How to unit test Next.js dynamic components? - reactjs

The Next.js dynamic() HOC components aren't really straightforward to tests. I have 2 issues right now;
First jest is failing to compile dynamic imports properly (require.resolveWeak is not a function - seems to be added by next babel plugin)
Second I can't get good coverage of the modules logic; looks like it's simply not run when trying to render a dynamic component.

Let's assume we have a component like this (using a dynamic import):
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
const ReactSelectNoSSR = dynamic(() => import('../components/select'), {
loading: () => <Input />,
ssr: false
export default () => (
<Header />
<ReactSelectNoSSR />
<Footer />
The dynamic import support offered by Next.js does not expose a way to preload the dynamically imported components in Jest’s environment.
However, thanks to jest-next-dynamic, we can render the full component tree instead of the loading placeholder.
You'll need to add babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node to your .babelrc like so.
"plugins": ["babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node"]
Then, you can use preloadAll() to render the component instead of the loading placeholder.
import preloadAll from 'jest-next-dynamic';
import ReactSelect from './select';
beforeAll(async () => {
await preloadAll();
đź“ť Source

You can add the following to your Jest setup ex: setupTests.ts
jest.mock('next/dynamic', () => () => {
const DynamicComponent = () => null;
DynamicComponent.displayName = 'LoadableComponent';
DynamicComponent.preload = jest.fn();
return DynamicComponent;

The following will load the required component.
You can also use similar approach to load all components before hand.
jest.mock('next/dynamic', () => ({
__esModule: true,
default: (...props) => {
const dynamicModule = jest.requireActual('next/dynamic');
const dynamicActualComp = dynamicModule.default;
const RequiredComponent = dynamicActualComp(props[0]);
? RequiredComponent.preload()
: RequiredComponent.render.preload();
return RequiredComponent;

Although a hacky solution, what I did was to simply mock next/dynamic by extracting the import path and returning that import:
jest.mock('next/dynamic', () => ({
__esModule: true,
default: (...props) => {
const matchedPath = /(.)*(\'(.*)\')(.)*/.exec(props[0].toString());
if (matchedPath) return require(matchedPath[3]);
else return () => <></>;

Here is an easy fix, which:
Doesn't require any 3rd party libraries
Still renders the dynamic component (e.g. snapshots will work)
Mock the next/dynamic module, by creating a mock file in __mocks__/next/dynamic.js Jest docs
Copy and paste the following code:
const dynamic = (func) => {
const functionString = func.toString()
const modulePath = functionString.match(/"(.*?)"/)[1]
const namedExport = functionString.match(/mod\.(.+?(?=\)))/)
const componentName = namedExport ? namedExport[1] : 'default'
return require(modulePath)[componentName]
export default dynamic
The above code assumes that you are using the dynamic() function for default and named exports as documented in the Next.js docs. I.e.:
// default
const DynamicHeader = dynamic(() =>
// named export
const DynamicComponent = dynamic(() =>
import('../components/hello').then((mod) => mod.Hello)
That's it! Now dynamic imports should work in all your test suites :)

If you're having the first issue with Next8, you can mock the dynamic import with this:
jest.mock('next-server/dynamic', () => () => 'Dynamic');
For reference, see:


what should I do to load components by path in react

I am writing a react app with dynamic menu, when login into the system, the server will return the user menu with privilege. On the server side, I configure the react path of the menu will use. the component path look like this:
when the client get the component path, I want to load the component by path, this is what I am doing right now:
menu: {
params: {
userId: initialState?.currentUser?.userId,
request: async (params, defaultMenuData) => {
const menuData = await userMenuTree();
const menuWithComponents:any = loadComponents(menuData);
return menuWithComponents;
when get the memu config, get the component like this:
const loadComponents = (menus: API.MenuItem[]) => {
if(BaseMethods.isNull(menus)) return;
menus.forEach(menu =>{
const componentPath = menu.component;
const component = React.lazy(() => import(componentPath));
menu.component = component;
return menus;
it seems the lazy load components did not work. what should I do to load the components by path? Also tried using react-loadable like this "react-loadable": "^5.5.0":
import Loadable from 'react-loadable';
const loadComponents = (menus: API.MenuItem[]) => {
if(BaseMethods.isNull(menus)) return;
menus.forEach(menu =>{
const componentPath = menu.component;
//const component = React.lazy(() => import(componentPath));
let MyComponent = Loadable({
loader: () => import(componentPath),
loading: <div>Loading...</div>
menu.component = MyComponent;
return menus;
seems the result is a little bit different with the system loading components. what I want the component may look like this:
actually the loaded component by react-loadable look like this:
the react-loadable version "react-loadable": "^5.5.0".

Lazy Hydrate + Code Splitting on NextJS app

I know how to do Lazy Hydration and I know how to do Code Splitting, but how can I make the splitted chunck download only when the component is hydrating?
My code looks like this
import React from 'react';
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
import ReactLazyHydrate from 'react-lazy-hydration';
const MyComponent = dynamic(() => import('components/my-component').then((mod) => mod.MyComponent));
export const PageComponent = () => {
return (
<ReactLazyHydrate whenVisible>
MyComponent is rendered below the fold, which means that it is only gonna hydrate when the user scrolls. The problem is that the JS chunck for MyComponent will be downloaded right away when the page loads.
I was able to hack it by using the dynamic import only on client but this makes the component disappear for a second when it hydrates, because the html rendered on server will not be used by react. It will recreate the DOM element and it will be empty until the JS chunck loads.
When the element disappear for a sec it increases the page CLS and that's the main reason why I can not use this hack.
Here is the code for this hack
const MyComponent = typeof window === 'undefined'
? require('components/my-component').MyComponent
: dynamic(() => import('components/my-component').then((mod) => mod.MyComponent));
Note that I want to render the component's HTML on the server render. That't why I don't want to Lazy Load it. I want to Lazy Hydrate so I can have the component's HTML rendered on server but only download
and execute it's JS when it is visible.
In document:
// stops preloading of code-split chunks
class LazyHead extends Head {
getDynamicChunks(files) {
const dynamicScripts = super.getDynamicChunks(files);
try {
// get chunk manifest from loadable
const loadableManifest = __non_webpack_require__(
// search and filter modules based on marker ID
const chunksToExclude = Object.values(loadableManifest).filter(
manifestModule => manifestModule?.id?.startsWith?.('lazy') || false,
const excludeMap = chunksToExclude?.reduce?.((acc, chunks) => {
if (chunks.files) {
return acc;
}, []);
const filteredChunks = dynamicScripts?.filter?.(
script => !excludeMap?.includes(script?.key),
return filteredChunks;
} catch (e) {
// if it fails, return the dynamic scripts that were originally sent in
return dynamicScripts;
const backupScript = NextScript.getInlineScriptSource;
NextScript.getInlineScriptSource = (props) => {
// dont let next load all dynamic IDS, let webpack manage it
if (props?.__NEXT_DATA__?.dynamicIds) {
const filteredDynamicModuleIds = props?.__NEXT_DATA__?.dynamicIds?.filter?.(
moduleID => !moduleID?.startsWith?.('lazy'),
if (filteredDynamicModuleIds) {
// mutate dynamicIds from next data
props.__NEXT_DATA__.dynamicIds = filteredDynamicModuleIds;
return backupScript(props);
in next config
const mapModuleIds = fn => (compiler) => {
const { context } = compiler.options;
compiler.hooks.compilation.tap('ChangeModuleIdsPlugin', (compilation) => {
compilation.hooks.beforeModuleIds.tap('ChangeModuleIdsPlugin', (modules) => {
const { chunkGraph } = compilation;
for (const module of modules) {
if (module.libIdent) {
const origId = module.libIdent({ context });
// eslint-disable-next-line
if (!origId) continue;
const namedModuleId = fn(origId, module);
if (namedModuleId) {
chunkGraph.setModuleId(module, namedModuleId);
const withNamedLazyChunks = (nextConfig = {}) => Object.assign({}, nextConfig, {
webpack: (config, options) => {
mapModuleIds((id, module) => {
if (
|| id.includes('signposting/signposting.js')
|| id.includes('reviews-container/index.js')
|| id.includes('why-we-made-this/why-we-made-this.js')
) {
return `lazy-${module.debugId}`;
return false;
if (typeof nextConfig.webpack === 'function') {
return nextConfig.webpack(config, options);
return config;
In file, using next/dynamic
<LazyHydrate whenVisible style={null} className="col-xs-12">
<GlobalBrandStatement data={globalBrandData} />
Not sure if this is what you’re after, but I use lazy hydration mixed with webpack plugin and custom next head to preserve the html but strip out below the fold dynamic imported scripts. So I only download the JS and hydrate the component just before the user scrolls into view. Regardless of it the component was used during render - I don’t need the runtime unless a user is going to see it.
Currently in production and has reduced initial page load by 50%. No impact to SEO
Get me on twitter #scriptedAlchemy if you need the implementation, I’ve not yet written a post about it - but I can tell you it’s totally possible to achieve this “download as you scroll” design with very little effort.
import { useState } from "react";
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
const MyComponent = dynamic(() => import("components/my-component"));
export const PageComponent = () => {
const [downloadComp, setDownloadComp] = useState(false);
return (
<div className="some-class-name">
<button onClick={() => setDownloadComp(true)}>
Download the component
{downloadComp && <MyComponent />}
The above code will download the once you hit the button. If you want it to download if your scroll to position in that case you can use something like react-intersection-observer to set the setDownloadComp. I don't have experience using react-lazy-hydration but I have been using react-intersection-observer and nextjs dynamic import to lazy load components that depends on user scroll.
I have made a library to make this thing simple. And you can benefit with:
Fully HTML page render (Better for SEO)
Only load JS and Hydrate when needed (Better for PageSpeed)
How to use it
import lazyHydrate from 'next-lazy-hydrate';
// Lazy hydrate when scroll into view
const WhyUs = lazyHydrate(() => import('../components/whyus'));
// Lazy hydrate when users hover into the view
const Footer = lazyHydrate(
() => import('../components/footer', { on: ['hover'] })
const HomePage = () => {
return (
<AboveTheFoldComponent />
{/* ----The Fold---- */}
<WhyUs />
<Footer />
Read more:

How to mock i18next and react-i18next for testing a component/view using typescript

I basically have a react website and I'm using typescript for both the source and test code. I have integrated the i18next and react-i18next libraries to my project for supporting translations and modified one of my react components. However, I'm having issues when I try to unit test my components that are extending withTranslation. The first problem i'm having is i'm getting a compilation error, saying that my props are missing: i18n, tReady and t. And yes that is true they are not there, but I'm not sure how should I handle that.
I have tried including the mock below on my tests, which would supposedly pass the required props to my component:
jest.mock("react-i18next", () => ({
withTranslation: () => (Component: any) => {
Component.defaultProps = {
t: () => "",
return Component;
This is how my code looks like:
interface DemoViewProps extends WithTranslation {
name: string;
const DemoView = (props: DemoViewProps) => {
const { t, name } = props;
return <div>{t("string id")} {name}</div>
This is how my test code looks like:
describe("<DemoView>", () => {
const props = {
name: "NAME",
const component = shallow(<DemoView {...props} />);
it("should do something", () => {
...some testing here
I would like not to get compilation errors and be able to run my unit tests. I would also like my code not to become to cumbersome, since I will be doing this across different components that are using withTranslation()

How to spy on a default exported function with Jest?

Suppose I have a simple file exporting a default function:
// UniqueIdGenerator.js
const uniqueIdGenerator = () => Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 8);
export default uniqueIdGenerator;
Which I would use like this:
import uniqueIdGenerator from './UniqueIdGenerator';
// ...
I want to assert in my test that this method was called while keeping the original functionality. I'd do that with jest.spyOn however, it requires an object as well as a function name as parameters. How can you do this in a clean way? There's a similar GitHub issue for jasmine for anyone interested.
I ended up ditching the default export:
// UniqueIdGenerator.js
export const uniqueIdGenerator = () => Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 8);
And then I could use and spy it like this:
import * as UniqueIdGenerator from './UniqueIdGenerator';
// ...
const spy = jest.spyOn(UniqueIdGenerator, 'uniqueIdGenerator');
Some recommend wrapping them in a const object, and exporting that. I suppose you can also use a class for wrapping.
However, if you can't modify the class there's still a (not-so-nice) solution:
import * as UniqueIdGenerator from './UniqueIdGenerator';
// ...
const spy = jest.spyOn(UniqueIdGenerator, 'default');
one could also mock the import and pass the original implementation as mock implementation, like:
import uniqueIdGenerator from './UniqueIdGenerator'; // this import is a mock already
jest.mock('./UniqueIdGenerator.js', () => {
const original = jest. requireActual('./UniqueIdGenerator')
return {
__esModule: true,
default: jest.fn(original.default)
test(() => {
Here is a way of doing it for a default export without modifying the import (or even needing an import in the test at all):
const actual = jest.requireActual("./UniqueIdGenerator");
const spy = jest.spyOn(actual, "default");
In some cases you have to mock the import to be able to spy the default export:
import * as fetch from 'node-fetch'
jest.mock('node-fetch', () => ({
default: jest.fn(),
jest.spyOn(fetch, 'default')
Mock only the default export, or any other export, but keep remaining exports in module as original:
import myDefault, { myFunc, notMocked } from "./myModule";
jest.mock("./myModule", () => {
const original = jest.requireActual("./myModule");
return {
__esModule: true,
default: jest.fn(),
myFunc: jest.fn()
describe('my description', () => {
it('my test', () => {
myDefault.mockImplementation(() => 5);
expect(notMocked()).toBe("i'm not mocked!");
Use 'default' as the second argument in spyOn function.
import * as MyHelperMethod from '../myHelperMethod';
jest.spyOn(MyHelperMethod, 'default');
What worked for me was a combination of the answer from Janne Annala and OP's own solution. All I wanted to test was that the helper method was called with the correct parameters as I had already written a test for the helper method and it didn't have any bearing on my subsequent test:
// myHelperMethod.js
export const myHelperMethod = (param1, param2) => { // do something with the params };
// someOtherFileUsingMyHelperMethod.js
import * as MyHelperMethod from '../myHelperMethod';
jest.mock('../myHelperMethod', () => ({
myHelperMethod: jest.fn(),
let myHelperMethodSpy = jest.spyOn(MyHelperMethod, 'myHelperMethod');
// ...
// some setup
// ...
test(() => {
expect(myHelperMethodSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(param1, param2);
Here it is even simpler.
Mock your exported module 'addDelay' (has the sleep function in it) using jest.
const { sleep } = require('../../src/utils/addDelay');
jest.mock('../../src/utils/addDelay', () => {
const delay = jest.requireActual('../../src/utils/addDelay');
return {
sleep: jest.fn(),
And the test is as follows and check if sleep function was called with 1 sec as in arg.
test("Should delay 1 second if Okta user has no IDxM Roles", async () => {
const MockSleep = sleep;
await getUser(req, res);
expect(MockSleep).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1000);// sleep(1000): 1sec
I know I'm late to the party but I recently had this problem and wanted to share my solution as well ... though it seems a bit more unconventional but could be tweaked by someone with better knowledge.
I happen to have a file with the function that I would like to spy on.
// /foo/ModuleToBeMocked.ts
const fnToSpyOn = () => ...;
export default { fnToSpyOn }
This is then imported into a parent file that would bring, and export, alike functions. Sort of like a classification.
// /parent.ts
import fnToSpyOn from './foo/ModuleToBeMocked';
import someOtherFn from './foo/SomeOtherModule';
export { fnToSpyOn, someOtherFn, ... };
And this is how I test the fnToSpyOn
// /foo/ModuleToBeMocked.test.ts
import { ModuleToBeMocked } from '../parent';
const fnToSpyOnSpu = jest.spyOn(ModuleToBeMocked, 'fnToSpyOn');

how to change jest mock function return value in each test?

I have a mock module like this in my component test file
jest.mock('../../../magic/index', () => ({
navigationEnabled: () => true,
guidanceEnabled: () => true
these functions will be called in render function of my component to hide and show some specific feature.
I want to take a snapshot on different combinations of the return value of those mock functions.
for suppose I have a test case like this
it('RowListItem should not render navigation and guidance options', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(
<RowListItem type="regularList" {...props} />
to run this test case I want to change the mock module functions return values to false like this dynamically
jest.mock('../../../magic/index', () => ({
navigationEnabled: () => false,
guidanceEnabled: () => false
because i am importing RowListItem component already once so my mock module wont re import again. so it wont change. how can i solve this ?
You can mock the module so it returns spies and import it into your test:
import {navigationEnabled, guidanceEnabled} from '../../../magic/index'
jest.mock('../../../magic/index', () => ({
navigationEnabled: jest.fn(),
guidanceEnabled: jest.fn()
Then later on you can change the actual implementation using mockImplementation
navigationEnabled.mockImplementation(()=> true)
and in the next test
navigationEnabled.mockImplementation(()=> false)
what you want to do is
import { navigationEnabled, guidanceEnabled } from '../../../magic/index';
jest.mock('../../../magic/index', () => ({
navigationEnabled: jest.fn(),
guidanceEnabled: jest.fn()
describe('test suite', () => {
it('every test', () => {
you can look more about these functions here =>
I had a hard time getting the accepted answers to work - my equivalents of navigationEnabled and guidanceEnabled were undefined when I tried to call mockReturnValueOnce on them.
Here's what I had to do:
In ../../../magic/__mocks__/index.js:
export const navigationEnabled = jest.fn();
export const guidanceEnabled = jest.fn();
in my index.test.js file:
import { navigationEnabled, guidanceEnabled } from '../../../magic/index';
import { functionThatReturnsValueOfNavigationEnabled } from 'moduleToTest';
it('is able to mock', () => {
