mongoDB Array length on children element [duplicate] - arrays

This question already has answers here:
MongoDB: count the number of items in an array
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a data similar to the below in my mongo DB. Obviously the length of array1 is two and I am looking on a way to count the length of such array with mongo db script. Thanks
"_id" : ObjectId("65465465465465465468"),
"header" : {
"test" : "test",
"value" : 11.763548134011048,
"array1" : [
"q" : {
"value" : 250
"q" : {
"value" : 30,
"array2" : [ ]

You can use the $size aggregation operator.
Given the document you showed in your OP, the following command ...
$project: {
sizeOfArray1: { $size: "$array1" }
... will return:
"_id" : ObjectId("65465465465465465468"),
"sizeOfArray1" : 2
This approach is valid for all versions of Mongo >= 2.6.
Update: in response to this comment ...
If I have more nested objects until I reach to my array I can use they same code and I just change the name of the field to the item that I am interested in?
You address any document attribute using path notation with a . to denote each 'level'. So, if your document looked like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("65465465465465465468"),
"header" : {
"test" : "test",
"array" : [1, 2, 3]
"value" : 11.763548134011048,
"array1" : [
"q" : {
"value" : 250
"q" : {
"value" : 30,
"array2" : [ ]
... then the following command would return the count of the array field inside the header nested sub document:
$project: {
sizeOfHeaderArray: { $size: "$header.array" }
So, perhaps you can now see that you would address the array field inside the header nested sub document using header.array.
Hope that helps.


Get documents from an array in MongoDB [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Retrieve only the queried element in an object array in MongoDB collection
(18 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 4 months ago and left it closed:
Original close reason(s) were not resolved
I have array in subdocument like this
"_id" : ObjectId("512e28984815cbfcb21646a7"),
"list" : [
"a" : 1
"a" : 2
"a" : 3
"a" : 4
"a" : 5
Can I filter subdocument for a > 3
My expect result below
"_id" : ObjectId("512e28984815cbfcb21646a7"),
"list" : [
"a" : 4
"a" : 5
I try to use $elemMatch but returns the first matching element in the array
My query:
db.test.find( { _id" : ObjectId("512e28984815cbfcb21646a7") }, {
list: {
{ a: { $gt:3 }
} )
The result return one element in array
{ "_id" : ObjectId("512e28984815cbfcb21646a7"), "list" : [ { "a" : 4 } ] }
and I try to use aggregate with $match but not work
db.test.aggregate({$match:{_id:ObjectId("512e28984815cbfcb21646a7"), 'list.a':{$gte:5} }})
It's return all element in array
"_id" : ObjectId("512e28984815cbfcb21646a7"),
"list" : [
"a" : 1
"a" : 2
"a" : 3
"a" : 4
"a" : 5
Can I filter element in array to get result as expect result?
Using aggregate is the right approach, but you need to $unwind the list array before applying the $match so that you can filter individual elements and then use $group to put it back together:
{ $match: {_id: ObjectId("512e28984815cbfcb21646a7")}},
{ $unwind: '$list'},
{ $match: {'list.a': {$gt: 3}}},
{ $group: {_id: '$_id', list: {$push: '$list.a'}}}
"result": [
"_id": ObjectId("512e28984815cbfcb21646a7"),
"list": [
"ok": 1
MongoDB 3.2 Update
Starting with the 3.2 release, you can use the new $filter aggregation operator to do this more efficiently by only including the list elements you want during a $project:
{ $match: {_id: ObjectId("512e28984815cbfcb21646a7")}},
{ $project: {
list: {$filter: {
input: '$list',
as: 'item',
cond: {$gt: ['$$item.a', 3]}
get data between 0-5:
cond: {
$and: [
{ $gt: [ "$$item.a", 0 ] },
{ $lt: [ "$$item.a", 5) ] }
Above solution works best if multiple matching sub documents are required.
$elemMatch also comes in very use if single matching sub document is required as output
db.test.find({list: {$elemMatch: {a: 1}}}, {'list.$': 1})
"_id": ObjectId("..."),
"list": [{a: 1}]
Use $filter aggregation
Selects a subset of the array to return based on the specified
condition. Returns an array with only those elements that match the
condition. The returned elements are in the original order.
{$match: {"list.a": {$gt:3}}}, // <-- match only the document which have a matching element
{$project: {
list: {$filter: {
input: "$list",
as: "list",
cond: {$gt: ["$$list.a", 3]} //<-- filter sub-array based on condition

MongoDB not in any array (nested arrays)

We have scheme like this
"_id" : ObjectId("5e2ebceb2fb28c43520ef313"),
"attempts" : [
"ideas" : [
"ideaId" : ObjectId("5d314e8ade83a139bf31352a"),
"ratings" : [
"userId" : "20-432-3",
"points" : 3.0,
"isBest" : true
"ideaId" : ObjectId("5d314e8ade83a139bf31352c"),
"ratings" : [
"userId" : "20-432-2",
"points" : 3.0,
"isBest" : true
"ideaId" : ObjectId("5d314e8ade83a139bf31352e")
I need to to update document only if it does not have given userId in attempts.ideas.ratings. For example when user with userId with "20-432-3" want to update document, it will fail (because there is already rating from him in first idea), on the other hand user with userId "20-432-1" can update document.
it's like 3 nested scheme, my question is: is it possible in one query???
thank you in advance
Found solution. Obviously it was the easiest way...
_id: ObjectId("5e2ebceb2fb28c43520ef313"),
"attempts.ideas.ratings.uuIdentity": { $ne: "20-432-1" }

How to apply the "arrayFilters" on the top-level array?

My question is similar to Remove Object from Nested Array by Multiple Criteria. The major difference is that I want to apply the arrayFilter on the top-level array first and then apply another arrayFilter on the nested array of the matched top-level array element.
First of all, here is the document sample I copied over from the post with some adjustments to suit my case...
"OtherField1" : ISODate("2016-05-06T05:09:14.589Z"),
"OtherField2" : "something",
"Distributions" : [
"DeliveryType" : 1,
"DeliverySubType" : 2,
"DistributionData" : [
"Key" : "Topic",
"Value" : "Topics",
"Children" : null
"Key" : "Message",
"Value" : "test",
"Children" : null
"DeliveryType" : 1,
"DeliverySubType" : 3,
"DistributionData" : [
"Key" : "Topic",
"Value" : "Topics",
"Children" : ""
"Key" : "Message",
"Value" : "test",
"Children" : null
What I want to achieve is to, first of all, locate the 2nd element of the top-level Distributions array by matching "DeliveryType" : 1 and "DeliverySubType" : 3, and then locate the 1st element of its nested DistributionData array by matching "Key": "Topic" and "Value" : "Topics", and finally update the Children field of matched nested array element.
For the top-level match, I tried the following forms ...
"arrayFilters": [
{ "filter1" : {
"elemMatch" : {
"DeliveryType" : 1,
"DeliverySubType" : 3,
and referenced the filter as Distributions.$[filter1]..., but it didn't work.
"arrayFilters": [
{ "filter1.Distributions" : {
"elemMatch" : {
"DeliveryType" : 1,
"DeliverySubType" : 3,
and referenced the filter as $[filter1].Distributions...., but once again it failed with a parsing error.
All the examples I can found are about using the arrayFilters on the nested arrays and myself had some success in that regard, but no matter how hard I tried to apply the same tricks to the filters on the top-level array, they just failed with all sorts of errors. Could anyone help please? Thanks.
The solution is somewhat hidden but it's actually documented:
db.collection.update({}, {
$set: { "Distributions.$[distFilter].DistributionData.$[distDataFilter].Children": "new value" }
}, {
"arrayFilters": [
"distFilter.DeliveryType" : 1,
"distFilter.DeliverySubType" : 3
}, {
"distDataFilter.Key" : "Topic",
"distDataFilter.Value" : "Topics"

Query collection containing BsonArray

Sorry, first time trying mongo.
Given the following data ...
"_id" : ObjectId("59d128805b19310ac8ab3fc2"),
"MasterDefinition" : {
"Location" : [
"Whole House",
"Master Bedroom",
"Hallway 2"
"DeviceType" : [
"LED dimmer"
"Style" : [
"Color" : [
"Light Almond"
How do I retrieve the contents of the Color array? I expect something like
["White","Light Almond"]
How do I list the 4 arrays directly subordinate to MasterDefintion? I expect to see
For the first part, you can simply do a
$project: {
"_id": 0, // exclude the "_id" field from the result
"result": "$MasterDefinition.Color"
The second part requires a little magic (documentation can be found here: aggregation framework, $project, $objectToArray):
$project: {
"temp": {
$objectToArray: "$MasterDefinition" // transform the "MasterDefinition" subdocument into an array
}, {
"_id": 0, // do not include the "_id" field in the result - this is an optional step
"result": "$temp.k" // only get the keys (as in "k" fiels) from the array
How do I retrieve the contents of the Color array? I expect something like ["White","Light Almond"]
// the first argument here is a filter, the second argument is a projection
// since you specified no filter I have only included a projection
// this projection tells MongoDB to return the Color subdocument
// from within the MasterDefinition sub document
db.getCollection('masterList').find({}, {'MasterDefinition.Color': 1})
The above command will return:
"_id" : ObjectId("59d128805b19310ac8ab3fc2"),
"MasterDefinition" : {
"Color" : [
"Light Almond"
How do I list the 4 arrays directly subordinate to MasterDefintion? I expect to see ["Location","DeviceType","Style","Color"]
This is a bit trickier because "Location","DeviceType","Style","Color" are not elements in an array instead they are the names of attributes in the MasterDefinition subdocument. You can use the $objectToArray aggregation operator to turn these attribute names into an array but the resulting document doesn't looks exactly like what you hoped for. Here's an example ...
// creates an array named "categories" from the attributes of the MasterDefinition sub document
{ $project: { categories: { $objectToArray: "$MasterDefinition" } } },
// projects on the keys of the "categories" array
{$project: {'categories.k': 1}}
... which produces this output:
"_id" : ObjectId("59d128805b19310ac8ab3fc2"),
"categories" : [
"k" : "Location"
"k" : "DeviceType"
"k" : "Style"
"k" : "Color"

update nested array element value in node js mongoDB [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to Update Multiple Array Elements in mongodb
(16 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Hi i am new in nodejs i need to update a value in nested array using _id of document my database document is look like this..
"complaints" : [
"complaint" : "head light is not working",
"complaintid" : ObjectId("57205219a56d2b8c0f9274a4"),
"_id" : ObjectId("57454c9249218eb40c1c0d1f"),
"labour" : 350,
"partCost" : 0,
"part" : [
"id" : ObjectId("56f12eaab915bd9800272ed7"),
"estimate" : 450,
"partname" : "clutch",
"_id" : ObjectId("57454cef49218eb40c1c0d25"),
"quantity" : 0,
"qrcodes" : []
"id" : ObjectId("56f12eaab915bd9800272ed7"),
"estimate" : 450,
"partname" : "rear tyre",
"_id" : ObjectId("57454cef49218eb40c1c0d24"),
"quantity" : 0,
"qrcodes" : []
"acceptance" : true,
"inspection" : false,
"color" : "#8929A9",
"status" : "APPROVED",
"estimate" : 1200,
"solution" : "HEAD LIGHT CHANGE",
i need to update quantity value of part array exist inside the part array using _id of part array
i am trying this but its not working what should i do for update this value...
var partdata =;
for(var k = 0; k< partdata.length ; k++ ){
'complaints.part._id' : partdata[k].partid
}, {
"$inc" : {
'complaints.part.$.quantity' : partdata[k].quantity
(function(err,temp) {
MongoDB doesn't support matching into more than one level of an array.
Consider altering your document model so each document represents an
operation, with information common to a set of operations duplicated
in the operation documents.
Following is not the solution for your case.
But in-case you know the index then you could do something like this:
Assume a sample document like:
"_id" : ObjectId("57454c9249218eb40c1c0d1f"),
"part" : [{ "quantity" : 111 }, { "quantity" : 222 }]
Then this query should work.
db.test.update({ "_id" : ObjectId("57454c9249218eb40c1c0d1f") }, { "$set" : { "part.1.quantity" : 999 } })
Document will get modified as follows :
"_id" : ObjectId("57454c9249218eb40c1c0d1f"),
"array" : [{ "quantity" : 222 }, { "quantity" : 999 }]
Update: You can try following way of doing the update. But its not recommended way of doing probably you need to restructure your schema.
{ "$unwind": "$complaints" },
{ "$unwind": "$complaints.part" },
{ "$project":
_id: "$complaints.part._id",
partqty: "$complaints.part.quantity"
This should return as follows:
"_id" : ObjectId("57454cef49218eb40c1c0d25"),
"partqty" : 111
"_id" : ObjectId("57454cef49218eb40c1c0d24"),
"partqty" : 222
Now you can use this information to update, e.g
var cur = db.test.aggregate([
{ "$unwind": "$complaints" },
{ "$unwind": "$complaints.part" },
{ "$project":
_id: "$complaints.part._id",
partqty: "$complaints.part.quantity"
while (cur.hasNext()) {
var doc =;
//Note the index should be know again :|
db.test.update({ "complaints.part._id": ObjectId("57454cef49218eb40c1c0d25") },
{ "$set": { "complaints.$.part.1.quantity": 55 }},
{ "multi": true})
