Why flexviews test_demo changelog table not created - database

I testing materialized view for the MariaDB which is flexviews. I'm using a CentOS latest version. I refered
In the reference, at the step below, no table with the name “flexviews.test_demo was found to be created.
mysql> select * from flexviews.test_demo\G
Up to that point(following the above reference), every step were done successfully except sometimes the following step generated multiple rows.
$ mysql -e 'select * from flexviews.binlog_consumer_status\G' -uroot -p
What could I have done wrong?
One more thing here, instead of having test_demo table, I found mvlog_d04c... table created with the content shown(see below figure). Is this normal?


What does '--data' mean in the dbt test command?

A few of our automated pipelines have been using the below dbt test command for a long time.
dbt test --target target_name --data --m test_file_name --vars "{'branch':'branch_name','execdate':'2020/01/01'}" --no-version-check
It worked without trouble until the dbt version was upgraded from 0.17.0 to 1.0.0.
Now, getting an error as,
dbt: error: unrecognized arguments: --data
I can remove the --data from the dbt command now but I am curious to know why the people have added --data in the dbt command during the pipeline development long back and what it is doing in the dbt command?
Any help, please?
This part is described: Test selection examples:
Through the combination of direct and indirect selection, there are many ways to accomplish the same outcome. Let's say we have a data test named assert_total_payment_amount_is_positive that depends on a model named payments. All of the following would manage to select and execute that test specifically:
$ dbt test --select assert_total_payment_amount_is_positive # directly select the test by name
$ dbt test --select payments,test_type:data # indirect selection, v0.18.0
$ dbt test --select payments --data # indirect selection, earlier versions
Syntax --data was supported in version lower than v.0.18.0.

SNOWFLAKE SQL: How to run several select statement in one command

I am a newbie in the SQL world, and hoping SMEs in the community can help me.
What I am trying to solve for: Several 'select' statement to run on a weekly basis with one call, and the results gets download to on my computer (bonus if it can be downloaded on specific folder)
How I am doing it right now: I use SNOWFLAKE (that's the approved software we are using), Run each 'select' statement one at a time, then once each result is displayed, I manually download the csv file on my computer
I know there's an efficient way of doing it, so would appreciate the help from this community. Thank you in advance.
You can run multiple queries at once using SnowSQL Client. Here's how
Setup SnowSLQL connection configuration
open file: .snowsql/config
add your connection details:
accountname = mysnowflakeaccount
username = myusername
password = mypassword
warehousename = mywarehouse
Create your query file.
e.g. my_query.sql
-- Query 1
select 1 col1, 2 col2;
-- Query 2
select 'a' colA, 'b' colB;
snowsql -c my_sample_connection -f my_query.sql -o output_file=/path/query_result.csv -o timing=false -o friendly=false -o output_format=csv
/path/query_result.csv - Containing the result of the queries in my_query.sql

Issues using "-f" flag in CQLSH to run a query.cql file

I'm using cqlsh to add data to Cassandra with the BATCH query and I can load the data with a query using the "-e" flag but not from a file using the "-f" flag. I think that's because the file is local and Cassandra is remote. Details below:
This is a sample of my query (there are more rows to insert, obviously):
INSERT INTO keyspace.table (id, field1) VALUES ('1','value1');
INSERT INTO keyspace.table (id, field1) VALUES ('2','value2');
If I enter the query via the "-e" flag then it works no problem:
>cqlsh -e "BEGIN BATCH; INSERT INTO keyspace.table (id, field1) VALUES ('1','value1'); INSERT INTO keyspace.table (id, field1) VALUES ('2','value2'); APPLY BATCH;" -u username -p password -k keyspace
But if I save the query to a text file (query.cql) and call as below, I get the following output:
>cqlsh -f query.cql -u username -p password -k keyspace
Using 3 child processes
Starting copy of keyspace.table with columns ['id', 'field1'].
Processed: 0 rows; Rate: 0 rows/s; Avg. rate: 0 rows/s
0 rows imported from 0 files in 0.076 seconds (0 skipped).
Cassandra obviously accepts the command but doesn't read the file, I'm guessing that's because the Cassandra is located on a remote server and the file is located locally. The Cassandra instance I'm using is a managed service with other users, so I don't have access to it to copy files into folders.
How do I run this query on a remote instance of Cassandra where I only have CLI access?
I want to be able to use another tool to build the query.cql file and have a batch job run the command with the "-f" flag but I can't work out how I'm going wrong.
You're executing a local cqlsh client so it should be able to access your local query.cql file.
Try to remove the BEGIN BATCH and APPLY BATCH and just let the 2 INSERT statements in the query.cql and retry again.
One other solution to insert data quickly is to provide a csv file and use the COPY command inside cqlsh. Read this blog post: http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/new-features-in-cqlsh-copy
Scripting insert by generating one cqlsh -e '...' per line is feasible but it will be horribly slow

Percona's pt-table-sync: how to run on more than one table?

In the command line, this will successfully update table1:
pt-table-sync --execute h=host1,D=db1,t=table1 h=host2,D=db2
However if I want to update more than one table, I'm not sure how to write it. This only updates table1 as well and ignores the other tables:
pt-table-sync --execute h=host1,D=db1,t=table1,table2,table3 h=host2,D=db2
And this gives me an error:
pt-table-sync --execute h=host1,D=db1 --tables table1,table2,table3 h=host2,D=db2
Anyone have an example of how to list the '-tables'... so that it successfully update all the tables in the list?
The --tables option seems to be incompatible with the DSN notation, you get this error:
You specified a database but not a table in h=localhost,D=test.
Are you trying to sync only tables in the 'test' database?
If so, use '--databases test' instead.
As suggested in that error message, you can use --databases and then you can use --tables successfully.
For example, I created tables test.foo and test.bar, filled each with three rows, then deleted the rows from test.bar on the second server dewey.
I ran this:
$ pt-table-sync h=huey h=dewey --databases test --tables foo,bar --execute --verbose
# Syncing h=dewey
# 0 0 3 0 Chunk 15:26:15 15:26:15 2 test.bar
# 0 0 0 0 Chunk 15:26:15 15:26:15 0 test.foo
It successfully re-inserted the 3 missing rows in test.bar.
Other tables in my test database were ignored.
This is an old question, but I searched everywhere for an answer. pt-table-sync only does one table. There is no tool that does the same thing to a list of tables or a full database schema. Specifically I want to run a Live server and be able to sync back to a Staging server, then edit code and files in the Staging server without fear of messing up Live or being overwritten by Live... and I want it to be free :)
I ended up writing a shell script called mysql_sync_live_to_stage.sh as follows:
# sync db live to staging
echo $(date +"%Y %m %d %H:%M") > $error_log_file
function sync_table()
pt-table-sync --no-foreign-key-checks --execute
h=DB_2_HOST,u=DB_2_USER,p=DB_2_PASSWORD,D=$2,t=$3 >> $error_log_file
# SYNC ALL TABLES IN name_of_live_database
mysql -h "DB_1_HOST" -u "DB_1_USER" -pDB_1_PASSWORD -D "DB_1_DBNAME" -e "SHOW TABLES" |
egrep -i '[0-9a-z\-\_]+' | egrep -i -v 'Tables_in' | while read -r table ; do
echo "Processing $table"
sync_table "name_of_live_database" "name_of_staging_database" $table
# FIX Config Settings For Staging
echo "Cleanup Queries..."
mysql -h "DB_2_HOST" -u "DB_2_USER" -pDB_2_PASSWORD -D "DB_2_DBNAME"
-e "UPDATE name_of_staging_database.nameofmyconfigtable SET value='bar'
WHERE config_id='foo'"
mysql -h "DB_2_HOST" -u "DB_2_USER" -pDB_2_PASSWORD -D "DB_2_DBNAME"
-e "UPDATE name_of_staging_database.nameofmyconfigtable SET value='bar2'
WHERE config_id='foo2'"
echo "Done"
This reads a list of table names from the live site then executes a sync on each one via the do loop. It goes through the list alphabetically, so I recommend keeping the --no-foreign-key-checks flag.
Its not perfect... It won't sync tables that don't exist in both databases, but when combined with a "git pull -f origin master" I get a complete sync in a couple minutes.

Oracle external tables - Specifying dynamic filename

LOG_DTM position(1:18),
LOG_TXT position(19:300)
LOG_DIR is an oracle directory that points to /u/logs/
The problem though is that the contents of /u/logs/ looks like this
Is there any way i can specify the location of the file dynamically? i.e. every time i run Select * from LOG_FILES it should use the log file of the day. (e.g. log_adm_DDMMYYYYY).
I know i can use alter table log_files location ('logadm_15012012.log') but i would like not to have to issue the alter command.
Any other possibilities?
It's a shame you're running 10g. On 11g we can associate a pre-processor script - a shell script - with an external table. In your case you could run a script which would figure out the latest file and then issue a copy command. Something like:
cp logadm_15012012.log logadm
Adrian Billington has blogged about this feature here. Frankly his write-up is more helpful than the official docs.
But as you're on 10g all you can do is run the ALTER TABLE statement, or use a scheduled job (cron or whatever) to sync a new file with the generic name.
