Ionic app connection to SQL Server database - sql-server

Basically I have a mobile app that I am building in Ionic (3 I believe). I have a website that I built a while back in C# using Visual Studio. The site is attached to a SQL Server database. This Ionic app I am creating is to go along with said website.
My question is how do I connect my app to the same database. I'm very new to Ionic and I cannot seem to find any answers online. I have found some vague SQLite stuff but that is about it.
Not necessarily looking for specific answers in code (although I wouldn't say no). If someone could even breakdown the steps I'd need to take then I can go and research it myself.
Thanks in advance

You can connect to mysql database with your ionic app using Webservice in c#.There is no need of SQLite for connecting your app to sql database.It can be used as local storage instead.Ionic use json data to access.So the data you retrieve from Webservice must be Json.

It depends
Do you wish to directly access SQL database from your ionic app or you want to have access to the database via api.
1. Directly connect to SQL database from ionic application using Cordova plugin.
Follow this link for more info -1


need help extracting data from a local .mdf file and send it to my flutter app

i am building a test app that will display all the sales made by a shop. this app will be built with the flutter framework, i do not have any problem when it come to front-end, but as of the back-end side of the app i have no idea where to start. i will handle client auth with firebase. i have a test .mdf file filled with test sales numbers and dummy customer data on a separate machine running windows server 2009 r2. My question is whether there is a way to fetch data from that file that is in that server and display it on the app. i have no background in the backend so i will need a thorough explanation on the coding languages and technologies that i will need to use. thanks in advance
i ended up creating an api using nodejs, i made a config file and gave it the db properties as of the username and password i was able to connect to mssqlserver using windows auth and i added a user to give to the config file in the api, i then used ngrok to deploy the running api on the internet and that is what i am using to show the data on the app

Flutter with Azure API connecting to SQL SERVER DB

I am developing a mobile app with Flutter, however my data sits in a sql sever database. Would I still be able to perform CRUD operations on that DB from a Flutter mobile app?
And are there any magical plugins for Flutter to achieve this ?
the best way from my point of view is to do that is through http Requests, this means you need to
create a rest application on your azure API
the application will perform http requests(post-patch-delete-get)
each request of these will map to an operation on the database(get = read, post=create, patch=update, delete=delete)
You can reference this blob: How to connect Flutter App to sql server .
NTMS did that successfully with SQLServerSocket.
First: you need a SQLServerSocket: is free and works!
Second: you need a client (look in DartClient folder).
He tested it with his remote sql and is working on CRUD.
I think you can get more useful infromations from that blob.
Hope this helps.

Steps to connect Angular4 to a Database (Oracle)

Actually I've to connect my Angular project to a database to access some data. But I don't know how.
Should I write a REST API to do it? If yes, how can I connect my REST API to my project?
Which steps should I follow?
The angular application will be your "front" application. To store and fetch data
from a database you'll need a "back" application that will provide URLS for your angular App to call.
A simple back can be done using Laravel and OCI 8 connector in order to query ORACLE database. The backend would be in PHP which is a common solution but might not fit your needs.
Set up your laravel project :
Install OCI8 module to connect to your oracle database :
Then follow laravel's guidelines to set up URLs that will be callable by your front application in Angular4.

Server based database with Onsen/Monaca

I'm looking for advice if it is possible to use server based database with the onsen/monaca framework? I know Monaca has its own backend database that can be utilized; however, I intend to not have my project's database cloud based.
Initially, I would have used mysql or mongodb if I was working with Php/javascript, but given I want to make hybrid phone app using onsen/monaca, I don't know if I can go the same route. I'm new to onsen, and I am still learning.
Onsen is simply a UI framework or in short, a very fancy collection of html, css, and JS. It is compatible with any database you use. You would need to utilize JS to connect to some server-side language like PHP or use Node.JS that would actually connect to your remote database. Hope that helps!
Local databases, on the other hand, have to do with the target device and phonegap than Onsen. The most common plugins support SQLite.

connection between postgresql db and application(jsf+hibernate) running on cloudfoundry

The application(JSF+hibernate) is been deployed using the vmc commands as on the cloudfoundry site. able to see the welcome page. postgreSQl service is binded with the application but the application is not able to connect with the database.
And also viewed about the VCAP_SERVICES using java but dont know much about it rather how to create it.
Cloud Foundry uses auto-reconfiguration if you have one service (either MySQL or Postgres) bind to your application. That means you don't need to touch your code at all!
Please review the following article on our docs site:
If you still have issues, go ahead and upload a war file of your app and we can take a look.
