Kafka writes data directly on disk? - filesystems

I’m looking at Kafka documentation, in particular at Persistence section:
kafka doc - persistence section
If I understood in the last lines it says that Kafka writes data on disks as they arrive instead of use RAM. It sounds really strange to me (writes on disks are not heavy operations?) but clearly I trust kafka developers. First of all I would like to have a confirm of that.
Then, assuming it and to verify it I executed a simple task with a data stream of 500kb/s for some minutes on a machine with 4GB-200GB and I produced graphs of ram memory usage(%) and disk space usage (MB). You can find a pic here:
RAM : https://ibb.co/mzYD5m
DISK SPACE: https://ibb.co/coAMrR
(The stream is ingested at second 125 and finish at second around 870)
Accordingly to what I understood, I expected to see a linear decreasing graph (due to the gradually occupation of space as data arrive) about disk space usage, instead I’m not able to explain why are showed those plain regions which indicate that no other space is occupied in the correspondent seconds.
Moreover, continuing in the doc, there is the section:
linux flush behaviour
which seems to explain an opposite behaviour respect to the "Persistence" section. It said Linux use a pagecache (stored in the RAM I suppose) to provide a disk cache. This could explain the presence of the plain regions in the second graph but it goes against the principle of Kafka of avoid writes on volatile memory.
I'm really confused.
Thank you,

Kafka always writes directly to disk, but remember one thing the I/O operations are really carried out by the Operating System. In case of Linux it seems the data is written to the page cache until it can be written to the disk. Kafka has done its job of assigning the operating system the data to be written to the disk, but it it is the operating system which decides when and how to write the data.
Hope that answers your question.


fflush, fsync and sync vs memory layers

I know there are already similar questions and I gave them a look but I couldn't find an explicit univocal answer to my question. I was just investigating online about these functions and their relationship with memory layers. In particular I found this beautiful article that gave me a good insight about memory layers
It seems that fflush() moves data from the application to kernel filesystem buffer and it's ok, everyone seems to agree on this point. The only thing that left me puzzled was that in the same article they assumed a write-back cache saying that with fsync() "the data is saved to the stable storage layer" and after they added that "the storage may itself store the data in a write-back cache, so fsync() is still required for files opened with O_DIRECT in order to save the data to stable storage"
Reading here and there it seems like the truth is that fsync() and sync() let the data enter the storage device but if this one has caching layers it is just moved here, not at once to permanent storage and data may even be lost if there is a power failure. Unless we have a filesystem with barriers enabled and then "sync()/fsync() and some other operations will cause the appropriate CACHE FLUSH (ATA) or SYNCHRONIZE CACHE (SCSI) commands to be sent to the device" [from your website answer]
if the data to be updated are already in the kernel buffers and my device has a volatile cache layer in write-back mode is it true, like said by the article, that operations like fsync() [and sync() I suppose] synchronize data to the stable memory layer skipping the volatile one? I think this is what happens with a write-through cache, not a write-back one. From what I read I understood that with a write-back cache on fsync() can just send data to the device that will put them in the volatile cache and they will enter the permanent memory only after
I read that fsync() works with a file descriptor and then with a single file while sync() causes a total deployment for the buffers so it applies to every data to be updated. And from this page also that fsync() waits for the end of the writing to the disk while sync() doesn't wait for the end of the actual writing to the disk. Are there other differences connected to memory data transfers between the two?
Thanks to those who will try to help
1. As you correctly concluded from your research fflush synchronizes the user-space buffered data to kernel-level cache (since it's working with FILE objects that reside at user-level and are invisible to kernel), whereas fsync or sync (working directly with file descriptors) synchronize kernel cached data with device. However, the latter comes without a guarantee that the data has been actually written to the storage device — as these usually come with their own caches as well. I would expect the same holds for msync called with MS_SYNC flag as well.
Relatedly, I find the distinction between synchronized and synchronous operations very useful when talking about the topic. Here's how Robert Love puts it succinctly:
A synchronous write operation does not return until the written data is—at least—stored in the kernel’s buffer cache. [...] A synchronized operation is more restrictive and safer than a merely synchronous operation. A synchronized write operation flushes the data to disk, ensuring that the on-disk data is always synchronized vis-à-vis the corresponding kernel buffers.
With that in mind you can call open with O_SYNC flag (together with some other flag that opens the file with a write permission) to enforce synchronized write operations. Again, as you correctly assumed this will work only with WRITE THROUGH disk caching policy, which effectively amounts to disabling disk caching.
You can read this answer about how to disable disk caching on Linux. Be sure to also check this website which also covers SCSI-based in addition to ATA-based devices (to read about different types of disks see this page on Microsoft SQL Server 2005, last updated: Apr 19, 2018).
Speaking of which, it is very informative to read about how the issue is dealt with on Windows machines:
To open a file for unbuffered I/O, call the CreateFile function with the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING and FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH flags. This prevents the file contents from being cached and flushes the metadata to disk with each write. For more information, see CreateFile.
Apparently, this is how Microsoft SQL Server 2005 family ensures data integrity:
All versions of SQL Server open the log and data files using the Win32 CreateFile function. The dwFlagsAndAttributes member includes the FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH option when opened by SQL Server. [...]
This option instructs the system to write through any intermediate cache and go directly to disk. The system can still cache write operations, but cannot lazily flush them.
I'm saying this is informative in particular because of this blog post from 2012 showing that some SATA disks ignore the FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH! I don't know what the current state of affairs is, but it seems that in order to ensure that writing to a disk is truly synchronized, you need to:
Disable disk caching using your device drivers.
Make sure that the specific device you're using supports write-through/no-caching policy.
However, if you're looking for a guarantee of data integrity you could just buy a disk with its own battery-based power supply that goes beyond capacitors (which is usually only enough for completing the on-going write processes). As put in the conclusion in the blog article mentioned above:
Bottom-line, use Enterprise-Class disks for your data and transaction log files. [...] Actually, the situation is not as dramatic as it seems. Many RAID controllers have battery-backed cache and do not need to honor the write-through requirement.
2. To (partially) answer the second question, this is from the man pages SYNC(2):
According to the standard specification (e.g., POSIX.1-2001), sync() schedules the writes, but may return before the actual writing is done. However, since version 1.3.20 Linux does actually wait. (This still does not guarantee data integrity: modern disks have large caches.)
This would imply that fsync and sync work differently, however, note they're both implemented in unistd.h which suggests some consistency between them. However, I would follow Robert Love who does not recommend using sync syscall when writing your own code.
The only real use for sync() is in the implementation of the sync utility. Applications should use fsync() and fdatasync() to commit to disk the data of only the requisite file descriptors. Note that sync() may take several minutes or longer to complete on a busy system.
"I don't have any solution, but certainly admire the problem."
From all I read from your good references, is that there is no standard. The standard ends somewhere in the kernel. The kernel controls the device driver and the device driver (possibly supplied by the disk manufacturer) controls the disk through an API (device has small computer on board). The manufacturer may have added capacitors/battery with just enough power to flush its device buffers in case of power failure, or he may have not. The device may provide a sync function but whether this truely syncs (flushes) the device buffers is not known (device dependent). So unless you select and install a device according to your specifications (and verify those specs), you are never sure.
This is a fair problem. Even after handling error conditions, you are not safe of the data presence in your storage.
man page of fsync explains this issue clearly!! :)
For applications that require tighter guarantees about the integrity of
their data, Mac OS X provides the F_FULLFSYNC fcntl. The F_FULLFSYNC fcntl asks the drive to flush all buffered data to permanent storage.
Applications, such as databases, that require a strict ordering of writes
should use F_FULLFSYNC to ensure that their data is written in the order they expect. Please see fcntl(2) for more detail.
Yes, fflush() ensures the data leaves the process memory space, but it may be in dirty pages of RAM awaiting write back. This is proof against app abort, but not system crash or power failure. Even if the power is backed up, the system could crash due to some software vulnerability! As mentioned in other answers/comments, getting the data from dirty pages written to disk magnetically or whatever SSD do, not stuck in some volatile buffer in the disk controller or drive, is a combination of the right calls or open options and the right controllers and devices! Calls give you more control over the overhead, writing more in bulk at the end of a transaction.
RDBMS, for instance, need to worry not only about the database holding files but even more about the log files that allow recovery, both after disk loss and on any RDBMS restart after a crash. In fact, some may be more sync'd in the log than the database, to preserve speed, since recovery is not a frequent process and not usually a long one. Things written to the log by transactions are guaranteed to be recoverable if the log is intact.

linux kernel: how can I copy files before panic?

I have a file on tmpfs partition, which is updated alot.
I want to copy it to other partition (flash partition) before crash/reboot.
It is not an option to keep this file in the first place on the flash partition,
because this flash has limited read/write life-cycle and I'm trying to avoid excessive read/writes to it.
too many writes will damage the flash, that is why the file is on tmpfs.
regrading reboot - I can modify the reboot process to copy before reboot - is there more neat way?
regrading crash - I don't know any way to do so. any ideas?
I know that that I should not mess with files from kernel space.
Only a Kernel panic occurs its possible that in-core data structures are already corrupted and unreliable. Ideally, your kernel is not expected to panic, if the version you are using is a stable and tested release. I would recommend capturing a vmcore using crash tool and working with the vendor on the root cause of the kernel panic.
However, if you are referring to an abrupt system shutdown dew to a power failure, etc which could possibly cause loss of the data / file stored in the memory, you could write a cron-job to sync the file to disk on intervals and tune the kernel on how frequently the dirty page get synced. Having said that, if the file you are writing to is quite important, why design it to be kept in the memory in the first place.
You should be syncing this file back to the disk once in every few seconds or in regular intervals. In this way you will not loose the complete data.
As the numbers of read/writes are heavy on the tmpfs file, it may be worth considering using a SSD for this purpose. Read about how file system transaction logs are configured to be stored on SSD drives.
Write a cron-job for syncing the tmpfs file to the SSD or disk in frequent intervals or when ever there are updates. You may want to consider changing some kernel tunables (such as, vm.dirty_expire_centisecs=0, vm.dirty_background_ratio=0) such that any dirty pages would get synced to the disk immediately. A word of caution, doing this would cause higher CPU% and I/O loads, as pages would synced to the disk frequently, although the data loss would be kept to minimal.

After how many seconds are file system write buffers typically flushed?

Before overwriting data in a file, I would like to be pretty sure the old data is stored on disk. It's potentially a very big file (multiple GB), so in-place updates are needed. Usually writes will be 2 MB or larger (my plan is to use a block size of 4 KB).
Instead of (or in addition to) calling fsync(), I would like to retain (not overwrite) old data on disk until the file system has written the new data. The main reasons why I don't want to rely on fsync() is: most hard disks lie to you about doing an fsync.
So what I'm looking for is what is the typical maximum delay for a file system, operating system (for example Windows), hard drive until data is written to disk, without using fsync or similar methods. I would like to have real-world numbers if possible. I'm not looking for advice to use fsync.
I know there is no 100% reliable way to do it, but I would like to better understand how operating systems and file systems work in this regard.
What I found so far is: 30 seconds is / was the default for /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centiseconds. Then "dirty pages are flushed (written) to disk ... (when) too much time has elapsed since a page has stayed dirty" (but there I couldn't find the default time). So for Linux, 40 seconds seems to be on the safe side. But is this true for all file systems / disks? What about Windows, Android, and so on? I would like to get an answer that applies to all common operating systems / file system / disk types, including Windows, Android, regular hard disks, SSDs, and so on.
Let me restate this your problem in only slightly-uncharitable terms: You're trying to control the behavior of a physical device which its driver in the operating system cannot control. What you're trying to do seems impossible, if what you want is an actual guarantee, rather than a pretty good guess. If all you want is a pretty good guess, fine, but beware of this and document accordingly.
You might be able to solve this with the right device driver. The SCSI protocol, for example, has a Force Unit Access (FUA) bit in its READ and WRITE commands that instructs the device to bypass any internal cache. Even if the data were originally written buffered, reading unbuffered should be able to verify that it was actually there.
The only way to reliably make sure that data has been synced is to use the OS specific syncing mechanism, and as per PostgreSQL's Reliability Docs.
When the operating system sends a write request to the storage
hardware, there is little it can do to make sure the data has arrived
at a truly non-volatile storage area. Rather, it is the
administrator's responsibility to make certain that all storage
components ensure data integrity.
So no, there are no truly portable solutions, but it is possible (but hard) to write portable wrappers and deploy a reliable solution.
First of all thanks for the information that hard disks lie about flushing data, that was new to me.
Now to your problem: you want to be sure that all data that you write has been written to the disk (lowest level). You are saying that there are two parts which need to be controlled: the time when the OS writes to the hard drive and the time when the hard drive writes to the disk.
Your only solution is to use a fuzzy logic timer to estimate when the data will be written.
In my opinion this is the wrong way. You have control about when the OS is writing to the hard drive, so use the possibility and control it! Then only the lying hard drive is your problem. This problem can't be solved reliably. I think, you should tell the user/admin that he must take care when choosing the right hard drive. Of course it might be a good idea to implement the additional timer you proposed.
I believe, it's up to you to start a row of tests with different hard drives and Brad Fitzgerald's tool to get a good estimation of when hard drives will have written all data. But of course - if the hard drive wants to lie, you can never be sure that the data really has been written to the disk.
There are a lot of caches involved in giving users a responsive system.
There is cpu cache, kernel/filesystem memory cache, disk drive memory cache, etc. What you are asking is how long does it take to flush all the caches?
Or, another way to look at it is, what happens if the disk drive goes bad? All the flushing is not going to guarantee a successful read or write operation.
Disk drives do go bad eventually. The solution you are looking for is how can you have a redundant cpu/disk drive system such that the system survives a component failure and still keeps working.
You could improve the likelihood that system will keep working with aid of hardware such as RAID arrays and other high availability configurations.
As far software solution goes, I think the answer is, trust the OS to do the optimal thing. Most of them flush buffers out routinely.
This is an old question but still relevant in 2019. For Windows, the answer appears to be "at least after every one second" based on this:
To ensure that the right amount of flushing occurs, the cache manager spawns a process every second called a lazy writer. The lazy writer process queues one-eighth of the pages that have not been flushed recently to be written to disk. It constantly reevaluates the amount of data being flushed for optimal system performance, and if more data needs to be written it queues more data.
To be clear, the above says the lazy writer is spawned after every second, which is not the same as writing out data every second, but it's the best I can find so far in my own search for an answer to a similar question (in my case, I have an Android apps which lazy-writes data back to disk and I noticed some data loss when using an interval of 3 seconds, so I am going to reduce it to 1 second and see if that helps...it may hurt performance but losing data kills performance a whole lot more if you consider the hours it takes to recover it).

implementing high performance distributed filesystem/database

I need to implement the fastest possible way to store a key/value pair in a distributed system on Linux. Records of the database are tiny, 256 bytes on average.
I am thinking to use open(), write() and read() system calls and write the key-value pairs directly at some offset in the file. I can omit fdatasync() system call since I will be using SSD disk with battery, so I don't have to worry about ACID compliance if an unexpected shutdown of the system happens.
Linux already provides disk cache implementation, so no reads/writes will happen on sectors that were already loaded in memory. This (i think) would be the fastest way to store data, much faster than any other cache capable database engine like for example GT.M or Intersystem's Globals.
However the data is not replicated, and to achieve replication, I can mount a filesystem of another Linux server with NFS and copy the data there, so for example, if I have 2 data servers (1 local and 1 remote), I would issue 2 open(), 2 write() and 2 close() calls. If a transaction fails on remote server, I would mark it as "out of sync" and simply copy the good file again when the remote server comes back.
What do you think of this approach? Will it be fast? I can use NFS over UDP so I will avoid the TCP Stack overhead.
Advantage list so far goes like this:
Linux disk cache reused
Few lines of code
High performance
I will be coding this in C. To locate the record in the file I will keep a btree in memory with a pointer to physical location.
A few suggestions come to mind.
is it necessary to open()/write()/close() for every transaction? the system call overhead of open() in particular is probably non-trivial
could you use mmap() instead of explicit write()s?
if you're doing 2 write() calls (1 local, 1 NFS) for each transaction, it seems like any kind of network problem (latency, dropped packets, etc.) has the potential to bring your application to a screeching halt if you're waiting for the NFS write() call to succeed. And if you're not waiting, for example by doing the NFS writes from a separate thread, your complexity will rapidly grow (I don't think "Few lines of code" will remain true.)
In general, I would suggest that you really prove to yourself that the available tools don't meet your performance requirements before choosing to re-invent this particular wheel.
You might look into a real distributed filesystem rather than using NFS, which as you point out, still provides a single point of failure and no replication.
The Andrew File System (AFS) originally developed by CMU may be a solution for you. It's a commercial product, but you might check out OpenAFS which works on linux (and other systems).
Warning though: AFS has a learning curve.

Need data on disk drive management by OS: getting base I/O unit size, “sync” option, Direct Memory Access

I want to ensure I have done all I can to configure a system's disks for serious database use. The three areas I know of (any others?) to be concerned about are:
I/O size: the database engine and disk's native size should either match, or the database's native I/O size should be a multiple of the disk's native I/O size.
Disks that are capable of Direct Memory Access (eg. IDE) should be configured for it.
When a disk says it has written data persistently, it must be so! No keeping it in cache and lying about it.
I have been looking for information on how to ensure these are so for CENTOS and Ubuntu, but can't seem to find anything at all!
I want to be able to check these things and change them if needed.
Any and all input appreciated.
PLEASE NOTE: The actual hardware involved is VERY modest. The point is to get the most out of what hardware we do have, even though it's "not very serious hardware" from a broader perspective.
I appreciate the time taken to read and reply, but I'm hoping to get "answers" that aren't just good database / hardware advice but answers that actually address the specific things I asked about. Namely:
1) What's a good easy way to tell what the I/O unit size is that the OS wants to do? How can I change it? (IOW: If this exclusively a file-system-format issue, how can I tell what was used on an already-created file system? I know /etc/fstab will tell me the file system format... In this case, it's ext3.
2) How can I tell if a disk drive has DMA? If so, how can I turn it on? (I've been told that some drives have this capability, but now I want to follow up and ensure that if these drives have it, it's turned on.)
And, finally;
3) How can I tell if a drive is merely telling the writer that their material is written when it's actually still in cache? And, more importantly, how can I set the system to NOT use such features if / when they exist?
Thank you for your insights.
1) Check /sys/block/sdX/queue/{max_hw_sectors_kb,max_sectors_kb}. The first is that max transfer size the hw allows, the other is the current maximum which can be set to any value <= max_hw_sectors_kb
2) hdparm -i /dev/sdX
3) Turn off write-back caching (hdparm can do it), or make sure that the filesystem issues barriers when synchronizing (as in fsync(), or journal commit).
"serious database use" and you mention IDE in the same sentence?
SSDs or 15k SCSI in a many spindle RAID 1+0 array with separate arrays for data, log and backup. Consider a separate array for tempdb too.
You'd also switch the controller cache to 100% read too to avoid caching issues
Of course, if it's "serious" then you'd consider clustering etc: so a SAN comes in useful here but you may not be as quick as local spindles
You didn't include any info on filesystem or database, so here are some misc pointers.
It is inevitable that you will lose a disk eventually, so its equally important to put a good backup and recovery strategy in place, and mirror your transaction logs, so you can handle a disk failure or even full datafile loss.
1) If possible, put at least one copy of your transaction log on a fixed disk. Don't put your sole transaction log to an external storage subsystem. (Assuming you use a db that supports log mirroring).
2) I agree with gbn, in practice, don't use write caching. I've lost databases on RAID arrays with battery backup. Configure the storage controller card for write-through.
3) Raw devices provide guaranteed writes, but its not worth the hassle. Some filesystems provide synchronous write options too, use one if possible. I am partial to VxFS, but I'm from the Sun world. On Linux, btrfs is eminent at least, but for now, Ext3 works fine if you setup your db properly.
