Amchart's Serial Chart page gets freezed when used in Ionic - angularjs

I am using Amchart's serial chart in ionic framework. I have rendered the serial chart using
var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv",
"type": "serial",
"categoryField": "Name",
"rotate": true,
"angle": 30,
"depth3D": 40,
"startDuration": 1,
"fontSize": 10,
"theme": "default",
"precision": 4,
"creditsPosition": "bottom-right",
"responsive": {
"enabled": true
"categoryAxis": {
"gridPosition": "middle",
"title": "Name",
"inside": true
"graphs": [
"balloonText": "[[title]] of [[Name]]:[[value]]",
"fillAlphas": 1,
"id": "AmGraph-1",
"title": "X",
"type": "column",
"valueField": "X"
"balloonText": "[[title]] of [[Name]]:[[value]]",
"fillAlphas": 1,
"id": "AmGraph-2",
"title": "Y",
"type": "column",
"valueField": "Y"
"balloonText": "[[title]] of [[Name]]:[[value]]",
"fillAlphas": 1,
"id": "AmGraph-3",
"title": "Z",
"type": "column",
"valueField": "Z"
"valueAxes": [
"id": "ValueAxis-1",
"title": "Amount"
"titles": [
"id": "Title-1",
"text": "SUMMARY"
"legend": {
"enabled": true,
"useGraphSettings": true,
"position": "bottom"
"dataProvider": $,
"listeners": [{
"event": "clickGraphItem",
"method": function (event) {
$scope.SelectedX = event.item.category;
$scope.SelectedContext = event.item.dataContext;
$scope.LoadDetailsData($scope.SelectedX, $scope.SelectedContext.Period);
chart.addListener("dataUpdated", zoomChart);
function zoomChart() {
chart.zoomToIndexes(0, chart.dataProvider.length - (chart.dataProvider.length - 3));
I am opening IonicModal on click of graph items and creating another chart. When I close the IonicModal, page which contains the above chart gets freezed untill I press hardware back button.
I am using pie charts few places but not facing this issue on those pages. It seems there is some issue with the serial chart only.
Using IonicModal from template URL option to open Modal -
$ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('template.html', { scope: $scope })
.then(function (modal) {
$scope.sortModal = modal;
$scope.sortShow = function () {
//alert('inside show');
$timeout(function () {
$scope.LoadDetailsChart(); //creating next chart data
}, 0);
$scope.sortClose = function () {
$scope.$on('$destroy', function () {

I just need to add paneventenabled property as false here. As per amcharts docs,
This setting affects touch-screen devices only. If a chart is on a page, and panEventsEnabled are set to true, the page won't move if the user touches the chart first. If a chart is big enough and occupies all the screen of your touch device, the user won’t be able to move the page at all. That's why the default value is "false". If you think that selecting/panning the chart or moving/pinching the map is a primary purpose of your users, you should set panEventsEnabled to true.


AutoPage Alexa skill APL

I'm trying to create a slide show (2-3 images) using the Alexa authoring tool.I have managed to do this using the APL Pager which displays a series of components one at a time. The thing is that in order to switch from image A to image B..C I have to touch the screen and swipe left/right.
i want to make this happen automatically and have alexa swicth the images within a certain time, and it seems that this can be achieved using APL autopage but for some reason this is not working 😩
What I've done
Set up the APL using the APL pager
Added the auto page to the APL document
Component Id
After trying the simulation and directly in an echo show 5 it still only triggers when the display is touched.
Also tried:
Adding the standard command (auto pager) directly in the handler of alexa but same response.
Some doubts
Does it matter if i put the commands in the APLdocument.json[1] file or directly in the handler when i call .addDirective[2]..the only difference i see if i want the content or duration to be dynamic i should put it directly in the backend code(index.js) right?
"type": "APL",
"version": "1.4",
"settings": {},
"theme": "light",
"import": [],
"resources": [],
"styles": {},
"onMount": [],
"graphics": {},
"commands": [
"type": "AutoPage",
"componentId": "fisrtpager",
"duration": 1000,
"delay": 500
type: 'Alexa.Presentation.APL.RenderDocument',
document: physiolift,
commands: [{
"type": "AutoPage",
"componentId": "fisrtpager",
"duration": 1000,
"delay": 500
Expected outPut
Have Alexa (echo show 5) to display a series of images like a carousel (without the need to touch the screen)
My code
APL Document
"text":"Just text content shown on page #3",
// somewhere inside the intent im invoking
if (Alexa.getSupportedInterfaces(handlerInput.requestEnvelope)['Alexa.Presentation.APL']) {
// Create Render Directive.
type: 'Alexa.Presentation.APL.RenderDocument',
document: require('./documents/ImageTest.json')
speakOutput += ' just saying somthing'
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.reprompt('just saying something else')
Just add the command in the "onMount" event handler. Here is the modified code which does exactly what you need:
"type": "APL",
"version": "1.4",
"settings": {},
"theme": "light",
"import": [],
"resources": [],
"styles": {},
"onMount": [],
"graphics": {},
"layouts": {},
"mainTemplate": {
"parameters": [
"items": [
"type": "Pager",
"id": "fisrtpager",
"width": "100%",
"height": "100%",
"items": [
"type": "Image",
"width": "100%",
"height": "100%",
"scale": "best-fill",
"source": "",
"align": "center"
"type": "Image",
"width": "100%",
"height": "100%",
"source": "",
"scale": "best-fill"
"type": "Text",
"text": "Just text content shown on page #3",
"textAlign": "center"
"navigation": "none",
"onMount": [{
"type": "AutoPage",
"componentId": "fisrtpager",
"duration": 1000,
"delay": 500
to update dynamically this feature from your backend code you can do the following:
// check if device supports APL
if (Alexa.getSupportedInterfaces(handlerInput.requestEnvelope)['Alexa.Presentation.APL']) {
// Create Render Directive.
type: 'Alexa.Presentation.APL.RenderDocument',
token: "dialogManagementPagerDoc",
document: require('./PATH-TO/YOUR-APL-FILE.json')
type: "Alexa.Presentation.APL.ExecuteCommands",
token: "dialogManagementPagerDoc",
commands: [
type: "AutoPage",
componentId: "YOUR_PAGER_ID",
delay: 1000,
duration: 5000

Add optgroups to angular-selectize asynchronously

I am using angular-selectize directive in my project. For this, I need to load optgroups asynchronously. So far I have tried multiple approaches but none of them works. The problem is, you cannot use the data returned by a promise synchronously. On the flip side, I have also been unable to initialize selectize from inside a promise callback. Given below is the code I currently have. Note that it is only to be used to get the idea of the data I'm playing with, not to present it as something you can consider right.
.then(getCategoriesSCB, getCategoriesFCB);
function getCategoriesSCB(response) {
if(typeof( === 'object') {
posControl.menuCategories =[0];
posControl.menuCategoryGroups =[1];
else {
function getCategoriesFCB(response) {
posControl.menuConfig = {
valueField: 'id',
labelField: 'title',
placeholder: 'Select Category',
optgroupField: 'class',
optgroupLabelField: 'label',
optgroupValueField: 'value',
optgroups: posControl.menuCategoryGroups,
maxItems: 1,
searchField: ['title', 'category'],
onInitialize: function(selectize) {
console.log('selectize is here');
<selectize config="POSCtrl.menuConfig" options="POSCtrl.menuCategories" ng-model="POSCtrl.menuModel"></selectize>
data returned by ajax call
// this array has to be used for options.
"class": "57b83830babb9",
"category": "Food Menu",
"id": "57b83855b23f9",
"title": "Beverages"
}, {
"class": "57b83830babb9",
"category": "Food Menu",
"id": "57b83855c05de",
"title": "Cuisines"
}, {
"class": "57b83830babb9",
"category": "Food Menu",
"id": "57b83855cdcb4",
"title": "Steaks"
}, {
"class": "57b83830d0899",
"category": "Wholesale Coffee",
"id": "57b83830d0899",
"title": "Wholesale Coffee"
// this array has to be used for optgroups
"value": "57b83830babb9",
"label": "Food Menu"
}, {
"value": "57b83830d0899",
"label": "Wholesale Coffee"
You should be able to load a selectize asynchronously by setting the values directly on the posControl.menuConfig:
function getCategoriesSCB(response) {
if (typeof( === 'object') {
posControl.menuConfig.options =[0];
posControl.menuConfig.optgroups =[1];

mapbox-gl.js with PGRestAPI vector tile(pbf)

I have own vector tile from PGRestAPI, url like below
and I try use mapbox-gl.js to render the map, but nothing display.
I am doing wrong? thx
var style = {
"version": 8,
"sources": {
"countries": {
"type": "vector",
"tiles": ["{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf"],
"maxzoom": 6
"glyphs": location.origin+location.pathname+"font/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
"layers": [{
"id": "background",
"type": "background",
"paint": {
"background-color": "#ddeeff"
"id": "country-glow-outer",
"type": "line",
"source": "countries",
"source-layer": "country",
"layout": {
var init_lat = 1.3552799//42.299228067198634;
var init_lng = 103.6945413;//-83.69717033229782;
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'mapbox-token';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: style,
center: [init_lng,init_lat],
zoom: 15
edit 1:
after debug mapbox-gl-js code, now can see several circles. I modify the style, the source-layer name from pbf must be correct.
but not display all the points, it seems filtered?
var style = {
"version": 8,
"sources": {
"cleantech": {
"type": "vector",
// "url": "mapbox://map-id"
// "url": "",
"tiles": ["{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf"],
"maxzoom": 6
"glyphs": location.origin+location.pathname+"font/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
"layers": [{
"id": "cleantech2_geom_id",
"type": "circle",
'source': 'cleantech',
'layout': {
'visibility': 'visible'
'paint': {
'circle-radius': 8,
'circle-color': 'rgba(55,148,179,1)'
'source-layer': 'cleantech2_geom'
edit 2:
change the maxzoom to 22, all data displayed. lets drink!

how to use ellipses in highcharts in angular to deal with long names?

i am having a high chart having email ids on x axis that are very long i have included ellipses to cut it short but the problem is it is now showing me email ids like this : " <A HREF="mailto:james.cla... " i am not able to understand why it is appending anchor tag in front of the email ids , kindly help.
here is my controller code :
$scope.chart = {
"type": $scope.chartType,
"series": chartData[0],
"xAxis": {
//labels tilted down to view properly
labels: {
rotation: -20,
// using ellipses in highcharts
formatter: function() {
return(this.value.substring(0,25) + "...");
"categories": chartData[1],
"title": {
"text": 'Approver name'
"chart": {
"plotBackgroundColor": 'transparent'
"yAxis": {
"title": {
"text": "Record count"
"title": 'aging data'
i have only included the formatter: function to make it done .

Dynamically generated metadata does not display grid

The following data is being used to load and display a grid dynamically. The only difference between the two grids is that the first reader takes in the data below as is, but the second grid only knows about the data and the metaData will be generated on the fly. I placed stubs for the fields and columns as this is not the issue and I haven't decided on how I will generate the data yet.
Both of the readers eventually pass the data below to the JsonReader's readRecords()' function via this.callParent([data]);, but the second one does not display the data. The data is there, but I am not sure why it does not display?
There are two links to demos below. The first is a JSFiddle that loads from memory and the second is a Sencha Fiddle that loads through AJAX.
var rawFields = [
{ "name": "year", "type": "int" },
{ "name": "standard", "type": "string" },
{ "name": "bitRate", "type": "float" }
var rawColumns = [
{ "text" : "Year", "dataIndex" : "year", "flex" : 1 },
{ "text" : "Standard", "dataIndex" : "standard", "flex" : 1 },
{ "text" : "Bit/Sec", "dataIndex" : "bitRate", "flex" : 1 }
Ext.define('Example.reader.DynamicReader', {
extend : '',
alias : 'reader.dynamicReader',
readRecords : function(data) {
var response = {
data: data,
metaData : this.createMetaData(data),
success: true
return this.callParent([response]);
createMetaData : function(data) {
return {
idProperty : "id",
fields : rawFields, // These will eventually be generated...
columns : rawColumns // These will eventually be generated...
"data": [
"id": 0,
"year": 1997,
"standard": "802.11",
"bitRate": 2000000
"id": 1,
"year": 1999,
"standard": "802.11b",
"bitRate": 11000000
"id": 2,
"year": 1999,
"standard": "802.11a",
"bitRate": 54000000
"id": 3,
"year": 2003,
"standard": "802.11g",
"bitRate": 54000000
"id": 4,
"year": 2007,
"standard": "802.11n",
"bitRate": 600000000
"id": 5,
"year": 2012,
"standard": "802.11ac",
"bitRate": 1000000000
"metaData": {
"idProperty": "id",
"fields": [
"name": "year",
"type": "int"
"name": "standard",
"type": "string"
"name": "bitRate",
"type": "float"
"columns": [
"text": "Year",
"dataIndex": "year",
"flex": 1
"text": "Standard",
"dataIndex": "standard",
"flex": 1
"text": "Bit/Sec",
"dataIndex": "bitRate",
"flex": 1
"success": true
The following examples both achieve the same thing, so the only difference is the loading of the data.
Loading from Memory
Loading from AJAX
I figured out the answer. I needed to specify a root value for the reader so that the data can be mapped properly.
Ext.onReady(function() {
Ext.widget("dynamicGrid", {
title: 'WiFi LAN Data Rates [Dynamic]',
renderTo: Ext.get('example-grid-dynamic'),
readerType: 'dynamicReader',
// This need to match the 'data' key specified in the `response` object
// that was created in readRecords().
readerRoot: 'data',
data : rawData
The documentation for root notes that the root property has to map to the data portion of the response.
Documentation for Json.root:
root : String
The name of the property which contains the data items corresponding to the Model(s) for which this Reader is configured. For JSON reader it's a property name (or a dot-separated list of property names if the root is nested). For XML reader it's a CSS selector. For Array reader the root is not applicable since the data is assumed to be a single-level array of arrays.
