roll))))+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*((Dg_y)+((((ComputationType)-1.0))*(Gy)))*(compute_sin((ComputationType)(Roll)))))*(compute_sin((ComputationType)(Roll)))));
What I want is to get the same value as in the original formula. To compare them I use memcmp.
Any help is welcome. I kindly thank you in advance :).
I will post also the values that I get.
New value : -1.2214615708217025e-005
Original value : -1.2214615708215651e-005
They are similar up to a point, but the application is safety critical and it is necessary to validate the results.
You can not meet your expectation for a couple of reasons.
By altering the code you adjust the machine instructions being used in subtle ways that will impact the final value.
For instance if originally it was using fused multiplies and adds and this is no longer happening it will change the result.
You don't mention the target architecture. Some architectures retain more than 64bits in the floating point pipeline. These extra bits get rounded when forced into 64bit memory. Again altering how this works will have minor effects on the final output.

Inject variable values into Katex/Latex syntax

I am working on a project that uses Katex format to display mathematical formulas.
Now I am facing a bit of a problem here.
For rendering a fraction the katex syntax is
Now if I have a variable x of value 3 and another variable y of value 5.
How would I inject the values into the Katex syntax?
I want to have something like
var x = 3;
var y = 5;
where the x and y in katex syntax will be replaced by the actual values.
Note: I am also using the
to render Katex.
I think I'd use macro substitution for this. Try to get your formula expressed as \frac{\x}{\y} by whatever machinery is generating the formula. Then you can substitute either the variable names or the values in place of those macros. Something like this:
katex.render("\\frac{\\x}{\\y}", element, {
macros: {
"\\x": String(x),
"\\y": String(y),
If you don't have a way to control how the formulas are constructed initially, this merely shifts the problem from substituting values into the formula to substituting commands into it. In that case, you probably want to tokenize the input string into commands \… and other letters. Commands remain as they are, while other letters are subject to variable substitution.
One thing to be careful of is grouping: Input \frac xy renders just fine, but with x=34.5 and y=5.67 substituted in the naive way, the result \frac 34.55.67 (which is what both text and macro substitution will give you) renders as \frac{3}{4}.55.67. So make sure that each macro you have in your formula is enclosed by {…} or add another level of {…} when you do the substitution as in "\\x": "{" + x + "}". Enclosing macros by {…} inside the formula has the benefit that you won't have to worry about a macro eating a subsequent space: \text{\x is 2} is bad but \text{{\x} is 2} is better.
But even with grouping done correctly, this approach is not perfect since not all non-commands are indeed variables. For example with \begin{array}{rlrl}…\end{array} neither the a in array nor the r in rlrl should be considered a variable. Fixing this is really problematic, as it requires a lot of semantic insight.
One way to tackle this dilemma would be letting KaTeX do its rendering and then doing the substitution in the resulting DOM subtree. You should be able to identify variables as <span class="mord …">…</span> (mord stands for math ordinary). This means you depend on the exact representation KaTeX uses for its output, so you should make sure you run a fixed version of KaTeX as these internal things are subject to change without notice. Also be aware of the fact that in some (possibly future) version this might break certain constructs which depend on the width of a given box, although even things as problematic as \underbrace appear to work with this substitution approach at the moment.

Q: How to handle more than one condition in a UML state machine transition

How do I handle more than one condition (with different boolean expressions) in a UML state machine transition (as guard)?
In this example I would like to add more than only one condition (Tries < 3) in the transition from "logging in" to "Logged In" like discribed in the note.
How to handle this UML compliant?
Simply spoken (and to focus on the needed step)
put a boolean condition like above in the Guard. This can be any text. You can write C-style or plain text. I'm not sure about OCL here, but that's for academic purpose anyway (my opinion).
N.B. Your diagram shows Tries = 3 which should be a Guard also (i.e. [Tries = 3]) rather than a Name.
There are a couple of options here:
Your guard condition can combine multiple checks within the '[]' - much like you were doing in the note.
You can have multiple transitions between the same two states, each with its own condition.
You can have states within states. So in your example the three states could be within a superstate of 'Normal Operation' - which you then further define in other documentation or via a note.
All of these are valid UML syntax. But note that just because something is valid doesn't mean it will be supported in your editor. For example it was many years before most of the features of sequence diagrams became available within editors...

Code Coverage for C

I've been doing a little bit of reviewing the different code coverage testing used on embedded systems. In particular, I'm looking at the MC/DC. From what I understand, one of the objectives is to make sure that each logical clause in a statement should affect the outcome of the statement.
Two questions:
What is gained by independently verifying that each clause has an effect on the outcome?
Why would (A||B) && (A||!C) not be able to achieve 100% MC/DC, while A||(B&&!C) will achieve 100% MC/DC even if they have the exact same functionality?
To answer your questions
You want as little of code as possible and as less complex code as possible. Having unreachable conditions lengthens your code and makes your code unnecessarily complex.
(A||B) && (A||!C) won't achieve 100% because it requires A to be checked twice for no reason. In the condition where A is false and B is true, A's truthiness will be checked for a second time in the (A||!C) expression for no reason in this formulation whereas in the formula A||(B&&!C) has A's truthiness being checked only once.

no update of parameters using multirootsolver

I am currently trying to write a code to solve a non linear system of equations. I am using the functions of the gsl library, more specifically the multiroot_fdf_solver.
My problem is that it currently doesn't want to converge. More specifically, I have the following behavior:
-if my initial conditions are close to the result, the gsl_multiroot_fdf_solver_iterate does not update the parameters at all. I tried to display the results on the different steps, and I have for all the parameters dx = NaN (I think this quite srange), the status of gsl_multiroot_fdf_solver_iterate is "success" and the status of gsl_multiroot_test_residual is "the iteration has not converged yet"
-the parameters are only updated if my initial conditions are really far from the expected result. Obvisously in this case it does not converge to the right values.
I have already checked multiple times the expression of my function and my Jacobian, and they seem good.
I have to precise that my Jacobian (and my system as well) are quite complicated expression with many trigonometric function.
Would you have any idea of what it could be? Is it possible that if the expression of the Jacobian is too complicated, it has troubles to compute it?
Thank you in advance for your answers, I am really stucked at this point.
