Get Document information using word office add-in 2013 - office-addins

How to get the document information such as the author, created date and size using office word add-in 2013?
The Document.getFilePropertiesAsync method seems to only return the URL which is the file path.

Bizarre that the developers didn't add file size to getFilePropertiesAsync!
Fortunately, getFileAsync (link) provides the file size. You should be able to call this to simply get the size, save that attribute and close the file.
This works for me, I have it in my App component:
const [fileName, setFileName] = useState("");
const [fileSize, setFileSize] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
Office.context.document.getFilePropertiesAsync(function(asyncResult) {
if (asyncResult && asyncResult.value && asyncResult.value.url) {
const name = asyncResult.value.url.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, "");
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (fileName) {
Office.context.document.getFileAsync(Office.FileType.Compressed, { sliceSize: 4194304 }, function(result) {
if (result.status == Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
// Get the File object from the result.
const file = result.value;
file.closeAsync(() => {});
}, [fileName]); // Note: if both async file calls fire, one of them will fail.
The comment at the end refers to this error The if (fileName) check in the 2nd useEffect hook ensures the file properties call completes before opening the file to get its size.
After fetching both you should be able to store them in a Context provider and access both attributes throughout your application.


how to turn off buffering in react-player?

when I try to play the next video it does not start and I guess the problem is buffering.
P.S my url is video.m3u8 files
It works fine, but when i change url nothing happens, i would like to know how can i stop current video and load a new one whe, url changes ?
here's my rewind function
const showVideo = async () => {
const body = new FormData();
const mac = window.TvipStb.getMainMacAddress();
body.append("mac", mac);
let response = await fetch(getVideo, {
method: "POST",
body: body,
let data = await response.json();
if (data.error) {
return 0;
if (_isMounted.current) setVideoLink(data.response.url); };
var goToNext = function () {
playerRef.current.seekTo(0, "seconds");
if (playerInfo.next_id) { = playerInfo.next_id;
} else navigate(-1);};
onProgress={() => {
file: {
forceHLS: true,
I would suggest you build your own player from scratch using just react and a style library.
I had similar issues using react-player and I had to resort to building my own custom player in which I could now ensure that buffering is handled the way I expect it to.
I handled buffering using the progress event as follows
const onProgress = () => {
if (!element.buffered) return;
const bufferedEnd = element.buffered.end(element.buffered.length - 1);
const duration = element.duration;
if (bufferRef && duration > 0) {
bufferRef.current!.style.width = (bufferedEnd / duration) * 100 + "%";
element.buffered represents a collection of buffered time ranges.
element.buffered.end(element.buffered.length - 1) gets the time at the end of the buffer range. With this value, I was able to compute the current buffer range and update the buffer progress accordingly.
I ended up writing an article that would help others learn to build an easily customizable player from scratch using just React and any style library (in this case charkra UI was used).

SAS key permissions getting change when using blobserviceclient

I am trying to upload files to blob storage in azure from a react webapp but am having issues with the signature in the authorization header.
This is how the sasToken looks in my code
const sasToken = `sv=2020-08-04&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacupx&se=2021-09-22T00:41:33Z&st=2021-09-20T16:41:33Z&spr=https&sig=svP%2FecNOoteE%2**************%3D`;
const containerName = `containername`;
const storageAccountName = "acountname";
This is what it looks like the the GET and PUT requests of getBlobsInContainer and createBlobinContainer run.
It's somehow overwriting the permission parameter in the token.
The 3 functions I have to deal with it.
// return list of blobs in container to display
const getBlobsInContainer = async (containerClient) => {
const returnedBlobUrls = [];
// get list of blobs in container
// eslint-disable-next-line
for await (const blob of containerClient.listBlobsFlat()) {
// if image is public, just construct URL
return returnedBlobUrls;
const createBlobInContainer = async (containerClient, file) => {
console.log(`initialising blobclient for ${}`);
// create blobClient for container
const blobClient = containerClient.getBlockBlobClient(;
console.log("blobclient generated");
// set mimetype as determined from browser with file upload control
const options = { blobHTTPHeaders: { blobContentType: file.type } };
// upload file
await blobClient.uploadBrowserData(file, options);
console.log("Adding Metadata");
await blobClient.setMetadata({UserName : 'Reynolds'});
const uploadFileToBlob = async (file) => {
if (!file) return [];
// get BlobService = notice `?` is pulled out of sasToken - if created in Azure portal
const blobService = new BlobServiceClient(
console.log(`blobservice: https://${storageAccountName}${sasToken}`);
// get Container - full public read access
const containerClient = blobService.getContainerClient(containerName);
// upload file
await createBlobInContainer(containerClient, file);
// // get list of blobs in container
return getBlobsInContainer(containerClient);
I'm basically trying to figure out why this is happening and how to prevent/avoid it. The code runs till the console.log(`blobservice: https://${storageAccountName}${sasToken}`); before breaking due to Error 403 from invalid signature.

Querying persisted React WYSIWYG data from MongoDB

thanks in advance!
In summary, I am using React's WYSIWYG rich text editor, and saving the text written in the editor to a MongoDB, data is sent to a server which does the insertion. My issue is that I am unable, after following recommended code, to retrieve the stored data back successfully to display it on my page. This is for a prospective blog post site.
Below I've provided all relevant code:
My Component which sends the data to the server to insert it into MongoDB, (not in order, only relevant code):
const Practice = () => {
const [editorState, setEditorState] = useState(
() => EditorState.createEmpty(),
const [convertedContent, setConvertedContent] = useState(null);
const handleEditorChange = (state) => {
const convertContentToRaw = () => {
const contentState = editorState.getCurrentContent();
setEditorState(editorState: {convertToRaw(contentState)});
const stateToSend = JSON.stringify(editorState);
try {
const response = await'http://localhost:8080/api/insert', {
content: stateToSend
} catch(error) {
In MongoDB, I've initialized 1 column for storing the WYSIWYG data, I've initialized as an empty JS object:
const wysiwygtest = new mongoose.Schema({
content: {
type: {}
As a result, my data is inserted into MongoDB as such, with everything desired clearly in data type such as RGBA etc. correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Mongo uses BSON, a form of binary based JSON, so this looks doable for retrieval:
Lastly, the code which is not working correctly, the retrieval. For this, I have no interest just yet in placing the data back into the text editor. Rather, I'd like to display it on the page like a typical blog post. However, I'm unable to even log to the console as of yet.
I am parsing the data back to JSON using JSON.parse, converting JSON to JS object using createFromRaw and using EdiorState (even though I don't have the text editor in this component but this seems to be needed to convert the data fully..) to convert fully:
useEffect( async () => {
try {
const response = await axios.get('http://localhost:8080/api/query', {
_id: '60da9673b996f54d507dbfc5'
const content = response;
if(content) {
const convertedContent =
console.log('convertedContent - ', convertedContent);
console.log('response - ', content);
} catch(error) {
console.log('error!', error);
}, [])
My result for the past day and last night has been the following:
"SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1" and so I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong in the data retrieval, and possibly even the insertion.
Any ideas? Thanks again!
Edit: For more reference, here is what the data looks like when output to the console without a JSON.stringify, this is the full tree of data. I can see all of the relevant data is there, but how do I convert this data and display it into a div or paragraph tag, for example?
More or less figured this out, see my solution below given the aforementioned implementation:
Firstly, I think my biggest mistake was using JSON.parse(); I did away with this with success. My guess as to why this does not work (even though I inserted into MongoDB as JSON) is because we ultimately need the draft-js.Editor Object to convert the data from the DB into an object type it can understand, in order to subsequently convert into HTML successfully, with all properties.
Below is the code with captions/descriptions:
Retrieve data (in useEffect before React component is rendered:
useEffect( async () => {
try {
const response = await axios.get('http://localhost:8080/api/query', {
_id: '60da9673b996f54d507dbfc5' //hard-coded id from DB for testing
const content =; //get JSON data from MongoDB
if(content) {
const rawContent = convertFromRaw(content); //convert from JSON to contentstate understood by DraftJS, for EditorState obj to use
setEditorState(EditorState.createWithContent(rawContent)); //create EditorState based on JSON data from DB and set into component state
let currentContentAsHTML = draftToHtml(convertToRaw(editorState.getCurrentContent())); //create object which converts contentstate understood by DraftJS into a regular vanilla JS object, then take THAT and convert into HTML with "draftToHtml" function. Save that into our 2nd state titled "convertedContent" to be displayed on page for blog post
} catch(error) {
console.log('error retrieving!', error);
} },[convertedContent]) //ensure dependency with with convertedContent state, DB/server calls take time...
In component render, return HTML which sets the innerHTML in the DOM using/passing the convertedContent state which we converted to proper HTML format in step 1.
return (
<div className="blog-container" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={createMarkup(convertedContent)}></div>
In step 2, we called a function entitled, "createMarkup"; here is that method. It essentially returns HTML object using the HTML converted data originally from our database. This is a bit vulnerable it terms of malicious users being able to intercept that HTML in the DOM, however, so we use a method, "purify" from "DOMPurify" class from 'isomorphic-dompurify" library. I'm using this instead of regular DOMPurify because I am using Next JS and NEXT runs on the server side as well, and DOMPurify only expects client side:
const createMarkup = (html) => {
return {
__html: DOMPurify.sanitize(html)

Have to run function 2 times for setting value to state in react?

const [TimeStampsFromFile, setTimeStampsFromFile] = useState([])
const FilePicker = async () => {
var RNFS = require('react-native-fs')
// Pick a single file
try {
const res = await DocumentPicker.pick({
type: [DocumentPicker.types.plainText],
const filepath =
RNFS.ExternalStorageDirectoryPath + '/' + 'TimeStamps' + '/' +
const file = await RNFS.readFile(filepath)
setTimeStampsFromFile(await file.split('\n'))
console.log('file data' + TimeStampsFromFile)
} catch (err) {
if (DocumentPicker.isCancel(err)) {
// User cancelled the picker, exit any dialogs or menus and move on
} else {
throw err
this function runs on pressing a button in my react native app:-
On pressing the first time, it needs to return value but it simply returns nothing. But on pressing the second time it returns the value. (Why is that??) or Am I making some mistakes in code??
The same thing is also happing with my other button too.
I found this answer : - hooks not set state at first time but not able to get solution of my problem (if you can help from this answer)
TimeStampsFromFile is empty the first time you log it because setTimeStampsFromFile is async. If you want to log TimeStampsFromFile when value will be updated you could use useEffect hook like:
useEffect(() => {
}, [TimeStampsFromFile]);
In this way, every time TimeStampsFromFile changes his value, useEffect will be called and log will show current value.
If you need to get the value of the TimeStampsFromFile from FilePicker function, is not necessary to get this value from TimeStampsFromFile. You could do something like:
const splitFile = await file.split('\n');
console.log('file data' + splitFile)

Perform Asynchronous Decorations in DraftJS?

I'm trying to perform real-time Named Entity Recognition highlighting in a WYSIWYG editor, which requires me to make a request to my back-end in between each keystroke.
After spending about a week on ProseMirror I gave up on it and decided to try DraftJS. I have searched the repository and docs and haven't found any asynchronous examples using Decorations. (There are some examples with Entities, but they seem like a bad fit for my problem.)
Here is the stripped down Codepen of what I'd like to solve.
It boils down to me wanting to do something like this:
const handleStrategy = (contentBlock, callback, contentState) => {
const text = contentBlock.getText();
let matchArr, start;
while ((matchArr = properNouns.exec(text)) !== null) {
start = matchArr.index;
setTimeout(() => {
// THROWS ERROR: Cannot read property '0' of null
callback(start, start + matchArr[0].length);
}, 200) // to simulate API request
I expected it to asynchronously call the callback once the timeout resolved but instead matchArr is empty, which just confuses me.
Any help is appreciated!
ok, one possible solution, a example, simple version (may not be 100% solid) :
write a function take editor's string, send it to server, and resolve the data get from server, you need to figure out send the whole editor string or just one word
getServerResult = data => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fetch(link, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
// figure what to send here
body: this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent().getPlainText(),
.then(res => resolve(res))
determine when to call the getServerResult function(i.e when to send string to server and get entity data), from what I understand from your comment, when user hit spacebar key, send the word before to server, this can done by draftjs Key Bindings or react SyntheticEvent. You will need to handle case what if user hit spacebar many times continuously.
function myKeyBindingFn(e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent): string {
if (e.keyCode === 32) {
return 'send-server';
return getDefaultKeyBinding(e);
async handleKeyCommand(command: string): DraftHandleValue {
if (command === 'send-server') {
// you need to manually add a space char to the editorState
// and get result from server
// entity data get from server
const result = await getServerResult()
return 'handled';
return 'not-handled';
add entity data get from server to specific word using ContentState.createEntity()
async handleKeyCommand(command: string): DraftHandleValue {
if (command === 'send-server') {
// you need to manually add a space char to the editorState
// and get result from server
// entity data get from server
const result = await getServerResult()
const newContentState = ContentState.createEntity(
type: 'string',
mutability: ...
data: result
const entityKey = contentStateWithEntity.getLastCreatedEntityKey();
// you need to figure out the selectionState, selectionState mean add
// the entity data to where
const contentStateWithEntity = Modifier.applyEntity(
// create a new EditorState and use this.setState()
const newEditorState = EditorState.push(
contentState: contentStateWithEntity
editorState: newEditorState
return 'handled';
return 'not-handled';
create different decorators find words with specific entity data, and return different style or whatever you need to return
const compositeDecorator = new CompositeDecorator([
strategy: findSubjStrategy,
component: HandleSubjSpan,
function findSubjStrategy(contentBlock, callback, contentState) {
// search whole editor content find words with subj entity data
// if the word's entity data === 'Subj'
// pass the start index & end index of the word to callback
if(...) {
callback(startIndex, endIndex);
// this function handle what if findSubjStrategy() find any word with subj
// entity data
const HandleSubjSpan = (props) => {
// if the word with subj entity data, it font color become red
return <span {...props} style={{ color: 'red' }}>{props.children}</span>;
