Oracle Migrate Data from 1 Env to Another in commandline - database

I'm trying to migrate the Data from my One instance of Oracle 11g Server to another. For normal scenario, I'll use the SQLDeveloper and export the database.
But in current scenario, i'm not allowed to use SQLDeveloper and can access the Oracle DB only using CommandLine SqlPlus.
Can someone advice how to migrate data from one oracle 11g server to another using commandline?

Data Pump is probably the best solution for this task. If you want to export the entire database, the command would look something like this:
expdp [USER]/[PASS]#[DATABASE] full=Y directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=DataBaseExport.dmp logfile=DataPumpLog.log
More info can be found here:


Need help for Zabbix Import/Export

I'm monitoring a few VM with one Zabbix server and I need to create another Zabbix server on another network. I think it's possible to export all the configuration (templates, actions, discovery rules, ...) without the data and import all of that in the new Zabbix server.
I have seen the export method but I don't know how to export actions, maybe directly export from the database but which table?
I'm using Zabbix version 4.2 and it's a MySQL database.
You can use to backup the configuration from the first server and restore it on the second one.
This will copy everything, including hosts, and needs the two servers to use the same db type (in your case, both MySQL). The second server can be the same release of the first one, or a following one: when starting, zabbix-server is able to upgrade the db schema.

How can I export oracle database remotely?

I have been given oracle database credentilas as read/write only user.
Now for my experimenting stuff I want to export the data from oracle server to local VM.
I tried copy and inserting tables into postgres using pentaho but that failed.
Is there any way I can export that oracle data and insert in locally?
Can I install some free oracle on ubuntu and then I can do something to get that data?
I don't know oracle much
There are certainly more sophisticated ways of how to export database or a table on Oracle, but I usually export and copy the dbs with the help of Oracle SqlDeveloper. Just go to Tools menu and then select Database Export or Database Copy. Just remember that this is not the full db expot, ie. the users are not usually copied with this procedure.
The good thing is, that you may connect this tool to any database server that has Java Connector, and that makes it easy to export the data into an SQL Sever or Postgres.
If you want a more sophisticated way to export the data, check out the Recovery Manager (RMAN) and the DUPLICATE command documentation here: RMAN on Oracle
Use Oracle Data Pump. That is the full documentation for Oracle 10 Data Pump. Also you can find the documentation for 11g here and here.
impdp and expdp work as command line. You can invoke them directly from the server or from a machine that has Oracle client installed and a connection to the server.
Considering you have limited rights on the server you will not be able to do a full database export, but I guess you do not need to; you only need to export your working schema/tables. The documentation shows how to do that: use expdp export only a schema and/or only some objects.
Once the export is done, you can copy the dmp file to any other computer (including a VM) and use impdp to import all the data to another Oracle database. You need to set up the new database before the import (import does not create it for you).

Importing data from Postgres to Microsoft SQL Server 2012

I'm being demanded to develop a new software that must be built over SharePoint and use Microsft SQL Server 2012.
I have a DB in Postgres, and some of its tables will be used in this new project, so I must import these tables, everyday. I'd like to use WebService to do it, but they want it to be done DB-to-DB directly.
Postgres-to-Postgres is already done and it "works", but importing to Microsoft is being troublesome.
Does anybody know some MSSQL tool that can connect to Postgres and do the import?
Typically for this sort of situation (assuming that it'll be a process that's repeated on a regular basis) you'd use SSIS (comes with most versions of MS SQL Server). Have a look at the first several hits on this Google search, especially the first one.
Another option is to connect to the Postgres database directly from your application via ODBC, and eliminate the redundant copy of the data - and get real-time updates instead of having to wait for the next execution of the SSIS job.

Need to migrate an application from Blackfish to Firebird

What is the effort to migrate from Blackfish to Firebird ?
I use DBX4
No stored procedure, or function or views
I access all my data trough SQL queries
If you don't rely on specific Blackfish features (SP, trigger, admin packages calls etc), the change should not be a pain.
I've did this kind of migration in a DEMO for a customer.
If you have used Blackfish as a "collection of tables accessible via SQL" then the change will not be difficult at all.
There is a driver for delphi and dbx4 firebird
my guess is that is easy for you to dump the blackfish tables into csv
and then to import them in firebird and later modify only the application to access
the firebird db using the dbx4 firebird settings
For database pumping you can use tools like :
IBExpert (full version)
Database Workbench (full version)
or database comparer

Database agnostic table/view export software?

Trying to search for a more elegant/overall solution to our common/basic data export tasks
I am convinced that there must be software out there that allows me to:
Define and persist a "setup" (definition of file format, delimiters, encoding, column names etc) from a GUI
Run on a schedule/from command line
Work on both Oracle and MSSql
However, I haven't found it yet... any tips?
what about using groovy to export the data to xml files.
for the gui thing, Oracle's SQL Developer can connect to Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access and Sybase
The search ended in using products from
They have products that covers the described needs, except that there are separate products for i.e. MSSQL and Oracle
