Getting component from which text was selected - combobox

I have multiple combo boxes in my GUI; when an option is selected it is displayed on a text area. Using the getSelectedText method i can get the text but is there a way to get the exact component that text was entered from?


How to generate list attached to the TextField?

I have textfield which contains some text. And I need to generate list attached to the textfield so that when user selected some text and I recieved an answer from backend with info about that specific text the list was generated under that word or at least somewhere nearby the textfield.
The perfect example of what I need would be the dialogflow.

highlight text in autocomplete text box

I'm trying to create a auto complete text box where when I search certain content that particular content should get highlighted for the display.
I'm getting the dropdown menu with the typed content but I couldn't get it highlighted. Can anyone suggest me a way?
try angular Typeahead directive

How to implement textinput control and identification

I have a text input box where users can add text, however I would like my program to identify the text in the box and match it up with text in a database.
So the user essentially can't add any text which isn't on the database. So the user will type in the text input box and maybe like a quick selection box appears below it to identify what is being added based on the items on the database.
Not sure where to start implementing this.
Textboxes are just normal textinput components at the moment:
<s:TextInput id="searchInput3" includeIn="AddingInput3" x="126" y="304"change="onChange3(event)"/>
Database is just a local xml file
Looks like you meant auto completion in your text input.
You must search for this in your favorite search engine: "flex text input auto complete" and you should get many results.
One such example for the same is:

Losing focus on text field

Am using extjs 3.0
I have a scenario like
on entering any data on text field and hit enter i have to show a grid based on the value of text field, user keeps on entering the data in text field. but once the grid is created am reloading the store based on the value of text field by setting the value to store as base param.
on the first time of displaying grid focus is loosing from text field,once the grid is visible the cursor is focusing on the text field.
Am using focus method on text field but its not working...
Help me thanks in advance
You can defer the focus with:
field.focus(500) //This is 500 milliseconds

Search text from textbox using dialog in Silverlight

I have reachtextbox and want to search text like notepad in silverlight in separate dialog.. Find text and search that text in huge text entered in richtextbox.
How can I do it using separate dialog like notepad and search text and edit and highlight it in richtextbox?
I'd use a Mediator to send messages between search form and text form. You can declare an event like "OnSearch" in your search form and suscribe to it from your text form. When the event raises, you should send an eventarg with the string you want to search.
The text form should suscribe to the "searchMessage" with a string parameter. The Business layer for text form should implement a "search" method that looks for every string/substring depending on your search options. Then change text color for each coincidence.
Searching strings:
You can also use the Find method in RichTextBox.
To change the color of that text you have to set the text as selected and then change the color of that selection:
SelectionStart, SelectionLenght, SelectionColor.
