Serve REST-API data in web-page without exposing API-endpoint - angularjs

I am beginner in MEAN stack.
When invoking unauthenticated REST API (no user log-in required), API end-points are exposed in the JS files. Looked through forums that, there is no way to prevent abusers using the API end-point directly or even creating their own web/app using those end-points. So my question is, are there any way to avoid exposing the end-points in the JS files?
On a similar note, are there any ways, not to use REST calls on front-end and still be able to serve those dynamic content/API output data in a MEAN stack? I use EJS.

There's no truly secure way to do this. You can render the page on the server instead, so the client only sees HTML (and some limited JS).
First, if you don't enable CORS, your AJAX calls are protected by the browser, i.e. only pages served from domain A can make AJAX calls to domain A.
Public API providers like Google Maps protect themselves by making you use an API key that they link to a Google account.
That key is still visible in the JS, but - if abused - can be easily disabled.
There's also pseudo-security through obfuscation, i.e. make it harder for an attacker to extract a common secret you are using the encrypt the API interaction.
Tools like are far from perfect, but makes attackers spend a lot of time trying to figure out what your code does.
Often that is enough.
There are also various ways to download JS code on demand which can then check if the DOM it runs in is yours.


Exposing API Endpoints in Frontend Application

I am building a frontend application using react and I am wondering whether it is risky to expose API endpoint URLs (ex: on GitHub, assuming that the endpoint has several security measures that are not exposed such as CORS and JWT Token Bearer Authentication. I would assume not, since, if someone were to take the endpoint and send requests, they would need a token and be allowed to do so by CORS.
Is there any security risk in doing so?
Yes. Don't add the base url of your api on github in plain view. Even though you might have CORS and Authorization, that doesn't stop a malicious actor to keep spamming your back-end.
What you do is create a .env file in your root folder. You can use a library like #beam-australia/react-env and there are others as well.
You add in the .env file the values that are important for your environment and that are usually secrets, and you want them to not be visible in your code. You do it like so:
And then you access this variable in your code with env("API-URL") ( in the #beam-australia/react-env case, but others libraries work the same). Keep in mind that you need to add .env in .gitignore so that the .env file is not pushed to github.
Regarding requests, you can make one like so:
This way your code will be stripped of the API's base url and if someone sees your code it will see only the endpoint, not the full url.
Publishing the code of the API is risky on its own. Somebody can find a vulnerability in it and instantly hack it. If you add the address of the API to the code you help this kind of attacks. They can get the address with some investigation; OSINT and social engineering too, but better to reduce the attack surface.
As of the secrets, they must never be near to the code, because you or another developer can accidentally publish it. It happened too many times with many developers, so better to take this seriously. If you want to keep the address in secret, then you must extract it from the code and put it in the configuration of the production environment which is imported from a totally different location than your code. Using environment variables like Alex suggested is a good idea for this. Nowadays it is common to use docker, which has a way to manage secrets, so you don't need to reinvent the wheel: Another aspect that the configuration belongs to the actual instance. In OOP terms you want to describe the injected properties of an object in its class or in a global variable, which is an antipattern.
As of client side REST clients like javascript applications running in the browser or Android/iOS apps, you must not publish your secrets along with the REST client, otherwise it is not a secret anymore. In that case you need a server side part for the REST client and for example sign and encrypt JWT there with a secret key. It is your decision whether this server side part of the REST client sends the HTTP request to the REST API and in that case you can hide the URI of the REST API or it just manages the JWT and the client side part of the REST client sends it. If the server side part of the REST client sends the HTTP request to the REST API, then you can even use traditional sessions with session cookies between the client side and the server side parts of the REST client, but you cannot use them between the server side part of the REST client and the REST API where the communication must be stateless. Though it does not make much sense to have a separate REST API if you don't have multiple different REST clients in this scenario e.g. browser clients for JS and JSless browsers, Android and iOS clients, fully automated clients running on servers, etc. So don't confuse the REST client - REST API relationship with the browser - HTTP server relationship, because they are not necessarily the same. Most of the REST clients run on servers, not in the browser.

Anyone can fetch my blog posts using my GET end-points and use them on his own site? Is there a way to protect this?

I have a blogging app built on top of the MERN Stack. I am fetching my blog posts on the react front-end, however, I feel anyone can use my blog posts on his own site by hitting the same end-point. I want to protect this behaviour. Is there a way?
If, for some reason, it isn't enabled already, make sure your endpoints have standard Access-Control-Allow-Origin restrictions - that is, that they only permit direct connections from your domain, not from other sites. This will make it slightly more difficult for other sites to scrape yours, because they won't be able to make requests directly from the frontend.
You could also change your application structure so that the blog data gets sent with the initial HTML response. For a small example, you could have
<script type="application/json" class="blog-data">
[{"title":"some post title", "content":"some content"}]
const blogData = JSON.parse(document.querySelector('.blog-data').textContent);
This will also make it a bit harder for a scraper to work - they won't have an endpoint ready to serve the plain blog data, they'll have to parse through your HTML response first.
You could also frequently change up the DOM structure of the data in the HTML response to make it harder.
But web scraping is fundamentally nearly impossible to stop, for someone who's determined enough.
Basically, you can use CORS on your backend to protected fetching your endpoints from any browsers origins except allowed ones.
Anyway it will not help you to protect from calling API from such things like mobile apps, Postman etc.
If you worry about loading to the server you can add something like rate limiting.
But keep in mind if your API is public it will be public for all, you can't restrict to use it from your site only.
Here are a few ideas:
Maybe add some authentication to protect your endpoints.
If you are using CORS, only accept requests from a certain URL.
In your package.json, add a proxy.

How to prevent use my API which gives data for my React app

I make a web service and I'm going to use a React. A data for the service will be fetch from my API.
But there is a simple way to find out which endpoints I'm using, and what data I'm sending. This knowledge gives a lot options to make bots for my service.
Is there any option to prevent this?
I know, I can require a signing all requests, but it's also easy to get to know.
This cannot be done. Whatever is done in client-side JavaScript, can be reverse-engineered and simulated.
Efforts should be focused on preventing API from being abused, i.e. throttling or blacklisting clients based on their activity or available information (user agent, suspicious request, generated traffic). If the use of API allows captcha, suspicious clients can be asked for proving their humaneness.
There are half-measures that can be applied to client side application and make it less advantageous for abuse (and also for development).
Prevent unauthorized access to unminified/unobfuscated JS AND source maps. There may be a need to authorize them on per user basis. This will make debugging and bug reporting more difficult
Hard-code parts that are involved in request signing to browser APIs, e.g.:
apiKey = hash(NOT_SO_SECRET_KEY + document.querySelector('.varyingBlock').innerHTML)
This requires bots to emulate browser environment and makes their work much less efficient. This also affects the design of the application in negative way. Obviously, there will be additional difficulties with SSR and it won't translate to native platforms easily.
here two basic preventive measures that you can use.
Use a captcha service like recaptcha. so that user can use your website only after passing the captcha test. Its highly difficult for bots to pass the captchas.
Rate Limit Api usage.
Add rate limiting to your api. so that a logged in user can only make 100 requests in 10 minutes, the numbers will depend on you use case

External API calls from the frontend or backend?

I have a Node and Angular web app.
It needs to call an external api (a third party service) for data (more specifically this:
Is it better to make this external call from the Angular frontend: GET or have the frontend calling a same domain Node endpoint: GET which then calls GET which then fetches and processes the data from the third party api before passing it back to angular?
I guess two api calls is less desirable, but it is on the same domain
so would this not really be an issue?
GETing from the Node side would be more secure (especially if secret
keys were used), and also mask the fact that a third party service is
CORS stuff might get in the way if calling from the frontend.
Is context key here, e.g. calling font apis from the
frontend is probably best, but fetching and needing to process data
is probably better from the backend.
What do others recommend (and do) and are there any other for or against points to add to the 'thoughts' too?
It depends on what your 3rd party API requires.
If you need some credentials to call the API it's probably better to handle the call in backend because of security concerns.
If the API delivers time sensitive data, like some auto-complete information as you type, it might be good to not do the extra roundtrip to the backend and call it from the frontend.
You might create a subdomain which points to the 3rd party server,
like, this removes a lot of cross-domain issues. But this needs cooperation of your 3rd party provider.
So, there is no clear yes or no answer but it depends on the situation and focus of your API.
Your solution looks fine, the only thing that may get in your way is if the 3rd party API you are using provides any sort of analytics. If you call it from Node you will overwrite the Agent and IP information that would be gathered if you called from UI. Other than that, I believe making the request directly from UI could reduce a little bit the load on the server, but I don't know if that matters to you.
I would say we should also take care about code duplication. In your case you are all JavaScript, but that is not true for many others. So let's say I consume so I will not want to make some calls from frontend and some from the backend, then I think creating a controller which will handle all of this is a good choice.
Except for the cases like any analytics or tracking software, an extra round trip is ok.
As #Wolffc said, this can also prevent sending access_token to the browser which may be misused.

Downsides using front-end frameworks for API handling? Performance and security

So, while practising all the new tech. Angular 2, AngularJS, Firebase, Loopback, NodeJS etc .. I'm kind of confused on some topics that people don't really talk about. It might go into too much detail, but I'll try to split it as much as I can.
Part 1 -- Performance
I like the approach of: MyApp (Web, Mobile, ..) --> API <-- Database
Okay, we perform API requests to the same server over HTTP which is slower, but for small projects this should be a non issue right? Or are there any other solutions for this matter?
I know they often just do: MyApp --> Framework <-- Database and add an API interface which calls the correct actions to get the necessary logic/data out to eg. a mobile app
-- End Part 1
Part 2 -- Security
So, assume we have an API up and running either with Lumen, LoopBack or anything else like a realtime Firebase database (not really an API). Then we can connect with it over HTTP requests via Angular, jQuery... If a user inspects our source code, they can easily see how we handle data in the backend. How can this be secured in a way that only the necessary applications have control over the API (OAuth2 ?) and also that we limit the insight of users into our API.
-- End Part 2
Okay, I thought, it's a "too broad" question, but actually, it has a short answer.
Irrelevant. If you gotta fetch data, you gotta fetch data. Be it API call or some custom action in your laravel code (or something). Same HTTP stuff.
... where a user can check the source code of the API calls.
Security through obscurity doesn't work. Always consider that your client is compromised. Use proper authentication/authorization methods (OAuth and the like). So even if a malicious user knows (which he will) your api endpoint signatures (or whatever you were trying to hide), he can't abuse them.
