Azure Active Directory, many small requests vs few large requests - azure-active-directory

I am trying to figure out the most efficient way of interacting with Azure AD via Graph API when creating new users.
The problem is, i am importing a set of users from upload file. But before creating them in AD, i first get all the users from AD and the check if the username is already taken, if not i create the user.
What i am trying to understand, is it better to get all the users from AD at once or is it better to validate each user individually and make multiple calls to AD during the validation process?
Is there any resource i can refer to to get more insight on the issue?

If the amount of users you want to check is not large , you'd better check them with individual request rather than retrieving the entire user list from AAD .
You can use Microsoft Graph API get user operation:
If user is not exist , it returns a 404 (not found). You can refer to document for getting access tokens to call Microsoft Graph . Code samples here are also for your reference .


Logic App how to read secret info for use within a workflow from app settings/some other secure place?

Currently, I'm trying to access Graph API from within a (Standard) Logic App to search for Sharepoint documents. To do so, I try using the following flow (I need delegated permissions, application permissions cannot use search endpoint):
As one can see in the blog post above, there is a step where the following string gets passed into the body of the first request to get an access token for a delegated user:
Now the client secret and service account password are two things which I absolutely don't want to have visible in the Logic App code and/or designer screen. Is there a way to securely read these from for instance the 'app settings' (in which I could reference them from a KeyVault)? I really can't find a good way on how to achieve this and I think it's a must to not be able to read these secrets/passwords from the Designer/code view.
Definitely use a KeyVault and make sure that for all steps involved, secure the inputs/outputs where ever that secret information may be visible.
The below example is the call to get the secret and therefore, I only want the outputs to be secured.
With your HTTP call, it's likely that you'll only want the inputs to be secured.
Be sure to use a managed identity on your LogicApp and then assign that managed identity to the KeyVault Secrets User role on the KV itself.
There's plenty of documentation on this topic ...

How to work with "Identity Management Systems"?

This is my first question, so I hope I don't miss a thing. To be clear from the start: I don't expect an answer which dives deep into detail. This is just about getting a general understanding of how to work with this kind of software.
So I don't know if "Identity Management System" is a suitable term for what I mean but when I talk about Identity Management Systems I think of something like Azure AD, which as far as I know provides e.g. web developers the possibility to integrate a way users can authenticate (including access privilege etc.) on their website.
What I'm quite unsure about is how to work with/ integrate such tools in a project. I will try to make it clear with an example: Assuming I have a website let's say this website is a blog. The blog consist of different posts which are stored in my own database which is connected to the website. The posts are written by different users which authenticate with a tool like Azure AD. The user's data is stored somewhere on a server run by e.g. Microsoft. If I want to display the posts togethere with the name, email.... of the user who wrote them, how would I do this?
Is it possible to query the user's data directly from the Identity Management System and display it? This does not sound ideal to me as the consequence would be that data the website uses is stored in two different locations.
Would you kind of copy the user's data from the Identity Management System to the websites database and query it from there? This does not sound like a good solution either because then data would be duplicated.
So whats the "right workflow"?
I appreciate any hints and further information I can get:-)
AFAIK To get the user's information like name, email etc. you can add these claims while generating the JWT token.
To generate access token, you have multiple authentication flows such as Authorization code flow, ROPC flow, Implicit flow.
To add the claims that you need to return with the token, you can make settings like below:
Go to Azure Portal -> Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> Your app -> Token configuration -> Add optional claims
When you decode the token via JSON Web Tokens - you can find the user information that you need.
To know how to generate access token, you can refer SO Thread which I solved it before.

Microsoft Graph external user access

I have an issue with accessing user data with microsoft graph api.
Context : I have a web app with a calendar inside for my users. I would like to give the user the possibility to synchronise this calendar with their microsoft calendar. I did the same thing with google calendars and it works well.
Problem : I registered an app on azure and setup my code with the correct access to login and get a token from the graph api.
It kinda works but i can only log in with the address i used to create my app on azure.
So lets say my admin address on azure is , then i can log in and access the data i want . But if i try with another address like for example, then it fails and display this message :
I keep looking for a way but the Microsoft graph documentation doesn't seem to talk about this problem.
I tried to add the account as an external user, like the message says (and maybe i did it wrong i'm not really sure of this part) but then i can log in but the data i can access doesn't match the data on the account i tried with, as if adding the user as an external user created a "new" user in my organisation.
What I want : I would like to be able to access the data of any user that try to log in with a microsoft email (if they accept the permissions of course).
It's my first time using the graph api so maybe i'm missing something simple...
Based on the So thread reference:
When a user authenticates against your tenant, you only have access to the data controlled by your tenant. In other words, if authenticates against tenant, you don't gain access to their email.
Reason you're able to see the email from Graph Explorer is that Graph Explorer is authenticating against their account.
In other way, Graph Explorer is authenticating against the tenant, not
When a user authenticates against a given tenant, that token only provides access to data within that single tenant. Microsoft Graph does not allow you to cross tenant boundaries.
Thanks Hong for the comment, you may also set your app registration to "multitenant + personal accounts"
So Reference: MS Graph External User 401 Unathorized

Get preferred_username with microsoft graph API

I'm trying to get the preferred username of a user via the Graph API for Microsoft Office / Azure
If a user logs in via an enterprise application with an id_token I get the preferred_username claim.
This has the user's actual email address.
If I try to look up the user separately by ID, I can't find any way to get that username.
Seems related to Sign-in to Azure Active Directory using email as an alternate login ID (preview).
The user in question is using a GitHub linked account, it likely has an ugly UPN that I would prefer not to be seen anywhere. Instead I would like to use their preferred_username.
Example "ugly" UPN":
To my knowledge, the preferred_username value isn't exposed by Graph in either v1.0 or Beta.
One potential workaround is to use the otherMails property. This is an array, so this may contain multiple entries for a given user. That said, any otherMails entry is likely to be less 'ugly'.

How to retrieve site url's efficiently for all users in a tenant using Microsoft Graph API

Here is the problem:
I have a tenant with 50,000 users Every day I need to pull that user list to see what has changed. Example: Which users were added or removed, and what are their mySite URL is.
I can get some general information calling /users but, I need each user's mySite. The only way I have found to retrieve that is to call /users/userId?$select=mySite.
This implies I must make 50k calls and I then encounter throttling issues.
Is there a way through Microsoft Graph (or some other mechanism) to pull the user data, including mySite efficiently?
