SQL Server Data Tools not available after installed - sql-server

I'm using Visual Studio 2013, SQL Server 2014. I want to learn MSBI, so I have installed the SQL Server Data Tools from here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/mt429392.aspx
After the installation process, I coudn't find the SSDT from the start menu.
But it shown in the control panel:
And when I check in Visual Studio, there it is also not available.

I posted this answer may help someone. The credits goes to Prabhat G
Go to services.msc and check if you can see SQL SERVER INTEGRATION SERVICES.
If the service not available there, then installation is corrupted.
Download and install from the link I've given below
It works fine for me.

not sure if this helps, but i tried opening a new project in visual studio 2013 instead of visual studio 2012 and found the ssdt tools


Visual Studio 2017 does not have Business Intelligence Integration Services/Projects

I do not see an option to create an SSIS project using Visual Studio 2017.
VS2017 supports ssis or ssrs projects if you install SSDT for VS2017 here.
Click on the newly downloaded file and check SSIS or SSRS components that you required, as show in diagram :-
Once you have installed this, try opening ssis / ssrs project. I managed to open ssis developed on vs2010.
You should see these component installed. (reboot if you don't see them).
Try open your project again. If you get 'incompatible project' - right click on your project, select "reload project" (not reopen the solution)
Information on this will probably get outdated fast because Microsoft is running to complete its work on this, but as today, June 9th 2017, support to create SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) projects on Visual Studio 2017 is not available. So, you can't see this option because so far it doesn't exist yet.
Beyond that, even installing what is being called SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools) in VS 2017 installer (what seems very confusing from Microsoft's part, using a known name for a different thing, breaking the behavior we expect as users), you won't see SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) project templates as well.
Actually, the Business Intelligence group under the Installed templates on the New Project dialog won't be present at all.
You need to go to this page (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssdt/download-sql-server-data-tools-ssdt) and install two separate installers, one for SSAS and one for SSRS.
Once you install at least one of these components, the Business Intelligence group will be created and the correspondent template(s) will be available. But as today, there is no installer for SSIS, so if you need to work with SSIS projects, you need to keep using SSDT 2015, for now.
I havent tried this scenario yet - I was scared off by the (unanswered) comments below the GA announcement blog post:
I'll be staying on VS15 for a while ...
Integration Services project templates are now available in the latest release of SSDT for Visual Studio 2017.
Note: if you have recently installed SSDT for Visual Studio 2017. You need to remove the Reporting Services and Analysis Services installations before you proceed with installing SSDT.
There is no BI project in Visual Studio. Youll need to download SSDT. SSDT 2017 works fine :)
SSIS Integration with Visual Studio 2017 available from Aug 2017.
SSIS designer is now available for Visual Studio 2017! ARCHIVE
I installed in July 2018 and appears working fine. See Download link

Unable to open SSIS project in Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 (migration fails)

I am trying to open a solution file in Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate that includes an Integration Services project (.dtproj). Unfortunately, the migration failed for reasons that are slightly baffling to me.
The migration report contains the following error:
RecommenderJobs.dtproj: The application which this project type is based on was not found. Please try this link for further information: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?prd=12395&pver=11&sbp=ProjectTypeDeprecated&plcid=0x409&clcid=0x409&ar=MSDN&sar=ProjectCompatibility&o1=159641D6-6404-4A2A-AE62-294DE0FE8301
Unfortunately, the link appears to be dead, so that's no help.
I also received the following error message when I tried to open this in Visual Studio 2012:
I've tried opening this solution in both Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate and Visual Studio 2013 Premium (which is why I tagged both). Both are on Update 5. I already tried updating all of my extensions and updates, even ones that seem like they wouldn't be directly relevant to the problem (like Visual Studio's Office tools).
I found a similar question on Microsoft's forum. The suggestion there was to upgrade my version of SSIS to the latest version. I tried to install SSDT for VS2013 as suggested, but the install failed:
When I checked the logs, it had the following error:
Error 0x80070666: Cannot install a product when a newer version is installed.
I do, in fact, have a different version installed, but it's not actually newer as far as I can tell (in fact, it launches in the Visual Studio 2010 shell), so I'm a little confused by this. The version information is below:
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 11.0.5058.0
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers
Version 11.0.5058.0
I do also have tools related to SQL Server 2012 installed.
Based on what I've read in other posts, I'd expect to see the SQL Server Data Tools in "Add/Remove Programs," but it's not. Does anyone know why that might be?
I've also seen related questions for other types of projects, such as for a PowerShell project. (Obviously, my question has nothing to do with Powershell, but the OP there was receiving the same exact error message for a different project type). Unfortunately, the suggestions on that post didn't seem all that helpful - for example, the accepted answer there involved completely uninstalling and reinstalling Visual Studio, which would be a major pain to say the least. I'm also not all that confident that that would work for me since this problem occurs in two separate versions of Visual Studio.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what else I could try?
You likely need to install both Integration services and Business Intelligence for Visual Studio (BIDS). You can do it launching SQL Server Setup and adding features to your current SQL Server Instance.
Have a look at this one: https://guruprasadv.wordpress.com/2009/06/17/opening-ssis-package-in-visual-studio/
BIDS is the IDE (integrated into Visual Studio) that allows you to drag and drop the components and create the SSIS packages. From SQL Server 2014 on wards you won't see BIDS anymore packaged in the SQL Server Setup, so you will have to install it independently. If you need it for VS 2013 here you have the link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42313

Adding SSDT BI Templates in Visual Studio 2015

I have a new laptop with Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise and SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.1 installed on it. I want to develop SSIS & SSRS projects using this setup, but I am having a hard time getting the Business Intelligence templates to show up in VS.
I installed the SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2015 from here:
This installation seemed to work, but the BI templates still did not appear in VS.
After this was installed, I started up the SQL 2016 installation again to see if I could add this as a feature in the installation. It was not an option in the Feature Selection area. I tried both the "Perform new installation of SQL" and "Add feature to an existing instance" options during the setup wizard.
What am I missing here? In doing some research, it seems like these BI templates should be available for VS 2015. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. Thank you!
Go to Tools > Extensions and Updates... Under the Updates tab, you'll find Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) Update.
SSDT is updated separately from SQL Server itself. In the past, SSDT BI was a separate project as well. Integrating both toolsets is a work in progress. The latest SSDT version is the November 2015 preview which supports SSIS, SSAS, SSRS for SQL Server 2016 preview but only SSAS, SSRS for previous versions.
SSDT doesn't actually require SQL Server, only Visual Studio, and will install no matter which version of SQL Server you have installed (if any).
I found the solution in another forum. This issue has to do with using the "preview" version of SQL 2016. Use this link to download the SSDT for this version:
Hope this helps someone else...
In VS 2015:
Select Tools -> Extensions & Updates
A console opens. On the LHS, you will see 3 tabs - Installed, Online & Updates
Select Updates -> Product Updates -> Choose Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) Update.

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Opening Error

I installed SQL Server Management Studio and it worked fine. After that I updated my Visual Studio from 2010 to 2013 Express edition, now it is not working with this error message :
Cannot find one or more components. Please re install the application
I re-installed it but still same issue. Any suggestion?
The SQL Server 2014 Management Studio answer
SSMS 2014 relies upon the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Isolated) Redistributable Package. If this is uninstalled, SSMS will produce the error message 'Cannot find one or more components. Please re install the application'. This can be corrected by:
Reinstalling the VS 2010 Shell from here: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/older-downloads/isolated-shell/
Try opening SSMS again. If it still gives the error, then:
Run Repair in SQL Server (2014) Setup
The SQL Server 2016 Management Studio answer
SSMS 2016 relies upon the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Shell (Isolated) Redistributable Package. If this is uninstalled, SSMS will produce the error message 'Cannot find one or more components. Please re install the application'. This can be corrected by reinstalling VS 2015 or by installing the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Shell (Isolated) Redistributable Package.
I just solved the issue :
SSMS depends on VS 2010 and by uninstalling it this error occurred.
There is a folder named 1033_enu in my server installation pakage
Inside that i found a folder VSS i.e Visual studio shell
and inside that VVS setup.
i just run this setup and it solved the problem for me. Thank you
For SSMS 2016 (at least v16.5.3) delete the following folder from the registry and restart the app:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\13.0_Config
The SQL Server 2017 Management Studio answer
SSMS 17.1 also depends on Visual Studio 2015 shell (isolated). I had to repair the Shell to get SSMS to work. In case someone is looking for VS 2015 Shell: LINK
If you cannot find the installer using the above link, the SSMS 17.x installer HERE includes the VS 2015 Shell.
Scott Hanselman has also conveniently included a link to every (>= 2008 R2) Express and SSMS version here: LINK
I had this same issue happen to me when I was stripping my machine of everything Microsoft to refresh my system with 2016-2017 versions of Microsoft products.. First time doing this so I deleted the Visual Studio shell and installed everything 2017 except the 2015 VS shell (not sure if 2017 is out), here was my mistake.
To solve.. first off, make sure you have the Visual Studio Isolated Shell installed. Certain versions of SSMS need a specific version of the shell. My situation called for VS Shell 2015 with my SSMS 2016..
Just installing and repairing the Shell didn't help me completely fix the error. What helped me was deleting a key from my Registry Editor. Run the command regedit from anywhere on your machine and then find:
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/SQL Server Management Studio/*shellversion*_Config'
Right-click and delete this folder/key. For SSMS 2016 I deleted 13.0_Config.. Right away I was able to open SSMS as usual.
In order to free up some space on my disk, I had uninstalled some programs after which I started getting this error.
I followed all the solutions here, but it didn't fix my problem.
For me, after installing the Visual Studio Shell, I had to delete a key from my registry by following the steps here. Then finally my SSMS started working again.
Quoting from the page:
Start regedit.exe
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio
Delete 13.0_Config
Restart ssms.exe
All the answers here didn't work for me (SQL Server 2014).
What worked was:
1) Uninstall the Visual Studio 2010 Shell using official installer (not via Programs and Features). The file VSIsoShell.exe can be downloaded here:
2) Once uninstalled, run SQL Server Installation and hit Repair
Try running SSMS as administrator! After repairing & re-installing multiple components, in the end it was just the security level of my account.
I resolved the problem with SQL Management Studio 2016 by running the VS setup, selecting "Modify" and then installing Extensibility Tools Update 3. After that I just ran SQL Management Studio 2016 and it reset VS Isolated Shell
For all versions of SQL Server, this can be fixed safely with no loss of data including any plugins that may be installed and their data.
This is a common bug, and the solution in all versions of SQL Server is to repair the 'Microsoft Visual Studio 20xx Shell (Isolated)' program installation, which takes about 30 minutes to run unattended.
To perform the repair, please complete the following steps:
Close all instances of Visual Studio.
Press the Windows key.
Type 'Programs'.
Click 'Add or Remove Programs' from the list that appears.
Type 'Shell' into the Search box that appears.
Click 'Microsoft Visual Studio 20xx Shell (Isolated)'*
Click Modify (If greyed out then click Uninstall).
In the window that appears, click 'Repair'.
Wait 30mins or so for repair to complete.
Restart machine.
'Microsoft Visual Studio 20xx Shell (Isolated)' will now be repaired and SQL Server Management Studio should open as normal.
* If there are multiple version(s) of 'Microsoft Visual Studio 20xx Shell (Isolated)' installed, then repair the latest one first, working backwards through versions until the correct program is repaired. Be sure to make a note of the version that fixed your version of SQL Server for future reference as it will not change until smss or vs is upgraded.
I have the same issue after using the custom VS2015 uninstallation tool and installing the VS2017. Repair or reinstall of the SSMS 17.3 does not solve the issue.
To resolve it open the Windows Control panel, select the Programs and Features. Select the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Shell (Isolated) from the list and click Change. Then click Repair in the VS setup window. On setup completed ignor the warnings about some newer components already installed. Click Close and thats it! SSMS starts perfect! Hope this save someone's time.
I downloaded VSIsoShell.exe but could not install it. When i deep dive in to error logs the reason is newer version of visual studio exists on the system. I uninstalled vs2017 community then installation of VSIsoShell is successful
Download and Install Visual Studio 2015 Isolated Shell.
You can further read the details of this Redistributable Package from Microsoft Visual Studio
2015 Redistributable Package
You can further Download this Package from this link
After Installing this package, Please run SSMS for SQL SERVER 2016. It actually works for me!
Just in case none of the registry edits or software reinstalls mentioned in the other answers work for you, I was having this issue due to anti-virus. In this case it was Crowdstrike, but others can cause it as well.
Try disabling your AV to test, and if that's the culprit, put an exception in for SSMS 2014/2016.
None of above solutions worked for me , Link in the accepted answer is not working.
So I tried repairing MSSQL 2014 from Setup , This will install Visual Studio Shell which it depends on.
SQL Server Installation Center -> Maintenance -> Repair -> Select the Instance
Next , You will be able to run ssms without an issue.
Hope that works,
I finally got this to work - open up
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\RSConfigTool.exe"
then used the repair tools in there, rather than from the control panel install programs (repair).
This seemed to run through reinstalling of files and afterwards everything worked great! I was tearing my hair out!
I uninstalled already existing microsoft visual studio 2010 Shell(isolated) -ENU
Then did repair
To do repair please follow below path : SQL Server Installation Center -> Maintenance -> Repair
Note: None of the above worked for me.This is only worked

No SQL Server Data Tools in VS 2013 ultimate installed

I have no SQL Server Data Tool in Visual Studio 2013.
SSDT should be included in VS2013? Source
How can I install them?
I tried to install BI for VS 2013 but still don't have any SQL functions in VS.
Make sure Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools is checked when you install VS.
SQL tools like schema comparison are in SQL menu. SQL menu is not visible till any database project OR .scmp file OR file where its context is available is open.
For more details, refer:
Got this link on MSDN:
Download latest VS2013 Update 2 through extension update or by link http://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs
For SSDT-BI for VS 2013 install:
after installation restart Visual studio.
Lets hope, it should work then.
I don't have SQL menu, however I found it in Tools -> SQL Server
