MSP430 LED Not Blinking At All - c

I've been trying to turn on the LEDs on my MSP430G2553 and it just doesn't work. I've tried the code examples from TI, the pre-generated code composer studio LED blinking project, and even previous code that worked on an MSP430 from the past. None of them seem to work. What could be the problem? Could it be faulty hardware? Here's my code:
#include <msp430.h>
void main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
P1DIR |= 0x01; // Set P1.0 to output direction
for (;;)
volatile unsigned int i;
volatile unsigned int j;
P1OUT ^= 0x01; // Toggle P1.0 using exclusive-OR
i = 25000; // Delay
while(i--) {
j = 2;

I encountered a problem with the MSP430FR5994 dev board where the LEDs wouldn't turn on for the blinky example but they would turn on for the "Out Of Box Experience" project. Comparing the code, I determined that the difference is this line from pmm.c:
//For FRAM devices, at start up, the GPO power-on default
//high-impedance mode needs to be disabled to activate previously
//configured port settings. This can be done by clearing the LOCKLPM5
//bit in PM5CTL0 register
Putting that at the top of main() seems to fix whatever the issue is and the LEDs behave as expected.

Can you try this version (still a polling loop, but let's keep it very basic)?
#include <msp430.h>
int main(void) {
volatile int i;
P1DIR |= 0x01;
P1OUT = 0x00;
for (;;) {
P1OUT ^= 0x01;
for (i = 0x6000; i > 0; i--) { };
return 0;
I took this from one of my old examples when I used the MSP430 in 2010...

Try replacing your while loop with __delay_cycles(1000000);.
Compilers can optimize-out empty loops even if the loop variable is marked as volatile.
#include <msp430.h>
void main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
P1DIR |= 0x01; // Set P1.0 to output direction
for (;;)
P1OUT ^= 0x01; // Toggle P1.0 using exclusive-OR

After a reset, all port pins are high-impedance with Schmitt triggers and their module functions disabled to prevent any cross currents. Even if you have made all the necessary GPIO settings, you need to clear LOCKLPM5 bit in the PM5CTL register (described in the I/O Configuration After Reset chapter TI User Guide)
until then, the I/Os remain in their high-impedance state with Schmitt trigger inputs


Unable to operate the timer overflow interrupt on AVR

I am trying to implement a 16-bit timer overflow interrupt on the ATMEGA168. The idea is to write a message to the UART I/O register when the timer overflows.
I've tested the UART separately and it works fine via RealTerm (baudrate of 9600 bits/s).
I created a base project from where I had to set the input clock frequency to 16MHz to be compatible with the debugger (see page 5). So I would expect to see a 0x1 on my serial terminal every (16x106 / 1024)-1 x 216 = 4.194 seconds.
However, I'm not seeing anything on the terminal regardless of the prescaler I select. Can anyone please advise what could be going wrong?
I have attached the ISR and the main() below:
#include <atmel_start.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <usart_basic.h>
#include <atomic.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
// timer1 overflow
ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) {
// Send 0x1 over UART
UDR0 = 0x1;
int main(void) {
// enable timer overflow interrupt for Timer1
TIMSK1 = (1<<TOIE1); // also tried |=
// start 16-bit counter with /1024 prescaler
TCCR1B = (1 << CS10) | (1 << CS12); // also tried |=
TCCR1A = 0x0;
// enable interrupts
while(true) {
// more code here...
I have tried to isolate the problem by not writing to UART in the ISR, but just incrementing a counter (declared with the volatile qualifier) and then printing its value to the screen via UART in the while(true) loop. But the counter doesn't increment either and remains stuck at 0.
You have no USART initialisation code. Specifically you don't enable the transmitter or set the baud rate. I accept that you have tried it with a counter, but that is not the code shown so we can come to no conclusion about its correctness or otherwise.
Without initialisation, the transmitter will not run, and the baud rate will be 1Mbps. Your need at least:
// Set baud rate 9600
uint16_t brr = (FOSC / 16 / 9600) - 1
UBRR0H = (uint8_t)(ubrr >> 8);
UBRR0L = (uint8_t)ubrr;
// Enable transmitter
UCSR0B = (1<<TXEN0);
// Note reset state frame is N,8,1
I am not convinced that it matters but your timer initialisation order is not idiomatic. You would normally enable the interrupt after setting the prescaler and any other configurations, and to ensure the first period is a complete period, reset the counter to zero immediately before enabling interrupts.
// set up timer with prescaler = 1024
TCCR1B = (1 << CS12) & (1 << CS11);
// initialise counter
TCNT1 = 0;
// enable overflow interrupt
TIMSK = (1 << TOIE1);
// enable global interrupts
As I said, I am not sure that will fix your problem but the elided part:
while(true) {
// more code here...
may well be the code that is breaking it. You would do well to discount that possibility by disabling or removing any code there temporarily.

Generate 3 PWM signals with a freq2 kHz and duty cycles 10% on P1.4 and 30% on P1.3 and 60% on P1.2 using TimerA in UP mode&OUTMOD_7 signal

I'm using and MSP430F5529 dev board, a created PCB and CCS to program. My code is as follows:
#include <msp430.h>
int main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; //stop watchdog timer
P1SEL |= BIT2; //configure P1.2 as TA0.2
P1DIR |= BIT2; //P1.2 is output (compare mode)
P1SEL |= BIT3; //configure P1.3 as TA0.3
P1DIR |= BIT3; //P1.3 is output (compare mode)
P1SEL |= BIT4; //configure P1.4 as TA0.4
P1DIR |= BIT4; //P1.4 is output (compare mode)
TA0CCR0 = 999; //CCR0 is used to generate the desired period
TA0CCR2 = 599; //CCR2 is used to generate 0.60 duty cycle
TA0CCR3 = 299; //CCR3 is used to generate 0.30 duty cycle
TA0CCR4 = 99; //CCR4 is used to generate 0.10 duty cycle
Not a single LED turns on using this code and I am unsure of how to fix it.
You return from main() in a bare metal MCU program, so it will crash & burn before it gets a chance to do anything meaningful.
The most common way to write main() in freestanding programs is:
void main (void)
// kick watchdog here
Notable, this never returns from main() but stay in the "for-ever" loop.
void main (void) is an implementation-defined form supported by every embedded systems compiler out there. (To use this form on gcc, you have to compile with -ffreestanding.)

TIMER0 not executing multiple compare match register interrupt requests.(MSP430)

OK so I have been attempting to create some code using a MSP430FR5994 TI launch pad that utilizes Timer0 and 3 separate compare registers to trigger 3 separate isr's. I have successfully got one to work however as soon as I add another compare register the CCIFE flag sets and never competes the execution of the second isr. I have watched the code in the debugger on both CCstudio and IAR same thing happens in both, the set up registers are correct and the TA0R registers is counting and will trigger the first isr based on the TA0CCR0 but all other compare regs R1 2 3 etc will not trigger and execute successfully. The code is below, idea's on what I am doing wrong would be much appreciated.
#include "msp430.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#define COUNT_1 12000
#define COUNT_2 800
int main( void )
// Stop watchdog timer to prevent time out reset
P1DIR |= BIT0 + BIT1;
P1OUT = BIT0 + BIT1;
//set up and enable timer A or TA0 for continous mode
TA0CTL = TASSEL__ACLK + MC_2; //set the max period for 16bit timer operation
TA0CCTL0 = CCIE; //enable compare reg 0
TA1CCTL1 = CCIE; //enable compare reg 1
//set the max period for 16bit timer operation
#pragma vector= TIMER0_A0_VECTOR //compare interrupt 0 flahse red led
__interrupt void TIMER0_A0(void) {
P1OUT ^= BIT1 ;
#pragma vector = TIMER1_A1_VECTOR //compare interrupt 1 flashes green led
__interrupt void TIMER1_A1(void) {
P1OUT ^= BIT0;
The User's Guide says in section
The TAxCCR0 CCIFG flag is automatically reset when the TAxCCR0 interrupt
request is serviced.
However, this does not happen for the other CCRx interrupts, because multiple ones use the same interrupt vector.
Section says:
The highest-priority enabled interrupt generates a number in the TAxIV register (see register description). […]
Any access, read or write, of the TAxIV register automatically resets the highest-pending interrupt flag.
So you always have to read the TAxIV register (and with three or more CCRs, you need it to find out which CCR triggered the interrupt):
__interrupt void TIMER1_A1(void) {
switch (TA1IV) {
case TAIV__TACCR1:
P1OUT ^= BIT0;
case TAIV__TACCR2:

ISR_INT0_PD2 won't work but main function is infinitely working ATMEGA32

The below is a code to enable interrupt INT0_vect when PD2 is pressed. The code doesn't ever execute the ISR, but always executes the counter loop from 0 to 9 on the 7 segment in PORT C in the main Function. Also tried the sei(); instead of enabling the I-bit in the SREG. Any ideas?
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#define ISR_INT0_PD2 INT0_vect
PORTC = 0x00;
int main(void)
int i=0;
DDRC=0xff; //portc is o/p
PORTC=0x00; // all pins on portc is 0 volt
MCUCR |= (1<<1); // falling edge
GICR |=(1<<6); // enable INT0 set pin6
SREG |=(1<<7); // set GIE pin7
[Below is the screenshot from the simulator I've been using]
For the interrupt to execute you need to call sei() defined in <avr/interrupt.h>.
EDIT: I was mistaken when I removed the line SREG |= (1 << 7) according to my link that is equivalent to sei(); After I wrote the below example I realized the registers are named differently on the ATMega32, so unfortunately the code below won't run.
Based on the data sheet for an ATMega32 your code should work, have you tried removing the for loop and driving PORTC to logic high (e.g. PORTC = 255)? I noticed when I was writing the code for the ATMega168 that the LED I was using was very dim with the code in your while loop. Also check that INT0 pin is connected via pull-up/pull-down resistor.
This is the code that works on my ATMega168, if I swap the register names to the ones used on the ATMega32 I end up with your code:
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#define ISR_INT0_PD2 INT0_vect
// If there is a logic change on any pin hold the pins attached to PORTC low for 100ms.
PORTC = 0;
// Relase PORTC to logic high.
PORTC = 255;
int main(void)
DDRC = 255; // Set all pins on PORTC to be outputs.
PORTC= 255; // Set all pins on PORTC to be logic high.
EIMSK = 0b00000001; // Set external interupt request enable.
EICRA = 0b00000001; // Set the external interrupt control register A to so that
// any logical change on INT0 generates an interrupt request.
sei(); // Set global interupts enable.
PORTC=255; // Blink the entire PORTC bank.

Handling multiple interrupts in avr

I am new to AVR programming, so sorry if question is trivial.
Using :
OS : Windows7
IDE : Atmel studio
uC = m328p
ADC signal - ADC0/PC0
LED_values - (PB0 - PB7)
Goal: When you press the button it turns On the LED_START and it needs to start with conversion.
AVR gets interrupt and starts ADC conversion. Basically program has two interrupts. I know that INT0 interrupt has highest priority.
I dont know how to deal with them.
I have tried several things like adding global variable "start" and changing it. And also when i only set LED START it turns On and it stays in that state until LED_values reach certain value, then LED START turns Off by it self.
So please can you show me how to handle two interrupts so that fulfills stated goal and explain me what im doing wrong.
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#define F_CPU 1000000UL
#define BIT_IS_SET(byte, bit) (byte & (1 << bit))
#define BIT_IS_CLEAR(byte, bit) (!(byte & (1 << bit)))
typedef enum{false, true} bool;
bool previousState = false;
bool start = false;
char num;
void setup();
void loop();
void ADC_init();
void EI_init(); // External Interrupt
int main(void)
void setup(){
DDRC &= ~(0x1); // LDR Input
DDRB = 0xFF; //LEDs value Output
DDRD |= 0x3; //LED light LED start Output
DDRD &= ~(1 << PIND2); //Button Input
void loop(){
PORTD |= (1 << PIND2);
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);
void ADC_init(){
ADMUX = 0x60;
ADCSRA = 0x8B;
ADCSRB = 0x0;
ADCH = 0x0;
ISR(ADC_vect) {
PORTB = ADCH; // assign contents of ADC high register to Port D pins
int b = (int)ADCH;
if(b > 180) { //100
PORTD = 0x1;
PORTD &= ~(0x1);
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); // start next ADC
void EI_init(){
EIMSK |= (1 << INT0); // Interrupt enabled
EICRA |= (1 << ISC00); // any state change
start = true;
start = false;
Here is scheme : scheme
First of all, you should make start be volatile since it is being used by both the main loop and the interrupt. The volatile keyword tells the compiler that the variable might be modified by things outside of its control, so it cannot optimize away any reads or writes to the variable:
volatile bool start = false;
Secondly, you probably want to remove this line you wrote at the end of loop:
That line is bad because it causes your program to go into an infinite loop where it does nothing. I think you actually want the code you wrote about it in the loop function to run multiple times.
Secondly, after you detect that the start flag has been set, you probably need to set it to 0, or else it will just be 1 forever.
Third, setting start to false in the INT0 ISR might be a bad idea, because it might get set to false before you main loop has a chance to observe it being true and handle the event. I guess it really depends on exactly what you are trying to do. You could try adding details to your question about exactly what problem you are trying to solve using the AVR. See What is the XY problem?.
There are probably other issues with your code that need to be debugged. Can you think of any ways to make this simpler? Maybe you can reduce the number of interrupts you are using. To debug, you can try blinking some LEDs to figure out what parts of your program are executing.
